Alternatives For Dealing With Immigration Policy And Student Education
Three Alternative Policy Processes and Differences
One of the largely debated and yet often ignored topic is immigration policy and student education (Van Dijk, 2015). Immigration policies have strong role to play in country’s growth, specifically when student’s education is under consideration. Students across the globe migrate in order to receive the best education as well as best of education. However there have recent administrative documents which shows numerous challenges are faced by immigrants which even includes profound impact on educational system. In this paper, the issue regarding the immigration policy and student education is the aim discussion. Several executive decisions and range of laws in regard to the immigration policy have been the major concern for a while. The paper discusses three alternative policy process and differences among the three policies, status quo, incremental change and radical change. Also, the report highlights the ways social workers can facilitate change following social work values, ethics and practices.
Stake holder can be an individual, group or an organization who is in any way impacted by a project. The stakeholders have interest in the project or the policy with which it is related as they can be impacted either positively or negatively.
Status quo: The Latin phrase ‘status quo’ means the existing state of affairs. The term is particularly associated with social and political issues. Generally the term applies to maintain or change existing social structure and values (LeoGrande, 2015). It is often in regard to policy debate such as in the present paper it is the immigration policy. It is the debate on the conditions of the present times, and how the affirmative team can solve the current issues. In regard to education for the immigrant students there have been several changes made from the past. The administration in times of Obama and the Trump’s administration have good similarities (Mayer, 2017). The one thing that has been maintained all the while is the status quo for decades. The myths of immigrants’ crimes and idiocy is only a way to wall the undocumented population from getting in the country. However the reality is almost half of the population become undocumented only after entering the country. The entire system is a raging version of status quo. The dilemma of choosing between toughness and softness the policy regarding the immigrant education system, the situation needs to be based on unbiased decision. The decisions should be with the knowledge of the benefits received by the immigrant students in the country. The stakeholder involved in the status quo method would be government, the students and the legislative bodies.
Incremental Change: A small amount of change made toward the result obtained is the incremental change. In any business environment, when an incremental change is made, it is done while maintaining the existing power structure and altering current mood. Under the process of incremental change the focus should be given on the management (Norris & Reddick 2013). The management of the entire system should be inclusive in the change while the major power is not given any shift. The power remains in the hand of the existing people. In this process of change, the main stakeholders are the managements. Universities need to pay more attention to the immigrants ensuring students are not abused in the country. It is important to make sure students feel comfortable in the foreign country and finish their purpose of staying with fruitful benefits. The educators, the university, policy makers and the governor would be the main stake holders. They can ensure the management with clarity.
Status Quo
Radical Change: There is certainly a need for change for students who spend huge sum of money for studying abroad in order to get the best education for themselves. Students belonging from every background have certain expectations when they aim for studies abroad and it is important that they are provided with comfort and easiness in order to focus on their studies. Families that immigrate due to employment are often faced with cultural shocks and they fail to adjust in the new environment. The new policy should be inclusive of such consideration that would take care of every issues (Szekely & Strebel 2013). The attitude towards making the change should be intense for it is a change that demands instant attention. The policy should aim to remove barriers from the path of genuine students from getting in the country.
In this particular social issue of immigration policy and student education a wide range of people belonging to several sector is impacted. With several barriers and challenges the primary group being affected are the students. It is important to mention that the right to education is one of the international law that is considered a fundament right of every human. UNESCO has reaffirmed the policies that are related to children education. It is a basic rights holding a highly significant position in the society. The people holding the most important role to play are the top down policy makers which includes National education policy makers, district as well as state educational policy makers. The policy influencers plays vital role as stakeholders involved are subject disciplines, international bodies, industry, service providers, developers, teachers, training institutes, researchers and communists. Schools, governors and policy makers should be participating in the project as their decisions make vital changes in the policies. There are various people involved in a project and the people mentioned above are vital for they understand the concept, discuss the possibilities and critically analyze the project through various shapes. Since it is a team, it works together with the same goal.
For the purpose of foreign students, it is always the visa that would be the first requirement for entering a country. The visa of students should be treated with significance. International students need to ensure the visa dates and the visa rules and regulations. Immigrants not only make vital contribution to the state’s economy but also helps to make education system one of the best with cultural diversity. The policy should let the students stay as long as their courses needs along with an extra addition of days for emergency purpose. The policy should act in a way that would not stop the legitimate students from poor quality universities. The abuse against the legal foreign students that occur within the system is shameful. The policy should focus on the documents and students details ensuring they are not harassed. The time period should be monitored for every students coming from other countries should be given adequate time period for completion of their degree and other requirements of the in their education. However, although the time should be adequate it should be limited and mentioned with appropriate estimation. The universities needs to ensure the documents and visas of the student for further verification of the university administration. It is important universities and schools be aware and try their best to provide immigrants with their best options. In any case, if it is possible for the universities to contact the parents of the students, it can act as added advantages in various aspect such as cultural background and ethnicity. The laws in regard to the policy should focus on student’s learnings as well as the safety of the state.
Incremental Change
According to Norman and Verganti, (2014), the above discussed methods are the ways one can bring changes in the system that is an utmost need. The best alternative among the three process of change mentioned above is the radical change. Through a radical change the result is achieved faster. This approach is the most suitable for the large scale that disrupts context as well as the purpose. The reason third method, radical change is most suitable is for various reasons. The chances of winning are bigger. According to Ritala and Hurmelinna?Laukkanen (2013), the bigger wins have profound chances when a radical method is used. Radical changes are the game changer, it has the potential to bring change in short duration. Commonly the when the performance gap is large it is the best method. As in the immigration policy issue, it can be noted that the problem is widely expanded and stretched to an unreachable extent. This makes the performance gap the major concern of the people taking care of the issue. Therefore with the changes proposed in the radical changes makes the best solution for the social issue.
Social workers are professionals that have the potential of bringing the changes in a different ways. It is a challenging job for the social workers as they are responsible for individuals, families and group of people to cope with the issue. Along with the help they provide to cope they help improve the parents’ lives as well (Wani, 2017). The social worker will be able to play the vital role of advocating. Advocating is an important factor when the parents need to make the decisions about the universities as per the countries. Counselling will be another important part of the social workers who would be able to make the changes by making the changes profound. They also play important role in creating the awareness among the ignorant population. The third world countries who have major population following in the country are most important. Therefore, social workers play one of the vital role in eliminating social issue.
Immigration policies have strong role to play in country’s growth, specifically when student’s education is under consideration. Immigrants not only make vital contribution to the state’s economy but also helps to make education system one of the best with cultural diversity The report have highlighted the factors that have play vital role in the social issue. Immigration and student education are interlinked. It is important for nation to take the issues of immigrants with utter seriousness. In the end it can be concluded that it is inclusive of government, parents, policy maker, social workers, universities and other important bodies, the issue can be resolved. However the time frame cannot be estimated considering the growth in the issue.
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