Adaptive Disaster Management To Deal With Climate-Related Disasters

EMDV8124 Disaster Risk Reduction and Management

Background Information

  1. Natural disasters are of numerous types, they are floods, Tsunami, Earthquake and many more. These disasters occur based on various environmental conditions. Occurrence of natural disasters causes a huge loss to the lives of countrymen as well as the overall economy of the country (Mohanan & Menon, 2016). Usually when a natural disaster occurs the damage cause depends on the area affected by the disaster. If the disaster occurs in a congested place where a certain amount of population exists, the loss of lives would be much more. The loss of lives might be 50- 1000 or even more and economy loss can be approximately 40 lacks and more depending on the severity of the disaster.
  2. After carrying out various studies, it has been found that the risks after disaster are expected to increase in the terms of intensity and frequency if the natural disaster is caused due to a human activity (Kamal, 2015). Suppose a particular area is under construction for making a metro line through that area. This construction process includes digging the ground and similar activities which cause a huge intensity of vibration. This might affect the ground and due to some environmental misbalance, an earthquake takes place.
  3. From International Strategy for Disaster reduction and Sendai Framework for Action it had been found that it is very important for the disaster management system to be adaptive to various climate factors and also make necessary adjustments in their approach (Singh, Punia & Haran, 2018). This should be done in order to avoid any kind of natural disaster that is cause due to human activity. Disaster management includes the analysis of the entire project like building construction, mining and some more and detecting weather the project would hamper the environmental balance.
  4. In order to prevent the disasters caused due to human activities, a disaster management has to be carried out. Disaster management strategy includes indentifying the problems; the project should be started after identifying various problems that can be occurred due to the project (Thattai, Sathyanathan & Dinesh, 2017). It should also be clear that what the problems that they are aiming to avoid are. Problems like cross boarder issues should be avoided at highest priority. The project managers should be prepared for any kind of emergency, such as in case a minor disaster occurs due to something that went wrong while executing the project, the members involved in the project should be prepared with the consequences and damages that might take place.

The project should be very concerned about the factors that might lead to environmental misbalance and cause a natural disaster (Mukherjee, Dey & Kausar, 2016). The project members should be aware regarding optimized situation like real time communication, data transmission deliver a complete picture of that situation, collaborative environment and many more.

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  1. Effective disaster management is very important for any country especially India. Disaster management is done in order to preserve and protect the maximum number of lives as well as property when a natural disaster takes place. Disaster management plans have numerous layers and they aim in addressing issues like hurricanes, floods, fires and mass failure of various utilities and epidemic (Bhagat, 2017). Disaster management is very important in case of India because India has been very vulnerable in natural disasters because of its unique climatic conditions like draughts, floods and many more. Around 55% of landmass in India is prone to earthquake, floods and many more disasters. Over 40 million hectares is prone to floods, 8% of landmass is prone to cyclones. This needs to be avoided by implementing disaster management properly.

There exists a certain amount of knowledge gap among the professional in India, as it is a developing country they have minimum knowledge regarding various ways which can help in effective disaster management. The country faces disasters at greater rate compared to other countries and they face a huge loss of lives as well as loss of economy (Bhagat, 2017). In this case the country faces lack of personnel for helping out the victims trapped due to the disaster. The country does not have much idea regarding the technologies and strategies that can help them to overcome the damages faced due to the disaster. This study is important because the implementation of disaster management can result in decreasing the loss caused by various disasters

The main aim of the research is to investigate the needs of effective disaster management in order to deal with the disaster that are climate related and help the country to overcome the consequences of the activity.

The objectives of this paper include studying the background of country in terms of disaster management and verify the loop holes that need to be concentrated and removed (Bhagat, 2017). The paper would also discuss regarding various ways by which disaster management can be carried out with positive output.

The research questions are as follows

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  • What is the importance of disaster management?
  • What are the points that India should concentrate on for implementing effective disaster management?

According to Bhagat, (2017) government is responsible for the arrangement in administration that deal with various natural disasters. Numerous policies that are effective play an important part in mitigating various impacts of the disasters. This reduces the losses of life as well as property. It has been noted that the losses that has been faced due to disasters have been increasing and as a result it raises questions regarding the efficiency of numerous policies as well as factors under government which make them effective.

As per Kamal, (2015) the nature of various political parties had explained the policy reforms to a particular extent. The cohesive systems in Gujarat, Orissa and Tamil Nadu are related with various capacities of administration unlike the case in Bihar. Anti –incumbency segments as well as strong community mobilization had been impacted in contestation far more than the electoral salience of the public goods. The explanation that is most relevant had been provided by the experience received by the events which have been focused on.

The methods that are to be implemented are as follows

  • A study regarding the strategies of disaster management has to be carried out and compared to the present strategies of India
  • Recommendations would be provided in order to improve the strategies.
  • Decide the resources that would be required to improve the disaster management.

The resources required are

  • Access to the library database to get the data.
  • Access to computers having the capability of videos.
  • Internet as well as mobile connection.

University week




Activity focus &

specific parts of final reports to be completed (“italic”)  

Other considerations  


29th October  

• Literature review  

v Supervisor away until 28th July but available via email as needed.  

v By end of week, submit a rough work to supervisor for feedback.


3rd November

• Write Workplan & “Introduction” of report:

– Background

– Rationale

– Aims & objectives  

– Method


10rd November

• Write “Results”:

– Literature review



13rd November

• Start presentation slides


17rd November

• Finish presentation slides

(assessment 2)

• Commence resource development

Assignment 2 (Oral presentation)

sometimes this week


24rd November

• Resource Development


3rd December

• Resource Development


19rd December

• Resource Development*

vaway 29th October to 18th November, therefore may be limited


31rd December

• Finalise resources created*


7thrd January

• Write “Results”:

– Resource development

• Write Discussion & Conclusion

vBy end of week, submit draft report to supervisor for feedback.


23rd January

• Finalise report

Assignment 3 (final report) due

Saturday 3rd Feb



Kamal, M. A. (2015). Role of Information and Communication Technology in Natural Disaster Management in India. ICT in Disaster Management, 182-188.

Mohanan, C., & Menon, V. (2016, October). Disaster management in India—An analysis using COBIT 5 principles. In Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2016 (pp. 209-212). IEEE.

Mukherjee, A., Dey, N., Kausar, N., Ashour, A. S., Taiar, R., & Hassanien, A. E. (2016). A disaster management specific mobility model for flying ad-hoc network. International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA), 3(3), 72-103.

Singh, A., Punia, M., Haran, N. P., & Singh, T. B. (2018). Development and Disaster Management A Study of the Northeastern States of India.

Thattai, D. V., Sathyanathan, R., Dinesh, R., & Kumar, L. H. (2017, July). Natural disaster management in India with focus on floods and cyclones. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 80, No. 1, p. 012054). IOP Publishing.

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