Accountability Report On Team Performance During Presentation
Causes of Poor Performance
Write accountability report on performance in the presentation?
I would like to write this letter about the feedback of ‘LIGHT’ the team has earned from the members during performance of the presentation on the date 25th November. A lot of issues have been recognized that shows the lack of motivation of the team members, but the prime issue that I have identified is: poor performance of the team. Being a leader of the team firstly I would like to identify the issues that cause this problem and also I would like to highlight the relevant theories. Secondly I would like to highlight the actions to taken to solve those issues. Thirdly I will go for the justification of the action that has been adopted to solve the problem. The further step that I would like to do is discuss the expected results and in the final stage I will show the importance of the action on how this action became helpful in order to solve the problem.
Teamwork can be defined as a work in which the individual works in coordination with each other in order to achieve the common goal (Gaynor, 2015). Likewise, the members of a light team had same focus during formation of the group. The goal of our team was to work in coordination with each other in a helping manner so that the team can give a very nice presentation in order to achieve good grades after the presentation. With the continuation of the preparation, it has been seen that some of our team members have lost their focus on the presentation (Hawkes, 2015). They became unwilling to cooperate with each other. The prime causes that have been identified for the poor performance of the team were:
Attitude and Behaviour: The behaviour and attitude of team members were considered to be the main reason for the poor performance of the team members. The goal and objective of the team were unclear (Holten and Brenner, 2015). So the team members got confused about their roles in the team. Some of the team members had seemed to be hesitant and unwilling towards the work in the early stages of the preparation. There was a lack of common goals, working plan, and a good leader at this point of time. This kind of issues can be seen in the forming stage of Trackman’s theory.
According to Trackman, during formation of the team there are so many types of confusion about the objective, identification as a team member, and team leader. As a team leader, I was scared in this stage about the lack of certainty in the goals and objective of the team. Being a team leader, I was unable to identify the problem, developing an alternate solution to the problem, evaluating the alternative solutions and finally selecting the most suitable solution (Liu, 2015). I was also stressed about the confusion of roles and task assignment of the team. Because of non-cooperation among the team members there was a lack of motivation which prevents the team members to attend any scheduled meeting. It was not possible to clarify any task. I could not encourage the team members to be involved in the preparation of the presentation. I was leading the team according to laissez-faire style where the team got the freedom to work because my effort was not enough for making a success of the presentation (Kabalo, 2015). The leadership style chosen by me was considered to be low productivity by the researchers.
Theories and Strategies for Effective Team Management
It is like a challenge for the team leader to effectively manage the team to perform according to the best of their ability. From the poor performance of the team, I have learned some new strategy to manage the team effectively. This strategy will help me to guide the team perfectly, and it will also help me in the elimination of bad behaviour in future projects. For managing a team, perfectly Belbin has suggested some strategy. He suggested that by understanding the individual role in a team, one team member can increase his strength to make best if his effort. When all the team members of a same team are assigned with the same task, it creates a lack of motivation to achieve that task (Lekka, 2015). They feel low self-esteemed which reduces productivity. But when the team members of a team are assigned different task it will increase the self- esteem of any team member. The team member will feel valued and respected, in this case, and this will in turn increase the productivity of the team (Меjibhhk and Wank, 2015). This strategy also helps to manage weakness of a team member. It helps a team member to contribute more towards achieving the common goal. This strategy has been proposed in the team so that this can be applied during the formation of the team. I will not avoid the warning of the management. I have observed that there is a lack of motivation among the team members because their roles were not clear. Being a team leader I have learned that there is a great need to assign a specific task to each and every member of the team before forming a team. Bad behaviour of the team could destroy the performance of a team and may cause low self-esteem of the members of the team. Assigning specific and unique task will help to develop the self-esteem of the members.
The leadership style that had adopted was not considered to a perfect style to manage the team. I was bound to adopt that style because of my inability to manage the team. But the laisse- fairy type of leadership was not perfect for the team. Being democratic was not a good option for the team (Kabalo, 2015). The autocratic style of leadership would be beneficial for this team. Democratic Style would be beneficial for the team if the members are experienced, and having full of knowledge about the task (Liu, 2015). This presentation had to finish in a short time frame. So in this case autocratic style of leadership would be beneficial to complete the presentation within the defined time frame and to get maximum profit from it. For this, I will dictate policies and procedures to the team members. I will also direct and control the Task of the team members.
Conflict Resolution Strategies
One of the major reasons that result in the inability of our team to work together in achieving the goal was the conflicts among the team member. Conflict arose due to many reasons. Unequal division of work among the team members may cause conflicts among the team members. Some of the team members of our team were seemed to be as on- cooperative, and unwilling to perform their task efficiently (Lockhart, 2015). This also results in conflict among the members, and poor performance of the team. According to Trackman, this kind of problem can see in the storming stage of team building. In the storming stage, there is a great confliction among the team members about roles, leadership, and task. The team members in this stage are concerned about whether they are valued by the organization or not. As a leader of the team, I should organize the work efficiently and assign it to the team members. I would ensure that the members of the team have got a scope to know each other. For the best performance of the team, the members should not see each other as a competitor. It is a common belief that when people work together it inevitably creates conflict among the team members. As a team leader, I was unable to solve the confliction among the team members. I found a very useful model at Monmouth, which helps me to suggest the strategy in order to solve the confliction among the team members. The focus of this model was to train the team members that have a positive result. The training helps to identify the cases of the conflict and the measures to be taken to solve the problem.
I will take some corrective measure at the start of the preparation on how the team members will behave in the team and will also decide which type of behaviour will not be permitted in the team. The team will also develop some agreed rules (Smith, 2015). This will help me to resolve the conflict of the team. I would also suggest the team members to behave in the agreed way to avoid conflicts. The training should suggest the team members give value and respect to each other. They member would understand the feeling and behaviour of others. The team members of the team will learn by the training about the perception of each other on the action and behaviour taken by them. As a team leader of the team, I would assess the team members in a perfect manner (Tubin and Pinyan-Weiss, 2014). I will make the member feel valued and aware of the task. When the team members become self-aware of themselves, it will motivate them to work towards the achieving the common goal of the team.
I believe that by identifying the causes of the problem and accordingly taking action and implementing them will help me in future to guide the team to work in the productive way.
Reference List
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