Advantages Of English As A Compulsory Subject In Schools Globally

GSBS6481 International Business Strategy

GSBS6481 International Business Strategy

The importance of a universal language


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Discuss about the Globalization and Internationalization Motivation.

The word “compulsory” or rather “global” has no authorized definition; however, it fundamentally refers to a language, which is learned and spoken internationally and is characterized not only by the number of its citizen, but also by its geological distribution and its utilization in international organizations and in political affairs. A universal language acts as a “lingua franca”, a familiar language enabling community from sundry backgrounds and ethnicities to correspond on an unbiased base (Algeo & Butcher, 2013). 

The following essay analyses the advantages of English as a compulsory subject in schools globally. The essay also encompasses the motivations that might be incorporated to make it a global or compulsory subject in all academic institutions worldwide. English is the third most extensive native language in the globe, subsequent to Standard Chinese and Spanish. It is the most extensively learned second language and is either the bureaucratic language or one of the bureaucratic languages in roughly 60 sovereign states. The opulence and profundity of English’s language sets it apart from other languages (Jenkins, 2013).

The essay concludes by highlighting the impact of English as a compulsory subject in the schools globally. The essay also highlights the glorious history of the language as well as its impact on the modern education and communication structure of the society.

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In order to succeed in a world where English is the main language of international interpersonal communication, it is necessary for an individual to master the subject. English at present is the only language that is used in every platforms of our social and communal life; be it in films, literatures, music, sports, business or environment. The language has become an inseparable part of human life and hence it is very important for all the individuals to learn the skills and phonology of the language (Braine, 2014). Therefore, all the academic institutions must take initiatives to make this language as a compulsory subject for their students for their future working life. Moreover, learning of English literature from the nursery rhymes to Shakespeare’s sonnets may inculcate a lifelong experience of joy in reading and endow an individual with a deeper perceptive of one individual’s self and others. The academic institutions must encourage their students in making them aware about the English texts in films and other art forms, which will inspire the students to develop their own artistic imagination and originality in these genres and media (Fallon & Rublik, 2012). Thus, English as a subject is a device that will help in gaining knowledge and personal insight.

Advantages of learning English

The subject is designed in a way that it is made a regular core subject for all the upper secondary educational programs. So, in the near future the subject will assist the pupils in choosing their future career programs as the scope of the subject is widely spread all over the world. The pupils must also be made aware of advantages of the language in the cultural understanding of the world and the focus must be made on the developing of the knowledge of English as world language. If the language is not learnt properly then, it limits the communication of an individual with the outside world and the person remains isolated from the rest of the world (Mojavezi & Tamiz, 2012).

English is a very important part of an individual’s daily communications in case of teaching of foreign students. Here comes the role of media. Media has played a major role in influencing people. In fact, globalization and progress in contemporary technology have improved the education procedure. Since globalization has made the globe smaller. The media connects to all modes of communication from internet, broadcasting, television, cassette, auditory and any supplementary sources that have the capacity to broadcast information (Bordwell & Carroll, 2012). Miscellany of media is nowadays used as a primary training aid, not only in the essentials of English within the National Curriculum, but as an indispensable necessity to meet up the challenges of the worldwide market (Haghverdi, & Ghasemi, 2013). Nobody can overlook the significance of this global language, which provides the foundation for endurance these years. English donates to sustainable universal improvement. It eases trade among nations that do not share a universal tongue. It is used as a tongue of convenience, facilitating conversation and constructing faith where an understanding of miscellaneous positions is vital – remarkably in international relations and conflict resolution, where defense forces and other uniformed services increasingly converse to each other in English (Maringe & Foskett, 2012).

The learning of English language can facilitate a child to develop the skill of bilingualism. Bilingualism is a skill that can be immense helpful to any individual for his future prospects. A child therefore must learn a language that will facilitate him to communicate with the rest of the world. Besides, learning a language other than the mother tongue makes an individual more skilled than the person who is a monolingual. A bilingual is also considered much wittier than persons with monolingual as bilingualism smooth the progress of the faculties in performing one or more tasks at a time and hence the brain is operating the two functions at a time.

The impact of English as a compulsory subject

The attitude or the behavior of the teachers, teaching at the school, is very important. Generally, in the countries, where English is not an official language but it is legalized as a compulsory language in school, students just learn it to get good marks at school. After the school hours and outside the premises of the school, students do not develop the urge to practice it among themselves or individually. Generally, the motivation factor in this scenario to learn English is to just get a satisfactory report card in English (Samson and Collins, 2015). This has to be changed and the change can only be possible when teachers become the positive role models in inculcating English. Teachers themselves must display positive attitude in learning English and encouraging the students to also learn English. The role of the teachers is very important in instigating the students to practice perfect English and continue doing so even after their school graduation. Therefore, in the countries where English is a compulsory subject at school but the motivation to learn it is low, schools must take the initiative to appoint dynamic, persuasive and responsible teachers to teach English at school (Wright, 2015).

The next important step is that English must be made a compulsory subject to pass in order to graduate from school. At present, in many countries, more often where English is a compulsory subject, getting the pass percentage is not so important. This is because other subjects are considered to be more important and easiest to secure the overall pass aggregate in school. As a result, English is ignored (Kibler, Valdés & Walqui, 2014). This has to be changed. English must be made a compulsory subject to pass in order to be promoted to the next class and become a high school graduate. This will certainly create a positive effect on the dismal condition of English in those countries. The students will be induced to learn and master English at the highest level because failing to graduate from school would certainly be a severe hamper to the progress of a student’s career graph. Therefore, in the countries, where English is a compulsory subject at school, but the motivation to learn it is low, the educational sector must adopt the initiative to make English a compulsory subject to pass in all the class exams and finally in the high school graduation exam (Braine, 2014).

English literature and its influence

The schools and the universities must have or develop the adequate infrastructure to teach and learn English. Many of the schools in those countries where English is a compulsory subject in school, but the motivation to learn it is low, have pathetic teaching materials and infrastructural facilities. At times, during school hours, the teachers cannot teach or make the students understand the subject English because of inadequate books and study materials. As a result, the gifted students who are interested and eager to learn English at the advanced level are denied the opportunity to do so (Shyamlee & Phil, 2012). Due to this, at a time, the eagerness and keenness of the students to learn English starts to diminish and then ultimately dies. To prevent this, the schools must have the provision of proper and sufficient poem books, journals, magazines, storybooks and other reading materials in their library. If such were done, then the students would automatically feel energized and enliven to learn and practice English. Therefore, in the countries, where, English is a compulsory subject at school, but the motivation to learn it is low, the government must make sure that the schools have adequate and good standard teaching materials in English (Hayati, Jalilifar & Mashhadi, 2013).

The next most important step is to publicize the importance and influence of English as a global language. At schools and at universities, the student population should be made to understand that English is the key to higher level of professional success. English is the primary foreign language, which is regularly practiced and spoken at schools, universities and offices alike in the world. It is widely understood that when a person is sufficiently proficient in English, then the path of his career progress will be smooth and guaranteed (Crystal, 2012). In addition to this, if a person wants to settle abroad to study or to work, then learning to speak perfect English is extremely important. The majority of the workplaces in the western countries of the world demand their employees to be conversant in English because English is also the global language of business. All over the world, the supremacy of English is paramount. Therefore, in the countries, where English is a compulsory subject, but the motivation to learn it is low, the government and the official authorities must make sure that English is artfully popularized among the student population and as well as among their parents. The students must understand that if they want to grow in life or bring a change to their lifestyle, by immigrating to other countries, then they must have the motivation to study it beyond the primary level (Pennycook, 2017).

The role of media

Therefore, from the above conclusion, it can be concluded that English is indeed a very important language to master for the students of any country in the world. English is the recognized global lingua franca of the world. All the sectors in the world including the sectors of educational, cultural, social, and industrial and the entertainment, English is pervasively spoken and understood. In many non Anglo-Saxon countries of the world, English has been officially recognized as a second or a third language. Due to this, the importance and influence of English has reached to the sky heights. No other language in the world, other than English exercises massive universal power, aristocracy and dominance. English is frequently seen as a class or status determiner in the Asian and the African countries. However, there are some countries in the world, where English is legalized as a foreign language and yet it is not perfectly spoken by the native population. Situations like this are extremely pitiful as it is waste of time, effort and money. To minimize this, necessary steps are required to be undertaken by the governments and the schools of those countries.


Algeo, J., & Butcher, C. A. (2013). The origins and development of the English language. Cengage Learning.

Bordwell, D., & Carroll, N. (Eds.). (2012). Post-theory: Reconstructing film studies. University of Wisconsin Pres.

Braine, G. (Ed.). (2014). Teaching English to the world: History, curriculum, and practice. Routledge.

Crystal, D. (2012). English as a global language. Cambridge university press.

Fallon, G., & Rublik, N. (2012). Second-Language Education Policy in Quebec: ESL Teachers’ Perceptions of the Effects of the Policy of English as a Compulsory Subject at the Early Primary Level. TESL Canada Journal, 29(2), 58.

Haghverdi, H. R., & Ghasemi, B. (2013). An Evaluation of American English File Series. Iranian Journal of Research in English Language Teaching, 1(2), 83-97.

Hayati, A., Jalilifar, A., & Mashhadi, A. (2013). Using Short Message Service (SMS) to teach English idioms to EFL students. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(1), 66-81.

Jenkins, J. (2013). English as a lingua franca in the international university: The politics of academic English language policy. Routledge.

Kibler, A., Valdés, G., & Walqui, A. (2014). What Does Standards?based Educational Reform Mean for English Language Learner Populations in Primary and Secondary Schools?. TESOL Quarterly, 48(3), 433-453.

Maringe, F., & Foskett, N. (Eds.). (2012). Globalization and internationalization in higher education: Theoretical, strategic and management perspectives. A&C Black.

Mojavezi, A., & Tamiz, M. P. (2012). The impact of teacher self-efficacy on the students’ motivation and achievement. Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2(3), 483.

Pennycook, A. (2017). The cultural politics of English as an international language. Taylor & Francis.

Samson, J. F., & Collins, B. A. (2012). Preparing All Teachers to Meet the Needs of English Language Learners: Applying Research to Policy and Practice for Teacher Effectiveness. Center for American Progress.

Shyamlee, S. D., & Phil, M. (2012). Use of technology in English language teaching and learning: An analysis. In International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture IPEDR (Vol. 33, pp. 150-156).

Wright, W. E. (2015). Foundations for teaching English language learners: Research, theory, policy, and practice. Caslon Incorporated.

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