Action On Disability Within Ethnic Community: Funding, Roles, And Associated Healthcare Projects

Funding Process of ADEC Healthcare Projects

Discuss about the Australian Health Care System.

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In the recent Australian context, disability is one of the key aspect that affects the majority of the communal sections with their particular ideas and perspectives related to it. To deal with such situation, an organization namely, Action on Disability within Ethnic Community (ADEC) becomes the only organization that deals with disability and culture (Ford, 2013).  This organization is in the field for last 30 years and provides care to disabled people of different communities.  Therefore, it has become able to positively affect the ethnic upbringing, and the attitude of the carer as well as the patient in the care process (Gallagher-Thompson et al., 2012). In this assignment, the previous findings from the ADEC related case study will be continued and a detailed funding process of the program will be provided. Further the role of three positions involved in the process and their key responsibilities will be discussed. Finally, the interaction of this program with other parts of healthcare system will be described and collaboration of it with other healthcare services will be discussed in the assignment.

To make any project successful, three things should be clear and concise such as the timeframe, the job roles and the funding or the financing process. Financing is an important part of the social care processes in which governmental, non-governmental or private organizational donation plays important role in making them successful (Britt et al., 2012). There are several projects under the ADEC organization in which, primary focus on education, advocacy, conduction of different group activities, respite programs and the transcultural mental health access program or the TMHAP. Therefore the organization should have a clear and accurate funding or financing process so that while conducting these programs obstruction related to finance do not occur. Besides these, the organization was focusing on the ArtAbility project, which was primary about the non-English speaking people and helped them to achieve their dreams, attain equity and make contribution to the community by changing the mindset (Hicks, 2012). For this purpose, several organizations will be asked for funding process such as the commonwealth association, the local Victorian government. The primary funding will come from the common wealth association as the association will be asked to provide 40% of the financial funding, and the local Victorian government will be asked to provide 25% funding. Further different nongovernmental organization, working for such disables communities will be asked to provide human resources such as  25 dedicated volunteers, 36 casual staffs, further using healthcare counselling 22 part time and 10 full time workers will be asked to join the process. Further, they will also be asked to provide financial funding so that conduction of ArtAbility project and others can be conducted properly (Duckett & Willcox, 2015).

Roles in Implementing Healthcare Projects by ADEC Organization

This process can seek Australian governments funding because as per the Australian Council for the Arts (2018), the government provides funding to the programs if t is directed for aboriginal and Torres Strait islanders, people for language other than English, and has already decided funding amount. According to which, the ADEC, because of its cultural and humanitarian processes will be provided with $10,000-$100,000 with $80,000 for the fellowship. Further, in this program there is a different section for the arts with disability funding. Furthermore, besides these, life insurance, Medicare, health insurance and PBS are also mentioned in the Australian funding system can also be included in the funding process (Ford, 2012).


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In the above mentioned health service project for the disabled people, the three positions will be volunteers, permanent healthcare providers associated with the program and the part time healthcare providers in the organization (Noben et al., 2012). These three have distinct but important roles in the organization as depending on the activity of these three the outcome of the health care projects and activities of the ADEC will be determined. These three job roles hold very important role in the process as these are the positions that directly connects with the disabled and deprived (mentally) community of the Australian and specifically the Victorian regions (Polito, 2013). The first position that is the Volunteers are the primary level of workers that connects to the disabled community and connects with them to understand their needs, their concern and their mental state so that through the interventions of the project, these can be removed (Tamparo & Lindh, 2012). Hence, they should have effective communication skills, listening skills and should be able to convince people so that they take part in these interventions to improve their physical and mental conditions. On the other hand, the permanent and part time healthcare professionals associated with the work should be able to understand the process and its time line, and should have leadership ability so that they can drive the volunteers in correct directions to collect disabled people related data so that implication of the healthcare related interventions can be done properly. In this context, shortage of volunteers can affect the healthcare project by ADEC primarily as because of the self-volunteering process, the volunteers might not feel motivated or enthusiastic (Notaro et al., 2012). Therefore, in this scenario, this process might affect the state of the project and hamper the objectives of it. However, if I had to work as a volunteer I would like to work for the disabled people directly by going into their community so that I can understand their concern directly and help them to achieve their mental strength. Further, to understand the roles, responsibilities, and core values of the process I would seek help from the supervisor and manager of the ADEC so that under their guidance I can utilize the opportunity to serve the best of the community. I would also search for recent literatures so that the role of recent volunteers in maintaining and conducting healthcare intervention related projects can observe and from that I can set my goals and targets while working with disabled communities in Victoria.

Associated Healthcare Projects for Disabled Individuals

In this while treating their mental health and increasing their mental ability, different healthcare related treatments should also be included in the process such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and counselling sessions so that with mental health they can acquire physical activity and save themselves from being inactive. Notaro et al., (2012) determined that with mental healthcare, physical activity is an important aspect that the disabled community should acquire and hence, occupational therapy and physiotherapy will be included in the associated healthcare projects of the ADEC project. In this situation, the supporting Non-governmental organizations, healthcare facilities and others will be asked to provide support so that the associated project can also become successful by helping several disabled people to attain improved health. Hence, with ADEC and governmental and non-governmental organizations, different healthcare facilities, and care homes will be included in the process so that they can provide their valuable support to the disability care project (Notaro et al., 2012).


While concluding it should be mentioned that action on disability within ethnic communities or ADEC is an organization that work for mental and physical welfare of the disabled community of the Victoria. In this continuing assignment, the funding process of the previous healthcare projects has been provided and the governmental as well as nongovernmental share of the funding has also been provided. Further, the three primary roles that helps to maintain the objectives and outcomes of the projects has been described. Finally, in the last section, the associate healthcare projects important for disabled community individuals has been mentioned.


Australia Council for the Arts (2018). Funding | Australia Council. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 May 2018].

Britt, H., Miller, G. C., Henderson, J., Charles, J., Valenti, L., Harrison, C., … & Pan, Y. (2012). General practice activity in Australia 2011-12 (Vol. 31). Sydney University Press.

Duckett, S., & Willcox, S. (2015). The Australian health care system (No. Ed. 5). Oxford University Press.

Ford, M. (2013). Achievement gaps in Australia: What NAPLAN reveals about education inequality in Australia. Race Ethnicity and Education, 16(1), 80-102.

Gallagher-Thompson, D., Tzuang, Y. M., Au, A., Brodaty, H., Charlesworth, G., Gupta, R., … & Shyu, Y. I. (2012). International perspectives on nonpharmacological best practices for dementia family caregivers: a review. Clinical Gerontologist, 35(4), 316-355.

Hicks, D. (2012). Performance-based university research funding systems. Research policy, 41(2), 251-261.

Noben, C. Y., Nijhuis, F. J., de Rijk, A. E., & Evers, S. M. (2012). Design of a trial-based economic evaluation on the cost-effectiveness of employability interventions among work disabled employees or employees at risk of work disability: the CASE-study. BMC Public Health, 12(1), 43.

Notaro, S. J., Khan, M., Bryan, N., Kim, C., Osunero, T., Senseng, M. G., … & Nasaruddin, M. (2012). Analysis of the demographic characteristics and medical conditions of the uninsured utilizing a free clinic. Journal of Community Health, 37(2), 501-506.

Polito, J. M. (2013). Effective communication during difficult conversations. The Neurodiagnostic Journal, 53(2), 142-152.

Tamparo, C. D., & Lindh, W. Q. (2012). Therapeutic communications for health care. Cengage Learning.

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