Advantages Of Paperless Construction Project Management: A Case Study From Gilbane Building Organization


The industry of the construction is highly fragmented due to the  many phases and also stakeholders that are involved in the projects of the construction. This has actually led to the problems of the processing the information. One of the challenges that most of the managers of the companies have indicated is the difficulties in communicating very crucial information to the members of the team. The present management of the projects is normally isolated and is also connected to the various stages of the projects. This normally leads to the problem of reworking. The main cause of the problem of the reworking is as a result of the provided conflicting information. Also the information is never received at the required time of the day or the month. The concerned parties now end up making very irrelevant information or choices.

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The traditional project management manner has got the main weakness of the lack of the standard process. The projects have had their managements done as per the experience of the project managers that have been appointed specifically for the same task. It is important to note that each and every manager prefers to follow his/her experience that has been developed over a particular period of time. These practices normally results into the bigger variations in the practices of the management. This significantly impact on the ability of controlling the project information. This extends to the coordination as well.

The construction project management best practices require certain documents to be produced and have their contents updated regularly in the entire project. The major documents include the request for the information. This is commonly refer to as the RIFs.The request for the proposal that is commonly referred to as the RFP,the schedule,budget,estimates and finally the request for the quotation. The practitioners and developers of the software within the company of the construction have actually realized the achieved advantages by the use of the electronic communication alongside storage to assist in the project management. These practices have help in the achieving of the major goals. The declining price of the final computing and communication network has further fueled the growth of the same technologies. As building project become more complicated with the schedules that are considered too short the management practices becomes very relevant.

Generally, the sum total of what records have been imprinted on paper however  has been evolving. The present circumstance in the construction  industry is that a blend of various age strategies is utilized to oversee reports. A great deal of the archives today is still exchanged by printing them out and sending them to alternate groups via mail or dispatches.

Options of the Software

A marginally more refined technique is that records are both created carefully and exchanged carefully as email connections. This paces up the report exchange. However, regarding record of the executives this barely offers any enhancement over the present circumstance since finding a report in someone else’s PC might be significantly more challenging than on his/her shelves and draws Construction projects  executives requires successful joint effort and coordination among every one of the partners which is accepted to be significant for a fruitful task(Zhou, Istanbulluoglu and Vivoni 2013).

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The same number of experts are normally task to check and ensure that this is accomplished .In the event that the traditional processes or the activities  have not met the requirement, then a higher level administrators will be tasked on the same. The project requirements that are generated should be able to meet the stated requirements. As far as project group associations are topographically isolated and project group structures are ending up progressively perplexing, the utilization of electronic by the executives can give more powerful correspondence.

Finding a path for project developers, draftsmen, engineers, specialists, temporary workers, and subcontractors to impart, collaborate, and share data is the most ideal approach to reduce the characteristic dangers related with complex construction project. To speed thoughts to the real world,  project team require communitarian innovation that empowers everyone, allow for the access of any place, solid task data, and members need to pursue institutionalized forms that boost their proficiency and profitability. The following is a concise depiction of a portion of the product frameworks Gilbane Building Company chose to receive on their approach to paperless jobsite.

There has been development of the fully web-based management of the project applications that offer the modules connected to the administration activities of the construction. This development has been achieved by the Gilbane. The technology of iBuild offers very many modules although the RIFs, Daily Reports, submittals and the meeting Minutes are commonly applied on the job sites. Each and every module has a workflow that is associated with it and has been tailored to the process of the company.

The module is very much customizable. The data of the project can be communicated through one global, platform that is web-based. This allows the users of the website to view or see the reports on the activities, issues on the action item, the pertinent job information and date on just one screen. In the cases of the customizable dashboards, the users are able to see only the information that one is interested on seeing. The iBuild also gives the total transparency of the items to the entire project team and this basically implies that each and every individual can see the persons who are responsible for the taken action. The use of the iBuild has allowed the team members to provide most of their daily activities by the use of the electrical platforms. This has led to the jobsite efficiency and saving of the time.



The blue beam has become a widely used tool throughout the design and the construction industry. The construction managers, the architects, engineers band the contractors of the trade have been the main beneficiaries of the variety of the options that are offered to them. The provided functions are never limited to the PDFs marking up. The blue beam has also been used in the electrical management and also share of the documents of the contracts, share of the other documents that are related to the projects like the schedules, photos and the schedules. The other supported activities include the comparison of the drawings, the performance of the quantity take offs among other features.


BIM 360 refers to a cloud-based application of the mobile that is known to enhance the quality of the construction processes, the system tracking, commissioning, startups and the equipment status. This particular software has been common in the fields for the inspection, rolling completion lists, the punch lists, and documentation of the turnover among others. The use of this particular software assists in the elimination of the need of the paper on the jobsites. This assist in the improvement of the efficiency as well as the collaboration.

The main purpose of this particular paper work is to assist in provision of the presentation regarding the present project management software into the processes of the company. The impacts of enabling the paperless jobsite have been considered as well(Urken, and Schuck 2012). The company’s processes just before an after the stages of the implementations of the project management system of the software’s have been analyzed and presented as well in connection to iBuild Impact. Prior to the rolling out of the iBuild on the jobsites, the teams of the projects were actually using the window-based construction management applications to assist in the management of the routine activities of the construction administrations.

The most widely recognized applications that were utilized were submittals, RFI’s, day by day reports and meeting minutes. At that particular time, the product functioned admirably for the project team although it was exceptionally costly. Gilbane realized that they could save time and cash by finding an alternative option. They needed an answer that never again involved printing out various duplicates of submittals and at that point mailing them to the suitable reviewer(s). On the off chance that they could change these procedures to wind up electronic, they could save a considerable measure of time and money(Stansinoupolos, Smith, Hargroves and Desha 2013).

Blue Beam

Not exclusively was Gilbane searching for another arrangement. Owners and Architects were  considered as well. Through Gilman’s Client Fulfillment Program, negative input was obtained with respect to the current utilization of the development  within the management activities. Project developers and Architects were disclosing to Gilbane that the product was not synergistic, couldn’t be effortlessly custom-made to meet needs, and was costly because of restrictive programming permitting expenses. Accordingly, a full market investigation was led to audit all accessible processes of the management activities. Every item was deficient in usefulness and accessible highlights. Along these lines, the business chosen it was beneficial to make money related and time venture to make an apparatus that completely addresses the issues of the organization and its Clients. In 2008, Gilbane begun taking off iBuild on every single new venture. After six years iBuild has been taken off on all jobsites. The most widely recognized and the most incredible modules that are being utilized: submittal, RFI and day by day report modules. iBuild had the greatest effect on the submittal procedure.

With iBuild, subcontractors are in charge of transferring their very own records at that point sending them to Gilbane through the framework. Once the submittal is sent, a project team part consequently gets an email illuminating him/her that they have a movement (otherwise called “Work process”). At that time, the part will audit that specific thing, electronically stamp it with organization’s stamp, make any remarks on the archive if necessary, and after that send it to the suitable analyst, or commentators through iBuild as shown below(Tang and Bhamra 2012). When the analysts finish their audit, they will send it back to Gilbane, who will then send it back to the subcontractor through iBuild. This procedure is presently completely paperless and considerably more effective.

 Project team  never again squander days via mailing the reports starting with one group then onto the next. The RFI procedure is slightest affected by iBuild, as the steering in the past programming is like the directing in iBuild. In the two projects the subcontractor will compose a RFI in that specific program and afterward forward it along to Gilbane. Gilbane will then survey the RFI and forward it along to the proper reviewer(s). Once the reviewer(s) have addressed the RFI, at that point they will send it back to Gilbane. Now the steering between projects is a bit unique. With the past programming, the undertaking specialists would need to download a duplicate of the RFI and its connections to a nearby drive on their PCs. At that point they would need to send a duplicate of the addressed RFI to the subcontractor by means of email, and also printout of a particular number of duplicates to circulate to the subcontractor’s foreman, administrator, and different exchanges that may have been influenced. With iBuild, when Gilbane surveys the addressed RFI, they have the choice to forward the RFI through iBuild to the subcontractor, subcontractor’s foreman, administrator and whatever other exchanges that was influenced(Mitsch 2012). iBuild not just spares the Gilbane engineers time by appropriating the RFI consequently, however it likewise gets the reaction to every single influenced party speedier than the past programming did.


 Likewise iBuild bigly affected the manner in which every day reports were handled. Subcontractors can never again submit hand composed day by day reports; rather they have to sign into iBuild to round out a day by day report for every day. When they have filled out the report for that specific day, it is sent to the Gilbane director through iBuild for endorsement. Since this process is currently totally electronic, Gilbane sets up a portable stand on each activity which enables the foreman to get their dailies submitted (Figure 5). This procedure not just spares paper, it additionally wipes out the need to physically figure month to month labor reports with programmed reports that you can keep running whenever(Lockton,  Harrison and Stanton  2016).


Prior to the rolling out of the Bluebeam, the project teams used to spend considering amount of time in the management of the contract documents. On the actual project, there would be production of at least two sets of drawing and also the requirements of the specification. The Gilbane architects would have a duplicate, and the administrator would have a different duplicate, the two of which should have been kept up and refreshed to mirror the most breakthrough data. On most jobsites you would see that the engineers duplicate was state-of-the-art; however the administrator’s set were normally missing current data. Not just was this unsafe because of the way that they were possibly working off an old out dated illustrations, yet project team  were likewise copying their work(Seager, Selinger and Wiek 2012).

A group of Business Consultants around the nation contacted different jobsites to check whether they were doing anything diverse to make their jobsite more effective. They discovered that a few projects were utilizing Blue beam to deal with their contract documents and the procedure functioned admirably. The Business Consultants began investigating possibilities of Blue beam to ensure the framework was fit for meeting Gilbane’s approaches without evolving excessively, or go out on a limb. Following half a month of testing and moving Blue beam out on a couple littler occupations, Blue beam was the appropriate response. Gilbane chose to take off Blue beam as the new standard PDF device and promptly introduced the program on all representatives’ PCs.

Gilbane realized that not all activities would utilize the product to deal with their agreement illustrations immediately. They didn’t need this change to impact occupations that were at that point setup which implied that the rollout would take a few years to land all positions on management. The reason for taking off Blue beam to all clients promptly was so that they could at any rate exploit alternate highlights of Blue beam. The project could quickly benefit from the PDF increase, amount take-off and photograph the management instruments. Staff on every new activity beginning up were then prepared and guided on the most proficient method to deal with their contract illustrations through Bluebeam(McCormicket al 2014). It has been a year since Gilbane previously taken off Bluebeam and there are presently in excess of 100 employments dealing with their contract documents electronically and offering them to the whole project team.

One of the real battles Gilbane needed to confront was the manner by which to get all project team prepared rapidly on every one of the three programs. In addition to the fact that they had to stress over getting everybody prepared, they needed to attempt and change the attitude that a few people had in regards to the new program. Another reoccurring deterrent was getting clients to dispose of paper duplicates totally and depend on an electronic rendition. For the more established age, a major stress was the ticket to survey submittals, or illustrations on a PC. To a few people, exploring illustrations electronically is to a great extend  hard to become accustomed to. The last significant test Gilbane confronted was getting the subcontractors on board to utilize the programs. This was greatly troublesome, not just in light of the fact that the subcontractors ordinarily don’t have iPads, however some of them have challenges using the  PCs(Berger and Finkbeiner 2013).

With the end goal to moderate these difficulties, Gilbane set up together a group of six Project Consultants. One of their role was to assist all clients with the project programming frameworks. At the point when a project was simply beginning off, the Business advisor would prepare all groups and he/she was constantly accessible to answer questions. The Business Advisor would work intimately with anybody that solved and demonstrated to  all clients the snappiest and least demanding approach to utilize the frameworks. They likewise shared tips and traps on the best way to utilize the framework as adequately as possible. They would be determined  to wipe out any worries identified with auditing archives electronically. The Business Consultant likewise helped the jobsites get set up with the most helpful equipment. A normal jobsite would have a portable plan for the subcontractors to use, and in addition a substantial level screen TV, or a Mondopad in the trailer for simple survey of the illustrations.

A portion of the jobsites even had iPads that clients could look at and use in the field. With the assistance of the Business Specialists, Gilbane could moderate their greatest difficulties to make the rollout of these projects successful. Despite the fact that taking off iBuild, Bluebeam and BIM 360 Field has had its difficulties, there are numerous advantages that make it justified, despite all the challenges(Wächter 2012). Each program is one of a kind in its own specific manner, yet the one shared objective with all is to make a paperless jobsite. The real advantage that has been seen with iBuild is the capacity to share information in a flash between all partners. Project teams never again sit around idly mailing submittals forward and backward. With iBuild they can send things in a flash for quick survey. Likewise, with this framework all clients can see precisely who is taking care of an action and make sense of why it might be held up. This takes out any perplexity on the status of a specific record.

Taking off Bluebeam has permitted project team to take an extremely wasteful process and make it considerably more proficient. Empowering the process team to just post one arrangement of illustrations instead of various duplicates has huge time investment funds. Not just have the process team possessed the capacity to save time from posting, however they have possessed the capacity to save time and cash by decreasing the measure of rework that should be finished with one refreshed arrangement of illustrations that everybody can get to(Liao,  Mi, Pontrelli and Luo 2016). Another significant advantage of Bluebeam is the capacity for all clients to get information from the field on their iPad. Project team never again need to complete arrangements of illustrations to the field, or keep running once more into the trailer when they try not to have a report.


Innovation is always showing signs of change and applications that were the most exceptional at the time are effectively supplanted by something better and more inventive. As of now, each of the three task the executives programming frameworks have demonstrated that it is conceivable to go from a primarily paper based jobsite to an electronic jobsite. These projects have helped the project team to lower  cost, streamline correspondence and basic leadership which have expanded effectiveness, improved collaboration and decreases rework. In a limited ability to focus, development has happened in the assembly of jobsites. Gilbane has gone from paper-filled trailers to extensive screen applications, making paperless arrangement offices. Genuine versatility in the field has quickly developed from bolt box stands with a hard arrangement of illustrations on each floor to workstations on rolling trucks to tablets and iPads stacked with illustrations sets put away in the cloud. PDF and distributed storage have been joined together to make a practical route for the architect and the civil engineer to see project content and team up in manners that has never been seen before.

The compiled  information is incredible, and it makes the data more profitable to the unique constituents. By building more slender practices and permitting the project executive’s procedure to wind up more straightforward, a great deal of the waste that originates from data storehouses  can be dispensed with(Amadei 2014). A portion of the advantages accomplished couldn’t be evaluated like project developers fulfillment of the project management procedure and pulling in new organizations as an outcome. Designer’s future work will focus on operation cost/advantage investigation of the process, the executives programming frameworks utilized and attempt to evaluate the aggregate standards of the organization.


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