Abuse On Women: A Literature Review And Global Overview

FBLT086 International Human Rights Law

Part I: Literature Review

Abuse on women have been a long-discussed issue that has been troubling mankind since the times immemorial. The women of the society were considered to be meek and vulnerable. Since the early days of mankind, the women were considered to be the easy targets since they did not match up to the men. The times have changed from the early days to the modern age however, the attitude towards the women did not bear much changes. The women in the modern-day society too face a lot of abuses in the hands of their male counterparts (Hoff). The following paper aims to deal with this age-old issue in three distinct parts. The paper opens with the first part which deals with the review of the concerned literature on the abuse of women in the United States of America. The paper then proceeds to deal with the abuses that are faced by the women in the global arena. In this section the paper sheds major light into the conditions of the women residing in the Indian subcontinent. The paper in the last section attempts a discussion on the abuses that are faced by the women residing in the United States of America with special focus on the state of Nevada.

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The women in the society have to experience violence in different ways and this has physical along with emotional effects on their health. The violence that is perpetrated on the women can be in the form of physical abuse, sexual assault, financial abuse or sexual harassment. The violence on women can also be termed as hate crimes as this type of violence is on the basis of gender (Donnelly and Whelan). This literature review focuses on abuse that is carried out against the women and states forward the theoretical reasons why the women are tortured.

Intimate partner violence includes physical and emotional abuse and it is carried out by a person with whom the abused has a close personal relationship. Intimate partner violence affects a large number of women in the United States. Staying in a verbally abusive relationship produces long-lasting effects on the physical along with mental health of an individual. It can pave the path for chronic pain or anxiety in the women. It has been stated by Peters and Wolper, that domestic violence occurs when another individual controls the actions of another person and humiliates the person on purpose. The male partner can control the birth control and insists that the partner should become pregnant that gives rise to domestic violence. Domestic violence takes place when the male partner wants to dominate the female partner. According to Hassanian-Moghaddam, Zamani and Sarjami, the abusers want to control the partner owing to low self-esteem and jealousy. The male partner may feel inferior pertaining to education along with socioeconomic background and this causes them to inflict violence on the opposite gender.

Digital abuse is carried out against the women by making use of technology like social media. The digital abuse carried out against the women can include harassment on the social media and it involves repeated unwanted calls. The partners respect the relationship boundaries in the case of a healthy relationship. According to Alshammari, McGarry and Higginbottom, In the event of a person overstepping the relationship boundaries, abuse is perpetrated on the women. Digital abuse takes place in the event of the partner not being able to respect the relationship boundaries. The male partner may feel that he has the right to know every minute details about the life of the partner that can cause digital abuse.

Intimate Partner Violence

Elder abuse takes place in the event of a trusted caregiver harming an older person. Elder abuse is perpetrated on the women when a person knowingly neglects the older person so that harm is inflicted on them by withholding of food or the medical care. According to Hassanian-Moghaddam, Zamani and Sarjami, elder abuse occurs more against the women as compared to the men and it can occur in the nursing home or in the assisted living facility. Elder abuse happens because the abuser has control over the older person. The drug and the alcohol problem can also pave the path for elder abuse. In the event of a family having history pertaining to anti-social behaviour elder abuse takes place. Abuse takes place when the family goes through a time that involves high amount of stress.

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Financial abuse occurs when the abuser takes control of the finances that can cause the abuser to maintain power within a relationship. The abuse can take control of the money and hide the financial information from the victim. Financial abuse takes place in the case of physically abusive relationships. Financial abuse is carried out against the women when they are asked to leave the job or prevented from working (Donnelly and Whelan). The women are not provided with the opportunity to access the bank accounts and the assets are hidden from them that gives rise to financial abuse against the women. Financial abuse occurs in the event of the greed of an individual being greater than their ability of staying fair and honest.

Sexual harassment occurs against the women in the workplace in the event of another person making unwelcome sexual advances. It is also inclusive of verbal or the physical behaviours that affects the job of an individual. Sexual harassment violates the work and it can be said to be illegal. According to García-Moreno et al., sexual harassment can also take place in the form of sexual coercion. Coercion occurs when an individual is forced in nonphysical way into that of sexual activity. Sexual harassers in the workplace can be the managers or the co-workers. Sexual harassment takes place as they lack power and their insecure positions in the society makes them vulnerable to sexual harassment. According to Womenshealth.gov, one in ten women in United States are sexually assaulted at the course of their life and more than half of the women living with the men have faced incidents related to domestic violence. The male perception related to masculinity causes sexual harassment.

The female immigrants have to face various challenges like the fear of losing custody of the children that often compels them to hide incidences of sexual abuse. According to Beijer et al., the refugee women do not report about violence as they feel that they can be humiliated by the community and they are taught that family duty should take the precedence. The immigrant women have higher chances of getting abused owing to the language barriers and the immigration laws. A study carried out at New York City has revealed that 51 % of that of intimate partner homicide victims are foreign-born whereas 45 percent are born within the United States. The abusers feel that immigration status of the partner can act as a tool in relation to control.

Digital Abuse

Research has brought out the fact that the women suffering from disabilities have more chances of experiencing domestic abuse because they incapable of reporting about the abuse. They feel isolated and they cannot report as they may be dependent on abuser. According to Jaising, there are more chances that the women in the family are abused by people whom they know like partner or a member of a family. It has been stated by Maseroli et al. that violence against the women who have disabilities is carried out mostly by the spouses or the partners. The women who have disabilities have to face abuse from the personal assistants. The women having disabilities needs help in relation to the daily activities like bathing and dressing that makes them more vulnerable to abuse.

Women in society have to undergo violence in various forms that has repercussions on their mental along with physical health. There are different forms of domestic violence like physical abuse, financial abuse and sexual harassment. Domestic violence occurs in the event of the male partner trying to dominate female partner. Self-esteem along with jealousy causes the abuser to inflict violence on the victim. A partner not being able to respect relationship boundaries can pave the path for domestic violence. Elder abuse takes place when an abuse wants to control older person. A person suffering from alcohol problem can lead an individual to perpetrate violence on another individual. Financial abuse takes place when individual greed becomes greater as compared to their ability of staying honest. Sexual harassment is inflicted on the women because of their insecure position within the societal framework. The perception of the male gender in respect to masculinity gives rise to sexual harassment. The women who have disabilities have greater chances of being abused as they cannot report regarding the abuse. The women who are disabled feel isolated and they have to rely on abuser that causes the abuse.

Women abuse is considered as a major issue in international terms as it is one of those issues that is faced by women worldwide. An abuse can take many forms such as emotional abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse, financial abuse etc. In the current environment, women are fighting to work shoulder to shoulder with men that are stressing them. This is ultimately resulting in women abuse in society. The below-mentioned essay highlights the information, rules and laws against women abuse in the country USA and India.

Initially talking about the country India, the fact should be noted that around 650 million girls and women face domestic or any other type of violence in the society that is being unnoticed by the people. In India, there is case incidence where girls below the age of 8 are being raped by elderly men. This is acting as a serious cause for the people of the country as girls are becoming more vulnerable day by day. In fact, some cities are regarded as rape prone cities like Delhi is given the name as the Rape capital of the country (Kalokhe, Ameeta, et al., 498-513). Apart from this, women in the country face domestic violence as well. Girls are being married at a tender age and in-laws torture them for dowry and things. Basically, it can be said that in the country India, women are being dominated by male gender who suppresses them to raise their voice in the society, resulting to which they face abuse at their home or office. According to a news source, every third woman in India suffers from sexual or physical violence at their home (Devasthali, et al. S505-S506). Most common type of abuse in India is domestic abuse where women are emotionally as well as physically tortured by their spouse.

Elder Abuse

Out of 35 % of married women that are being abused, only 14% of them get the courage to seek help from other people and talk about the issues. Women abuse has a high ratio in countries where women are considered as the weaker section of the society if compared to male. Similarly, in the case of India, women are fighting to get equal rights and recognition in society (Jangam, Kavita, et. al., 67-75). Married women in the country are more likely to face abuse by their husbands. Even after struggling so hard, the society has not formed any clause related to marital rape. Marital rape is something that people of India consider normal; they believe that it is the duty of a woman to satisfy their spouse (Jaising, Indira 51-56). Further, it should also be noted that this counting is only of the women that speak up about their issues and come forward in the society, but there are many other illiterate women that do not talk about abuse due to which their response is not recorded.

Apart from married women, unmarried women also face abuse like sexual assault and rape in society. 16% of the women that are unmarried face physical violence or mental torture from the age of 15 or below by their parents, siblings, boss or teachers. Women living in rural areas face abuse to a higher extent than women living in urban areas (Espeleta, Hannah Sarah Palasciano-Barton, and Terri Messman-Moore 399-407). Talking about one such case in India where a woman was being abused and raped while going home with a friend. ‘Nirbhaya Case’ is the name of the case where a girl travelling is a bus with a friend was beaten up, assaulted and then raped and left to die on road. Apart from this, women in India are burnt alive, tortured emotionally and physically for dowry. India comes under those 36 countries where marital rape case is applicable only if the abuse is under the age of 15. Education can be considered as a resolution for women abuse in India. Educating the women to look for their rights and use them will help to make a change in the society (Heise 171-196).

Further, analysing the women abuse aspect present in India with that of women in the USA, it should be noted that the USA is comparatively more developed country than India but it has other bigger problems in case of women abuse. Domestic violence in the US is the violence where the women are abused by the relative person only. At an average of nearly 20 women per minute are abused by their intimate partner in the United States. This ratio equalizes women that on every 10 million women, one man is abused. Every three in one woman are being victimized by their spouse once in their lifetime (Straus, Gelles, and Steinmetz).

Along with this, one in every five women is raped in the country US. This number is so huge that it captures almost half of the women to face rape once in their lifetime. It should be noted that one in every fifteen girls face violence by their family members during the course of their childhood. Domestic violence is prevalent in every community and it lays great impact on people regardless of their nationality, religion or economic status. Further, it should be noted that women face abuse in their jobs as well. The bosses and male employees of the company many times harass women at work. Also, they are being asked to maintain sexual relationships with their boss in order to get a promotion. 66.2% of female are stalked by their intimate partner or known people in the US. Despite the fights led by social groups in the US, women are being murdered abused by people in the society (Feltner, Cynthia, et al. 1688-1701).

Financial Abuse

This is a serious issue that is depleting the economic growth of the country and reducing the equality margin of the country. Young women with low-income level are the major victims of domestic violence and rape in the country. Women coming under the age group of 25 suffers the highest rate of rape and non-fatal violence as well. Apart from physical abuse, women are being mentally tortured as well. Women are being forced to have sex after marriage in the US. If women deny doing so, then they are mentally as well as physically torturing them. Women are also murdered if they do not agree on the terms of their intimate partners in society. Thus, it can be said that in the US also, women are facing problems like in India. Also, this problem is occurring worldwide that is increasing barriers in attaining equality in the society.

Women abuse is mostly faced by unsecured and weak women, men also perform such actions on women who they believe will not talk about it in the society (Gerber, Megan R., et al 1-2). It is important for women to understand the need of the era and talk about the issues that they are facing in society. Also, it is important for men to understand that women are no less than them and they such stop treating them badly. People worldwide should follow strict rules and norms so that people should think twice before condemning any wrongful act in society. Lastly, it should be noted that educating the women about their rights and power would help them to fight back powerfully (Robertson, Nagaraj and Vyas, 921-927).

Thus, in the limelight of above-mentioned events, the fact should be noted that the essay evaluated the facts about women abuse in the countries India and US. The graph of women abuse is very high in both the countries that should be monitored and controlled as well.

The people who have been residing within the United States are known to have been facing abuses in their daily lifetime. The women of the country are known to be the major victims of the various abusive instances that are reported by the residents of the area. The majority of the abuses that are faced by the women in the United States belong to the domestic violence that is experienced by the women of the country. The major type of the violence that is faced by the women of the country refer majorly to the domestic violence that is faced by the concerned people of the country (Herman). The domestic violence that is faced by the concerned female residents of the country are majorly done by an intimate member. The following essay aims to discuss the regulations as well as the situations that are faced by the people who have been residing in Nevada, one of the areas in the United States that is reported to have the highest rates of the abuses that are meted out to the residents of the area, especially to the women.

Sexual Harassment

The residents of Nevada are known to own one of the higher ranks in terms of the issues of violence that is faced by the residents of the country. The people of the area are known to have been suffering from the violent activities that are generally meted out by the partners of the people concerned. The women reporting the cases of the domestic violence in the state of Nevada as well as the other parts of the United States have stated that they were abused by an intimate partner in most of the cases (Orleck). The majority of the abuses meted out to the people generally belong to the issues like the violent actions and attitudes that are demonstrated towards the people of the various classes that face disadvantages in the social and the economical fields (Dart et al.). The scholarly literature on the topic states that the major reason leading up to the conditions refer to the need of the people to remain in control of their partners, holding on to the methods of oppression that are exercised within the concerned relationship.

The concerned members of the society are known to have been reporting the issues of various ongoing abuses within the relationships that they share. The major forms of the women abuse that have been reported all over the United states reveal that the instances have been increasingly prominent all over the country. The majority of the incidents have been known to have been unreported. Among the huge numbers of the issues that remain unreported, only a very small part of the instances is reported. The reported instances might consist of only between 960,000 and 3,000,000 incidents of the huge amounts of the domestic violence that are reported every year (Elahe). The estimates collected from the estimated surveys state that over ten million people experience the abusive treatment all over the United States over the span of a single year. The studies on the subject reveal that the majority of the victims of the abusive treatment were the female members of the society. The studies reveal that the majority of the recipients of the abusive behavior were the women. The year 2010 had seen the highest number of the cases wherein the female members had to die at the hands of their male counterparts (Vpc.org). The rates of the murders of the women at the hands of the men were as high as 93% of the total number of the murders that had taken place all over the country.

The National Crime Victimization Survey reports state that the crime records of the country reveal that the majority of the cases of the abusive behavior are known to be committed against the female members of the society (Vpc.org). One of the mostly affected areas within the country is the area of Nevada. The majority of the cases of women abuse are known to have taken place in the area of Nevada. The number of cases that were reported in Nevada led to the conditions wherein the state of Nevada had acquired the position of the state that earned the primary position in terms of the number of the abusive incidents against the women (Thehotline.org). The services for the domestic violence within the state of Nevada were contacted almost 65, 026 times all through the year of 2014 according to the reports on the matter (Ag.nv.gov). The reports and the surveys suggested that the women in the state of Nevada are known to face a higher risk of being abused and assaulted than the chances of a police officer being assaulted while he is posted on duty. The intensity of the condition of the abuses can be understood very well from the above information.

Challenges Faced by Female Immigrants

 The abuse that is faced by the women in the state of Nevada is known to have increased in the years. The forms of abuse are known to have exceeded the various forms of the physical abuse. The various other forms of abuse that are faced by the female members of the society refer to the activities of stalking on then part of the male members of the society. The activity of stalking on the part of the men lead to the constant unease among the women who are stalked thereby leading to the mental trauma as well as stress on the part of the women (Straus). This leads to the conditions wherein the women feel vulnerable to the attacks at any given point of time. The number of women who have been experiencing this issue are known to have been amounting to almost 24.4% of the total female population of the country (Ncadv.org). This has led to the conditions wherein the centers that are dedicated towards helping the women in the distress are reported to have received over 21000 calls per day which relates to almost 15 calls every minute of the day (Nnadv.org).

The abuse is generally faced by those members of the society that belong to the section of the weak and the meek women. These women might be encouraged to deal with the factors that are related to the various self-defense techniques. The acquiring of these techniques might help in boosting the self-confidence of the people who have been a prey to the various types of abuse that have been meted out to the person concerned. The victims of the abuse and violence should be treated with a care and understanding. This would in turn help them to return to the mainstream of life or start their lives on a new chord after they have faced an abuse or an assault of any kind.


Thus, from the above discussion, it might be pointed out that the women abuse and the assaults on women have been a raging issue in the modern world. The women who have been residing at any given part of the world are known to have been dealing with the abuse and assaults at any given point of time in their lives. The research on the international human rights that specifically focused on the abuse that was meted out to the women reveal that the various governmental bodies and the international bodies need to devote more attention to the gnawing issue that this abuse presents. There should be presented more attempts to deal with the various factors that might lead to the abuse of the women. The government should sponsor more awareness programs as well as training programs in order to arrest the growth of this social nuisance. The female members of the society should be trained well enough to prevent the attacks that are thrown at her majorly at the preliminary levels. This in turn might lead to a healthier condition all over the world and thereby help in binging about a proper balance to the world and the existence of the humanity in the world.

Abuse on Women with Disabilities


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