ABCT’s Decisive Operation: Unit, Tactical Mission Task, Purpose, And Command
Mission Statement
- Based on the situation and the division commander’s order, write the 3/6 ABCT’s mission statement
The mission statement entails: striking the irregular 325th Armor Brigade and neutralizing the impending attack; securing more northern flask to enable Divison’s movement; and ultimately seizing OBJYANKEE by crossing over to the area of Little Blue creek in less than 2 hours before the enemy battalion accesses it via the purple route. Lastly, 3/6 ABCT must rejoin the other division’s advance guard for a decisive action (ADRP, 2016).
- Write the 3/6 ABCT commander’s intent for this mission. Your answer MUST address the expanded purpose, key tasks, and end state
Notably, 3/6 ABCT intention is to use the opportunity of seizing the OBJYANKEE so as to protect II corps’s main effort using the most advanced operation that would ensure minimum casualties and fatalities from any battalion subdivision camp.
- Identify whether the 3/6 ABCT will conduct an offense or a defense, and explain which offensive/defensive task and form of maneuver/defense the brigade will execute
As stated above, the main mission is to capture and take control of the city. This situation could be described as a defensive one but it is also likely to involve some offensive tactics. The 3/6 ABCT is likely to be met by an open violent aggression from the enemy’s side. Initially, they were going to defend the city’s sovereignty by ensuring that the enemy gets crushed on the spot; however, from the current situation, they are likely to be pursued by the enemy with the intent of disrupting their main decisive action. In that case, therefore, fire will be opened at the enemy hence deploying some offensive tactics as well ( FM 3-90, 2015).
- Identify and explain the ABCT’s decisive operation; include the unit and the tactical mission task and purpose of its mission
The decisive action is to take control of the city. This will be achieved by dividing ABCT into 3 separate but interdependent units. ABCT S2 will make the first move and relay critical intelligence information to the other groups following. This will entail establishing the possible routes that the enemy is likely to follow; the type and capacity of their tankers; size, geographic and other pieces of information that may prove useful for the mission. The follower group will provide backup in case of any unexpected hit from the enemy. Meanwhile, because of the threat that is posed by the advancing enemy, the S2 does the analysis quickly but effectively and makes a quick change in plan. The S3 calls the squadron and receives the report that the following units are being redeployed: 2-81 AR combined arms battalion closing in 1 hour then 1-32 IN to close in 2 hours and 2-21 Brigades in 2 and a half hours and other support Battalions ready for combat at the slightest provocation by the enemy (ADRP, 2018).
- Identify and explain the ABCT’s shaping operations; include the units and tactical mission tasks and purposes of their missions
This will involve mainly conducting follow ups to keep truck of enemy movements and progress; the access routes and the degree of armory. They will help in neutralizing the enemy by deploying some deceptive tactics to confuse the enemy in order to break into their territories and strike (FM 3-90-2, .
Main and Tactical Command Posts’ Locations
Section 2: Sketch and Explanation
Address each of the following items listed below. The answers you provided for exam questions 3, 4, and 5 will help you with items a through m below :
- Depict the on the sketch, with the correct doctrinal symbols, the locations of the 325th Enemy Brigade’s reconnaissance battalion, armor battalion, mechanized infantry battalion, artillery battalion and command post at the decisive point of the 3/6 ABCT’s operation
- Depict the location of the 2-7 Cavalry Squadron with the correct doctrinal symbol on the sketch
- State the task and purpose of the 2-7 Cavalry Squadron’s mission for this operation
They will fortify the operations of ABCT of annihilating the enemy forces while seizing the entire city; this would be done via a concrete tactical move that would militarily suffocate the enemy.
- Depict the location of EACH combined arms battalion—1-81AR CAB, 2-81AR CAB, and 1-32IN CAB—with the correct doctrinal symbols on the sketch.
- State the tactical mission task and purpose of 1-81 AR combined arms battalion’s mission for this operation
Their mission will be to close in within1 hour so as to destroy the advancing enemy and provide any military support to the main ABCT group.
- State the tactical mission task and purpose of the 2-81 AR combined arms battalion’s mission for this operation
They will provide the technical support to the main battalion in neutralizing the advances of the enemy.
- State the tactical mission task and purpose of the 1-32 IN combined arms battalion’s mission for this operation
It will conduct envelopment mission for the enemy as the main Battalion goes head on and therefore they purpose to suffocate the enemy even as the main combat takes place.
- Depict the location of the 3-18 Field Artillery Battalion with the correct doctrinal symbol on the sketch
- State the tactical mission task and purpose of the 3-18 Field Artillery Battalion’s mission for this operation
Their main mission is to provide heavy ballistic and fire services to the main Battalion. They often employ high precision and accuracy in the operation of the ballistic missiles.
- State the tactical mission task and the purpose of the 2-21 Engineer Battalion’s mission for this operation
Mainly engineers are involved in maintenance of the military machineries and automobiles such tankers. They ensure machines and equipments are always in good working condition. By extension, they are involved in the design and manufacture of these military equipments. Therefore, their mission is to provide seamless technical and engineering support to the military personnel.
- Draw doctrinal unit boundaries on the sketch that delineate the combined arms battalions’ and the cavalry squadron’s areas of operation
- Depict the locations of the 3/6 ABCT’s main command post and the tactical command post with the correct doctrinal symbols on the sketch
Explain your reasons for the main and the tactical command posts’ locations.
The main reason is to offer strategic command and surveillance operations hence they will be strategically positioned within the combat zone.
Section 3: Sustainment
- Address each of the following items listed below. Describe your concept for sustainment and how the BSB will logistically support the 3/6 ABCT’s mission (FM 3-96, Chap. 9)
- Identify the planning factors for Class III in this operation.
This include: Resource and materials planning; materials supply like petroleum and solid fuels
- Identify the planning factors for Class V in this operation
This will include:
-Ammunitions such as chemical, radiological
-Special weapons
-Explosives and bombs
-Rocket propellers
-Missiles and landmines
- Identify the doctrinal method of distribution for this operation, and explain why you selected it
Sustainment is at the corner stone of continued military mission pursuit facilitated through a well organized network of supply. Essential support services are provided such as healthcare, engineering support, food among others so that soldiers can keep on moving and accomplish the mission successfully (Wade,2013)
- Explain where the roles of medical care are located in this operation and how Soldiers receive this support when necessary
Medical care is an essential sustainment element. Soldiers would often receive the care during combat. Critical conditions are taken in for more medical attention. On the field, injured soldiers are issued with first aid. Meanwhile referrals would normally be done should the condition be too critical.
- Explain how and where maintenance of combat systems will be performed
Equipments and other military machines often require effective maintenance plan. Notably, breakdown of equipment should be handled almost immediately by qualified field engineers. The rest can be taken to an isolated point within the combat zone and get fixed. Replacements should be done almost immediately to avoid deterioration of the operation ( FM 3-96, 2015)
- Depict where you would locate the BSA with the correct doctrinal symbol on the sketch, and explain the considerations for the location
BSA will provide back up support and essential services to the main battalion hence it will remain behind as the main battalion advances
- Identify TWO principles of sustainment you believe are the most important in this operation, and explain why the situation demands this
One of them is the principles of close attention to soldiers, minding also about their psychological behaviors. Secondly, abundant supply of essential services is crucial to keeping the operation going.
Section 4: Mission Command Essay
- Referring to your operation as the 3/6 ABCT Commander, describe how you will apply the following principles of the Mission Command philosophy to empower your subordinate commanders to accomplish the mission:
Shared understanding
This is normally accomplished through seeking opportunities to build trust, team spirit and encourage smooth mingling among the troupe. Notably, everyone in the team must be encouraged to feel a ‘sense of belonging” for example: an injured soldier should well be attended by the next available soldier as all must be trained in basic first skills
-Commander’s intent
It should be in line with the general team’s mission and spirit. In fact, it must not erode trust among team members.
-Mission orders
This is to be issued after a careful thought by exhausting all options at hand.
-Disciplined initiative
This will be in tandem with the values and mission of combat.
ADRP 1-02 Operational Terms And Military Symbols (2016), 2018.
ADRP 3-0 Operations. Ebook, 2018.
ADRP 5-0 The Operations Process, 2018.
FM 3-90-1 Offense And Defense (INCL C1 And C2), 2015. Ebook, 2018.
FM 3-90-2 Reconnaissance, Security, And Tactical Enabling Tasks, 2013. Ebook, 2018.
FM 3-96 Brigade Combat Team, 2015. Ebook, 2018.
FM 3-98 Reconnaissance And Security Operations, 2015. Ebook, 2018.
FM 6-0 Commander And Staff Organizations And Operations, 2016. Ebook, 2018.
Wade, Norman M. The Army Operations & Doctrine Smartbook. Lakeland, FL: Lightning Press, 2013.