Adaptive Software Development For Online Back-to-School Ordering System

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School Supplies Pty LTD is based on Brisbane which aims to supply a large number of stationary products to various business clients (Liu et al. 2018). The busiest time of school supplies is considered to be era of providing back to school and stationary packs to various schools and parents. In 2012, the school supplies were bought out by businessman and ex-principal Gerry Lane. Adaptive software development comes up with ability for accommodating changes. It is adaptable environment with various kind of product with comes with little planning and proper learning. Adaptive software development is considered to be evolution model with reflection in the complex system. There are mainly three phases in adaptive development life cycle that is speculate, collaborate and lastly learn.

Scrum approach is considered to be best one for managing the development of the system process (Rautaray and Agrawal 2015).  It can be stated like an empirical research which is needed for applying various kind of industrial application protocol. It generally does not define any particular kind of software development which is needed for development of the software. Scrum focus on the fact that how the team members should function so that they can easily provide flexibility in the rapidly changing environment. The main goal of Scrum methodology is the development of various environmental and technical areas. This will ultimately make the whole development process for easily responding to changes. Scrum is very much helpful in improving the present engineering method. Scrum master can be defined as a new kind of management role which has been introduced by Scrum.

Extreme programing has developed due to large number of problems by the help of long development lifecycles. The lifecycle of XP comprises of mainly five phases that is Exploration, planning, release and lastly maintenance (Lazar, Feng and Hochheiser 2017). There are large number of roles and responsibilities are there in XP for various kinds of task and purpose. XP generally aims to provide some of the successful kind of software development which has a changing requirement in small and medium teams. Short iteration is considered to be some of the release which comes up with rapid feedback and customer integration and lastly testing. XP has been designed for small and medium size organization (Gold and Vassell 2015). It is applied when the size of the team is limited between three to twenty project members. Communication and coordination between the members of project should be enabled in the given time.


FDD stands for feature driven development is considered to be an agile methodology which is used in development system (Kardaris et al. 2016). FDD comprises of five process which tends to provide certain number of methods and techniques. It is needed for understanding various aspects various aspect like roles, timeliness which is needed for project. Unlike some of the FDD methodologies which is needed for development of the critical system (Kniberg 2015). The FDD approach comprises of certain number of approach which is needed for the effective industry. It focusses on certain number of quality by the help of process which is accurate for the progress of the project.

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To: Owner Gerry Lane

From: << Student >>,

Date: 13-09-18

Sub: Providing various ways for design of Human Computer Interface for this Online Ordering system.

School service was bought by businessman and ex school principal that is Gerry Lane in the year 2012.  With the passage of time quality range of educational supplies and various good services for Gerry. A big business earner comes up with school supplies which is the annual method of back to school process. It comes up with more than 4500 school which is ordered, delivered and received by various school children. The whole process of ordering starts with BTS pack start with various parents placing the order. It can be done over the phone or online platform. In the recent times the school contracts are wining more contracts because of their reputation. It comes up with the ability to deliver to proper items at current time. A large number of methods can be used for understanding the technique of human computer interaction for this online ordering system. Major methodologies focus on certain number of model which emphasize on certain number of points like user, technical system and lastly design. The activity theory is used in various human interaction with takes place with system. Activity theory emphasize on certain number of theory which can be used for analytical tools which is provided in the given format. The design of this online ordering system should be user centered in nature. User center design is known to be a modern platform which is used by users that makes use of design of any computer system. Various aspects like user, design work up together for understanding the need and limitation of the user. It creates a large number of system which checks these elements. There are seven principles of user interface design which must be taken into consideration at the various design of the user interface. It is needed for various aspects like simplicity, consistency and structure. Value sensitive design (VSD) is a well-known method which is needed for building technology which works for the people. It makes use of technology which affect the people in both direct and indirect way. VSD make use of iterative design method which requires three types of investigation that is conceptual, empirical and lastly technical. Conceptual investigation emphasizes on understanding the need of various stakeholders and technology. The ultimate conflict takes place when the stakeholder makes use of various technology. The human computer interface has been designed in such a way that it can easily act at the point of communication. The flow of information takes place between computer and human can be stated like loop of interaction. The loop of interaction comes up with various aspects like visual based, audio based and machine environment. Visual based human computer interaction is considered to be large area or domain which needs to be researched in a proper way.

A. Event Table:


Event Type



Activity/Use Case

System Response/Output


New book pack order





The system store the order details along with the person  who places the order


Person Registers


New user registration

External System User

Create Online Account

The system store the school and school passcode along with the username, password, delivery address and contact number


Person logs in


System authentication

External System User


The system check the login id and password and allows the person to login


Generate Invoice



System automated process


The system generate bills based on the order details and send it to the user account.


Make Payment





The parent make payment based on the details provided in the invoice


Creating a courier consignment note



System automated process

Courier Consignment

After the order is ready, the system will generate the consignment note


Generating business reports





The system creates different reports based on the user details, sales and other information


See sales report

Internal Retail Shop Operation



Sales Report Per Retail Store

The system gather all the sales details of a specific store and present it as report to shop manager


See available quantity of products

Internal Warehousing



Product Availability Report

The system gather the details of available products in the warehouse and minimum amount must have of individual product


Create Revenue Report

Internal accounting operation



Revenue Report

The system shows the total revenue with other relevant details in a form of report


b. Use Case Diagram:


Figure 1: UML Use Case Diagram

(Source: Created by Author)

c. Use Case description:


Create Online Account




The parents must register themselves into the system to access the system functions and order books



Organizational Benefits

More customer means more business and more revenue. The organization will be able to expand with more customers.

Frequency of use

All of the parents must register themselves into the system to access the order


The system verify user data


The password be confirmed from the user so that no issue can occur later


The user must be able to login instantly after registration

Main Course

1. The user goes to register page

2. The system shows a form with input sections and buttons

3. The user enters the authentic data into the form and submit it

4. The system checks whether the data are as per predefined rules

5. The system store the user data into the database


EX1: The user decides to cancel registration

1. The user clicks on cancel button

EX2: The user remembers he/she already has an account and want to login

1. The user clicks on ‘Have an account? Click here to login’

a. Domain Model Class Diagram

Figure 2: Domain Model Class Diagram

(Source: Created by Author)

b. Class Diagram:

Figure 3: Class Diagram

(Source: Created by Author)

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