Explanation of the Problem/Issue
The topic of the study is the analysis of the organizational requirements for formulating an effective growth path for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender agenda. The study is focused towards understanding the essential limitations that affect the rights and representation of the LGBT community. Subsequently, the study will also discuss the effectiveness of strategies that can help the LGBT community towards finding solutions to the essential challenges that the community has to endure in future. Thus, the main factors that will guide the study are the crucial challenges that are faced by the LGBT community and the effective roadmaps that can guide the community towards finding better acceptance and representation in the future. The study will aim towards effectively analyzing the current position of the LGBT community and the significant challenges that affect them. The representation and progression of the community are to be evaluated. The importance for having strong strategies for addressing the essential needs of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities and addressing the major challenges that may affect the progress of the community will be the essential subject matter of the study. It is important that both the crucial aspects of the challenges of the LGBT community and the effective strategies towards positive future progress are strongly analyzed through the study.
It has been seen that unlike other communities that are accepted within the diversity communities in the society, the representation of the LGBT is sometimes deemed to be a controversial subject. The members of the LGBT team want to make the lives of the community better by addressing the various social constraints that affect their essential representation in society (Gross 2014). The main issue that affects the perception of the society in regards to the community is that being a part of the LGBT community is often thought to be a choice rather than a state of being. Thus, their representation as a diverse community is often questioned. This further affects the perception of the society about the rights of the LGBT community.
The aim of the research is to find an effective plan that can guide the LGBT agenda of the European International Organization and help to establish the essential rights and representation framework for the community.
The objectives of the study are:-
- To understand the significant challenges that affect the LGBT agenda and the effective integration of the LGBT community into the society with established representation as a diverse community with important rights
- To find out effective means of overcoming the most important challenges towards forming a success road map for the LGBT community by critically analyzing organizational and leadership techniques that can help the community
- To provide essential recommendations for the future growth and progress of the LGBT community through essential consideration of the significant implications derived through the study
What are the identifiable aspects that can help to form strategies for the better representation of the LGBT community and the effective progress of the LGBT agenda concerning its integration within the agenda for diverse communities?
LGBT community issues within the diverse communities
The LGBT community has been significantly affected throughout the world in concerning the various cultures they belong to. Significant issues have affected the representation and establishment of the rights of the community. The major factor that has contributed to the issues faced by the community is the confusion that is present in regard to their representation within the diverse community (Donald and Howard 2015). Since, the LGBT communities are not based on ethnicity, race or religious affiliations, there are often considered a group that is represented through the acceptance of their sexual choices. This creates a significant barrier towards their representation in the society as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender communities are often considered in bad light due to the existing traditional stereotypes. According to some estimates LGBT community in Europe forms around 6% of the population (Baker 2017). However, there is a significant lack of any official figure in relation to the LGBT community.
The various organizations that have been created for the representation of the community often fail to provide reliable estimates in regards to the actual numbers of the community in Europe (McDowell 2018). This leads to serious issues in regards to the implementation of effective laws and regulations that can significantly help towards the empowerment of the community. Development of segregated groups that are not much united when it comes to the organization of the LGBT groups have been witnessed (Bosia 2014). Thus, the lack of numbers often contribute significantly towards the pre-existing situations of confusion that are present in regard to the integration of the LGBT community into the society through effective laws and regulations. The main issue that contributes to this is the fact that framing regulations become quite difficult if the official population figures are unavailable (Waites 2015). Not much significant literature is available concerning this limitation and this is widely noticed limitation as per the literatures concerning the topic is concerned.
Previous studies indicate that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons were the most likely to face discrimination among the diverse communities (Slootmaeckers, Touquet and Vermeersch 2016). This has more to do with the traditional perceptions that exist within the society in regard to their being. Homophobia is a much prevalent attitude among a substantial part of the society and often has deep rooted religious, moral and political reasons. community. The problem becomes more intense as many people have to grow up as LGBT members, facing severe discriminations in the process (McDowell 2018). This leaves deep rooted mental issues among the people that face such issues. Marginalization of the community thus has a more social setting rather than political. At times the people that have identified as LGBT have been severely bullied at schools, public places and other areas. According to Patacchini, Ragusa and Zenou (2015), a significant place where the rights of LGBTs come under threat is at workplaces. A labor market perception is provided in the work that focuses on the biased treatment of LGBT workers at various workplaces. This is a significant issue that has been highlighted in the literature as unbiased working conditions fall under the essential right of the LGBT community. The literature is highly informative as it touches upon the historical discriminations against the LGBT community in the labor market along with the other diverse communities. A significant finding of the study is that persons of the LGBT community have a 30% lesser chance of being called back to work than a heterosexual employee. However, there are certain limitation of the work. It is much lengthy and complex at certain times to decipher. Thus understanding the aspects pointed through the work is difficult.
Challenges Faced by the LGBT Community
According to Kuntz et al. (2015) the success path for better representation and empowerment of the LGBT community need to be significantly enhances through the propagation of moral values along with legal pathways that can guide the required transformations of the community. In the work various legal framework and humanitarian considerations are proposed for the inclusion of homosexuals within the spectrum of the rights of the diverse communities. The work proposes many essential aspects that can lead to the betterment of the lives of LGBT members. The passing of same-sex marriage laws in many countries and the rising trend towards their legalization across the developing countries have created a strong position for the establishment of the rights of the community (Cahill et al. 2016). This has created a better position for the community in the continent (Cole 2017). According to many recent studies LGBT communities are being increasingly vocal about their problems. The portrayal of the issues in mass media is creating a situation of greater acceptance for the community. This is giving rise to positive perceptions of the community (Gegenfurtner and Gebhardt 2017). Moreover, the growth of liberal society across Europe and the world and the constant demand for the establishment of better more liberal laws towards the inclusion of ethnic and sexual minorities in the society has given way for better future prospects for the community.
Organizational management becomes much important as far as developing essential success road maps for the LGBT community are concerned. It is much important that the community is organized in a better and more integrated way to ultimately present their grievances and induce the governments towards addressing the same (Ayoub 2015). There is also significant progress towards ensuring the complete equal rights for the community. Belgium and the United Kingdom have created good example by featuring on top the equality ratings with 80% scores. An important measure that needs to be taken is to go beyond the European Level regulations to ensure anti-discriminatory environment for the LGBT community (Reed et al. 2016). The gap between the EU and the other countries need to be closed and all European anti-discriminatory regulations need to be essentially formed. The ease of shifting from one country to the other can also ensure the creation of better environments for the LGBT community (Paternotte, 2016) This can ensure that the people of LGBT orientation can travel to more liberal countries if the laws in their countries are unfavorable. In many countries the LGBT rights are still not recognized and there are only a few regulations to establish their rights (Baker 2017). Thus, it becomes important to create channels through which LGBT communities can travel to countries where the regulations are more in favor of the community.
Factors for Better Representation and Progress of the LGBT Agenda
There is a genuine need for a cross-continental movement in favor of making Europe more LGBT inclusive than it has historically been. Better awareness can also bring the major issues affecting the community to the forefront. Media coverage of the activities can create strong pressure for the government agencies to implement necessary changes in favor of the community (Slootmaeckers, Touquet and Vermeersch 2016).
Across countries the perceptions in regard to the rights of the LGBT community are changing. There is a growing movement in favor of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer population across the world (Ayoub and Paternotte 2016). Countries like Netherlands, the Uk, Malta and the Scandinavian nations have reached greater heights concerning the implementation of better policies and regulations effectively securing the safety and progress of their LGBT populations (Helfer and Voeten 2014). It is important that the movements in favor of the community are followed by the LGBT union and the agenda setting organizations. A strong LGBT agenda can have effective influence over the various governments and make them form laws that can very clearly state the benefits of the implementation of better regulations towards the inclusion of the LGBT community within the diverse communities (Spencer 2016).
Malta has provided a significant progress path for the development and management of the community. Malta has taken over the UK in terms of establishing a better regulatory framework for safeguarding the rights of the LGBT community (Richards 2017). The country has emerged successful as a great success story in regards to the establishment of the rights and representations of the LGBT community. The country was able to champion the cause of the sexual minorities through effective activism and strong political leadership. The both combined to provide great results for the country at a national level and it lead all the other countries in providing optimum levels of security, rights, representation and social acceptance (Ayoub and Paternotte 2016). The developments are however, not limited to Malta alone as the UK and some of the Scandinavian countries have taken string steps towards the development of better laws and regulations to address the specific issues that have been affecting the LGBT community for a long time (Ayoub 2015).
Countries like Greece and Finland have passed strong laws against transsexual or intersex discrimination. Self-determination of legal gender after the age of 18 is being positively considered by many countries. There is a strong inclination towards gender neutral laws from the side of the various government organizations across the continent (Ayoub 2015).
Organizational Management for the LGBT Community
The study will use the research philosophy of Positivism. I this research philosophy the stress is towards attaining positive outcomes from the research study. Moreover, this type of research is highly structured in order to ensure the effective representation of valuable data. Positivism has been chosen as this creates ample scope for both quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the topic. Samples will be consulted for the effective representation of vital data. The research will be aimed towards gaining positive outcomes that will focus on the future progress of the LGBT community. The strength of this research philosophy is that the study will be extensive and will cover many aspects of the research topic. However, as a large number of samples are being consulted for the research it can suffer from discrepancies arising from the various factors that may affect the opinions of people regarding the topic. Research onion is being used in order to systematically divide the research procedure.
The various essential literatures that have to be consulted for the work can only be better presented through this approach. Mainly the deductive approaches help to understand the essential implications of a recognized problems and estimate its validity through effective analysis and evaluation. The research approach takes a significant subject and the common perceptions about the same and judges the validity of this perception on a true or false basis (Winter et al. 2016). It is much important that a strong deductive approach is used in which a hypothesis based analytical and evaluative framework can be established (Woiceshyn and Daellenbach 2018). The study will rely on validation the various measures that can be taken towards the improvement of the community. The hypothesis will be formed according to the research objectives. It will be further deduced and tested accordingly. The essential implications will be extensively discussed. The study will aim towards obtaining the most relevant outcomes (Woiceshyn and Daellenbach 2018). Deductive approach helps to reach concrete outcomes regarding a study. The deductive approach is focused towards obtaining direct resolutions rather than generally acceptable assumptions. This is different from inductive approach that normally focuses towards deriving strong assumptions based on generally acceptable outcomes.
The data collection will be an important part of the study. This is because a large part of the work will be essentially based on the outcomes of the research. Thus, data collection is an important part of the work as the essential implication of the report will be based on the same (McCusker and Gunaydin 2015). The survey results will be analyze and evaluated according to their essential significance towards the identified issues (Deterding et al. 2015). The survey results will be provided through charts and diagrams as per the requirement. The survey method will be used as per the objectives and questions that need to be essentially focused on. The survey will be based on non-probability sampling as the respondents need to be associated in some way or the other associated with LGBT organizations or government organizations as the major aim of the study will be to understand the organizational and management oriented impact of the subject. The data collection process will be focused effectively towards gathering relevant and helpful data (McCusker and Gunaydin 2015). The secondary data will be gathered through literary sources and will focus towards bringing out the issues that have affected the LGBT community across the globe. The survey method is being used as it can help to bring out the opinions of the people that are related to the LGBT campaigns. It is important as it will be used to gain ground level about the significant issues affecting the community.
Closing the Gap: A Need for European Anti-Discriminatory Regulations
No kind of data manipulation techniques will be used in the presentation of data. Since, the study will be based to a great extent on the survey data, no means of influencing the respondents will be used (Singh 2015). The study will be authentic in the representation and the analysis of data. Only the most genuine sources of information will be used in order to focus on the real issues that affect the LGBT communities. The recommendations will be essentially based on the outcomes of the survey and will not be presented through unfair or unjust suggestions. Ethical issues are significant as firstly the issue being studied is essential for determining strong growth paths for the LGBT community. Moreover, data presentation need to be done in an ethical way as the issue can significantly affect the future of the LGBT organizations in Europe and across the world. Ethical standards for giving due credit to researchers that have contributed to the study need to be maintained (Deterding et al. 2015,).
Activity |
Week 1 to week 3 |
Week 4 to 10 |
Week 11 to 13 |
Week 14 to 17 |
Week 18 to 21 |
Week 22 and 23 |
Week 24 |
Topic Selection |
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Data Collection |
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Layout Creation |
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Literature review |
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Data Analysis and interpretation |
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Data finding |
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Study Conclusion |
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Draft Formation |
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Final Submission |
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The essential implication of the issues in regards to the LGBT communities point towards the fact that there is an immediate requirement for the representation of the community across the world. This representation can only be effectively done through significant organizational management. The European International Organization thus, need to form strategies that can effectively address all the significant problem areas of the LGBT community. There are significant challenges that can essentially affect the prospects of the community as their inclusion into the diverse communities is still debated due to existing social and cultural stereotypes. There is a need to form significantly effective strategies towards the betterment of the community. Organizational management becomes an important aspect towards forming better success paths for the community. The proposed outcome of the research will be to formulate effective progress plans for organizations taking part in LGBT related activities. The outcomes will be focused towards the better understanding of the principle issues that need to be tackled and the significant progress that can be made through essential consideration of the proposed success paths.
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