Achieving Sustainable Development Through Embedded Sustainability And Engineering Management
Life Style
The foremost determination of this paper is to focus on the evaluation of the social, environmental and economic prospects of the sustainability when planning the engineering projects. The paper will be highlighting the importance of the engineering management and the decision making processes. The paper will provide in-depth knowledge about the management of the sustainability outcomes from the infrastructure. The latest engineering technologies used in the projects along with their benefits will be discussed thoroughly in this paper (Lozano, Ceulemans and Seatter 2015). The paper will examine and identify emerging technology for improving the sustainability outcomes. The software tools which are actively used in project management is considered in this paper.
The paper will be focusing on the latest business paradigms and the impact of the current life styles on the project management practices. The importance of the embedding sustainability in engineering practice will be discussed in details in the paper. The other focus of the paper will be on the evolution of the sustainability thinking. How sustainability will be helping the engineers will be stated in the paper. The paper will also highlight on the critical analysis of the interdependence on the different types of earth systems such as the economic social systems and the technical outcomes. The tools and mechanisms which are required for the delivery and the analysis of the sustainability outcomes will be stated in the paper will primary importance, along with that the impact of the sustainability outcomes on the project management practices will be stated in the paper (Govindan, Soleimani and Kannan 2015). The paper will be having a special unit which will be providing case studies which will be focusing on the regenerative outcomes for the nature and the society. The opinions of different researcher will be considered in this paper as it helps in finding the effectiveness of the solution. The paper will be focusing on the intellectual rigour, creativity, ethical practice and the lifelong practice.
As discussed by Khalili et al. (2015), life style is defined as the way of life of a community, group or a nation in a specific geographical area. The main prospects of the life style come from the religious, economic, political and cultural contexts. Human health and quality of life are both dependent on each other. There are different types of issues associated with bad life styles such as the health related issues such as metabolic diseases, cardio vascular diseases, hyper tension, over weight and violence. It is very important to maintain good relationship between the health and lifestyle so that sustainable growth can be achieved (Ghadimi et al. 2016). Life style have a huge impact on the growth and mental health, even genetic diseases are the other significant issues of unhealthy life style. There are plenty of things which are the reasons behind our unhealthy lifestyle for which we are suffering are the negative BMI, lack of exercise, sleep and abnormality in the sexual behaviour and the over usage of the latest technologies.
Business Paradigms
As discussed by (Morais and Silvestre 2017), Business paradigms have a key role to play in the different aspects of our lifestyle. Evaluation of such a system or a scenario can be done with the help of the business paradigms. This model is generally very much effective for business purposes as it has the ability to manage the business scenarios in a better way. Accomplishment of new process can be done with the help of business paradigms. The technologies which are already been installed in the working environment and the about to be installed in the working environment can be both impacted with the help of the paradigm shift.
According to Poff et al. (2016), the value of the embedded sustainability is very much on the higher side in the project management practices. The work culture within a business organization can be improved effectively with the help of the embedded sustainability. Even the strategic planning can be impacted to a huge extent with the help of the embedded sustainability. The HR management and the different aspects of the business organization such as the employee rewards can be effectively impacted with the help of embedded sustainability. The different aspects of an organization which are generally impacted by the application of embedded sustainability are as followings:
Figure 1: Departments getting benefitted from embedded sustainability
(Source: Created by the author)
According to Lozano et al. (2015), sustainable thinking is a very important aspect of the society for creating a positive future for the society considering the climate and the other essential aspects of the planet. The researcher of this paper focusses on how sustainability thinking has evolved over the years. The climatic conditions keep on changing and the extensive development in the field of technology has led to many new issues which is a major source of concern for the society. The researcher focused on global warming which is considered as one of the most important failure of human history. The evolution of sustainability thinking began in the year 1969 when the United States government enacted the National Environmental Policy Act in response to the Santa Barbara oil spill which negatively impact the environment. The researcher of this paper focused on the impact of the environmental degradation (Smith 2014). The researcher focused on the complex issues of the environment which have an impact on the environmental degradation. The impact on the environmental degradation on the economic future of a nation is highlighted by the researcher. The main advantage of the paper is that it focuses on the environmental inequality where the quality of life is focused as different communities have different ways of living. Sustainability thinking was discussed by the researcher as discussed by the Brunt land report where they considered the three dimensions of the sustainability thinking such as the social sustainability, economic sustainability and the environmental sustainability.
Importance of Embedded Sustainability
According to Poff et al. (2016), engineers have a huge role to play in the delivery of the sustainable incomes for enhancing the future prospects. The researcher of this paper focussed on the importance of the emerging engineering practices for the sustainable growth of the society. The main advantage of this paper is that it states about the effectiveness of the new research paradigms and the diverse approaches. The research based approach to innovation is one of the prime unit of the paper which are very much important for embracing the delivery of the sustainability outcomes. The researcher focussed on the type and the role of the engineers in getting the sustainability outcomes. The researcher has given prime importance to the need of the urbanized world as the nature of the sustainable outcomes will depend upon it. Creativity and cost effectiveness are the prime aspects of the sustainability outcomes. The drawback of this paper is that it starts only about the positive impact of the sustainability outcomes rather than stating the effectiveness of both the positive and negative. The engineers are expected to play a leadership role in the sustainable development as stated by the researcher (Ferronato et al. 2016). The researcher focussed on the impact of engineers for the environmental pollution, society and economic resource management. The researcher focussed on the importance of the integration of the scientific knowledge with the societal needs. The future challenges may come from advanced nuclear technologies, excessive use of the lase and the fibre objects, minimization of the gas and petroleum, excessive usage of the emerging technologies in the healthcare industry. The researcher of this resource also focuses on the importance of the aeronautics, electrification and automobiles as the futuristic changes considering the sustainability outcomes (Shaikh et al., 2014). The sustainable options and solutions are needed to be provided by the engineers as they have a better vision regarding the environmental degradation. Changes within the working principals are one of the main aspects of the engineering sustainability.
As discussed by Mulder (2017), philosophy of engineering is an important aspect of environment engineering which is vital for the sustainable feature. The researcher focussed on the importance of the cultural change which is very much required for the changing market conditions. Every environmental aspect of the of the engineering philosophy is discussed by the researcher in this paper (Ramanujan et al. 2017). The main advantage of the paper is that it focuses on the changes in culture which from compliance through green to blue.
History of the Evolution of Sustainability Thinking
Figure 1: Cultural change
(Source: Created by the author)
According to Rowe et al. (2016), interdependence on the earth systems are very much important for the sustainable future. The researcher focussed on the integration of the social, technical and the economic which is very much required for the organizational sustainability. The researcher also focused on the key issues of this organizational tripod. The researcher focused on the competences used in the social and the economic changes. The main advantage of this paper is that it provides a detailed information about the independent parts which are enclosed in a boundary (Shrouf, Ordieresand Miragliotta 2014). The main disadvantage of this paper is that it do not discusses the issues and challenges associated with the integration of the three types of earth systems. Along with that the interconnections of the systems are also mentioned in the paper.
However, according to Brown et al. (2015), allocation of the resources cabn be improved with the help of the economic system. The researcher focussed on the use of the production and the distribution of the goods with the help of the economic system. The decision making processes of a business organization and the pattern of consumption can be entirely depending on the economic system.
As stated by Powell et al. (2017), network of relationships will be easier to be maintained with the help of the social system. The researcher focussed on different aspects of the organization such as its location and the socio economic status. The researcher mainly focussed on the effectiveness of the social system regarding the sustainable development.
Thus it can be stated that the interdependence of the earth systems has a major role to play against the different energies which are flown to the system. The unavailability of the resources will be harming our lifestyle as well as the natural environment (Blok et al. 2015). It can be said that the habitability is one of the most important aspect in our lifestyle and the integration of the different aspects of the interdependence of the earth system can be very much impactful for both human beings as well from the natural perspective.
Embracing the Delivery of Sustainability Outcomes
As discussed by Mok, Shen and Yang (2015), there are different types of sustainability tools which are used for the analysis and the delivery of the sustainability outcomes. The researcher also focused on the importance of the risk assessment tools such as the life cycle tools. The main advantage of this paper is that it provides in-depth knowledge about the application of the life cycle assessment and the cost benefit analysis technique which can be actively for the analysis of the sustainability outcomes. The author of this research focused on the use of the echo system service evaluation method which is very much easier to understand and implement (Valipour 2015). The environmental justice tools are the other types of tools associated with the use sustainability outcomes. The researcher also focused on the sustainability research impact. The researcher stated that paper will be helping to understand the impact of the each of the tools and their mechanism. The mechanism of the most used sustainability tools are as following:
Tools |
Mechanism |
Risk assessment tool |
Identification of threats, dose response assessment, exposure assessment and risk characterization. |
Life cycle assessment |
Environmental impact from the production , disposal and the use of the disposal product. |
Ecosystem Services Valuation |
Separation of the contaminants from the pure echo system processes. |
Sustainability Impact Assessment |
Evaluation of the impact of a project or a proposal on the environmental, social and economic pillars of sustainability. |
Environmental Justice Tools |
High environmental risks and vulnerabilities can be maintained with the help of the environmental justice tools. |
Table 1: Mechanism of the Environmental sustainability tools
(Source: Created by the author)
Purpose: The main purpose of the paper is to focus on the regenerative outcomes of the nature and the society. The paper will be helping the readers to understand the impact of the damage which has happened to the ecosystem in the last 50 years.
Discussion: The capacity of the rural and the urban lifestyle is needed to be considered while maintaining the ecological balance. There is a need of reviewing the existing polices which controls these aspects of the society. The decision making process which are very much important for the regeneration of nature and the society which will be mentioned in the society. The laws of nature. Business paradigm and the performance of the environmental parameters can be significantly impacted with the use of the sustainability tools.
Maintaining a health state is a very important factor for the environment. The social and the ecological systems are required to main a healthy state. Evolvement of the nature is also a very significant issue. Application and implementation of effective strategies are very much significant for the growth of the nature. This will help to improve the lifestyle also The application of the sustainability tools can be very much impactful for the evaluation of the strategies and also different aspects of the environment such as the percentage of oxygen in a specific geographical area.
Key Issue: The key issue of this case study was to focus on the importance of the engineering management for a sustainable future as the quality of our life is going down each day.
Recommendations: It can be recommended that the role of the engineers who are allocated to look after the sustainable development of a sustainable future should be using all the trends emerging technologies so that updated technologies are used for more efficient detection of the issues.
From the above paper it can be concluded that our current life style which is going downwards each day due to different kinds of reasons should be improved with the help of engineering management. The paper was helpful in understanding the interdependencies of the different types of earth systems such as the social system, economic system and the economic system. The role of the embedded sustainability in the engineering practice is stated n the paper with primary performance. The paper will be very much useful to understand the tools which are very much useful for maintaining the sustainability outcomes. The discussed case study is very much essential in this assignment as provides knowledge about the regenerative outcomes of the nature and the society. This paper is very much important for analysing the contribution of those tools and our current trends followed for maintaining a sustainable future. It can also be concluded that that maintaining a sustainable future is very much essential for the overall growth and development of the society. The role of the engineers in making a sustainable future is mainly focussed in this paper.
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