Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Social Networks In Business: Reflection And Key Learnings



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Discuss about the Business Research for Using Social Networks in Business. 

I have prepared this reflection of the previous assignments which are based on Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Networks in Business. The motive behind writing this reflection is to analyze what I have learned from the execution of previous assignments of the research. I will discuss the key learning which I have gained from conducting this business research and contribution of the learning to the experience and future growth.

I have gained knowledge of the different aspects of the research topic with a motive to conduct the research within the time limit and attainment of the objectives of the research. I have analyzed different aspects related to the topic of the research for enhancing the knowledge and conducting the research in a successful way. I have identified that the importance of social network has increased due to the change in the methods used for the promotion of the products and interacting with the customers. With the use of social networks, gaps between the different countries have been reduced. The social network has acted as an opportunity which has enhanced the effectiveness of the marketing function of the business (Baltar & Brunet, 2012). I have set objectives and defined scope of the research program with a motive to define the aspects covered in this research. Objectives have been set for guiding the research program in the right direction and scope defines the aspects discussed in the program (Cho, et. al., 2007).

I have discussed different aspects related to the research program. I have accumulated data related to the concept of social network, pros, and cons of using the social network in business. From the information collected, it has been analyzed that social networks have helped in sharing data with the different individuals for the purpose of establishing a social relationship. Different social networking platforms are being used by the business for establishing a social relationship with the different stakeholders (Picazo-Vela, et. al., 2012). Different views have been shared by the different authors for the social networks. I have discussed different advantages and disadvantages related to the use of social network in business. These advantages and disadvantages form a base for the decision of the business related to the use of social network in business (Jenkins, 2009).

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One of the most important benefits of a social network is the promotion of the products or services offered by the business. Another advantage of the social network discussed in the research is developing a loyal customer base. Promoting the business all around the globe is another advantage of the social network. Brand voice can be communicated to the customers and potential customers of the business. Business can regularly update the customers regarding the offers or discounts offered by the business. Competitive advantage can be gained with the help of the social network. The popularity of the social networks has increased due to these benefits associated with its use in business (Verbeke, et. al., 2014). Other advantages of using the social network are enhancing the image of the brand, gaining insight of the preference of customers, better search ranking, enhancing website traffic, availability of new business opportunities and enhancing services offered to customers. On the other hand, there are few disadvantages of using the social network in business. These disadvantages include negative feedbacks for the business, increase in threat to the security of business, a threat to the confidentiality of business, hidden cost, time-consuming and increase in efforts required (Yu, et. al., 2013).

Key Learnings

This research program which I have conducted for the attainment of the aim of the course has contributed towards my knowledge and skills. It has enhanced the learning process which has contributed towards the experience. I will use the experience gained for dealing with various issues faced in the future. This learning process is of great importance for my experience as the knowledge developed will be used for performing the activities in a better manner. I believe that learning process forms a base for the effective experience which will contribute towards my career. This experience gained from the execution the research has formed a base for conducting future activities or programs in an appropriate manner (Tsingos-Lucas, et. al., 2017).

I have conducted this research by forming an action plan. This action plan has acted as a guide which has helped in directing the execution process of the research towards the attainment of the objectives of the program. This learning process has helped in the completion of the course successfully by ensuring that the expected outcome of the course is achieved. The objective of the program was to complete the research properly for meeting the objectives of the course. This learning process will help in meeting the objectives of the future career in a better manner. As a professional, I will have to perform different research activities for collecting data related to the topic. This knowledge which has been developed from the execution of this program will help in conducting those research activities in a suitable and appropriate manner (Chen, et. al., 2013).

I have formulated a plan which has worked as an outline for identifying the activities of the research. I have formulated this outline for ensuring that the different activities are performed within the specified time limit. During this learning process, I have ensured that research is being performed properly. I have analyzed numerous methods which help in the accumulation of quality data. Quality of the research is an important aspect as this ensures data presented is relevant and authentic. Different methods or approaches have been put to use for the accumulation of the relevant data for the research (Tsingos-Lucas, et. al., 2017).

This business research has outlined a base for the future career. I have performed the different activities of the research in an ethical manner for performing the research in right and ethical way. This business research has contributed towards the learning process which has ensured that the outcomes are achieved. I will be able to perform the future research activities in a better manner on the basis of this research program. For conducting a business research, knowledge of the manner in which a research is conducted is essential. Research learning process will be used for meeting the objectives of the future career (Naber & Wyatt, 2014).

Pros and Cons of Social Networks in Business

Assignment one of this research program has discussed the data related to the research topic. The discussion has been made about the concept of social network, use of social network in business, advantages, and disadvantages of using the social network in business. This is done with a motive to enhance the knowledge of the topic of the research. In the assignment two of the research program, the discussion has been made regarding the different methods applied for gathering the relevant data. Both these assignments have ensured the success of the research program (Chen, et. al., 2013).

I will ensure that the knowledge gained is applied for conducting future research programs properly for achieving the objectives. Every research program is conducted by a researcher with a motive to accumulate the data with the use of various methods or approaches for presenting the different aspects of the research topic. I will use the knowledge enhanced with this research for engaging in the research programs in future in an effective and better manner. Learning process of this research has ensured that the experience is used to dealing with the issues faced while executing future researches (Dalley-Hewer, et. al., 2015).

Thus, from the above discussion, it can be summarised that this business research program has contributed towards the development of my knowledge and skills. This learning process has enhanced my experience which will be used for performing the future roles and responsibilities in a better manner. I have developed knowledge of pros and cons of using social networks in the business. 


Baltar, F. & Brunet, I., 2012, “Social research 2.0: virtual snowball sampling method using Facebook.”, Internet Research, 22(1), pp.57-74.

Chen, C.-H., Chung, M.-Y. & Wu, W.-chi, 2013, “The Effects of Faded Prompts and Feedback on College Students’ Reflective Writing Skills”, The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(4), pp.571–583.

Cho, H., Gay, G., Davidson, B. & Ingraffea, A., 2007, “Social networks, communication styles, and learning performance in a CSCL community”, Computers & Education, 49(2), pp.309-329.

Dalley-Hewer, J., Opie, J. & Knowles, N., 2015, “A creative alternative to reflective writing: promoting skills of reflection through walking a labyrinth”, Physiotherapy, 101, pp.e766–e767.

Jenkins, H., 2009, “A ‘business opportunity’model of corporate social responsibility for small?and medium?sized enterprises”, Business ethics: A European review, 18(1), pp.21-36.

Naber, C. & Wyatt, T. H., 2014, “The effect of reflective writing interventions on the critical thinking skills and dispositions of baccalaureate nursing students”, Nurse Education Today, 34(1), pp.67–72.

Picazo-Vela, S., Gutiérrez-Martínez, I. & Luna-Reyes, L. F., 2012, “Understanding risks, benefits, and strategic alternatives of social media applications in the public sector”, Government information quarterly, 29(4), pp.504-511.

Tsingos-Lucas, C., Cherie, Anticevich, B., Sinthia, Schneider, C. R., Smith, L., 2017, “Using reflective writing as a predictor of academic success in different assessment formats”, American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 81(1), pp.1–8.

Verbeke, W., Martens, D. & Baesens, B., 2014, “Social network analysis for customer churn prediction”, Applied Soft Computing, 14, pp.431-446.

Yu, Y., Duan, W. & Cao, Q., 2013, “The impact of social and conventional media on firm equity value: A sentiment analysis approach”, Decision Support Systems, 55(4), pp.919-926.

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