Accounting Information Systems And Computer Security: Understanding The Role Of Software Licensing And Ethical Teaching

Licensing of Softwares

Discuss about the Accounting Information Systems and Computer Security.

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Computer system has enriched the working. It has provided immense support and benefits to the user. However, the system is not devoid of problems and at times, it has hampered the smooth performance. It is a well-known fact that the computer security is a big landmark in the field of technology and has lead to an ethical practice. However, it is a big debate that the licensing of the softwares should be done or not. It is believe that licensing leads to suppression of the information and this keep the information away from the users. High security measures leads to a barrier that disrupts the smooth functioning. An unlimited access leads to bright prospect and ensure a better state of affairs. Information is undoubtedly one of the greatest assets that one can have both at individual & at business levels (Abbas et. al, 2011). So it becomes utmost important to safeguard the interest of the stakeholders that use computer systems and such development of security systems that serve this very purpose becomes necessary.

The present report aims to address to three important questions. First, it has tried to analyze whether software licensing can be termed antisocial. The findings of the report has revealed that it is actually not because with the growing dependence on information systems along with increasing numbers of cyber attacks by intruders, it becomes highly essential for business organizations all over the world to resort to licensing of their software products.  The report will also exhibit the useful recommendations relating to the protection of computer security systems through proper and effective awareness & education programs at all user levels to educate them about endless potentials of the computer systems along with imparting valuable information with respect to the potential threats of cyber attacks, hackers, viruses, malwares etc.

Computer security is to protect the information system from hardware or software being damage or under the risk of theft. For the increased reliance of today’s world on computers, computer security is one of the important aspects to take care of. Software licensing is one of such measures (Francen, 2014). Computer security or software licensing is required to get return from efforts put for research & development of new developments of computer software and valuable resources such as time and money spent for all new technologies. Licensing of software systems has been successful in safeguarding the interests of the business entities to a useful extent if not fully (Francen, 2014). But all these efforts in developing computer security systems  creates lot many problems which hampers performance of computer and it doesn’t make available new technologies ,new information, new developments to all the people and therefore make software licensing, antisocial.

Ethical Measure

The survival, growth, and success of these organizations depend largely on the revenue earned by them as compared to the costs incurred on them. So in order to safeguard the revenue earning interest of organization, software licensing can be a smart option (Van & Venzke, 2015). However, there is no full proof licensing mechanism that can ensure 100 % protection. Again, the findings of the report also help us in better understanding the credibility and effectiveness of ethical teaching in curbing computer security problems. It is indeed a very positive approach towards finding an acceptable solution of computer security problems (Zissis & Lekkas, 2012).Ethical teaching at school, college & at university, levels certainly have brighter prospect in dealing with the manifold problems of computer security systems through making them more aware of them. Another interesting fact is that ethical teaching can also play a significant role in guiding the knowledge and skill-sets of the students towards constructive thinking so that they can garner greater benefit from the information the present information revolution (Herr & Romanosky, 2015). Finally, while addressing to the third issue our finding has revealed that loosening or eliminating security measures can never be successful in achieving 100% reduction in computer frauds. No matter how hard one tries there will remain avenues for cyber attacks in some way or the other. Although, the findings of the report do support software licensing but proper & dedicated awareness programs certainly can play a significant role in countering security issues effectively (Basta, et al, 2013).

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As per systems and security specialists, ethical teaching can be the probable solutions to the different kinds of problems that arise due to computer security systems. Ethical teaching can also be beneficial for people to use the large pool of resources that are available freely in the market (Van & Venzke, 2015). That will certainly help in the development of newer & constructive new ideas effectively. Further, computer frauds, theft of information and others can be controlled or reduced by proper ethical teaching. However, this will not purely control frauds, as security system cannot be purely impenetrable. Systems security may reduce damages gut increases cost on the other hand. The present report will try to determine the effectiveness of computer security systems as a means of protecting the users from the hands of the intruders. It will also aim to emphasize how licensing can help protect the interests of the modern day business organizations amidst rapid increase of the number of cyber attacks as well as from the potential threats of viruses, malwares etc. The report will also attempt in ascertaining the role of dedicated ethical teaching on control systems & security systems as a means to protect the interests of the users effectively (Nicolosi & Ruivenkamp, 2013).

Removal of Computer Security Measures Reduces Computer Fraud

The report has also been highly instrumental in examining and analyzing the role of effective ethical teaching for the end users of computer systems and processes for garnering greater benefit and success at all user levels. It has also been successful in reflecting how the responsible use of control systems can protect valuable data & information of business process & of individual users and thereby heavily contribute in their survival, growth, development, and success largely (Kamiru, 2015). The report will certainly help the readers in better understanding various important issues related to computer security systems & their licensing which in turn will help them achieving their individual goals and objectives and also in protecting them from the probable cyber attacks as well as from the evil intentions of the intruders. Owing to the ever-increasing popularity and usage of computer systems among the students, education programs on ethical use of computer systems should be organized at school, college and at university levels (Carroll, 2014). That will undoubtedly create the much required awareness among them regarding the computer security systems & their ethical use which in turn will encourage them to use computer systems & handle information in a more responsible, ethical & constructive manner.

The present report has been highly beneficial in terms of bringing to forth the advantages and disadvantages of the various aspects of computer security systems in individual and at business level. The present era has been the gift of information that had made possible revolutionary business evolutions despite stiff challenges from the increasing complexities of the modern day individual and business requirements (Kamiru, 2015). Awareness programs on security systems and processes & their potential threats organized by the government as well as by private participants to educate people regarding the ill effects of the same (Layton, 2007). It will certainly help the users to better deal with the potential threats in a better and effective way. It is also highly recommended to organize such awareness and education programs at school, colleges and at university levels so that the students are encouraged to use the information systems more ethically & responsibly.


The present has been analyzing the benefits as well the drawbacks of computer security systems at the backdrop of the dynamic business environment. Again, in this information age where information is everything there should be a simple uncomplicated mechanism that support easy flow of information without much complication so that the users find it easy to use and are encouraged to use the same to protect their interests. Further, development of state of the art security systems alone cannot deal with the potential threats of cyber attacks, hacking, malwares, viruses etc (Herr & Romanosky, 2015).. Finally, to control the growing number of cyber attacks from hackers causing financial and other loses to business entities all around the around, ethical hacking can be promoted as a means to route the skills, knowledge and expertise of the intruders towards constructive thinking and activities (Shelly,et al,2013). This rapid information sharing process across multifaceted domains has made computer security systems & their licensing not only significant but also inevitable for the sake of uninterrupted and authentic information flow across all disciplines.


Abbas, H; Magnusson, C; Yngstrom, L & Hemani, A 2011, ‘Addressing dynamic issues in information security management’, Information Management & Computer Security vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 5–24

Almunawar, M.N. & Low, K.C.P 2013, Open Source Solutions and CSR., Springer, Berlin: Heidelberg.

Basta, A., Basta, N. & Brown, M., 2013, Computer security and penetration testing, Cengage Learning.

Carroll, J.M 2014, Computer security, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Francen, E 2014, The 5 W’s of Information Security, viewed 14 September 2016

Herr, T. & Romanosky, S 2015, Cyber Crime: Security Under Scarce Resources, American Foreign Policy Council Defense Technology Program Brief.

Kamiru, A.N 2015, Adoption of open source software by the telecommunications industry in Kenya, University of Nairobi.

Layton, T.P 2007,  Information Security: Design, Implementation, Measurement, and Compliance, Boca Raton, FL: Auerbach publications.

Nicolosi, G. & Ruivenkamp, G 2013,  ‘Re-skilling the Social Practices: Open Source and Life–Towards a Commons-Based Peer Production in Agro-biotechnology?’, Science and engineering ethics, vol. 19, no. 3, pp.1181-1200.

Shelly, G.B., Gunter, G.A. & Gunter, R.E 2013, Teachers discovering computers: integrating technology in a connected world, Cengage Learning.

Van A.S. & Venzke, C 2015, ‘Predatory Innovation in Software Markets’, Harvard Journal of Law & Technology, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 46-55

Zissis, D. & Lekkas, D 2012, ‘Addressing cloud computing security issues’, Future Generation computer systems, vol. 28, no. 3,  pp.583-592.

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