A Theory Of African American Offending For Race, Racism, And Crime

Some examples of white collar convicted criminals

Describe about A Theory of African American Offending for Race, Racism, And Crime ?

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Crime that is related with violence generally comes up through media. This is because such crimes create sensible affect in the minds of the citizen. It has been found that the audiences like those particular types of crimes that represent the negative orthodoxy of the society.  People like violence. Certain crimes that are related to the corporate world are actually more severe and desperate that requires more concern of the society as well as the media. These kinds of crimes are too much insidious to the organization. As a result the government is not able to tackle such crimes. White Collar crimes are too much related with the core department of the organization where intervention of the government is much tough. The term “white collar crime” was introduced by Edwin H. Sutherland in 1939, emphasizing the fact that criminal activity in the United States was to a great extent, taking place in everyday business by respectable individuals of high socio-economic status. The main feature of the crime was violation of trust, carried out while the offender performed his occupational activities. The National White Collar Crime Center in 1996, defined the term as “illegal or unethical acts that violate fiduciary responsibility or public trust, committed by an individual or organization, usually during the course of legitimate occupational activity. It has been found that the Government has introduced certain laws that compile the individuals to maintain certain activities with the limit, but all goes in vain when one’s personal interest crosses the border. Such kinds of crimes are so much sophisticated. Convicted individual belongs to high society who may be director, manager or the departmental coordinator. These individuals are too much strong and taking action against them is so much hard. Thus it is can be said that the Government is not doing enough to tackle and control white collar crime. This essay will discuss about white collar crime, its types and impact and why government is not able to tackle white collar crime.

White collar crime is a type of crime that is committed by certain individuals that mostly relates to financial gain (Arnulf & Gottschalk, 2012). A typical white collar crime generally consists of individuals who are related to corporate world. They are generally being the higher authority responsible persons. The white collar criminals can be business manager, office executives, fund manager, account head executives or other executives(Peterson, 2013). The white collar criminals are generally held accused by the whistle blowers in the organization, who may be forensic accountants or auditors (Miller, 2012). The entities who are in charge of the investigation of white collar crime are FBI, Exchange Commission and Securities. The National Association of securities also deals with the investigation of white collar crimes (Gottschalk & Glasø, 2013). Some examples of white collar convicted criminals are Kenneth Lay, Bernard Madoff and Bernard Ebbers. Certain examples of white collar crimes are securities fraud that includes investment information misinterpretation, embezzlement that deals with fraud misuse.

Types of White Collar Crimes

There are eight white collar crimes committed by the corporate individuals. The National White Collar Crime Center in 1996, defined the term as “illegal or unethical acts that violate fiduciary responsibility or public trust, committed by an individual or organization, usually during the course of legitimate occupational activity, by persons of high or respectable social status for personal or organizational gain” White Collar Crimes are securities related, Bankruptcy fraud, Governmental fraud, Consumer fraud, Insurance fraud, Tax fraud, Bribery Fraud, Corruption fraud, Political fraud and Insider trading fraud(Borrion, 2013).

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Security related crimes are highlighted by the change of sheer size in the equities market (Braithwaite, 2010). There are four kinds of offenses that include churning, trading, manipulation of stock and operation in boiler room. Stock manipulation over the counter market is viewed as pink sheets where the stocks are traded in very low price all over the market(Walters, 2013). Brokers give misleading ideas to the buyers that the price of the stocks is going to rise within a couple of days.

Stock manipulators run the stock by misleading and deception technique to seduce uninformed individuals to buy shares which are often financed poorly (Larsson, 2013). There are much significant federal as well as state legislation that passes to curtail the operations but still the manipulations continues.

The financial obligations that involve an insolvent person or that concerned organization that files bankruptcy petition which results in property and financial obligations (Gottschalk & Glasø, 2013). Unscrupulous persons have many reasons to commit fraud related to bankruptcy. The most common types of bankruptcy frauds are ‘similar name scam’ old company and new company scam.

From the past people are constantly getting deviated by fascination of crime and its deviance which are actually caused by them. The act of media shows the insatiable interest in regards to crime that is associated with the societies (Pruyt & Kwakkel, 2014). It has become our daily news report that consists of crime on all aspects in regards to movies, games, sports etc. these factors has led to raise questions about the media about its act on society(Barlow, 2013). This has also raised the question of relationship between media and crime about who enhances the actual news. Sometimes it is found that for making the news quite attractive, media represents the matter into a more diversified way where it actual news is quite different (Moore & Recker, 2013). Here raises the question on the act of media. What is the media actually doing? For increasing their TRP, the media is proving vague news to the audiences. Moreover media is that particular aspect of society which is the most effective means to share information among citizens. Media the most effective and fastest means of sharing news that might or might not be vague is predominant in everyone’s feelings (Bierie, 2015).

Theories of causality about types of fraud

Insider trading is a kind of unfair advantage that uses material and non-public financial information to obtain unfair trading securities as an advantage(López, 2012). The person who has the access to corporate information that is confidential can make significant earning by buying and selling of the stocks. Before the initial public offering if the individual sells the shares to other company before merging, this result to illegal activity which is insider trading.

White collar crime is been defined recently as the utilization of power in significant position for illegal gain resulting in harming or inducing damage to victims. This can be measured by physical harm or financial loss that damages the moral climate of the community. Many economists believe that the impact of white collar crime is by far the most significant crime that erodes both the society as well as the economic status of the organization. The employees get endangered through unsafe working conditions, customers get injured due to poor quality products which may be quite dangerous at certain times. This also cause pollution problem to the environment. Such a crime results to raise the cost of doing business that raises the price of the customer. That also decreases the efficiency of a business process and creates a negative impact on the environment. White collar crime impacts on stock market to lower the efficiency of organization.

Victims and Victimology

The true fact is that the public does not take into care about these types of crimes. This is because most of such crimes are insidious to the organization. The crimes are much confidential unless whistle blowers take those into account (Burrows, 2013). At most of the cases the government cannot directly indulge into white collar crimes as the crimes are mostly in dealt with the sophisticated higher authority individuals. And so the rules and regulations though are much tough for every individual acts under-actively for financially strong individuals (Farrell, 2013). This shows that the government is lacking behind in controlling such crimes. These types of crimes are only taken into account when a large volume of finance is associated with. Otherwise the corrupted individual gets advantage of the unauthorized financial assistance that no one takes into account. The main difference between real crime and white collar crime is that there is no threat of violence and no victim who can be physically identified. And due to this reason the government cannot take any strict action that can be such much concrete at the uppermost level.

Social, Economic and Physical Impact of White Collar Crime


At most of the cases it is found that the whistleblowers from within the organization are raising concern about the corporate crimes. It has been also found that the individuals who raise their voice against corporate crimes generally do so for fulfilling their motives. At most of the cases such individuals are given handsome money for keeping their mouth shut. The actual fact is that to act against crime that too of corporate level requires much strength and courage. At most of the cases it is found that the whistleblower gets convicted as they are not able to fight against crime and ultimately act of crimes turns against them. Thus to act against white collar crime and corporate level crime is much tough. Government needs to look after these crimes by taking more concern. Strict laws needs to be fulfilled. Governmental laws must reach to the root levels of all organizations. Any crime is a big crime. Associated convicted needs to be treated severely and has to provide high penalty or otherwise loss of job. Punishment level must be raised setting upa kind of example to inculcate fear among other’s minds so that the individuals think twice before proceeding in corruption. For fighting against sophisticated crime, powerful body needs to come in force and such akind of body is the Government and its laws that must be proactive.

Public do not receive fair treatment from agents and agencies. Criminal justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. There has been a common problem prevailing from the decades that the crime or the criminal behavior that is created by the women are not that much serious. But the true fact is that offends created by the women are constantly increasing. The rank in women inmates are rising much faster than the male counterparts which is breaking the mask of trend. This essay will discuss about the reasons why individuals do not receive fair treatments from agents and agencies.

Criminal justice system consists of several agencies as well as processes which has been established by the government. This system results in fighting against injustice like social crimes associated with men and women (Hawkins, 2014). The convicted is punishable and may be asked to provide penalty by such agencies. Different jurisdictions are found to have different laws to restore justice in the society.

Victims and Victimology

According to Brown & Saeed (2014), when individuals are victimized due to violence they are too much reluctant to call the police. They also do not feel to call the agencies. Even they do not feel in calling the mainstream news channel or other social media. Women those are in dealt with prostitution do not feel in calling the police when they are raped. It is only found that women violence comes to forefront when only they are getting abused by their partners or when they are victimized in the schools or even in such a scenario where goods are getting stolen due to robbery. Thus there are many crimes that are associated with women but they are getting masked. Only due to casual ignorance and improper justice does not put that crime to white light or otherwise there are several cases that if are properly judged can deliver the reports to show the crimes associated with women.

According to Karpantschof (2014), still at most of the cases it is found that the women are not getting justice as the agents and agencies are corrupted. Like the news channels tries to seek that particular activities that are much unique so that audiences are attracted to their news channel. Common criminal injustice is getting covered. Sophisticated crimes are only coming to forefront. At most of the cases the individual who was deprived in the act found to be convicted whereas she has not done any crime. In this way crime which is more diversified nowadays is associated with many injustice from agencies that are far to be noticed. Crime related with women is surveyed to be more severe. It is found that the men involves certain women to indulge into criminal activities as suspecting to women is limited. These results in more criminal offence associated with women. Today in several newspapers it is found that women are convicted in cases related to airport terminals where they export drugs and other weapons. But in most cases the women get out or pass out from getting caught at the terminal as laws related to checking of women are more lenient. Moreover it has been found that due to poverty and lack of proper survive women get involved into criminal activity as money earned by unlawful activities are easier. In the past decades the crime was concentrated more towards to men. But with the rise in population criminal activities are getting associated with women and justice is delayed at most cases.

The crimes that are related to male gender are considered to be much serious. They eventually come to forefront at every time. Crimes associated with men happen due to many reasons like poverty, illiteracy, violence and threat, personal experience etc.

According to Mastors & Siers (2014), at several times men and boys does not get proper justification from agent and agencies. This mainly happens as they fear to contact the agencies. So records say they are not properly guided by the agencies as they require funds to get justice. But when they do not provide money, their justice is getting delayed. It has been also found that if agents and agencies like news channel and other media are contacted then the true matter of crime that has actually occurred against them turns out against that particular individual and so the justice is delayed or else sometimes the crime is not justified. According to McCauley, (2011), justice delayed means injustice. The present explosion in regards to crime and incarceration is associated with substantial growth in size and scope that provides negative consequences which are both collateral and direct. This link of macro systems that exist in relation to micro dynamics that lives in the palm of police scrutiny and economic marginalization is a matter of concern. Political disenfranchisement being one of the factors that deals with macro systems. The race theory named as ‘critical’ is the guide for praxis and pedagogy that explores the racist and founds classist in regards to current macro and micro injustice. The radicalization of crime includes the factors like the roots of UK laws, mass imprisonment, criminal justice, classism and racism.

According to Arnold (2014), in this modern world with the rise of population, the integration of crime starts from the teenager. Thus the inculcation of crime happens to be on the minds of the youth who are deviated with some strong feelings associated with the motive of doing some justice to the society. But the fact s what one feels right from oneself may not be true and justified for the other individual. So the deprives individual files a case against who harms the deprived. And so criminality extends further. One motive is hurt and the one indulges into more severe crime against the society. Thus such inculcation of crime starts to extend from the youth. Men though are responsible for several crimes that are against society due to several intoxications. Sometimes it is found that the frustrated men who are deprived from getting what they actually were supposed to get indulged into crime where they find satisfaction. They find that by hurting others they can mitigate their frustration. In this way crime extends. At certain cases it is found that common men who were never ever associated with any crime happen to get associated with criminal offence due to the act of corruption. Thus here also the normal common man’s sentiment is hurt and so he finds to involve into criminal activities so that one or the other way he gets justice. And in order to get justice he involves harming other individuals where he finds satisfaction.

According to McCauley, (2011) it has been found that as public do not receive fair treatment from agents and agencies, small agencies like ASBO, CRIMBO and CRASBO were developed. According to Antisocial behavior order (ASBO), anyone who is at the age of ten can be ordered under it if they have behaved antisocially. The behaviors include- threatening behavior, drunken violence, graffiti and vandalism and also like playing music loudly at night. If an individual gets ASBO, it means that he will not be allowed to a number of things like drinking anywhere in the street, time spending with certain individuals who are considered trouble making in the society or going at any particular place. The primary aim of CRASBO is protecting the public from anti-social behavior. CRASBO is designed in encouraging the public to be an individual in active participation to report any kind of anti-social behavior which will help ion building and protecting the community. The main difference between ASBO and CRASBO is that the later is made to be on the back of any criminal conviction. The terms and conditions associated with CRIMBO are- using abusive language that is threatening or certain kinds of behavior that causes harassment. This also includes certain individual to not enter into exclusion zone and that to remain in licensed premises. CRIMBOS are generally associated in dealing with persistent to serious offenders to make the society quite healthy. This includes in making the order to be more concrete in preventing the person to offend again in the future. Thus we can see that ASBO, CRIMBO and CRASBO deals with the criminalization of lower class to irradiate the primary source of criminalization that can in future stop the further act of higher violence that will proceed to crime.

According to Lee (2012), fair treatment can be done if concern is taken place at the root level. UK has taken several steps for fair treatment but certain crime that is in consideration to higher society individual takes a longer time to get justice. According to Kruglanski et al. (2014) the urban conflict was much widespread which is characterized in many inner-city areas like London, Bristol, Liverpool and Manchester in the early and mid-period of 1980.


With the progress of several agents and agencies, the mitigation of crime and enhancement of justice in accordance to several agents and agencies are coming within a balance, though it cannot be justified totally but still justification at the highest level can be reached in mare future. A report noted that racism was institutional. Race is not about government, but about the associated hearts of the people. It would be absurd to deny the fact that the degree of racism infects to the deep and in multiple ways to national psyche. The race relegation matters to trends of hearts to renders to increase difficulty in identifying deep structural entrenchment in racism that is contemporary.

Reference List

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