Addressing Australian Homeless People’s Healthcare Needs Through Vaccination

The Importance of Vaccination in Addressing Homeless People’s Healthcare Challenges

Australian homeless people endure various challenges in the process of accessing healthcare services. As a result, they are exposed to various diseases and infections due to the lack of essential healthcare services such as immunization which is useful in protecting people from harmful diseases before infection. The inability to access vaccination amongst the Australian Homeless people is directly associated with the inadequate distribution of resources as well as discrimination based on various aspects.

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In Australia, the government through the department of health is responsible for funding vaccination. The process is taken seriously since it is regarded as a safe, simple and effective mechanism of protecting people against harmful diseases before they come into contact with. The government is keen to finance the health department to ensure that it successfully implements its plans through the drafting of strategic budget addressing the involved aspects (Crawford et al., 2016, p.2663). The department of health directs a significant sum of funds to the immunization process as it targets all children nationally. The national schedule of immunization as drafted by the department of health targets children of 1-2-5- years old. Apart from the local government the Australian department of health also receives funds regularly from the Commonwealth (Ibraheem 2016, p.54). The Commonwealth is also involved directly in the provision of immunizations to the children though not regularly.

The private sector also contributes financially to supporting vaccination processes in Australia. The Medicare has been a significant financier of vaccinations in Australia as well as the private health insurance. The PBS, user-pays, and people of good will also support Australian immunization financially. Such parties usually make contributions whenever the health department is conducting immunization process (Claudio 2014, p.118). The support they offer is meant to ensure that vaccination reaches all children irrespective of the geographical location, gender, and race. The funding also aims at providing that children are not discriminated in the immunization process and ensuring that children are protecting from preventable diseases and therefore enhancing their health.

Part 1


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Part 2

The process of providing immunization to the homeless people requires various officers executing their professional duties adequately. It consists of typical roles, domain related requiring a full range of skills and out-of-box functions which need generic skills.

Immunization practitioners are individuals who are trained to offer vaccines to children. Such people are experts and are usually keen to ensure that children receive vaccines at the respective time intervals. The quandary facing the Australian homeless people is lack of appropriate vaccination a process which is exposing them to various health problems (Claudio 2014, p.118). Immunization practitioner should ensure that all the immunization process is practiced professionally. All children irrespective of their race, gender and social status of their parents should receive vaccines accordingly. The immunization practitioners should exercise their duties accordingly while insisting on fairness. This will ensure that all children can access vaccines, the homeless being included.

Government Funding for Vaccination

Immunization technical officers have the professional duties of ensuring that diseases are prevented before they occur. This is conducted through the administration of vaccines to children at specific time intervals. In the process of ensuring that the homeless people receive vaccines at the specified intervals, the immunization technical officers have to provide the vaccines reach all children irrespective of their geographical local, gender and age (Rasheed et al., 2014, p.62). Immunization professional officers are adequately trained to ensure that vaccination is implemented ethically. The Australian homeless people have been discriminated in the process of administering immune due to the allocation of duties to incompetent officers who have no morals (Claudio 2014, p.118). Such individuals end up administering vaccines based on discriminatory boundaries a factor which has been exposing the homeless people to various diseases. The immunization technical officer will come up with a strategic plan of giving vaccines and formulate appropriate strategies to ensure that the immunization reaches all children in the entire state.

Politicians are individuals who are experienced in leading and governing people. They actively participate in matters about the general public. Healthcare is a sensitive sector which the government should keenly address. Although politics and government are considered to have different roles, it should be noted that politicians from the government (Claudio 2014, p.118). The main reason as to why homeless people fail to receive vaccination regularly and adequately is because of discrimination. Australia is amongst countries which perception was at an alarming rate especially during the aboriginal era. It is evident that very little has been done in eliminating discrimination in the society. Politicians have the role of ensuring that homeless people are not discriminated during immunization. The children should be immunized similarly to people with homes. This will ensure that homeless people prevent themselves against various infections.



Immunization Practitioner

Fundamentals of vaccinology





Immunization Technical Officer

Experience of monitoring, evaluation and statistical analysis

Data management




Immunization campaigns



Promoting equality


The administration of vaccines might be affected by the shortage of immunization technical officer. These are individuals who are responsible for conducting studies to identify the most appropriate vaccines in response to particular infections (Rasheed et al., 2014, p.62). This is because the pathogens are constantly changing indicating that regular improvements need to be done vaccines. Highly qualified immunization technical officers are required in the process of providing adequate solutions to the preventable infections and ensuring that all people are reached. I want to work in giving immunization for the homeless people. The field suits my profession, and therefore the service is a good fit for me. I would practice several skills such as integrity, teamwork, and honesty. Through such practices, I will ensure that immunization is administered fairly and without discrimination.

Private Sector Support for Vaccination

In the process of ensuring that immunization is administered fairly and without any potential discrimination, various parties have to be involved. It should be noted that the Australian government is usually keen on ensuring that adequate funds are accorded to the health department so that duties are executed accordingly (National Vaccine Advisory Committee 2014, p.116). Allocation of responsibilities to incompetent individuals leads to unfair administration of vaccination. As a result, homeless people are not in a position of accessing vaccines subsequently. Various parties should act as watchdogs in ensuring that immunization is practiced in a fair manner. This can be achieved through referrals through in or out and supporting clients to access vaccination. It is also recommended that immunization is provided together with other services or parts of the healthcare system.

Support partners and programs such as schools, sports clubs, and neighborhood houses should be involved in the process. Such program plays an essential role in enlightening the public on their rights. The Australian government has outlined freedom to healthcare as a right to all citizens. This indicates that all Australians irrespective of their color, social class, gender, and age should access immunization. Through the health service models, the involved officers are enlightened on the ethics which they should observe in their professional duties (Markowitz et al., 2014, p.16). This includes the ethics and the competencies. Teamwork between the parties is also essential as it becomes easy to solve problems which arise. Through the incorporation of other parties in the Australian healthcare sector malpractices will be curbed and the involved professionals will execute their duties accordingly. All the Australian children will freely access immunization including those from homeless people. This will help in reducing, disease infections which could be prevented through vaccination at a young age. The government will save a lot of cost through the process and direct it towards initializing development products towards continuously enhancing the well-being of the Australians.


The homeless Australians are exposed to discrimination when it comes to access to healthcare services. Immunization is amongst healthcare service which the homeless people cannot access freely. This is because the involved parties are incompetent and unskilled in their professional duties. The individuals do not also observe professional ethics as they attend to their responsibilities. Despite the government funding the immunization process, the homeless find it challenging to access the service. As a result, they are exposed to various infections which threaten their health. The parties involved in the immunization process should ensure that they execute their duties professionally. They should possess essential skills such as integrity, honesty, teamwork, and competency. Health care service models and systems should act as a watchdog in ensuring that immunization is implemented in a free and fair manner.


Claudio, F., 2014. The ambiguous migrant. A profile of African refugee resettlement and personal experiences in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Diversité urbaine, 14(1), pp.117-136.

Crawford, N.W., Hodgson, K., Gold, M., Buttery, J., Wood, N. and AEFI-CAN network, 2016. Adverse events following HPV immunization in Australia: Establishment of a clinical network. Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics, 12(10), pp.2662-2665.

Ibraheem, N.M., 2016. Assessment of immunization, educational, nutritional states among homeless children in Tikrit city. Medical Journal of Tikrit, 21(1), pp.52-66.

Markowitz, L.E., Dunne, E.F., Saraiya, M., Chesson, H.W., Curtis, C.R., Gee, J., Bocchini Jr, J.A. and Unger, E.R., 2014. Human papillomavirus vaccination: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Recommendations and Reports, 63(5), pp.1-30.

National Vaccine Advisory Committee, 2014. Recommendations from the National Vaccine Advisory Committee: standards for adult immunization practice. Public Health Reports, 129(2), pp.115-123.

Rasheed, M., Akram, U., Asif, N., Ahmed, K., Zafar, S. and Mumtaz, S., 2014. Expanded Programme of immunization (EPI) Status among Children of Factory Workers. JIsb Med Dental Coll, 2, pp.62-6.

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