Activities To Develop Language And Literacy Skills In Young Children

Old MacDonald puppets and farm

Discuss about the Communication Language And Literacy In Old McDonald Puppet.

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Old MacDonald puppets and farm

Develop oral language of children through targeting on language, vocabulary and repetition. Adding to this for developing awareness regarding phonemes in children as the infant generates consciousness regarding sound of language and they may have the ability to differentiate among various sounds (Fellows, & Oakley, 2014).

Old McDonald puppet and farm set up on the ground, children will be promoted to pick up a puppet and keep it on the farm and the same time they can sing a song. Tutors will put an open ended question that would promote students to emphasize on repetition of the phonics and songs or stress on new vocabularies.

For smaller students to enhance their language, vocabulary and other sounds of animals by singing the song.

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To generate vocabulary tutor will make repetition of words with children or repeat sounds. For say moo is said by cow, can you also moo? Every time when children say the name of that animal, point out the finger towards that animal.

Promote students to iterate the song’s words to create an understanding of iterative patterns in the song. (Old MACDONALD had a farm E-I-E-I-O)

To generate awareness regarding sounds as well as of phonemes by listening the song’s word and iterating it with the tutor.

As per Fellows& Oakley (2014), there are four distinct Blank’s levels of questions and talk which might be adopted by the tutor in the activity. This is illustrated below:

  • Matching (seeing at it) tutors talk rearding the materials and experience avaialable with children. What they might see?
  • Selective evaluation (have conversation)- the tutor will promote smaller student to see for special puppets and for availing information ask questions. For example, how old McDonald is sesing as he or she has higher amount of animals on his farm?
  • Rearranging perception (beyond solid forecast and classification)-tutor will put complex questions to promote student thinking. Fors instance, he has a large numbers of animals at present, how he will be going to check the things?
  • Reasoning (reason beyond the solids)- what is the foundation for Old McDonald to own a farm? Why is the cow present in the Old MacDonald?

Play-dough (recipe with photos)

Recipe name, name of ingredients with pictures, the amount of ingredients with pictures, steps/procedures. Furthermore, recipe resource kit also have rolling pin, cutters, play dough since with the use of play dough students can create lines, draw marks, break alphabets as well as utilise their writing in a distinct manner.

For creating the understanding regarding print in students, National association for the Education of Young children (1998) believes that the younger children always mimics the adult in terms of making sounds. They influence things like books and Alphabets blocks at the time of interacting and playing with symbol systems, adults and objects. Children create the meaning of sighted words, line, marks and print. In the start, visual signs related to prints are used for understanding its meaning. At the later stage, they had to develop knowledge regarding alphabetic principle and start to process and convert the letters into the sound.

Play-dough (recipe with photos)

On the table, play-dough activity in the indoor area with play dough recipe, cutters and rolling has been put. For the older Learners, recipe step picture will be given to promote them to generate their own recipe.

In order to create an understanding inside of pre-writing skills and symbols by manipulating play dough.

In order to create the knowledge regarding pictures, print and symbols by the play dough recipe and influence the play-dough.

Responding to Learners, asking open-ended questions, generating a relationship that is positive, giving hand-on experiences

Including face to face or one to one interactions with toddlers, help in the understanding and development of signs, promote them for influencing the dough and the utilisation of cutter to cut distinct objects.

Promote them for manipulating the dough, portrayed and read a recipe of play-dough for them to create the knowledge regarding print. Create play dough with Learners. Asking open-ended questions like as how does play-dough sense like?

To create knowledge regarding pre writing skills, signs and components of writing by the play-dough recipe and influencing play dough.

For developing the linkage among spoken and written words and to learn that writing may be utilised for distinct purpose by creating play dough by following the recipe.

  1. The writing context: Explaining the title and purpose. The way recipe begins. Such as we must begin writing a recipe by writing a title, in this case, “Play-dough”.
  2. The text form: Format explanation. For example, recipe begins with title, promoting the Learners to write the title at the page top. Asking questions to Learners like show me with your hands where the top of your page is.
  3. The process and strategies: Writers technique-organising, generating, playing, visualising with language and analysing.
  4. The conventions: Teaching them the techniques and structure of writing the recipe. Asking Learners to give a gap of one line just after the title, write every ingredient on a different line, begin the method/procedure from separate lines.

Picture cards with painting

For developing the knowledge and practical utilisation of written language by highly visible print environment. The Learners adopt literacy in their games when they played in the environment rich with print like photo cards with labels, things with symbols and labels (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 1998).

Indoor area’s activity set. Giving Learners paint, photo cards, brushers, stamps, white A4 paper (Letters, numbers and animals). Tutors will promote Learners to paint the photos from cards.

For Learners to create the knowledge regarding alphabetic principle and letters as well as emergent writing with the help of photo cards.

For Learners to generate letter foundation and formations writing skills by making their own photo cards.

  • Encouraging and acknowledge learners, in the way like the method in which you painted the line, I love the way you stamp/write the word from picture cards. (Planned teaching)
  • Asking open-ended questions.
  • Role model the work to them.

Tutors shall bring the attention of the learners towards particular letters and words written on the photo cards hence promoting Learners to select the alike letter stamps and put that similar word from the cards. Tutor will show written texts that are reasonable and contextually appropriate (Photos and labels with labels and letters)

Promote Learners to write the words by copying from photo cards and create their own photo cards.

In order to create the knowledge about print, pre-writing skills, letters and alphabetic principle by picture cards and stamping and painting letter, words and pictures from cards.

Picture cards with painting

This activity and resource assists Learners to explain the concept of word and print.

  1. The writing context: Clarifying to Learners about how we can label the things with the use of words.
  2. The text form: Clarifying the labelling style. For instance, clarifying Learners that we can write the object’s name above the picture, right or left or on the bottom.
  3. The process and strategies: Differentiating words from each other by the letters shape and word length.
  4. The conventions: Teaching children techniques and labelling structure. Asking Learners to leave one space just after photo and then write the name of the thing in the picture.

E-book- Going to Bed Book 

For developing reading, writing skills and oral language concentrating on signs, story, vocabulary, words.

Learners today are developing in the changing digital age and effective utilisation of technology in early childhood program helps development of Learners and learning (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2012).

In a group time tutor share E-book-Going to Bed Book with Learners in an ipad and read them that book in a loud voice. Tutors will promote Learners to operate the ipad, flipping pages of the book in the ipad.

For Learners to generate vocabulary using sighted words in the story and sequencing of night routine by reading and hearing story.

For Learners to generate the knowledge of word sound relationship by touching the words that makes a sound.

  • Responding to Learners, asking open-ended questions, developing a relationship that is positive, giving hands-on experience, encourage and acknowledge Learners by reinforcement that is positive.
  • Scaffolding their Cognitive learning around concepts and words
  • Promoting children to call out the letters while touching it, retell the story when possible.
  • Asks Learners regarding what we do before going to bed?
  • Promote Learners to write the name/ words in the steam.

Code breaker: Promoting Learners to tell what the story is about through the method of asking questions. For instance, what do you understand this story is all about?

Functional user: Promote the learners to choose and operate the story in I pad.

Meaning maker: Getting knowledge about how various text types and technologies may work. What is the motive of this story and the way in which it relates to learners?

Critical analyser:  Encouraging children to critically evaluate the story. Like what are the things that the animals do before going to bed in the story? Are these well or not? How this assists them in their daily life?

Transformer: Promoting Learners to utilise present skills and knowledge in another manner.  Like by formulating rules for classroom and by creating their routine.

Hunger caterpillar book and story bag prop

To formulate learner’s receptive, expressive language and oral language by reading loudly in front of the Learners is understood as crucial activity to create the skill and knowledge that is required for reading. Learners actively take part in reading when they sense emotionally secure and safe. Adding to this, tutor creates learner’s vocabulary and story’s comprehensions through the help of analytic and open ended questions. (Fellow & Oakley, 2014).

In the time of group tutor must read story to students with props.

For learners to developing receptive language, vocabulary by hearing to the story for Learners to create the knowledge regarding the recount and sequencing through retelling the story.

  • Introducing the book. Has anyone read such books before? Cab you recall anything from it?
  • Promoting children to predict, participate what will happen afterwards.
  • Asking questions. Like as why caterpillar looks hungry? What makes you hungry? Why caterpillar got ache in the belly?
  • Promoting Learners to utilise a prop from the bag and narrate and act out the story roles.
  • Iterate sound with Learners to create vocabulary. Show each fruit with the fingers while reading out the story.
  • Promote learners to retell the story by putting the questions. What caterpillar ate on Monday? What you eat on Monday?

Code breaker: Promote learners to show fingers on the symbols and sound out the name to create the knowledge of relationship among written signs and spoken words.

Text participant: Tutor creates meaning from the book. Put questions to relate the story with learner’s knowledge and prior experience. For example, what caterpillar ate on Monday? What you ate on Monday?

Text analyst: Reconstruct the story with the help of questions. For example is it well to eat a high amount of food, what might happen when you might eat junk food? Caterpillars ate a huge amount of food now how is he is feeling? Concentrating on healthy food and nutrition (mainly, the effects of junk food).

Text user:Learners elaborate their experience in the story to junk and healthy food products.

Generating forecast by putting the questions like Caterpillar ate a huge amount of food now say how is his feeling?

Generating links by putting the questions like what might happen when you eat a lot of junk food?

Making questions and asking them before and during the reading.

  • Visualising: Put the book in front of them, laid down on pictures and arranging in a manner at the time of reading the story.
  • Generating Inferences: Ask a question that is inferential for making out the conclusion. Like what story says regarding the caterpillar that is hungry? Promote learners to find the clues from the text.
  • Summarising: Promote learners to put together the original idea in the story.


Fellows, J. & Oakley, G. (2014). Language, literacy and early childhood education (2nd ed.). Melbourne: Oxford University Press

National Association for the Education of Young Children. (1998).Learning to Read and Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children. Retrieve from

National Association for the Education of Young Children.(2012). Technology and interactive media as tools in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Retrieved from

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