Advancement In Quantum Computing: Implications For Future Generations

301004 Research Preparation in Post Graduate Studies

Advancements in Quantum Computing

The field of quantum computing was started back in the 1980s. A 2-qubit quantum computer was later built in 1997 and in 2011, a five-qubit quantum computer was developed that successfully factored number fifteen. This report will explore on these advancements in quantum computing and its implications in the future generations. Major improvements have taken place in quantum computing, and currently, the largest quantum computer has few dozen qubits (Aaronson, 2013). In 2006, researchers developed new operational standards for controlling 12 qubit quantum system. The same year also saw researcher from the University of Akrnas develop molecules of quantum dot pairs which brought about a significant impact on quantum computers more so with the creation of more particles (Aspuru, Lindh & Reiher, 2018). The first Deutsch algorithm was applied in the cluster state quantum computer in 2007. Later that year, D-wave company contended to have developed the first ever working 28 –qubit quantum computers.

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Picture: An electron statistically Confined Quantum Dot

Source: Ladd, et al (2010)

The first quantum computer available for sale was in 2011 and was an innovation of D-Wave company. According to Hirvensalo (2013), the year 2011 was when Von Neumann first advanced the quantum computer. This quantum computer had a CPU commonly known as the central processing unit, a memory for storage and data processing. In addition, when comparing the speed of quantum computers and that of most expensive classical computers, the quantum computer had the capabilities to run at an optimization algorithm 3600 faster compared to the other high-end computers (Hanzo et al., 2012). D-wave announced their new 1152 qubit D-wave 2X quantum computer in 2015. The same year saw more advancements than ever before whereby 1152 qubits D-wave advanced to 2000Q which consisted of 2048 qubits. In every two years, the company focused on doubling the number of qubits (Hanzo et al., 2012).  The United States and Russia are among the countries that are investing a lot in quantum computing.

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Most people would ask, what is better than a classical computer? The answer to that question would be, a computer that is one million times faster than the computer you are currently using. That is the potential that quantum computers will bring to the table if we manage to get there. A lot of things could be achieved with all this computing power. The quantum computing is going to kick-start an era of computing prowess in the coming future which has the power to make everything else absolute. The field is very sophisticated, but we have brilliant people who are working on it. This paper will thus research on the advancements in quantum computing and investigate the implications that quantum computers will bring in the future generations. The exact work of quantum computer is however too technical and is in interacted in physical and mathematical algorithms and computer science (Aaronson, 2013). However, the main focus of this report is how quantum computing would make out lives easier and convenient before all.

The Aim of the Study

The two objectives of the research are to find out the advancement’s made in quantum computing and its implications that it will have in future generations.

1)   What is the turnaround time when using classical computers?

2)   How will the high data storage and processing speed in quantum computers help transform people`s lives?

Quantum computing is an emerging field and the realization accomplishment of quantum computing will have an enormous impact on the future generation. This dream is about to come to pass considering the developments made and are ongoing in the same field. However, for quantum computing to be a success and ensure that it brings more positives than negatives, it would need openness and accessibility. The primary challenge is on interaction with the environment that is facing the actualization of quantum computers (Chen et al., 2016). The occurrence has been identified as decoherence. However, this research project has shown that in near future, the dream of quantum computing will be actualized and will impact the lives of people.

This research report will offer insightful information regarding advancements made in quantum computers since its inception, provide useful information on the companies involved in making advances in quantum computers and provide extensive knowledge on the implication of quantum computers to in future generations.

Qualitative method is used to collect data. Scholarly articles, books, and journals on quantum computing have been used to derive the information on the advancements in quantum computers and derive the ongoing projects to gain insightful information on how the future generation will be impacted.  

Every process in a computer makes some I/O requests, for instance to reading and writing data, making inputs and producing an outcome. The computer then executes more instruction then waits again on the I/O. These periods of computation in the I/O requests known as the CPU burst (Singh, Goyal & Batra, 2010). When the data and the computation process are intensive, it means that more time on I/O spent in the classical computers. That explains why much time spent on processing the data on classical computers. Consider a classical computer with a 2.4 GHz processor; it prosecutes about 2400 million instructions per second. In addition, quantum computers can run twenty-four million instructions in ten seconds (Singh, Goyal & Batra, 2010). One of the big improvements made in computers is increasing the overall system throughput, keep several programs running in the memory and switch the processors to run another process while waiting on the I/O process operation.

Quantum computers are proposed to have a high speed and large-scale processor with reduced operation function needed to execute the quantum algorithm. The classical computers use processes scheduler responsible for deciding whether the current running process will continue running and if not, decide on the next process. Turnaround time explain the time in which you type the command and the time it terminates. On the other hand, response time is the start time explains the time a task is executed to run and the time it actually runs on the CPU. Completion time is the time that the process comes to an end.  First Come First Serve approach is mostly used in the scheduling process in classical computers (Fujishima et al., 2003). This means that the new process goes to the end of que. The schedule begins the process that is ahead of the Que. Round robin scheduling is another version of the First Come Scheduling and uses the first Come First Serve approach only that it is allowed to run within a limited time. An interesting issue with the Round Robin scheme is that it is the length of the quantum. This means that setting the quantum too long causes context switches and lower the CPU efficiency while setting the quantum too long will cause poor response time and the first come first served.

Objectives of the Study

Table 1

Source: An optimized round-robin scheduling algorithm for CPU (Singh, Goyal & Batra, 2010)

Calculating the turnaround time using the round Robin Scheduling Algorithm along with switching

Interpretation: With Switching


Using Table 1

Derive waiting time and waiting time using the Round Robin scheduling algorithm Without Switching

Gantt table

Turn around

Turn around time =burst time b waiting time




Average turn around


12 minutes.

Considering a situation where 2n  bases bits exist in a quantum computer with n qubits. each base produces a complex series of base numbers and resulting in unitary transformations to the vector bases. A statistical analysis derived from (Fujishima et al, 2003) explains that 2n processing elements (PE) are needed for quantum operations. Quantum algorithms consoles of distribution of amplitude, where a PE can consist

of logic circuits. A number of the PE gates in a logic quantum processor is executed using the 8 bits fixed points. Further, in a control command, bits 0 and 1 can be used as control qubit. The Logic processor has the capability to increase the speed for the operations and processing in quantum computers and expresses probability amplitude by 1 bit. The qubits can perform trillions of calculations in a second thus giving them capabilities to solve problems in a day that the classical computers could take to solve in years (Fujishima et al, 2003). The superposition of zero and one in qubits makes it have two different teases at the same time. The building block of the quotum computers gives it the capacity to very processing speeds unlike in the classical computers.

The finding shows how quantum computers are more powerful than traditional computers. While the traditional computer relies on the binary digits or bits, the quantum computer uses qubits which do a lot more. As a result, Quantum computer can be able to store and process a huge amount of data. High-speed processing power in quantum computers will bring a revolution to quantum communication, as it will allow encrypted communication between two parties. A study by Williams explains that quantum computing will bring revolution to quantum communication, which will be safe, as the information will be shared in an infinite state (2010).  A study by Rieffel and Polak adds that, in quantum communication, if someone else eavesdrop, both parties will know about it instantly (2011). This means that the everyday use will be useful primarily to the military applications to space communication. Information will genuinely be secured especially one that was containing confidential information, which people could misuse.

Quantum computing will lead to the development of highly secured systems that are untouchable by the outside forces. Research by (Ladd et al., 2010) explains that quantum cryptography will be developed which will be used from the day to day activities and social media sites to back databases.  Current encryption used is good, but it can be cracked. However, as seconded by Singh, quantum computing will provide an encrypting method that is so robust and impossible to crack it (2008). The main reason is the qubit which is an infinite state and very hard to discern information contained in a system and gain access.

Research Questions

Quantum computing will enable safer testing for airplanes. According to  (Kooemey et al., 2011), airplanes go through vigorous and intensive testing before being commercialized. Currently, the traditional computers in use have limited the complexity of simulations that can be performed and the variables that can be used. Kassal et al. (2011) add that quantum computer are much safer and as a result, much more intensive testing can be carried out resulting in safer airplanes.

Quantum computer will facilitate an accurate weather forecast. A study by  (Kassal et al., 2011 ) explains that classical computer has no near chance of doing that but with quantum computers and with it a hundred million speed faster than the classical composers, the future generation could be able to achieve that. Jordan, Lee, and Preskill (2012)  add that even though quantum computers would not be able to know the position of every particle in the atmosphere, but it would most certainly when weather forecasting skills and ensuring a high degree of accuracy.  A result lives, and properties will be saved by predicting tsunamis, tornadoes among other calamities in advance and making proper preparations.

Artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, and advancements in the medical field are also areas that quantum computing is likely to affect enormously. Research by Brif, Chakrabarti, and Rabitz (2010) explains that in the future almost all vehicles will be driverless, will be interconnected and real-time data will be available to everyone. This is where quantum computers will shine as large number of information is needed that not even supercomputers wouldn`t be able to handle. Quantum computers will be in a position to successfully process a massive amount of data, which will lead to efficient, and effective smooth and safe system interconnected to the driverless car system. Artificial intelligence is another area that would benefit from quantum computing which will be capable to making autonomous decisions and applying logic. This, however, requires a tremendous amount of information processing that only quantum computers would be able to provide. Brief, et al explain that researchers can use the sophisticated computer models used in quantum computing to learn how different diseases such as Cancer, Aids develop and use this information to find the cure to these diseases. Moreover, quantum computers will be able to come up with relevant answers based on the symptoms shown by the patient and make the right diagnostics. More drugs are also likely to be developed using all that computing power.

Other opportunities for quantum computing applications by industry is the financial services for risk optimization and fraud detection and smooth process of procurement, production, and distribution in manufacturing supply chain (Aaronson, 2013). The media industry will also use quantum computing for advertising scheduling and ad revenue maximization while in health care drug discovery as earlier mentioned and proteins folding will use quantum computing.

Essential projects in quantum computing are being done by Google`s D-Wave 2x, in conjunction with NASA to develop commercial quantum computers. Moreover, IBM’s five qubits quantum computer where the general public can access IBM projects via cloud has been made possible (Ladd et al., 2010). Microsft is another large tech company is also involved with the quantum computing projects for the future.


Quantum computing is becoming popular in information science. In the future generations, quantum computers and technology will be significant terms in the global information technology. Quantum computing will be able to solve complex problems due to its high data processing capabilities in areas such as social media, medicine, financial institutions, artificial intelligence, self-driving vehicles, secure communication among others as analyzed in the report.  The journey towards quantum computing is on, and just like a river, these advancements in technology are unstoppable and irreversible.






























Read Literature

Create objectives

Draft literature review

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Aaronson, S. (2013). Quantum computing since Democritus. Cambridge University Press.

Aspuru-Guzik, A., Lindh, R., & Reiher, M. (2018). The Matter Simulation (R) evolution. ACS central science, 4(2), 144-152.

Brif, C., Chakrabarti, R., & Rabitz, H. (2010). Control of quantum phenomena: past, present,  and future. New Journal of Physics, 12(7), 075008.

Chen, L., Chen, L., Jordan, S., Liu, Y. K., Moody, D., Peralta, R., & Smith-Tone, D. (2016). Report on post-quantum cryptography. US Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Fujishima, M., Saito, K., Onouchi, M., & Hoh, H. (2003, May). High-speed processor for quantum-computing emulation and its applications. In Circuits and Systems, 2003. ISCAS’03. Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on (Vol. 4, pp. IV-IV). IEEE.

Hanzo, L., Haas, H., Imre, S., O’Brien, D., Rupp, M., & Gyongyosi, L. (2012). Wireless myths, realities, and futures: from 3G/4G to optical and quantum wireless. Proceedings of the IEEE, 100(Special Centennial Issue), 1853-1888.

Hirvensalo, M. (2013). Quantum computing. In Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions (pp. 1922-1926). Springer, Dordrecht.

Jordan, S. P., Lee, K. S., & Preskill, J. (2012). Quantum algorithms for quantum field theories. Science, 336(6085), 1130-1133.

Kassal, I., Whitfield, J. D., Perdomo-Ortiz, A., Yung, M. H., & Aspuru-Guzik, A. (2011). Simulating chemistry using quantum computers. Annual review of physical chemistry, 62, 185-207.

Koomey, J., Berard, S., Sanchez, M., & Wong, H. (2011). Implications of historical trends in the electrical efficiency of computing. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 33(3), 46-54.

Ladd, T. D., Jelezko, F., Laflamme, R., Nakamura, Y., Monroe, C., & O’Brien, J. L. (2010). Quantum computers. Nature, 464(7285), 45.

Rieffel, E. G., & Polak, W. H. (2011). Quantum computing: A gentle introduction. MIT Press.

Singh, A., Goyal, P., & Batra, S. (2010). An optimized round robin scheduling algorithm for CPU scheduling. International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering, 2(07), 2383-2385.

Singh, C. (2008). Interactive learning tutorials on quantum mechanics. American Journal of Physics, 76(4), 400-405.

Williams, C. P. (2010). Explorations in quantum computing. Springer Science & Business Media.

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