A Systematic Review Of Physical Environmental Correlates Of Childhood Obesity



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Write an essay on the analysis of peer review.

The purpose of this review is to critically analyze a chosen peer reviewed article to determine the objectivity and clarity of the article regarding the topic. The system of evidence-based review is dependent on the facts that are presented in one particular research, the review then continues to judge if the article is objective towards the topic based on the evidence that makes it feasible. According to Yuan, Henry and Peck (2010) the process is a tool that helps the researcher to judge if the article is helpful as a source of information and if there are any benefits of the research. Therefore, this review is about a chosen article and its various parts that are analysed separately to test their functionality and overall role in the research (Abramovitz, 2004). In this systematic review, the whole article and its references and sources are checked and every part of the article is measured to ensure that the article is succinct and relevant in the overall scheme of medical research.

The title of an article needs to be precise and brief but capable of outlining the purpose and the scope of the research (anon, 2012). In the case of this article named “Physical Environmental Correlates of Childhood Obesity: A Systematic Review” by Genevieve Fridlund Dunton, Jesse Kaplan, Jennifer Wolch, Michael Jerrett, and Kim D. Reynolds which is chosen for the review all those criteria are fulfilled as the title clearly indicates the purpose and scope of the research.

In the abstract of the article by Dunton et al, the reasons behind the research are given in concise terms and are clear in the reasons behind the study as it is hard to determine what factors of the environment affect the obesity of children and adolescents (Barbour, 2011). It is also made clear that the cross sectional studies after 2005 which revealed many a facts in this matter are incomplete and incapable in helping the determination of the fact whether the physical or psychological environment is responsible for the obesity. The role of the research is made clear but it is not clarified why the researcher though this particular study was important  or if there were any facts to indicate the obesity in children in many locations of the world are caused by the same factors. So, the span of the study and applicably of the discovered information is not made clear in the research (Blades, 2005). The abstract might be informative and a clear indication of the research approach and the steps taken to uncover the information but it does not fully disclose the scope of the research. In fact, there is no indication if the researcher actually considered the possibility of different factor having different effects on the youth across the world. The different role of the environment has on the obesity of the children and the different factors and their influence on the research subjects that include the neighbourhood and the economic condition are given so the abstract of the article is appropriate (Creswell, 2003).

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Quantitative Research Methods

In the introduction of the article by Dunton et al, the problem and the cause of the problem that is the propensity for childhood obesity has been given along with supporting data to ensure that the facts given are not subjected to speculation. This point helps identify the growing concern of the health care professionals in the introduction and clearly outlines the importance of the study. The factor of the influence of the environment on the obesity and the reasons behind the obesity is discussed in the point that helps put more emphasis on the importance of the study (Dillon, 2007). Next, the introduction points out the effects of obesity in the children and the health complications that might arise from the obesity are given which further strengthens the point of importance and need of the research. This part is the indication of the though the researcher has given behind the choosing of an article. There is some weakness in the reasoning as the introduction is the first part of the literature and if one is not acquainted with the terms the different physical effects of obesity and their importance might not be clear as the importance and the physical consequences of the effects that are caused by the obesity is not given in detail. The introduction also provides a brief description of the studies conducted and the information uncovered by them. This along with the proof of relation between the obesity and the environment is indicative of the justification of the research. The study conducted follows the same pattern and indicates that the built environment might have an effect on the obesity of children. In the last paragraph the obesity related outcomes that are affected by the environment are outline and the details regarding the research is given (Haslam & Witterst, 2009). This is also an important part of any research as this should be a part of any standard introduction that begins with the cause of the research and goes into the process that is followed by the researcher and the significance of the research. Therefore, it can be said that the introduction is quite complete and clearly states the context of the research. The what question is answered by the research and the introduction successfully introduces the beginning of the research.

The quantitative research methods that has been done in the study by Dunton et al,  used literature searches in the research and the information collected from the sources pubmed, psychinfo etc are clarified so the viability of the information sources and the search methods used are verified. The keywords that indicated the search results were about the environment whether it was built or perceived. The clarity of the literature searches and the relevance is made clear by the statements so it is proper and feasible (Knapp, 1998). This is also above doubt that the veracity and relevance of the literature used as sources are accurate.

The inclusion exclusion criteria of the information found were also given which indicated the relevance of the topic to the research and the proof that the objectivity of the research was maintained. Even if the inclusion exclusion criteria were given the reasons behind the choice of the criteria were not given which becomes a drawback as although the criteria seem relevant their significance in the research might differ.

Data Analysis

The data analysis portion of the method also quite clear and the initial method of meta analysis is abandoned. This part is also extremely informative as the reason behind abandoning the Meta analysis and choosing semi quantitative systematic review was clearly given, which makes the research approach much easier to understand (Metcalf & Metcalf, 2008). If the reasons of choosing the new approach were not given then the data analysis would have been unclear.

The categorization of the built and biophysical environments was discussed in the research and the causes were depicted in tables to make them more understandable. The basis of the analysis was given as Lynch’s lexicon of urban form elements. The scale of the built and perceived environment was used to divide the elements and then further sub divide them (Neuman, 1997). This categorization was necessary to ensure that the research was subjective and the effect of the environment on the obesity of the children was made clear. This background of the categorization further helped increase the understanding behind the research and the objective of the research and the goal. Therefore, the determining of the effect of the environment on the physical activity patterns of the children and adolescents was helped by the classification and it helped in making sense of the patterns observed in the research (Stunkard, 1980).

The coding associations of the research are also explained in the last section of the methods portion that helps in the understanding of the theme and patterns of the results so the part is valuable.

It can be said the methods part of the research is detailed and to the point and many extra steps were taken to ensure that full understanding of the reader. Therefore, the methods part is properly explained so the understanding of the steps of the systematic review becomes easier (Wolin & Petrelli, 2009). The attention to details is also an important part as it goes along way into explaining the steps taken in the research.

The results of the research by Dunton et al,  are clearly defined and divided in the different sections, which affect the correlates of the environment with the physical activity pattern that are significantly different in case of children and adolescents. The general characteristic of studies are given to increase the understanding of the results and the way the results were organized. The details of the studies that met the inclusion criteria and specific details about how many of the studies were about children and adolescents were specified to ensure that and equal importance were given to both faction relating to the research.

The discussion of the article by Dunton et al,  is based on the results that indicate the relations between the environment and the obesity that is on other hand dependent on the physical activity patterns. The discussion is clear and concise and clearly indicates the result and the implications of the result that is uncovered from the literature searches. The empirical evidence or lack thereof is justified by stating the need of more study to examine to which extent the effect is functional. The discussion is clear and written with the facts uncovered by the study and the where the results of the study is unable to explain then the reason behind them are clarified along with the possibilities that might be uncovered by the future researches on the topic. The implication of the study as the results are discussed means that the researcher is practical and realises the limitations of the research. The use of objective and subjective data related to the physical environments is clear so the results of future studies can be made comparable. This concern for the methodology and comparability of the future studies indicate the practical implications and limitations of the study. The future scope of the research in establishing more relations between the obesity and the environment is also made clear which might help the future researchers to judge the relations in similar studies.

The limitation of the review due to the small number of studies available is also mentioned in the discussions. The reason behind not providing and numerical estimate for the study and only providing a descriptive summery of the findings is also given. This is a significant consideration of the researchers because otherwise it might have been confusing. Therefore, the discussion section is comprehensive and helpful in the understanding of the research as the important information for the future researchers is marked.

In the conclusion of the article by Dunton et al, the importance of the research topic and the significance of the results are given. The use of the results to form policies and interventions to eradicate the problem are also clearly indicated so the reason behind the study is given. the future research scope and importance of the future studies and where they will be most useful is indicated. To be critical it is unclear from the conclusion what the actual results indicate so the conclusion does not summarise the findings but concentrates on what could not be found. So this clearly limits the functionality of the conclusion.

References of the article

The reference list provided in the systematic review by Dunton et al, is complete with in texting and are accurate.


The critical analysis of the research by Dunton et al, indicates the importance of the topic and the scale of the problem. The research is critically analysed to indicate the significant parts of the study and their importance in the overall scope of the topic. The shortcomings of the research literature are also mentioned along with the implications of the shortcomings. Therefore, the review is complete and indicative of the quality of the research.


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