Advantages Of Using Information Technology In Healthcare Recruitment

Recruitment System in Healthcare Organization

1.1 Preface:

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Technology has a great impact on hiring process in health care system. There are several advantages of using information technology in recruitment process of healthcare (Sudlow et al. 2015). Present chapter consists of different types of models and theories related to health care recruitment. In addition, advantages of using IT in recruitment process are defined in this chapter of research. On the other hand, impact of IT on healthcare is explained in this chapter. Moreover, limitations are discussed in this chapter of research.

1.2 Recruitment System in Healthcare Organization:

Health information technologies (HIT) for example, Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), and Decision Support System (DSS), may improve the wellbeing, quality, and patient-centeredness of care, while containing expenses and increment efficiency Healthcare (Carnes et al. 2015). The use of the IT equipment has helped in maintaining the communication among the employees and staffs of the health care industry. This IT equipment included the email, social media, camera and databases have helped in maintaining the communication in the health care industry.

1.3 Developing Recruiting Strategy:

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Efficient selecting is your objective, at that point increasing profound learning of contenders at work advertises. This implies having a reasonable vision about the position they are procuring for and a sharp portion of the enlisting spending plan to the sources getting practical long-haul advantages to the association (Boivin et al. 2014). It is best to search out the sources that convey the most noteworthy quality applicants.

In many cases, HR offices need to utilize most of their exertion and cash to oversee current representatives, abandoning them with little data transmission left to enough fill the association’s procuring needs (George, Duran & Norris, 2014). The HRM department of the health care industry has been enhanced and able to maintain the care services. With an excessive number of representatives, organizations can endure misfortune as the cost of keeping up the business expands contrasted with income. The use of the advancement in the HR team has helped in maintaining the recruitment process of the health care industry. The goals and objectives of the research have able to be fulfilled with the help of data analysis of the collected data and information from various sources. The young people in the market are allowed job opportunities with the help of the social media (Grant et al. 2013). This has helped in increasing the employability of the health care industry.

Developing Recruiting Strategy

1.4 Working With E-recruiting Firm to Build a Strategy:

In the event that is not required the ability, time or assets to manufacture a selecting procedure, extraordinary compared to other option choices is to collaborate with an enrolling firm and enable them to deal with the procuring procedure for your sake (Parker et al. 2014). Getting the opportune individuals to advance and develop your association is in many cases more vital in accomplishing general objectives than some other piece of your strategy for success. The use of the theory and model has helped in understanding the various aspects of the recruitment process in the health care industry. In the interviews, the representatives talk about the process of administration through which everybody and specific involvement of the connective procedure through which specific issues are involved.

In addition, opportunity of making the employment opportunity as well as the procedure and enhancement of the situation are involved with the organization. The connection amid the staffs encounters to decide that the extent of performance (Carnes et al. 2015). The broad selection of electronic medical records and propels in bio-therapeutic building as well as technology. Social insurance as well as conveyance strategies are changing constantly that expands its rate. It is important to ensure that conveyance strategies would enhance that is helpful to enhance the situation. Innovation as well as social insurance and conveyance strategies are changing at good rates in health care services. It is important for the organization to meet the personal satisfaction. Incentive innovation can convey several benefits to medical services.

1.5 Models Related to Recruitment System:

Diverse organizations have distinctive procuring needs. Therefore, relying upon level of engagement, restrictiveness, long haul prospects and different variables a wide range of enrollment models are followed in the market. Here I will attempt to clarify them.

Distinctive enrollment models can be listed as followed.

  • Contingency Hiring
  • Retained Search
  • Exclusive Requirements
  • Outplacement
  • Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO)
  • Executive Search.

Contingency Hiring:

In this type of hiring the organization will runs over any prerequisite it offers it to numerous experts in the meantime and solicits all from them to send resumes. Only the advisor whose applicant is offered gets cash from the organization. Here selection representatives don’t get any guaranteed and settled compensation. Their income depends altogether on whether they can influence offers or not (Jones et al. 2016). As to hazard factor is high here, advisors charge more rate for such kind of enlistment. For the most part organization pays regarding a particular level of CTC (cost to company) of the hopeful. This is the most pervasive method for enrollment.

Working With E-recruiting Firm to Build a Strategy

Retained Search:

In this type of hiring, recruitment expert works just for a particular recruitment installment separated into two parts. He is paid a settled sum by the organization for seek action. It is called retainer fee. Other than that, on the off chance that he makes offer he gets more cash. For enrollment of senior administrators like CEO, Sales head exceptionally engaged approach is required, so this strategy is favored.

Exclusive Requirements:

Sometimes organizations give a few prerequisites just to recruitment specialists. Here scout guarantees the customer to close the position inside particular date. In the event that, he cannot close the position at that point he needs to either close the position with lesser commission or bear some other penalty (Treweek et al. 2013). All the conditions are unmistakably chosen before the agreement. Here level of commission is not as much as possibility employing because there is no opposition.

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO):

RPO show is picking up parcel of prevalence until now. The resources of an organization require entire enrollment process to another expert. A few people from the experts’ side seats in the organization itself and deal with the entire procedure without anyone else. The sources can either sit in the customer put or in own office. Here RPO accomplice is in charge of shutting every one of the necessities(Carnes et al. 2015). They deal with the entire enlistment process ideal from sourcing, interviews, scheduling and offer for joining. The advantage for the organization is that they don’t need to deal with their own enrollment group which decreases costs.


Outplacement came into picture amid retreat period. Here if an organization needs to lay off a few people workers to cut costs, they can enlist a specialist to put those representatives in different organizations. The enlistment cost is borne by the present employer. Outplacement is not extremely well known till now.

Executive Search:

Executive searching groups just concentrate on senior level like CEO, CTO, Sales head and comparable sort of necessities. Strategy for sourcing for such positions is very unique in relation to junior level necessities. Here number of potential hopefuls is less and they don’t like to demonstrate their resume on the entryways (Stephenson et al. 2014). So, head-chasing, looking in systems administration locales and individual systems help a considerable measure. For such prerequisites commission is significantly higher.

1.6 Recruitment and Selection Theory:

Models Related to Recruitment System

Recruiting as well as hiring staffs need to fulfill the human resource strategy for forestalling terrible hiring as well as high turnover. In this aspect, private projects are not prepared for HR professionals dealing with the process of employing and understanding of human resource speculations along with the best practices that can enable in assembling the ideal group of the organization (Arcade et al. 2015). On the other hand, preparation would cause lessen the requirements to terminate and more the representatives to several organizations. However, it is not expedited legitimately.

Organization Chart:

Some entrepreneurs would not contract similar individuals in similar positions they as of now have on the off chance that they had an opportunity to restart their organization. This is because of business visionaries regularly don’t begin fabricating their organization with a practical association graph, rather contracting to fill saw needs or holes as the organization develops (Nunn et al., 2014).Viable workforce creation needs an organization diagram precisely determinations as well as plans of an organization’s work requirements.

Job description:

To implement effectively recruit, it is important to take interview properly and retain staffs. It is important to have job descriptions for each of the positions so that the candidates are aware of the job role and apply for respective position (Nunn et al. 2014).


Recruitment of staffs starts with accurate add. The advertisement needs to include detailed and accurate job description. Advertisements on job boards as well as publications where people with the background seek congregate.


Creation a list of the attributes with ideal employee has as well as divide resumes as well as applications. It is based on the applications and assigns one of the points for each attribute.


It might be discovered that the worker will work for not as much as your occupation is worth. Pay histories don’t give a precise gauge of a candidate’s worth, since she may have enhanced her aptitudes, have other, better-paying alternatives due to her current development or ability improvement or have worked for a little or extensive organization that could bear to pay uniquely in contrast to you. Request references from finalist applicants and direct meetings.

1.7 Outcome:

Most of the health care organizations have realized efficiencies through incorporating several aspects of ICT (Information and communication technology) like organizational health records as well as picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) for digital imaging. On the other hand, most of the organization across the country, ICT is still in the rudimentary stage. Incorporating the advancement of information and communication technology into the workplace has a major impact in human resource use in the sectors of the economy (Free et al. 2013). In this aspect, manufacturing as well as financial services are occurred.

Recruitment and Selection Theory

On the other hand, with several advantages of information technology, health care industry has been started to implement information technology in recruitment system. However, there is a criterion in this such as incorporating in systematic form rather than patchy as well as uneven way across the province across the country. In addition, provincial governments have taken initiatives through providing financial resources in alignment of the ventures like electronic medical records as well as digital and filmless imaging systems (Free et al. 2013). On the other hand, it is significantly more achieve as health care industry embraces information and communication technology. It recognizes full force of the impact in next decades (Gale et al. 2013). In this aspect, impact of information technology on human resources in the health care needs to be considered properly.

Use of information technology has brought a massive change in healthcare recruitment process. (Boyce, Browne and Greenhalgh, 2014) stated that social media recruitment and application tracking system makes the process of recruitment faster and cost effective. The big trick with social media is to not get too carried away as well as remembering for having a relationship with potential clients. Social media helps to make the communication easier and faster with the candidates in the recruitment process. In addition, social media assists to find candidates from different countries. Application tracking can be the most useful and have technological impact on the recruitment system. It is a great tool for scanning resumes and finds the matches. It speeds up the process and easier.

1.8 Quality:

It is important for a healthcare organization to provide quality care service for service holders. From human resources view point, some implications of the technology can be listed as followed (Gale et al. 2013).There will be a requirement for extended requirements for health informatics specialists with both medical as well as non-medical backgrounds. They need to be trained properly to encounter complicated ICT requirements of health care organizations.

The combination of health care team would change as information and communication technology acts an important role and considered as ever increasing in medical care. Smaller systems for the organizations need to provide smaller number of physicians who will capable for overseeing the care of larger numbers and procedures (Gale et al. 2013). Smaller numbers of the physicians would be capable for supporting the system. Some of the experts in the present aspect would assume in specialized roles as medical care becomes increasingly dependent on the technology.  

Organization Chart

1.9 Communication:

IT helps developing a clear, consistent as well as timely procedure to communicate with the applicants and hiring right employees in health care recruitment process. Documentation of the procedure as well as deciding the stages in the recruitment process needs written or verbal communication. Use of information technology makes the communication faster and easier through social media sites and other communication medium like email. On the other hand, automate communication helps to automate emails as the applicants are moved through distinctive stages in the recruitment procedure. Tracking all communication makes an application tracking system a great value (Bower et al. 2014).  In addition, effective communication with the applicants helps to keeping hiring managers as well as other employees informed regarding the status e of open positions. It protects the organizations against false accusations along with legal repercussions whether candidates misinterpret the communication. Hence, use of IT is helpful to develop effective communication with the candidates of the recruitment process.

1.10 Effectiveness:

At present days, there is a worldwide wellbeing workforce emergency, one set apart by basic irregular characteristics. Numerous nations are looked with the test of deficiencies of dental specialists, specialists, medical caretakers, drug specialists, physiotherapists and other wellbeing laborers. In a few nations these deficiencies exist together with underemployed and jobless wellbeing experts, because of financing deficiencies, arranging insufficiencies and geographic awkward nature between the supply of wellbeing suppliers and the interest for their administrations (Gast& Ledford, 2014). The purposes behind the emergency are differed and complex, yet key among them are unfortunate workplaces and the poor authoritative atmosphere that portray numerous working environments.

The continuous underinvestment in the wellbeing part, combined with poor business conditions and arrangements, (for example, inadequate compensation; troublesome work-life adjusts; irrational workloads, restricted vocation advancement openings) have brought about a disintegration of working conditions for wellbeing experts in numerous nations. There is clear proof all-inclusive this has a genuine negative effect on the enrollment and maintenance of wellbeing experts, the efficiency and execution of wellbeing offices, and, at last, on understanding results(Gale et al. 2013). Effective recruitment with the help of IT systems can be helpful to gain competitive advantages in the organization.

1.11 Impact of IT on Recruitment of Healthcare:

Technology is not considered simply something that everybody is utilizing to complete work and to remain associated. It is additionally affecting the process of businesses selecting good ability as well as the process of incredible ability to finds the correct manager (Gale et al. 2013). There are several enlisting patterns for 2014 project that either invests on new technology, which will affect selecting, or that present technology enrolling patterns will remain a major ordeal in the coming year.

Job description

There are several ways through which communication in health care service can be improved that can be explained as followed.

Social Media Recruiting:

Even though social media recruitment is not considered as new or the pattern, there are a couple of social media strategies turning out to be better known in 2014 and past. It incorporates video meeting as well as considering as web-based social networking profiles has a major aspect of the application compared than an approach to screen the applicants. It may be the most significant approach to use online networking that is enrolling is to utilize it as a referral source (Carnes et al. 2015). There are more than 30% of organizations saw an expansion in their referral applicants once occupied with social enrolling, and referral hopefuls are regularly the ones who stick around longer and perform better in their positions.

On the other hand, the enormous trap with online networking is to not escape, and to make sure to have an association with potential customers (Boyce, Browne &Greenhalgh, 2014). Online networking doesn’t imply that is not required to converse with hopefuls, or that web-based social networking selecting is free because the stages can utilize. Social enrolling has its own arrangement of best practices, much like the enlisting procedure itself.

Application Tracking Systems:

Application Tracking Systems is one of the most accommodating technologies in the sector. Selection representatives and contracting supervisors may state it’s an extraordinary instrument for checking as the resumes as well as finding matches. In view of this, an ATS (Application Tracking Systems) can be best used through application of a prepared contracting eye with the innovation.

Mobile Recruiting:

There are more than 60% recruiters have stated that mobile recruitment is considered as the best pattern for 2014. At any rate, the profession page ought to be enhanced for having versatile experience. This enables to achieve latent competitors substantially more effortlessly. On contrary, in the event that done well, it provides an incredible impression of image. 61% presence of individuals said that they have a superior perspective of the brand considering the developing versatile experience (Rivers et al., 2013). Past the profession page as well as managers needs to consider improving different parts of the versatile client encounter. This would incorporate making a versatile benevolent application process and enhancing your heap times however much as could reasonably be expected. The components will lose potential competitors on the off chance that they aren’t quick and simple for use.


Job Boards and Career Pages:

This specific part of selection as well as implication of technology is not considered at latest form. The sheets of employment have calculated more than 15 years of age as well as professions pages. These are conceivable for setting up the sites. On the other hand, technology has presented after employment sheets as well as vocation pages. These are changes the process of using the enlisting devices (De Silva et al., 2014). Several enrolling directs the pages of profession and enhanced for making portable as well as positions that are posted on the working manager.  Online networking sharing of message can be received through potable form.

Developing Effective Communication:

It has been considered a wide range of ICTs (Information and communication technology), which are computerized gadgets utilized by attendants as a route for giving medical services. There are separating e-health (i.e., the utilization of developing data and communication technology, particularly the Internet, to enhance or empower health and human services) into four areas: management systems, communication systems, computerized decision support system as well as information system. Each of them will be clarified as followed.

Management Systems:

They are PC based frameworks for procuring, putting away, transmitting, and showing quite managerial or health information from various sources that can support regulatory or clinical exercises. Management systems incorporate ICTs, for example, electronic health records and individual (patients) health records.

Communication System:

They are media telecommunication system utilized when clients are far off in space as well as time. This sort of communication happens in a synchronous or no concurrent path, between health experts or between health experts and patients (Carnes et al. 2015). It includes a focused-on sharing of data between particular people or people who assume unmistakable parts for demonstrative, administration, advising, instructive, or bolster purposes. There are an extensive variety of correspondence frameworks, from email and advanced mobile phones through telemedicine and tele-care systems.

Computerized Decision Support System:

These systems allude to a PC based framework, which is mechanized and means to help health experts in rehearsing inside clinical rules and care pathways or giving best proof based care. These sorts of frameworks are normally worked continuously and include choice help that originates from computerized reasoning.

Information Systems:

These systems are characterized by the utilization of web innovation to achieve access to various data assets, for example, health and way of life data. The data stays at a general level, and it is not customized to particular individual needs. Online assets and e-health entries for recovering data are utilizations of data systems.


1.12 Challenges for Implementing IT in Healthcare Recruitment:

Acquiring as well as implementation of information technology can be challenging in health care recruitment process. Organizations face difficulties in using the application of IT in recruitment process. On the other hand, managing change is different from training. Thus, additional support needs to be available after providing training to assist managers clearly expressing the process of reaching out to the employees to discuss about changes. Evaluating quality as well as accuracy of information is vital for using IT in healthcare recruitment process. The organizations adopted IT newly in their recruitment process is a challenge to maintain quality and accuracy of the information. Along with these, cost issue is one of the major challenges for implementing IT application in health care recruitment process. Technology can likewise bring concealed perils if people are not careful. Information on websites is known for this. However, it would deviate and endless stream of making therapeutic information that can be accessible online. It is important to note that WebMD is an asset to carry on properly (Gast& Ledford, 2014). There are some cases where technology can manipulate result. It is important to select the effective process through making the suitable technology in it. On the other side, complying with legal requirement is a major challenge for health care organizations for implementing IT in recruitment process.

1.13 Previsions Studies:

Recruitment system in health care is one of the major areas to make the entire process successful. Application of information technology helps to provide effective recruitment system in health care. There are several papers have been made to analyze the effectiveness of information technology and its application in health care system. Present paper emphasizes the needs and effectiveness of information technology in health care.

Cresswell and Sheikh conduct a study under the title Using Organizational issues in the implementation and adoption of health information technology innovations: an interpretative review.  The aim of the study is to identify the effect of internet and technology on healthcare recruitment process Healthcare industry is also significantly adapting the information technology services as well as harnessing the capabilities of IT in terms of improving outcome, quality, communication and efficiency knowledge and services. Therefore, the healthcare industry is also focusing more on the online recruitment system. Health information technology is the component of information technology, which is applied to the healthcare industry. Several research studies have been conducted on the significance of information technology in all the operations of healthcare industry. The most important outcome of information technology in terms of developing effective communication system is analyzed in the study. In the present research, primary data collection method has been selected along with the descriptive analytical approach are selected in the present paper. Probability sampling technique has been selected in the research. Selection of appropriate methodology would be helpful to pursue the research in effective way. Successful completion of the research would be helpful to gain strategies and proper method for using information technology in healthcare recruitment process (Cresswell and Sheikh et al. (2013).In this study, difficulty in implementing health information technologies is focused in the study. On the other hand, role of IT in health care recruitment process is analyzed in the current research. However, the study related to organizational issues for implementing and adopting information technology is discussed. Present research also explains the challenges faced while implementing technology in healthcare recruitment process.


Close et al. conduct a study in using information technology and social networking for recruitment of research participants: experience from an exploratory study of pediatric Klinefilter syndrome. The aim of the study is to evaluate the quality and effective communication that the pediatric sample of recruiting for research can be challenging for the family time constraints, privacy concerns as well as parental mistrust of the research process. The study objective is to prove the fact that need of information technology and its uses on the process of recruiting effective employees. However, the study is concentrated on the effectively use of information technology on the system of healthcare industry. On the other hand, the recruitment websites, which are affiliated by universities, are supported by a Facebook advertisement to appear as the most successful among several approaches employed within this research study. The most important result in this study is the method applied in this study is by conducting the entire research based on the case study or case illustration methods. The key result come out form the study is that tracking of recruitment referral sources can be very useful to plan for the campaigns of future recruitment. The most important recommendations as mentioned in this article, the new recruitment strategies should include the development of an in-person information session, teleconferences, and the implementation of a study website, web-links as well as email access to members of national and international healthcare organizations and their registration with the computer platform clinical recruitment-matching service. The healthcare industry should utilize the web-based technologies for representing valuable resource for the researchers especially for those who want to understand the cultural and social context of the populations, which are being attempted by them. On the other hand, they have also stated that social networking can also be proven very effective in healthcare industry. Therefore, the healthcare industry should utilize the social networking and it should incorporate teleconference and face-to-face transactions with participant-participant as well as researcher-participant networking to the healthcare industry (Close et al., 2013).In the study, use of social networking and information technology of research participants are criticized along with defining advantages and disadvantages. The methodological challenges regarding recruitment of children for research as well as provide an exemplar of the process of using information technology strategies is an important part of the study. On the other hand, present study deals with challenges faced for using IT in healthcare recruitment process.

Jones et al. conduct a study under the title an updated systematic review with a focus on meaningful use. The major objective of this study is to update the previous reviews as well as test the current evidence that can relate to the functionalities of Health Information Technology within the meaningful use regulations towards the major aspects of health care. The strong evidence provided is able to support the utilization of the support of clinical decision and the order entry of computerized provider. The method applied in this study by conducted the entire research based in the AHA annual survey. The most important outcome of this study is that the insufficient implementation reporting and context of utilization can make it impossible for determining why few implementations of Heath Information Technologies are successful and others are not. The important recommendation is that the healthcare industry should provide an excellent aspect within which it is necessary to study the complexities of value creation within a multi-stakeholder and heterogeneous environment. The extent to which the capabilities of Health Information Technology are utilized is likely for significantly impacting outcomes but even further, the rate at which the usage levels enhance, individually and combined with the complementary capabilities, is likely to have crucial influences over the long-term and short-term outcomes. On the other hand, the utilization of growth rate of Health Information Technology should serve as the proxy for radical Vs. incremental change that has been shown to have several impacts on outcomes, based on the capability of stabilizing complex processes and associated learning costs (Jones et al., 2014). In the study, the relation between information technology and healthcare has been presented, whereas the present study focuses with the role of information technology in the health care recruitment process. The effect of early postnatal discharge from hospital for infants is described in the study. The length of postnatal hospital stay declined and evidence for supporting policy of early discharge regarding birth and some concerns related to early discharge is discussed in this study. A systematic search of literature is conducted in the research. On contrary, data analysis regarding the role of using IT to develop outcome, quality, communication and effectiveness are critically analyzed in the present research.

Turan and Palvia have conducted a study on Critical information technology issues in Turkish healthcare. The study presents the issues faced for using information technology in health care that would be helpful for future researchers to discover solution for mitigating the issues in health care system. Even though, the significance of information technology is helpful to minimize costs as well as improving the service quality, it remains significant challenges in the part of implementation. There have been few researches conducted on investing the key IT issues in health care in developed countries (Turan and Palvia 2014). However, it is required to bridge the gap through making an investigation of information technology problems and challenges in the healthcare facilities of Turkey. The dissimilarity of the studies is description of the problems faced for using IT in healthcare sector is discussed in the selected previous study, whereas present study focuses with the use of IT in recruitment process of health care organizations. In the present study, use of IT develops some strategies like using for application tracking and checking update of the data. It assists to increase effectiveness of the process. Effective communication with the applicants helps to keeping hiring managers as well as other employees informed regarding the status e of open positions. It protects the organizations against false accusations along with legal repercussions whether candidates misinterpret the communication that is explained in the present study.

Kumar et al. conduct a study in Mobile Health Technology Evaluation. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the quality and effective communication that the wearable health information as well as sensing technologies and creative utilization of new mobile health information system have the potential for reducing the cost of healthcare operations and improving the well-being in several approaches. The objective of this study is to identify how the particular technologies can significantly support the constant health monitoring at both the population and individual level. At present days, use of smart phones and internet are increasing. It results effective performance of the staffs in supplying approaches to the recruitment process of the organization.

Use of ICT carries an important role in serving the process of recruiting for the organization. Thus, is vital to use the technology effectively so that the healthcare system would be benefitted in terms of recruiting the employees for the organization. Moreover, these technologies also encourage the healthy behaviors for reducing or preventing the health problems and enhance provider knowledge. The methods applied in this study by gathering data and information from the E-Health evidence workshop at NIH. Moreover, the results of the workshop have been presented in this study. The most essential outcome that the mobile technologies as the wireless sensors as well as devices those are intended to be accessed, carried or worn by the person during the normal regular basis activities. The most important recommendation that the abilities inherent within M-Health generally constitute a new paradigm for the generation of evidences in health research, perhaps, by promising more than any previous innovation wave in the health technologies for reducing the time from the intervention conception towards their dissemination.

Therefore, its achievement should necessitate addressing several methodological issues. They have also stated in this regard that the consumers and marketplace are not at all waiting for the scientific validation although these methodological issues represent exciting new opportunities for the scientific innovation. In addition, it is required to recruit some personnel to use the applications of information technology in the system, so that the industry can be benefitted in recruiting the staffs for the industry. Effective use of the technology is helpful to make the process properly and hire best possible staffs for the organization. Therefore, this workshop should more effectively endorse the need for enhanced and timely efforts in M-Health research as well as for a new trans-disciplinary scientific discipline including computer science, social science, public health, psychology, engineering and medicine (Kumar et al. (2013). In the study, research focused on m-health, whereas the present study concentrates on evaluating effectiveness of IT in healthcare recruitment process. It is a great tool for scanning resumes and finds the matches. It speeds up the process and easier that produces better outcomes in the recruitment process of healthcare originations. However, use of social media may hamper data privacy of the candidates. The study conducted by Kumar et al. indicates that creative utilization of mobile and wearable health information as well as sensing technology becomes the possible way in order to minimize cost of healthcare and enhance well-being in several ways. On the other hand, in the present study, issues and challenge faced while using technology in health care recruitment process is analyzed and presented effective outcomes along with recommendation to improve the process.

Free et al. conduct a study ineffectiveness of mobile health (M-Health) technologies to improve health care service delivery processes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The purpose of the study is to show that along with the web-based technologies, the mobile technology is also effective for the healthcare industry. The interventions of mobile health can be able to create few significant and advantageous effects on the processes of healthcare delivery. Therefore, they have conducted a systematic review regarding quality and effective communication over the controlled trials of the interventions of mobile technologies for improving the processes or systems of healthcare industry. In addition, it is important to use the technology in recruitment process. Hence, it is vital to use the systems and application technology in delivering approach to the method of recruiting staffs.

On contrary, it is required to deliver proper approaches regarding the efficiency of information technology in delivering proper outcomes.  The purpose of this study is to identify the mobile technology interventions can be utilized for facilitating data collection as well as for encouraging the consumers of healthcare for self-managing chronic conditions and adopting healthy lifestyles.  The method applied in this study based on controlling the trials of mobile technology based health interventions using Web of Science, PsycINFO, Global Health, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library and UK NHS HTA. As the most significant outcome of this research, it can also be proven very significant for improving the processes of healthcare service delivery by targeting the healthcare communication or providers between these providers. The most important recommendation that the investigated mobile technology based interventions should be designed for improving the delivery processes of healthcare service.

Therefore, it has also recommended that the M-Health interventions should be implemented for improving the processes of healthcare service delivery. This is simply because of the of these interventions are modestly effective, but they highlight also the need for more numbers of trails of these interventions. Thus, in this regard, more number of trials is required for establishing robustly the capability of mobile Technology based interventions for improving the processes of healthcare delivery. Moreover, these trails should be of high quality, they should be undertaken in the high-income countries and resource limited settings as well. Additionally, they should also ideally consider the interventions that combine conventional and M-Health approaches (Free et al., 2013). The dissimilarity between the study of Free et al. and present study is the use of mobile health (M-Health) technologies to improve health care service delivery processes and focusing on the use of IT in health care recruitment process. In the study, an analysis has been done regarding the future of employment. To evaluate, implementation of novel technology for estimating probability of computerization of 702 detailed occupations are discussed, whereas present study discusses the role of using IT in healthcare recruitment.

Brynjolfsson and Hitt have conducted a study on information technology, organizational transformation as well as business performance. The study deals with how the computers can contribute in business performance as well as economic development. At present days, most of the people are asked to detect strengths of computers in order to think for computational tasks such as rapidly multiplication of large numbers. (Brynjolfsson and Hitt, 2000) stated that development of computer science and information technology leads to store, retrieve, transform as well as algorithmically transformation of information, which can be digitized. Health sector is one of the most important sectors in the society where many people are associated with it such as patients and care providers. Hence, it becomes important to store data safe and securely and retrieve the data with an ease. On the other hand, as health sector is important, it is also important to hire right employees through simplification of hiring process. Current growth of information technology leads to search and select effective staffs for health care organizations and improve the process through bring speed in the entire procedure. The role of IT in organizational transformation and business performance in health care sector is analyzed in the study; whereas present study is based on the process of using IT in order to bring effectiveness in health care system is explained in the present research. The use of IT can be helpful to bring transparency in the health care recruitment system is agreed by maximum number of participants in the survey. In addition, social media assists to find candidates from different countries. Application tracking can be the most useful and have technological impact on the recruitment system. On contrary, organizational transformation and business performance are explained in the study conducted by Brynjolfsson and Hitt.

2.14 Summary:

From the discussion in the above chapter, it can be summarized that IT has an important role on recruitment system of an organization Healthcare services, as an industry, is kind of the absolute opposite of enlisting; as health care professionals are treated with natural regard and inborn trust, and their ability or judgment goes unchallenged. It can be put our lives in their grasp. On the other hand, work specifically impacts our personal satisfaction, crafted by those working in social insurance is an incomprehensibly important issue that implies, obviously, that those of us enlisting social insurance experts fill a significantly vital need. On theother hand, IT has an important role on overall recruitment system in health care that is explained in the research.

Chapter Three: Methodology

2.1 Preface:

Research methodology assists in defining the most appropriate approach, which requires to be adopted to attain detailed as well as complete outcome of the procedure (Arcade et al., 2015). The theories as well as concepts are adopted in research methodology that assists to do better analysis of the research. In addition, research methodology helps in comprehending the process adopted to analyze the role of IT in recruitment system of healthcare organizations.

2.2 Research Philosophy:

In research methodology, application of research philosophy assists to determine proper way in order to obtain details of the research topic (Choy, 2014). Research philosophy assists to describe the procedure of assumption undertaken by the researcher at the time of conducting the research (Bonevski et al., 2014). On the other hand, the procedure of thinking to assess the research topic can be varied for selection of research philosophy that requires being effective as well as in appropriate alignment.

Descriptive research philosophy is one of the statements of making affairs that are present in the context with the researcher that has no control or variable. In addition, descriptive research can be characterized to determine or identify the analytical research.  

In the present research context, descriptive research philosophy has been applied that aims to cast light on present issues by the procedure of data collection. It also enables to explain the particular situation without implementing the method. The selected philosophy has been taken as it is associated with the impact of adopting information technology in healthcare recruitment system (Flick, 2015). Apart from this, the nature of the study has time limitation. Thus, selection of positivism philosophy has limitation in role of the researcher in order to manipulate and assess the data leading to reduction of data errors.

2.3 Research Approach:

Research approach is important for a research needed so that format to conduct the research can be revealed (Gale et al. 2013) in the research, a research topic can be undertaken for the present study in two ways such as inductive and deductive. In this study will use deductive approach. That is utilized as the procedure, which explains practical application of theories to access content of the research(Gast et al., 2014).In this topic will try to analyze the role of information technology in healthcare recruitment system of theoretical knowledge. Thus, selection of deductive approach would be helpful in the present research.

2.4 Research Design:

Research design assists in order to describe the framework of the research topic. It assists collection of data as well as analysis pattern (Humphries, 2017). During the procedure of data collection, specific type of research approach has been applied, which assists in better explanation of the research topic (Wiek and Lang, 2016). The type of research design utilized in the academic research pattern is explanatory as well as descriptive. Descriptive design is helpful to define detailed procedure engaged in the application of IT in healthcare recruitment system.

2.5 Data Collection Process:

Mackey and Gass (2015) have defined the data collection method as the process of measuring and collecting data on the targeted variables in a systematic way. Moreover, the data collection method can also help an individual for answering relevant question related to a certain research and evaluating outcomes for their search. The data collection method mostly depends on the investigation nature and the questions, which would be investigated. Data collection method can be subdivided into two methods such as primary and secondary data collection method.

In this study we will use primary data collection method, this research technique is carried out for answering few questions or issues associated with the research. Primary data collection can be carried out by conducting surveys, interviews or questionnaires with a small group of individuals.

The primary data would be gathered by conducting survey among 130 employees from six healthcare organizations. Tools of the secondary sources consist of online as well as offline sources such as articles, books, websites and blogs.

2.6 Data Analysis Technique:

According to (Smith, 2015), Data Analysis is the method or technique of modeling, transforming, cleansing and inspecting data with the objective of discovering helpful details, supporting decision-making and suggesting conclusions. Data Analysis technique can be categorized into two subdivisions such as qualitative and quantitative data analysis technique. According to (Riggins and Wamba, 2015), Quantitative Data Analysis is referred to a systematic approach to investigations while numerical data is gathered, and the researcher transforms what is observed or collected into numerical data. Standard deviation is used as a measure of dispersion variation in the process of distribution that is equal to the square root of arithmetic mean of squares of deviations from arithmetic mean.

Hence, in this research, quantitative data analysis technique would be utilized to analyze the numerical data collected from survey conducted among 130 employees of the six organizations within the healthcare industry (Mackey and Gass 2015). In this context, questionnaire data are electronically stored in a spread sheet-like table and generate routine descriptive statistical data responding the questions like frequency counts of the close ended questions and distribution of multiple-choice responded questions that are asked to 130 employees from six organizations. The statistical analysis will be used in this study are mean, stander deviation, multiple regressing test, and chi squared.

2.7 Population and Sample:

Mackey and Gass (2015) have defined Population as the process of incorporating all people or items with the characteristic one wish for understanding. Moreover, the goal becomes finding a representative sample of that population as there is very rarely enough time or money for gathering information from everything or everyone within a population. In the present study, human resource employees are taken as sample as they are involved directly with the process of recruitment.

As per the sampling technique, (Dranove al. 2014) have stated that several sampling methods can be individually combined or employed within any of the types of frames such as probability sampling and non-probability sampling. There are few factors commonly influence the selection between several designs such as frame quality and nature, operational or cost concerns as well as accuracy requirements. As the recruitment process is directly involved with the activities of human resource managers to the organization; it is required to take opinion of the managers for getting the best possible method for recruitment. In addition, the sampling process requires survey across six hospitals in Makkah.

Hence, in this research, probability sampling technique has been utilized by the researcher to analyze the primary data collected from a survey. On the other hand, it must be specified that to collect the primary data, a survey among 130 human resource employees from several healthcare organizations would be conducted in this research to reach a proper finding for this study. After collecting the data, quantitative analysis would be performed.

 Table (1-3):- no of sample in the study 

No of employee

Hospital name



King Faisal hospital



King Abdullah hospital



Obstetrics hospital



Al Noor hospital



King Abdul Aziz hospital



Hera Hospital




2.8 Validity:

Sample is considered to study the role of IT in recruitment system in health care organization (Smith, 2015). The sample for employees of healthcare organization was simple random probability sampling where no criteria for selection have been considered (Vaioleti, 2016). With the help of the questionnaire, HR managers are asked for participation where survey has been performed based on Likert scale rating (strongly agree, agree, natural, disagreed, strongly disagree). In order to study quantitative research technique, 130 employees of health care organizations have been considered and make interaction with the assistance of the questionnaire. Thus, total sample size is 130 in the research.

 Table (2-3): The Validity of the Questionnaire


The outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization

The Quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization

The effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication

The effectiveness of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization

The recruitment process in healthcare organization































Table (2-3) shows that is all correlation confidents were significant where ranged from 0.755 to 0.850 in the outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization, 0.831 to 0.931 for the quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization, .799 to0.937 for the effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication and 0.756 to 0.911 for the effectiveness of IT on recruitment in healthcare organization, from 0.788 to 0.905 for the recruitment process in healthcare organization and this values proved the items valid.

2.9 Reliability:

Reliability is the degree to which assessment tool generates stable as well as continuous results (Tarone et al, 2013). Cronbach’s alpha is considered as one of the most general measure of internal consistency. It is commonly used when multiple Likert questions in a survey that from a scale and wish to determine whether the scale is reliable. In SPSS statistics, a set of questions have been labeled through the process. In order to understand correctly enter the data into SPSS statistics for running a Cronbach’s alpha test. Alpha measures to which item that responses gained at same time and correlating to the highly process with each other. The rules can be applied for getting more items and more reliable on a scale.

Table (3-3) The Reliability of the Questionnaire


First Round


Second Round






The outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization







The Quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization







The effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication







The effectiveness of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization







The recruitment process in healthcare organization.







Table (3-3) shows the P. value reliability of the questionnaire that the ranged from 0.820 to 0.900 for the first round and from 0.821 to 0.901for the second round for all domains and these values proved the sample was reliable so that we can study it.

2.10 Summary:

From the above discussion, it can be summarized that selection of appropriate methods and tools are useful to complete the research in effective way. With the help of the chapter, the researcher tried to align the nature of the study as well as available research technique so that the best suitable research methodology can be formed.

Chapter Three: Findings and Analysis

3.1 Preface:

In this part, the researcher has attempted to demonstrate the data analysis of impact of IT on healthcare recruitment process. With the assistance of quantitative analysis, the process of data analysis enables research procedure to develop the nature of data and improve to examination and decision for a specific point. Data analysis helps a researcher in deploying the theoretical knowledge in the practical application.

3.2 Analysis:

Data analysis consists of complexities as well as confinements (Frey & Osborne, 2017). For example, controlling information, absence of validity is included in this. Data analysis is one of the processes that help people. In this manner, a procedure of crosscheck is watched by means of information investigation in an examination work. A part of marking in clients’ basic leadership process will be assessed in this section with the assistance of inputs given by the respondents in connection to the different healthcare organizations. In view of the information selected in this part, the researcher endeavors selecting the data identified with the theme and will as needs to be dissected the discoveries to advertisement legitimacy at the time of spending time as well as data accumulations. The respondents are considered for the process of data collecting as we as specific and detailed information extricated with the research work.

Table (1-4): Distribution of Data in Study Group (n=130)





Al -Zaher Hospital



Hira Hospital



Al -Nour Hospital



King Faisal Hospital



King Abdullah Hospital



Maternity and child hospital


























This table showed the frequency distribution of the study group and It revealed that approximately less than one fifth were from Al- Zaher hospital with percentage 16.2% and approximately same percentage from Al- Nour hospital with percentage 15.4%, more than one fifth were from King Faisal hospital with percentage 20.8% and same from Maternity and child hospital with percentage 20.8 and less than one fifth were from King Abdullah hospital with percentage 12.3%. As regards Job he highest percentage (86.2%) of sample were Employee, the lowest percentage 4.6% were Head and 9.2% were Supervisor, it revealed that approximately more than half of sample (50.8%) were from30 to 40 years of age.

Table (2-4): The Responds Regarding the Outcome










Use of IT can bring transparency in health care recruitment system







Use of IT platforms like social media in recruitment selection procedure may hamper data privacy of an individual







Use of IT would be helpful in screening and shorting of the employees







Social network assists in selection of right employees







IT platforms are helpful for overall recruitment procedure in the healthcare organization










                                                                                                                *significant at P-value less than 0.05

Table (2-4) shows that is all the outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization items were significant where p-value for each item less than 0.05 and the Total mean was 20.25by SD 3.22.

– In this table the point no (1) get the higher value of Mean±SD (4.492±0.718).

– And the point no (2) get the less value with Mean±SD (3.569±1.154).

According to the data presented in table (5), it clearly shows that mean value generated for using IT can bring transparency in health care system, whereas the role of social media represents mean value as 3.569. On the other hand, previous study related to effectiveness of applying information technology in healthcare system indicates security issue is the major concern (Cresswell and Sheikh, 2013). The result is contrasted between the two studies.  However, statistical analysis proves that more number of respondents think that adoption of IT can be helpful for the organizations to bring effectiveness in the system.

Table (3-4): The Responds Regarding Quality

N No










Present recruitment process in your organization is meeting the quality







IT platforms provide more opportunity as well as diversity to the organizations to select qualified employees







Using IT in health care recruitment system is able to meet current needs of maintaining quality in your organization







Healthcare staffs need to be technically advanced along with core expertise for providing quality care in the health care system









Transparency in recruitment system with the help of IT can be helpful to provide quality care to the service users










                                                                                                  *significant at P-value less than 0.05

Table (3-4) shows that is all The Quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization items were significant where p-value for each item less than 0.05 and the Total mean was19.85by SD )3.59).

– In this table also the point no (5) get the higher value with Mean±SD (4.092±0.935).

– And the point no(1) get the less value with Mean±SD (3.762±1.167).

The Percentage of Agreement Regarding Quality table indicates that mean value of meeting quality with present recruitment system is 3.762, whereas SD value is 1.167. On the other hand, regarding the question of IT platforms providing more scopes and diversity for selection of qualified staffs, participants have responded as 3.962 mean value and 0.918 SD value. The previous study of implicating m-health clearly shows its effectiveness and meeting quality in the organizations (Close et al., 2013). Hence, the total Mean value (19.85) and SD value (3.59) indicates the statement of meeting quality for deploying IT in healthcare recruitment system.

Table (4-4):- The Responds Regarding Communication










Social media has an important role to improve communication in healthcare recruitment system







 Email, social media and other electronic mediums are more effective than traditional communication system in the organization







Use of IT mediums can bring security issues in communication system







Use of IT is expensive than traditional systems used in health care organizations







Use of IT platforms and applications will be the only method in future recruitment process










                                                                                                                               *significant at P-value less than 0.05

Table (4-4) shows that is all the effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication items were significant where p-value for each item less than 0.05 and the Total mean was 19.90 by SD (3.45).

-In this table the point no (2) get the higher value with Mean±SD (4.169±0.494).

-And the point no (4) get the less value with Mean±SD (3.585±1.206).

The table showing percentage of agreement regarding communication shows that total mean value as 19.90 and SD value as 3.45. It proves that social media has a significant role for improving communication in health care recruitment system with the help of implementing information technology in recruitment system. The previous study related to improvement of communication by implicating IT results effectiveness in communication (Turan and Palvia 2014), That mean it is same with our result.

Table (5-4): The Responds Regarding Effectiveness











Use of IT has an important role on improving effectiveness in recruitment system







Your organization needs to focus on using IT in recruitment process in order to increase effectiveness of the system







Technically advanced people can be able to provide effective healthcare system







Social media can bring effectiveness in communication system in health care organization







Use of IT platforms affect on the effectiveness of the medical staffs in the organization










*significant at P-value less than 0.05

Table (5-4) shows that is all The effectiveness of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization items were significant where p-value for each item less than 0.05 and the Total mean was 19.75  by SD (3.34).

– In the table the point no (4) get the higher value Mean±SD (4.031±0.988).

– And the point no (5) get the less value with Mean±SD (3.715±1.122).

The percentage of agreement regarding effectiveness indicates that Use of IT has an important role on improving effectiveness in recruitment system and technically advanced people can be able to provide effective healthcare system as total mean value as 20.17 and SD as 3.08. On the other hand, previous study proves similarity of the result as IT has an important role in healthcare system (Kumar et al. 2013). Hence, the stamen is justified.

Table (6-4): The Responds Regarding The Recruitment Process










Implementing IT in recruitment system can provide competitive advantage in the system







Present trends of IT development allow qualified aspirants to present their skill and qualification in IT platforms







Advertisement on social media and through email is the most effective way of recruitment system in healthcare organization







IT platforms can be helpful in improving screening, interview, assessment, induction and selection process







Use of IT platforms can be helpful in bringing advantages over traditional recruitment system










                                                                                                   *significant at P-value less than 0.05

Table (6-4) shows that is all the effect of IT on recruitment in healthcare organization items were significant where p-value for each item less than 0.05 and the Total mean was 20.17 by SD (3.08).

– In this table the point no (1) get the higher value with Mean±SD (4.108±0.874).

– And the point no (3) get the less value with Mean±SD (3.908±0.849).

The significant P-value suggests that effectiveness of IT in healthcare organizations. The previous study resulted that there are also some issues in deploying IT in the healthcare organizations (Free et al., 2013). However, present trends of IT development allow qualified aspirants to present their skill and qualification in IT platforms and Advertisement on social media and through email are the most effective way of recruitment system in health care organization clearly indicates effectiveness of IT in healthcare organizations.

Table (7-4): The Multiple regressing between the dependent and independent variables.


 Unstandardized Coefficients

 Standardized Coefficients





 Std. Error





S     Sig.









The outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization






The Quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization






The effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication






The effectiveness of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization






Dependent Variable: The effect of IT on recruitment in healthcare organization

                                                                                                                    *significant at P-value less than 0.05

Table (7-4) shows that is a significant model  between The effect of IT on recruitment in healthcare organization ” Dependent Variable ” and (The outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization, The Quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization, The effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication and The effectiveness of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization) where F=35.023 and P-value<0.001 less than 0.05 with The coefficient of determination 52.80% (The effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication and The effectiveness of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization explain the change to the dependent variable ” The effect of IT on recruitment in healthcare organization” with percentage 52.8%. And found that the variable the outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization and the variable The Quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization have no effect where the value of significance is greater than 0.05, respectively 0.796 and 0.885.

Table (8-4) The value of mean and SD and chi squared for each variable








The outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization







The Quality of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization







The effect of using IT in recruitment in healthcare on the communication







The effectiveness of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization







The effect of IT on recruitment in healthcare organization

Dependent Variable

This table shows that The independent variable(The outcome of using IT on recruitment in healthcare organization) get the highest value with Mean±SD (20.25±3.2).

That mean there is a very strong relationship between the outcome and the effect of using IT in healthcare recruitment system. Also, it clarifies the relationship between the dependent variable with the independent variables and shows there is a high relationship between them. That mean there will be a great impact if healthcare applies this system in her organizations.

3.3 Summary:

The advancement in the IT industry has helped in maintaining the job allocation to the candidates. This research depicts the effect of IT on the recruitment in the health care industry. The HRM work in the organizations has expanding important accentuation as well as significance of the arrangement HRM and business techniques are very much recognized. Indeed, powerful HRM is the key required to keep in mind that the meet the demand of the service users with qualified workers.

Chapter Four: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

4.1 Preface:

This chapter presents the discussion of the results of the study through three categories: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation as follow:

4.2 Summary:

In the first chapter of the research aims and objectives, research questions as well as research rationale are explained that helps to carry out and complete the research in proper way. In addition, research background helps to understand the importance of the topic. Understanding of research rationale helps to understand the need of doing the research.

In addition, reviewing literatures from several articles such as books and journals is achieved in the second chapter. IT has reinforced the health care industry in the market. The human resource department of the health care industry has been enhanced with the impact of the IT industry. The IT has able to improve the outcome, quality and effectiveness in the health care industry. Communication among the employees and staffs of the health care industry has been improved.

Third chapter of the research deals with selection of proper tools and techniques for conducting the research in right way. In the paper, detailed research technique for analyzing the role of information technology in recruitment system of health care organization has been used. Selected research philosophy is descriptive analytical, which can assist to obtain information based on appropriate logic as well as evaluation. In addition, deductive approach would allow the researcher to conduct the study based on secondary sources in initial stage. Description design would assist the researcher in order to define the used as well as applied concepts in detailed way that assists in order to define the impact of information technology on recruitment system in health care organization.

On the other hand, fourth chapter of the research includes analysis of primary data. With the help of Cronbach’s Alpha method in SPSS, the effectiveness of IT in healthcare recruitment process has been evaluated. In the evaluation, the importance of IT in healthcare recruitment process has been resulted from the employees of different organizations.

4.3 Conclusion

As the research is based on the impact of using IT in healthcare recruitment process, four variables have been taken such as effectiveness, quality, outcome and communication. According to that we have four hypotheses we want to discuss if our result from the analyzing is agreed with that or not.

  • The result shows that using information technology will be very useful in the recruitment process because it will provide a great outcome than the traditional way.
  • Also, it shows that there will be improving in the quality of the recruitment when we use information technology in the recruitment process.
  • we found there will be a small improving in the communication when we use IT in the recruitment processes than the traditional way.
  • Finally, it shows that using of IT in recruitment process will be very effective than the traditional way.

4.4 Recommendations:

In order to overcome the issues faced while implementing information technology and its applications in healthcare recruitment process, following points needs to be considered.

  • In order to improve quality in healthcare recruitment process, it is required to apply applications of IT in proper way. For an instance, the applications that have security issues and may lead to data leakage of the candidates need to be avoided.
  • As outcome is one of the major components in health care industry recruitment system, the applications providing care need not to vary in institutions.
  • The government has an important role to set up standard for the organizations. Hence, following the standards could be helpful to gain effectiveness of the system.
  • Effective use of social media could be useful to enhance communication in health care recruitment process.


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