ADMN1206 Management Skills And Secondary Research Methods
In this study, Lines (2004) aimed to validate the correlation between participation of employees in decision making as a central component of strategic change with organizational achievement, commitment and change resistance. The author conducted the study due to limited empirical data on how the participation of employees in the strategic change process impacted on the decision quality, goal achievement, and change resistance during strategic change implementation. The author notes that it has been assumed employee participation positively impacted on the decision quality and success in strategic change implementation and alleviated change resistance. Bearing these assumptions in mind, the author hypothesized that employee participation in strategic change processes significantly correlated with organizational commitment, change goal achievement, and change resistance.
The author tested the hypothesis using respondents from the national telecommunication service company. The study involved 241 respondents (employees) out of 250 who were expected to take part in the study. The company had enjoyed long-standing monopoly; however, with the 1998 deregulation of the European telecommunication industry, strategic reorientation was inevitable for the company. The changes were perceived to consequently impact on the employee response to change, commitment and performance. Self-administrative questionnaires were used to collect data.
The study findings elucidated a strong correlation between employee participation in strategic change with organizational commitment, goal achievement and negative relationship which change resistance. The author concluded that the success of strategic change is dependent on the compatibility of the change with organizational culture and the personal expectations of the workforce.
I found Grew et al. (1995), Pasmore and Fagans (1992) and Armenakis (1993) as the most influential articles in Lines’ reference list. First, all the references are more relevant based on time; all were conducted within a 10-year range with the Lines study and all involved at least two of Lines’ research variables.
Lines, R. (2004). Influence of participation in strategic change: resistance, organizational commitment and change goal achievement. Journal of change management, 4(3), 193-215.