Academics Project Plan And Positive Workplace Culture: Developing A Successful Project Team For Tasmania International Academics (TIA)
Key Characteristics of a Successful Project Team
Discuss about the Developing a Plan for Business Project for TIA.
The academics project plan developed by the institution is mainly focused on the requirements of the students. However, the purpose of Tasmania International Academics (TIA) is to establish a business plan and based on that an accurate workplace culture so that the project team members can keep themselves engage to their job roles. A positive workplace culture will give competitive advantages and advertisement model to the institution Tasmania International Academics (TIA). In order to promote the business the Tasmania International Academics (TIA) is looking for developing new and advanced market campaigning. It is expected that with the successful implementation of the business plan the issues of competitive advantages will be completely resolved. The adopted positive workplace culture and based on that the project plan that has been developed is also elaborated in this report.
In order to implement any project it is necessary for the project manager and the project team members work professionally on their allotted job roles. How fast the project team is running can be measured with the help of the performance measurement matrix. No inter organization and intra organizational conflict is allowed during the project development phase within the project team. This is the responsibility of the project manager to take necessary actions through which the project team members will free to share their point of views to each other. In addition to this, it will also help them to keep themselves engaged to their job roles. Strong bonding among the project team members with high level of trust and cooperativeness can only build a professional and successful project team for Tasmania International Academics (TIA). Togetherness among the project team members will only help the project team members to meet the project objectives and shared business goal accurately. Due to successful project team it has been most of the times found that the outcome of the project is even more than what have been imagined by the project manager and the consumers. Generally these types of project teams often have some special characteristics. Strong project team increases the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the project team. The key characteristics of this type of project team are as follows:
Clearly defined project goal and Clearly defined project goal:: For the successful accomplishment of any project it is necessary for the project team members to have a clearly defined project goal. If the project goal is clear to the project team then, both the project manager and the project team members will feel free to define the exact project objective. It is not necessary that all time projects will have a single goal rather a project may have several goals. With the help clear definition those objectives can be easily reached by the project manager.
Techniques for Improving Positive Synergy and Employee Cooperation
Besides the clearly defined project goal the project team members should have clear idea about their job roles. Based on the background of the Tasmania International Academics (TIA) project the stakeholders and the resources of the project should be adopted by the project manager. In addition to this, after measuring their skills and knowledge the roles and responsibilities of the project team members should be divided.
Open and clear communication, Effective decision making and balanced participation: The Tasmania International Academics (TIA) business should adopt open communication so that the project head can share their innovation and creativity with the rest of the project team members.
With the help of open communication the business of Tasmania International Academics (TIA) will be able to take effective decision for the institution. The high performances of the project team members help them to meet the project objectives.
The project manager and the project team members are required to participate in the project implementation plan equally. They should play active roles for meeting the project objectives. Their professional attention to their job roles will divide the overall work load. Workplace work division among the project team member will simply evaluate and implement any project successfully within the estimated time and budget.
Managed conflict, Positive workplace environment, Participative relationship and cooperative relationship: The allotted project manager for the project must have the ability to manage any project professionally with high level motivational power and leadership. Leadership of the project manager and co-operation of the project team members will resolve those components that may cause intra organizational conflict.
In order to meet the project objectives the project manager and the project team member should create such a workplace ambiance where all the project team members will feel free to pay active attention o their job roles. A positive workplace environment will motivate the project team members.
Besides the above mentioned perspectives the other features that the project team members should adopt include cooperative relationship and participative relationship. The team goal can be easily reached and creativity within the project is defined as very much helpful elements to be considered to develop a successful project team. It has been found that clearly defined project goal can enhance the project team unity and can also create ownership among the project. Innate skills related and job related both components are to be measured and measured by the project manager and the project executives to make effective project decision. Proper team meeting needs certain essential roles those are to be played by the project manager and the project team members. The responsibilities are also the individual roles those are to be played by the project managers.
There are different techniques through which positive synergy among the project tem and the project manager can be evaluated. It is the responsibilities of the project manager to consider all necessary components those are important to implement workplace positive synergy. It has been found that human discrepancy like individual priority, talent, interest, ego, habits and strength are the basic components for which the workplace culture can be negatively impacted. The by product of the team synergy issues in essence is currently result to low productivity, cultural gap, lower productivity, lack of responsibility, lower performance etc. the two different techniques that may ensure the business is capable to develop positive synergy in the project team are as follows:
Share project mission, vision and goals: The core values of any project team are its goal, value and shared goal. It is the responsibility of the project manager to meet the project target that may help the business to reach the project objectives. The project goal should be clearly understood by each of the project team members. The different associate project risks and risks with cultural overlapping that may negatively impact the project goals are to should be minimized by the project team members. Stronger relationship between the project manager and the project team members will improve the overall work efficiency of the project. Undefined project goal may also lead to major project failure. In order to make these possible proper reviews of the project goal and project vision and mission statements are also important.
The project manager should pay the role of both project leader and project manager simultaneously. Again with professional motivation the project team members will be able to keep themselves engaged to their allotted job roles. In most of the cases, the roles of leadership are emphasized but simultaneously the importance of the followers are not emphasized. For developing proper team synergy the co existence of the leaders and the followers are necessary. As a tam the project team members should take professional actions. An accurate team management policy and proper professional training and development programs are also required to be implemented for the project team members. Even if the members fail in the first attempt then they should get second opportunities accordingly.
Trust compassion and respect with Positive ambiance: Trust, respect and compassion are the other important behavioural aspects those are to be adopted by the project managers to create a synergic environment for the business. A positive work ambiance can be created by the project team members with a professional relationship, patience, teamwork between the members.
There are certain reasons of negative synergies that may also affect the business negatively and the synergies are as follows:
Poor meeting fundamentals: The reason of meeting the topic that is going to be discussed in the team meeting must be framed at the very initiation phase. If it is found the fundamentals of team meetings are not clear then the entire project may fail to reach the objective.
Lack of safety in the meeting: It is the responsibility of the project manager and the project team members to keep the security of the business. The content of the meeting should not be shared with any unwanted outsiders. The resultant of the negative synergy is completely wasted in nature.
There are any ways through which the employee’s cooperation can be improved accordingly. The steps to be used for ensuring the cooperation in the project team are as follows:
Focus on team goal: At the initiation phase proper project objectives rather goal has to be developed.
Assigning manager for a project: Whether the assigned project team members are working properly or not and to monitor and control the progress of the project a project manager must be assigned.
Focus of the project team members: The skills and knowledge of the project team members should be evaluated through performance measurement tools.
Motivation of the project manager: The project manager should always motivate the team members so that it meets the project goal sooner.
Not confining any cooperation beyond the team itself: Involvement of any third party to the project team will be avoided absolutely.
Recommendation for the training sources: Proper training sources are to be recommended for the team members.
- There are different positive workplace cultures available and based on the background of the project; the project managers should adopt the most suitable workplace culture for their employees.
The major theories of the workplace culture are as follows:
Organizational workplace theory: For business success it is necessary for the business owners o understand the way through which the employees interact with each other. The workplace protocols will be improved with business efficiency and business productivity.
Motivational Maslow’s Theory: This motivational theory is developed by Maslow and the hierarchy is comprises of 5 phases in terms of self actualization, esteem, love-belonging, safety and physiological etc.
After analyzing the details of the organizational culture its has been found that, positive workplace culture is referred to as an important factor that should have to be possessed by the project manager and must be maintained by the project team members. However, two positive and two negative consequences of workplace culture on the negative performance of a project team are evaluated I this section.
The two different positive impact of the workplace are as follows:
- Proper team communication and no such intra organizational conflict
- Effective and efficient project outcome within the estimated time phase and project budget
The two different negative consequences of the workplace are as follows:
- Distraction due to workplace politics
- Intra organizational conflict
- In order to evaluate positive workplace culture the project manager should consider different necessary actions through which the team engagement can be enhanced accordingly.
Four techniques for developing positive workplace culture for ensuring successful completion of a project are as follows:
Focus of the team goal: Before initiating any project the project manager should define the project goals first and then necessary motivation should be given to the project team members so that the goal can be reached.
Reward functions: Proper reward and incentives programs should be evaluated by the project manager to motivate the members
Training and development program: The project manager should arrange proper training and development program for the team members
Leadership theory: Proper leadership is needed to be
zdeveloped for the project team members to keep themselves engaged to their job roles.
There are different cultures through which a positive workplace culture can be developed and evaluated by the project manager. It has been found that positive workplace culture can ensure the success of any project and the techniques are as follows:
Foster of manual respect: Manual respect will give a clear vision statement to the company. With the creation of the vision statement the betterment of the workplace culture can be developed and accordingly inter-organizational culture can also be reduced. The employees who are working in the project groups must have respect for each other.
Necessary action: Proper workplace actions such as motivation and leadership from the manager are needed to support the team members.
Showing proper appreciation: Whatever culture will be developed must be followed by the project team members also.
Positive attitude of the project manager and the project team members: Certain basic norms and regulations are to be followed by both the project manager and the project team members.
There are many strategies through which the project team members can keep themselves engaged to their job roles. Effective team engagement will give a positive work environment and also the chances of proper project outcome will increase a lot. The strategies those should have to be adopted by the project managers to make effective team engagement are as follows:
Creating in-house monitor ship opportunities: In-house monitor-ship opportunity is referred to as an approach that is widely used by the project manager and the project team members to keep them more engaged to the job roles.
Employee empowerment with the promotions: Employee empowerment wills improve the quality of work, employee satisfaction rate, productivity and collaboration. Not only this but also it will reduce the rate of employee turnover in the organizations.
Regular survey of the working employees: Proper performance measurement matrixes are to be used by the project managers so that the abilities of the employees can be understood based on their existing skills and knowledge training programs can be arranged accordingly.
Identification of internal growth path: Internal growth path will improve the performance of the company and generate commercial success and revenue as well.
Task-3 Evaluating a Project
The purpose of the post project reviews is not to apportion blame but to identify areas for improvements and ways to improve them. Before you plan a post project review identify your primary goals and what you want to take away.
- Identify items that were done well: For example maybe time estimates were very good, developers and quality assurance teams worked well together and so on.
- Identify items that could improve: Maybe system documentation was not ready on time; developers had disputes with analysts etc. Basically, these are items that need some improvement that can be realistically achieved with some degree of effort.
- Identify items that are broken: These are quite serious and may require a complete rethinking on how they are done. Possibly some processes may need to be dropped or changed. Maybe continually changing requirements requires the team to change to a more agile development methodology. Two people who get on each other’s nerves may need to be reassigned so that they do not have to work together.
- Decide action plans: Get input and agreement on action plans to improve items that need improvement and ways to fix items that are broken. This will make it much easier to implement long-term changes as well as help build a strong sense of commitment and team spirit in the team.
Stakeholders and team members are likely to be enthused if they see it as a chance to work on getting problems resolved. In my experience the first time these reviews are done are usually the hardest since people are not sure what is allowed and what is not. Some members may also take criticism badly. It may make sense to have an idea of potentially explosive issues and how to defuse them before going into the meeting. Meeting in private with the affected participants before the meeting to ensure ground rules are understood and get commitment that they will be followed can be very helpful.
- Post–project reviews are one opportunity to systematically improve performance in subsequent projects. However, a survey reveals that only one out of five research and development (R&D) projects receives a post–project review. Post–project reviews – if they take place – are typically constrained by lack of time and attention as well as lack of personal interest and ability. They focus mostly on technical output and bureaucratic measurements; process–related factors such as project management are rarely discussed. The outcomes may generate from the project review are as follows:
- Successful measurement result of project benefits and objectives
- Difference between the actual cost and the planned cost
- Difference between the actual schedule and the planned schedule for the successful completion of the project
- Comparing the expenditure against the actual budget
- Different stakeholders are associated to projects and it is the responsibility of the stakeholders to carry out the project and complete it within estimated time and budget. The four most critical and important and critical stakeholders to project are project manager, sponsor, finance manager and developer. In order to carry out effective project review the project manager should monitor and control the projects by considering the feasibility analysis report create by the finance manager.
Stakeholders |
Responsibilities |
Project manager |
The project manager is responsible to control and monitor the entire project so that it can meet the project objectives within estimated budget and time |
Finance manager |
The responsibility of the finance manager is to develop the project budget in such a way so that it stands beneficial for both the consumer and owners |
Project sponsors |
The project sponsor invests capital for the successful completion of the project |
Developers |
The developers are responsible to design the product and service in such a way so that it can meet the demand and requirements of the consumers successfully. |
The review given by four of these critical stakeholders are needed to be carried out for the successful implementation of any project.
4 Tasman International Academies (TIA), is focused to develop the project document and the document should have to be reviewed accordingly in terms of cost, scope, deliverables, risk management plan and execution. After analyzing the details of the project it has been found that the project has to be complete within estimated cost and time respectively81 days and $51,360.00.After identifying all the risks a risk management plan is also developed based on risk probability. In order to make execute the project successfully it is necessary for the project manager to track the review accordingly.
With the successful role play f the project manager and the project team members the Tasman International Academies (TIA) will be able to reach the project objectives within the estimated budget and time at the same time.
From the overall discussion it can be concluded that with the successful adoption and implementation of workplace culture the employees who are working for the Tasmania International Academics (TIA) will be able to keep themselves engaged to the job roles. This report is mainly focused on development of a business plan on marketing campaign for promoting a situation. Tasmania International Academics (TIA) is the name of the business. In order to welcome the TIA family the Tasmania International Academics (TIA) has extended their business boundaries. For their institution Tasmania International Academics (TIA) has planned a market campaigning plan. In order to campaign the business it is the responsibility of the project manager to adopt or consider all necessary promoting platforms. Among them social media is an important platform that should have to be used by the project manager to promote their decisions and corresponding actions.
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