Addiction Studies For Psychoactive Drugs: Understanding The Risks Of Alcohol Consumption

Psychoactive drugs

Describe about the Addiction Studies for Psychoactive Drugs.

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Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that is misused for drug addiction.

Psychoactive drugs are the drugs or chemical substances that principally act on central nervous system altering the functioning of the brain. They can be classified as stimulants and anti-depressants. It results in short-term modifications in interpretation ability, temperament, and awareness and brings certain changes in behavioral pattern. These drug substances can be used for altering consciousness, spiritual purposes and as medicines in neurological and psychological disorders (Gelenberg,  Bassuk & Schoonover, 2013).

Alcohols are categorized as psychoactive drugs. These drugs slow down the activities of brain in terms of perception ability and judgment.

The psychoactive drugs in general, use of alcohols as psychoactive drugs, the potential benefits and harms associated with alcohols are outlined.

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Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in Australia. The statistics say that 86.2% of the young Australians of age 12 years or above have tried the alcohols as drug in one or more times in their lives (, 2016). About 2.5 million people get injured and die annually due to alcohol related incidents. 4% people die due to alcohol related injuries. About 6.2% male die compared to 1.1% female due to alcohol consumption. 320000 people in age group of 15-29 years die due to alcohol related causes (World Health Organization. Violence, Injury Prevention, & World Health Organization, 2013).

Alcohols are classified as anti-depressant psychoactive drugs that slow down the activities and functioning of brain that results in impairment of the comprehensibility, perception and alters the consciousness status in individuals. The underlying pathophysiology involved with the alcohol action in the nervous system is that the activities of GABA transmitters increase in the areas like cerebral cortex, cerebellum and other associated areas involved in the brain functioning. The compulsive drinking pattern has been found to be due to the action of alcohol in the basal ganglion region and at the frontal lobe. The effects of alcohol varies among individuals depending on the metabolism rate, body eight, tolerance level and the amount of alcohol consumed (Wood & Dargan, 2012).

Short-term risk

Physical risk

Consumption of one standard drink by women and one to two standard drinks by men is considered good for the heart and helps in prevention of heart related diseases. However, heavy drinking habit does not impart any good effect rather it increases the risk of developing serious cardiovascular disorders. Alcohol use is related to certain short-term health risk that may affect the physiology of the individuals who are involved with consumption of the substance. Most of the adults are not likely to experience detrimental impact after consumption of one or few servings of alcohol. A serving equals to a glass of wine amounting to four ounce, it may imply twelve once of beer or in case of distilled spirit it refers to 1.5 ounce of the substance. The consumption of alcohol above the mentioned level and even at the levels mentioned might cause serious health issues. The extent of the effect also depends on the physical state of the people like the body weight and whether the substance is being consumed on an empty stomach. The effects of alcohol consumption may lead to poor concentration level, impairment in the coordination of body, and slowing down of brain resulting in inhibition of the proper brain functioning. The short-term effects also include stammering or other speech problems and dizziness (Morgan et al., 2013).

Alcohol as a psychoactive drug

Psychological risk

The individual may suffer from dementia, other psychiatric disorders and may lead to cardiac ailments. However, the short-term effect of alcohol shows prominence when the dose exceeds the prescribed level of safety. changes in emotional status, disturbance in sleep and dropping of of the body temperature (Sobell, Sobell & Ward, 2013).

Long-term risk

Physical risk

Consumption of ethanol contributes to a risk factor in people having drinking habits. The long-term effect of alcohol or more precisely, ethanol consumption may lead to serious cardiovascular and liver disorders. Consumption of alcohol within the safe level is considered beneficial to the patients suffering from heart diseases imparting cardio protective effect. According to the statistics, 1 % of people suffering from chronic heart diseases in the age group of 50-59 years. It is found to be 50% in the age group of 80-89. One out of five people are suffering from lifetime cardiac failure. 2% of the people getting died after admission to the hospitals (Iyngkaran & Thomas, 2015). It has been found that out of ten people one individual is suffering from chronic liver disease like cirrhosis. The current trend is considered to be existing for the coming 10 years (Zakhari, 2015). Above the safety level of alcohol consumption or because of drug abuse, it may result in chronic health ailments. The effects of alcohol consumption above the prescribed limit lead to severe health problems. They include alcoholism, malnutrition, and ailments of pancreas, liver disorders and cancer. Besides the stated disorders, chronic abuse of alcoholic substances may cause serious damage to the central nervous system. The substance has the capability to damage all the organs of the body leading to failure of the entire system. The women consuming alcohol during pregnancy may cause harm to the unborn baby. The long-term use of the drug by pregnant women can cause fatalities in the fetal body. It may lead to fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (Pennay & Lubman, 2012).

Psychological risk

The young people, specifically those who are in the adolescence period are found more vulnerable to the drug abuse. The toxic effect of the drug is extremely harmful for the individuals in the adolescent period. The adolescent brain is highly vulnerable to the lethal effects of alcohol.

Risk of physical dependence

Alcohol dependence leads to serious ailments of health. Prolonged use of drug, especially heavy drinking habits can damage the liver. It is reported that seven people out of ten are diagnosed with liver problems. People with increased dependence on alcohol are at stake. They may develop high blood pressure, coronary alcohol related heart diseases, stroke and liver disorders related to alcohol consumption. The dependence can affect the mental health. In alcohol dependent individuals, anxiety, depression, stress and suicidal tendency may develop which leads to mental illness eventually. This occurs due to regular drinking habits that cause interference in the functioning of brain. They intervene in the functioning of the neurotransmitters present in the brain that are necessary for maintenance of good mental health. In addition to it, alcohol dependence can harm the personal relationships with partner, families and fellow human beings. They affect the social life largely. The dependence may decrease the concentration levels among individuals, which affects the financial condition of the individuals. This leads to stress and depression in individuals (van Amsterdam & Brink, 2013).

Potential harms associated with alcohol

Risk of contraindication or drug interaction with alcohol

Sometimes alcohol is consumed when medications are present in the body. Both over the counter drus (OTC) as well as prescription medicines can show such kind of interactions. The interactions lead to alterations in metabolic activities causing serious illness. As an example, sedatives and alcohol if taken concomitantly give addidtive effect and sedative effect is increased. This makes an individual incapable of driving and operating machineries (Corrigan, 2015).

Risk to society

The individuals having alcohol dependence and habits of drinking are found with more absenteeism in their work. A survey in Australia showed that the employees having habit of drinking are approximately three times more likely to remain absent from their work (World Health Organization, 2014).The dependence on the substance and bad habit of drinking leads to unemployment that further increases the drinking levels. It also decreases productivity of the individuals with the habit. They have lower levels of performance, lack of determination and direction. They also show changes in behavioral patterns and are found with frequent mood swings. They are more prone to accidents due to drunk driving. They are founf to misbehave with others and also get involved into visious circles (Rehm, Lachenmeier & Room, 2014).


Alcohol is crucial for sociability. It enhances the social connection between various groups that enhance the bond among people and facilitates social solidarity.It helps in loosing inhibitions and helps individuals to become more sociable. It helps in developing confidence and empathy in people. It also makes the individuals feel free and become a part of the social group and the society as a whole (Nguyen et al., 2013).


The consumption of alcohol within the safety limits enhance the activities, incorporate a sense of humor among individuals and enhance creativity. It also influences sexual functions, uplift the mood and find zeal of life.

State of mind

Alcohols enhance the state of mind in the way that they enhance the existential consciousness, if consumed within safe limits. It helps in alteration of alertness among individuals (Thoma et al., 2013).


It helps in getting relieve from pain, the symptoms of the diseases are reduced and the overall physical pain is relieved (Gudin et al., 2013).

Drinking alcohol or consuming it through other modes like medications can help in relieving the anxiety and depression. The drinking must be within the safety levels and must not be a regular practice; otherwise, it may give detrimental effect and deteriorate the mental health subsequently (Allan et al., 2015).

Short-term risk

Relieve from stress

Alcohol helps in reducing stress levels when consumed within the prescribed limit. It helps in relieving the stress like relieving the stress caused by extreme work pressure; it also helps in elating the mood and thus reduces stress (Becker & Happel, 2012).

Better sleep

Alcohol consumption within safe levels induces better sleep in individuals. According to the findings, alcohol induces sound sleep in normal individuals. The rapid eye movement is affected by the consumption of alcohol. It has been found that consumption of more alcohol results in sleep disturbances (Smith et al., 2014).


The psychoactive drugs are the substances that are mostly given to the patients having psychiatric disorders. Alcohols are among the widely used drugs that are classified under the groups of psychoactive drugs.

The consumption of alcohol imparts wide range of benefits to the individuals when used properly and within safe limits. Alcohols have cardio protective effect in individuals suffering from chronic cardiac disorders. They help in inducing better sleep, help in relieving pain and alter consciousness. They help in stimulation of the sexual activities, relieve stress level and make one acceptable to the society enhancing the social status of the individuals.

It becomes a habit, once it is consumed regularly in high doses. As a result, tolerance and dependence is developed in the individuals. They are habituated with the drinking habit and get addicted to the substance. Therefore, it can be concluded that alcohol, if used as a medication and consumed in limited quantity can be beneficial to health.


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