A Study Of Consumer Trend And Attitude Towards Dairy Products In United Kingdom (UK)

Background of the research

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This chapter will go through various sections and the most pivotal of them all will be introducing the topic of the research in a proper manner. As per the topic of the research, it can be stated that the research will shed immense on the section of consumer trend and behavior towards dairy products in United Kingdom. The background of the study along with the need and purpose of the research has been stated within this chapter. The chapter contains rationale of study, which will elaborate the actual need of the research in various aspects. Moreover, the chapter will also enable the reader to gain access to the major aims and objectives of the research.

Dairy products have massive importance to every individual’s life as these products are needed in a daily basis. Dairy products include various items, which are majorly extracted from domestic animals (Engel et al. 2009, p. 17). These products include milk, butter, curd, and various other items. Consumer behavior towards these products is always positive as these are products needed in daily life and are healthy as well.  Consumers of United Kingdom (UK) also have immense attraction towards these products, which have given rise in massive business opportunities within the dairy industry. Due to immense demand of these products, various branded diary shops have also established within UK. The huge change in prices and quality of dairy products has affected the buying behavior of the consumers.  However, trend in demand within consumers changes with each passing day and are immensely unpredictable. The reason behind this is the introduction of various developed and attractive dairy products. The framework that has been built throughout the process relates consumers, retailers and dairy products. In the past times, dairy products only meant milk; butter, curd etc, but this practice has changed drastically in the recent era (Lane, 2009, p. 47). The only reason behind this change is the introduction of various innovative and attractive dairy products. This practice has made consumers even more attracted to products of dairy industry and the sector is building even more business opportunities.

The research as already discussed is linked with section of consumer trend and behavior towards dairy products in United Kingdom. The chief purpose of the research is to extract the current consumer trend towards dairy products in UK. Apart, from this, another purpose of the study is to extract various issues and hurdles faced by the dairy industry (Butler, 2014, p. 17). Meanwhile, the research will also extract various reasons that can make consumers buy less dairy products and lower the sale of dairy products.  

Purpose of the study

What is the issue?

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The issue that dairy industry have recently faced in the recent era is regarding decrease in sale of actual dairy products, which is majorly due to the introduction of various modern dairy products. Moreover, the consumer demand and trend regarding the dairy products is tough to understand.

Why it is an issue?

This is a massive issue for the entire dairy industry because understanding the demand of the market is pivotal (Hoyer and MacInnis, 2010, p. 19). The small and average dairy firms have been struck majorly with these attitude of the consumers as these firms have a tendency to keep product only which are in demand.

Why is it an issue now?

This is an issue now as this practice of change in trend and demand of dairy products has increased drastically over the last few. The traders are getting confused regarding what products to keep in store and what not to. Moreover, this is becoming a major issue now as the manufactures are also getting confused in terms of which products they should manufacture more in number.

What is the research shed light on?

The research sheds immense light on the division of consumer’s attitude and trend towards various dairy products within UK. The research will also shed light on various issues that have been experienced by the dairy firms in the recent era within UK.

The chief aim of the research is to extract the exact reason behind this immense change in consumer attitude. Meanwhile, the research also aims to find out the issues and hurdles that dairy firms within UK are acing due to change in consumer trend and demand over dairy products. Furthermore, the research also aims to provide a justified solution to the aroused issue.

The objectives of the research have been stated below:

To analyze the reasons behind the change in consumer trend and demand towards dairy

To evaluate substitute dairy products which are in high demand

To monitor problems faced by dairy industry due to change in consumer behavior

To analyze effect on consumers due to rise in price of dairy products

To recommend various types of solutions to the aroused problem within the dairy industry of UK

The research question has been listed below, which will enable the reader to understand the exact queries that are aroused by the researcher, which will also be satisfied within the research. The research questions are stated below:

Rationale of the study

What are the reasons for the change in consumer behavior and demands within an industry?

What are the reasons behind the high demand of updated dairy products in UK?

What are the major issues that are faced by the dairy industry within UK?

What basic steps should be taken y the dairy industry as a whole to recover these issues?

Chapter 1: Introduction

The chapter of Introduction will draw attention to the basic issues and the actual motto of the research will be highlighted as well. Moreover, the chapter will also underline the

Chapter 2: Literature review

This chapter will review the core literature, which have major resemblance with the topic of the research. As a division of performing analysis of the literature, the chapter will evaluate various past studies concerning what it meant to study consumer behavior. This will make the reader know about the various detailed rudiments of each divisions of the related literature within the study.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

This chapter will clear up the method of the research, which will enable the reader to understand the exact procedures that are used within the research. Therefore, it can be stated that this chapter will enable the reader to gain access to the methodology of the research.  Moreover, this chapter will also highlight the exact sources and types of data that are used within the research.

Chapter 4: Data Analysis

The data that are collected from various primary sources within the researcher has been analyzed with intense care within this chapter. This chapter will also contain the elements that are extracted from the qualitative data, which was the interview section. Therefore, it can be said that this chapter will highlight detailed analyzing of the various data that has been collected by the researcher in form of primary research.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter will come with the conclusion of the entire research that will enable the reader to understand the achievement of the researcher. Moreover, this chapter will also consist of linking the objectives with the conclusion, which will show the success rate of the research. The reader after going through this chapter will also gain access to the recommendations that are put forward by the researcher.

The study of the chapter quiet clearly concludes that the chief purpose of the research is to extract the current consumer trend towards dairy products in UK. Moreover, the chapter also concludes the objectives of the research. Moreover, the chief aim of the research is also concluded within the chapter, which is to extract the exact reason behind this immense change in consumer attitude.

Research aim


This chapter will review the core literature, which have major resemblance with the topic of the research. As a division of performing analysis of the literature, the chapter will evaluate various past studies concerning what it meant to study consumer behavior. Moreover, the chapter will also highlight how this concept can assist marketers in performing their responsibilities and roles in a highly efficient manner (Kumra, 2007, p. 39).

The topics that will be covered within this section will have massive resemblance with the topic of the research. The topics whose literature will be reviewed within this section are

Concept of Consumer

Behavior, Consumer activities, Consumer responses,

Importance in Studying Consumers,

Consumer Attitude towards Dairy Products and various models, which will help the researcher to highlight the exact reason behind change in consumer behavior and the handling process of the same (Mattsson, 2011, p. 54).

Moreover, it can be stated that reading this chapter will enable the reader to understand the exact reason behind selection the elements of the chapter. The selected elements within the chapter have massive resemblance with the topic of the research. The research have selected this elements with intense care as reviewing the literature of these elements will provide immense knowledge regarding the core elements of the selected research topic. Furthermore, the chapter will also study various models, which are related with the topic of the research and will extract pivotal information.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

(Source: Created by author)

This is a study, which depends on the consumer trend and attitude towards Dairy products in UK.  It is all about the important, necessity and the market value of the diary products in UK. How the consumers react, activities, behave and accept this kind of product, it is all about that. A dairy product is a food product that is originating from the milk.  United Kingdom is a very big country that is developing and independent so for this the dairy product has the very good chance to improvement (Mowen and Minor, 2008, p. 96). In addition, it is consuming a large space in the market. Moreover, it is very well known and useful product for the daily life in UK. Somewhere almost all the product is under diary product, so it is highly in used. The positive side is the attitude of the consumers and the buyers are very appreciative (Agnew and Stone, 2011, p. 127).  

Research objective

Consumer behavior- The behavior of the consumer is the most important thing for any product. People cannot neglect this thing if they are willing to do their business in a very efficient way. Consumers are the most important part for any business or food related products. If the consumer behaves, well then the product is doing well in market and if any changes are doing for improvement then it works better definitely (Bohn, 2014, p. 84). Moreover, in case any problem is present in the food product then they should immediately change it and have to do something for the improvement. To listen up the consumers is always a good side for development because if they do not know the problems then they cannot overcome the problem.  In addition, if they are doing well then the appreciation is help to level up their confidence. The consumer behavior process includes a huge range of activities involved to use and purchase and adjustment of services and goods (Armknecht and Kapferer, 2009, p. 108). The consumer behavior is all about the consumer activities and consumer responses. Purchasing a product, using a product, disposing the product is the activities that the consumers have. Moreover, emotional, mental and behavioral things are the responses of the consumers. Consumer behavior is the dynamic process, which is changeable. The marketer should study or get the feedbacks of the product in a regular basis. Consumer behavior is should be understand by the marketers. By the help of this behavior, the marketer can achieve their aim and improve the business to get the higher success. The feedback from the consumers about the products is can be visible when they repeatedly purchasing the product and they express it as well. It is an efficient manner to handle. It should handle with care and gentleness (Christ, 2015, p. 53). Consumer behavior is mostly about the post purchasing reactions of the consumer. This is all about to understand the process of decision making of the consumers.  This is a process, which is always in use, and needed, it is not an avoidable thing. It is mandatory thing to doing a good business.

Figure 2: Consumer Behaviour

(Source: Beta.tutor2u.net, 2015)

Consumer activities depend on purchasing, using and disposing of the product. The activities of the consumers are also an important part of consumer behavior. If the consumer buys one product repeatedly then the activity is positive for the business because the consumer is satisfied with the product and that is why purchasing it time by time. If any consumer is not happy with the product then the seller can understand by the behavior or activity of that person, and then the seller should ask the consumer what is the problem with the product., why that person does not like that product (Lester, 2014, p. 46). If the consumers are active for this process then very easily the activities of the consumer can be understand. Consumer should always perform well if they are not responding with the product then they cannot help the company to produce more and more better product. Always a company is required to know the responses about the product from the consumer. Actions are always the better option than the others any option to response. When a product is not acceptable then the consumer should request to the authority to improve the product. Consumer activities are always depends on the situation suppose some prefers the low range product, and some prefers the high range products. The activity depends on the thinking power of the consumers, some are very comfortable with the low range product and some are not accept the low range product as good product. Activities are sometimes depending on market trend, the trend is decides by the consumer and if the market is going with the trend then the activity is different (Mohammadhossein et al. 2014, p. 19). Bargaining is also an important activity of the consumers, which provides the organization with immense amount of problems.  

Research question

The responses from the consumer are also activities of consumer. In addition, it should be maintain steadily. Consumer should always response against the good or bad, good things are always for appreciating and bad things are to complaint. If any wrong thing is happen then the consumer response is badly effect the company. By the consumer response, the products get popular and well known in the market. The literature review says that the response of a consumer is always the thing that can help to improve the business. Sometimes the responses are good and sometimes it is not that much good. However, the both thing is works for improvement of the company. Therefore, the responses of the consumer are always needed and helpful for the market. The response of the new product always needed. Moreover, the response of the new product is very commendable. When the product is doing well then the response of the product is also very positive (Oyedeji, 2009, p. 117). When some new product is introduce in the market then from the response of the consumer they company can understand if the product is acceptable or not in the market. Low range product gets some other responses and high range product gets some other responses. The response of the consumer is help to decide the market trend. The substitute products are also a very important part of the market, suppose when the tea is on high range then people drinks coffee to maintain the budget. So always substitute products are the things to response from consumer.  A person always reacts with bargaining and it is always a response type of consumer (Pearce, 2011, p. 147). Offerings are very attractive things to the consumer and their responses are can be seen by that.

Studying consumer is a very pivotal element to achieve a competitive advantage within the industry. Meanwhile, studying is always important thing to understand anything, and study about some special subject or special part of the subject is always improving the knowledge of that particular subject. Importance of studying is always very high in anywhere in the society. Nothing is avoidable and everything has some value in somewhere. People can have the idea to identify the exact reason of not choosing or choosing some product by the study. The main problem behind the unsuccessful markets is the not understand the exact demand of the consumer and not fulfill the proper need (Robertson, 2010, p. 59).  When any product is going to be launch then somewhere, it is the result of the consumer’s demand.

Structure of the research

In addition, it is very essential things to understand which exactly the demand of the consumer is and what they do not like, which ultimately makes their decision. By the studying of consumer, they can develop or improve the market with their knowledge. Everything depends on some strategies, techniques and tactics also, which can be learnt from this study and which is mostly needed to design the market (Moingeon and Edmondson, 2010, p. 68). This study is helping to build a strong relation between the consumer and the marketers, which are needs to achieve the higher success level of marketing. Satisfying a customer and feel comfortable with the communication skill is always important issue to do business and it could do by long-term efforts and bonding with them. Fulfill their dynamic needs and demand by the good service is one of the things to learn from the study. The decision of the consumers depends majorly on various variable items (Saito, 2009, p. 19). Offers and sale discount are sometimes needed to satisfy the customer.  Moreover, these kinds of offerings are very attractive things to the consumer, they want to communicate with the team, and which is possible by studying this. So the studying consumer is a big thing and highly important for the market and to develop the market.

(Source: Pellett, 2009, p. 17)

The attitude of a consumer is highly needed for business and it is more important to improve the whole system. It is one kind of behavior of consumer but not the same thing. Dairy products are the products, which are produce by milk. In addition, it need to done a very good packaging to store it for many days. In UK, dairy products are much more in use; it is use almost in a regular way. The attitude of consumer needed to be measure as per the dairy farm products. In consumer, studying a big part is to read the consumer attitude towards the products (Solomon, 2009, p. 98). In addition, by the studying it is discover that the consumer’s first preference and the important factor is the quality range of a product.  For dairy products always, the important factor is the quality of that product and it is always a major part of consumer checked. By studying the consumer attitude the thing which is come that is by consuming low graded or bad quality of product, the diseases are took place after that. Therefore, when the consumer is buying the products from the service providers then they should keep in mind about the quality and they do. The focus in the study is to check that the consumer is happy or not with the quality and if not then what is their demand (Pellett, 2009, p. 16). Consumers always pay attention to the facts such as the nutrition value of the product, price, quality, certification, and the information about any kind of marketing that are related or with the company. By that, the marketer should understand which are the exact demand of the consumer, and what should they do to improve the things. The study transpired about the behavior of the consumer to food that consumed by them. The consumers have an attraction point to the offered product, as an example if any product is giving 30% off on the retail price then the consumer always preferred this kind of product than the product that is selling on basis of the exact price (Schiffma  and Kanuk, 2011, p. 79).  This attitude always follows by the consumer after knowing the reason. When the consumer was, inform that the product is from cloned cow then the attitude is change. The attitude towards the dairy product is important to build a good business in this field. This is a literature review about the consumer attitude towards the dairy product in UK.

CRM stands for Customer Relation management. This thing is depending on the management off customer relation. CRM is always important for a company or a business to improve. The consumers can complain about some product and can appreciate for any product (Barney and Hesterly, 2011, p. 77). If any kinds of queries are there then the consumer can take help from the CRM. Every organization has different CRM, not all are the same. When a buyer or consumer purchases a product repeatedly then the consumer is satisfy with the product and the service by that the loyalty of the consumer is level -up. If the consumers are happy and satisfied then the profit of the company is high, that is exactly the motive of a company. After that the firm can do cross selling with the loyal consumer of the company (Lorie and Roberts, 2011, p. 49). When the consumers spread up the positive news about the products and the other people are want to buy the product then it is known as cross selling, firm can gain access to the section of cross selling which will enable the firm to generate even more revenues than before. Moreover, this is an important part of an organization. Cross selling is an advantage of a company (Billac and Soparnot, 2012, p. 101). Loyalty of a consumer is not easy to gain. Consumer can give the feedback about the product through the CRM. If any quarries about the offer are needed then the consumer can get the help from the customer relation management. By the help of CRM, the company can earn the profit.

To do a business it is an important thing to attract the consumer by which consumer willing to purchase so many products. If the packaging of the product is attractive then sometimes consumers are attracted by it. The organization should maintain the balance between the looks of the product and the quality of the product (Lloyd, 2011, p. 67). Offers and discounts are always a big attraction point of the consumer. If any consumer is purchasing a product in low quantity then after getting the discount the same consumer, purchase it more than the need. The looks always matters so company should keep in mind to do good packaging.  Innovative and new products are always on the attraction point (Goldstein and Kroll, 2012, p. 55). If new product is launched then the buyer gets their attention to the products. When the market is meeting with the need or trend of the consumer then the buyers are attracted to the products. These are all the methods of attracting the consumers.

Marketing are the best thing to spread the business.  Marketing is always needs to develop the business and to spread advantages of the company. The advertisement of the company or the products is one kinds of marketing. Advertisement can show by the banner on the road, or through the television, or through the audio. Advertisements should always be the unique and innovative in nature (Hawkins, 2010, p. 428). By which consumers get attracted and follow the advertisement. The positive things and the advantages of the company should always in the advertisement. Promotions are sometimes doing the work of marketing. Sponsorship of some function, or some show or some talent hunt, is always workable in marketing. Leaflets and handouts are also a method of marketing a product (Small, 2011, p. 33). Offers and discounts are the best marketing method by which the consumer and the company both are benefited. Marketing of a product is always a major thing to do, and sometimes the big firms and companies give the work to the reputed marketing production, they hired to do the marketing of that particular product.

All business industry or market is competitive for all kind of products, always there is a substitute product compare to other product. Therefore, the particular product has to the best of the best products. The advantages of the product should show up and the negative sides of the product should improve and develop. Cross-selling process is also an advantage of competitive business to increase the number of consumers (Hopkins et al. 2014, p. 41). Loyalty of the consumer is always a advantage side of the company. Only the consumers can hold the position of the company, and that is why the company should always satisfy the consumers in the business (Business.qld.gov.au, 2015). Competition of being the best is the reason for the companies are always getting involved to do some new and some innovative. The new techniques and systems introduced for the competition (La and Yi, 2015, p. 53). So achieving the competitive advantages to increase the number of consumers is highly important.

Figure 4: Theory of competitive advantage

(Source: Business.qld.gov.au, 2015)

Customers- The customers should be attracted towards the products, which will enable firms to increase their sale ratio and generate more revenue. In order to attract consumers achieving of competitive advantage is one of the most vital needs.

Channels- The methods of communication and various channels thorough, which consumers can be, attracted also plays a huge role of significance. These channels have become modified in the recent era and have proved to be even more effective in attracting consumers towards any products within an industry.

Products- The breadth of the product line should be well managed by the manufacturer, which will attract more number of consumers towards the product. The seller also should sell quality, which is a major element that affects customer satisfaction.

Geographic conditions- The geographical conditions and limits of the stores also plays a huge role in attracting consumers. Retailers should always buy shoos which are within the locality, which will attract increased number of consumers.

The study of the chapter quiet clearly concludes that maintaining a good relation with the customers of the industry is an important need for any organization to carry their business in a smooth manner. Moreover, the section of dairy products has experienced a massive amount of change in demand from the consumers within the recent era. Dairy products which was sold previously are now captioned as outdated as consumers of the dairy industry are immensely attracted to the various new and innovative types of dairy products have been introduced within industry in the recent time.  Moreover, various methods of marketing and the exact reason behind this huge change in the trend of the dairy industry have a massive connection, which is also concluded from the chapter.


On having obtained augmented knowledge from the theoretical underpinnings as well as conceptual models in the previous chapter, the researcher in this particular chapter attempts to frame a suitable research methodology for carrying out the study. Proper selection of a research methodology contributes in resolving the research problems that is raised in the study so that the desired objective-based results (Aneta and Jerzy, 2013, p. 583). Furthermore, the researcher has also highlighted the limitations of the research within this chapter.

Figure 5: Research onion

(Source: Saunders et al. 2009, p52)

The research onion follows each crinkle of the research and helps in creating a suitable path that is used for a research and can resolve the research troubles (Manian et al. 2014, p. 72). Thus, this research emphasizes on the incorporation and adoption of appropriate design and approach along with data collection methods, philosophy and sampling methods.  

Research philosophy

The philosophy of Positivism is a certain type of study, which examines the matter of fact that is already present within the universe (Andreas, 2012, p. 1093). The help of various scientific methods and procedures are taken to conduct these examinations.  This philosophy has been chosen for the research.

Positivism research philosophy has been chosen for the research as the research goes head to head with the deductive process (Alasuutari, 2010, p. 139). Moreover, the help of primary research has been taken for the completion of the research and hence, positivism is the best fit for the research process.

The two of the most common approaches are the deductive and the inductive approach (Jensenius, 2014, p. 403).

A certain procedure where the expert encounters the past research that was done on equivalent point in the past is known as the deductive system (Birzniece, 2010, p. 102).

Socialism of data by distinctive sorts of techniques for correspondence and frameworks and a short time later holding them under examination, which is finally put without a second thought, is known as inductive methodology (Denk, 2010, p. 29).

The inductive approach was chosen for the research as the researcher has communicated with various dairy owners and has collected desired data (Zouzou, 2010, p. 329). This is the one characteristic, which best fits with the inductive approach and hence, the same was chosen for the research.

Exploratory design – The researcher adapts explanatory design at the time when, the researcher faces problems regarding the full understanding of the problem and is also having a scarcity of relevant documents (Undurraga, 2010, p. 279).

Explanatory design – In order to create a certain relationship among the different variables that are used during the cause, the researcher at this section of time uses explanatory design to prove their statement with desired and effective examples (Fielding, 2010, p. 131).

Descriptive design – Whenever, the topic of the dissertation has a huge scope to be researched at that point of time the researcher adopts the style of descriptive research

The topic that has been chosen for the dissertation is having huge exploration scope and hence, descriptive design has been adopted. The dairy industry within UK have experienced massive amount of change in consumer behavior towards dairy products, which opens up a huge scope of exploration.

The research will be conducted on various types of primary data that will be collected and this will enable the researcher to complete the entire course with ease (Brown, 2008, p. 331).   

The sample size has a major importance on the ultimate outcome of the research and hence, this section has been built with intense care. The sample size for the research will be 50 dairy outlets within UK. Apart from the owners, 20 consumers were also asked various questions, which was multiple choices in nature.

The owner of these outlets will be questioned and this will be considered as quantitative data. The questions provided will be multiple choices in nature, which will save immense amount of time for the researcher as well as the interviewee. The researcher has planned to collect the Qualitative Data from four branded dairy shops within UK. The marketing manager of each of these four branded dairy shops will be interviewed and their comments will be used as qualitative data for the proceeding with the research.

Data Collection Method – Data for a research can be collected by two different methods that are primary and secondary data collection methods (Pearl, 2014, p. 27). However, this research will conducted only on the primary data as this will best suit the requirements of the research and will provide a quality outcome.

Secondary Data Collection – Secondary data are those which are extracted from books, journals or websites of companies (Harrison and Reilly, 2011, p. 24). This research does not have any sort of requirements of secondary data and hence, the researcher has ignored any all sorts of secondary data collection. The researcher has conducted the research only basing on the primary research, which will have provided the researcher with immense amount of needed information.

Quantitative Data – The quantitative data for this research has been collected by distributing questionnaires to 50 dairy outlets within UK. The entire questionnaire was multiple choices in nature, which saved immense time. The answer of this questionnaire will be evaluated within the chapter of data analysis.

Qualitative Data –

The qualitative data for this research has been collected by interviewing 1 marketing manager from each of the 4 branded dairy shops within UK. The comment that was received from these mangers has been evaluated and will be presented in the chapter of data analysis.

The research has been completed by surveying and going through various hectic data collection stages and hence required plenty of time. However, the time that was provided for the research was extremely narrow in margin, which aroused various problems. Moreover, another massive issue was availability of funds, which was majorly low and the researcher had to deal with various problems regarding the same.

Main activities

1st week

2nd week

3rd week

4th+5th week

6th week

7th week

Selection of the topic


Literature review


Research methodology


Primary data collection


Analysis and data interpretation




Conclusion and Recommendation


Final submission


The chapter have highlighted various information regarding the conduction of the research, which will clear up any further doubts of the reader. The data collection method concludes that the research is based on primary sources and secondary data is ignored. 


This chapter will analyze and interpret the quantitative and qualitative data that has been collected by the researcher. The findings of each of these data will be detailed within the chapter. Moreover, the chapter will also show comparison of the analyzed data with the help of graphs, which will enable the reader to clearly understand the analyzing of the collected data.

Survey questionnaire (Surveying owners of 50 dairy outlets within UK)

This section will contain 10 questions of multiple choices that have been answered by the owners of the 50 dairy outlets within UK. Reaction of these 50 owners on each of these 10 questions will be analyzed and the findings will be written down as well.  

Q1) How long have been in the dairy industry?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response %

Less than six months



 12 %

6months-1 yr



20 %




32 %

More than 3 years



36 %

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 1: Tenure of Working period

(Source: Created by author)


The analysis of the data is quiet clear as the graph shows that most of the dairy owners, who were approached by the researcher have been regulating their business within the industry for a long time. This can be seen from the graph as 36 % and 32 % of the total respondents said that they are within the industry for more than 3 years and 1 – 3 years respectively. Therefore, it can also be stated that the researcher have collected quiet reliable data from dairy owner who are witnessing the dairy industry of UK for many years.

Q2) Which age category do you belong to?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response %

Between 18-25 years



10 %

Between 26-40 years



20 %

Between 41-55 years



40 %

More than 55 years



30 %

Table 2: Age category of the employees

    (Source: Created by author)

Graph 2: Age category of the employees

  (Source: Created by author)


The study of the above table and graphs quiet clearly shows that the dairy owner are mostly aged persons, which  brings us to the fact that this is one of the major reasons that these people are unable to handle the new dairy products. This is happening as the products needs to be promoted, stored and sold in updated manner, which is becoming a hectic task to be performed by these aged people. 

Q3) How far do you agree consumer behavior towards dairy products in UK have changed over the years?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response %

Strongly Agree



32 %




14 %




9 %




5 %

Strongly Disagree



6 %

Table 3: Evaluation of consumer behavior towards dairy products in UK

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 3: Evaluation of consumer behavior towards dairy products in UK

(Source: Created by author)


The behavior of the consumers towards the diary a product within UK has changed majorly, which is quiet clearly highlighted from the above tables and graphs. This statement can be supported by the fact that 32 % strongly agreed with this fact, while 14 % agrees with the same fact. However, 9 % of the total respondents was neutral, who was most probably new entrants within the market.

Q4) How far do you agree that the current trend of dairy products will even increase in the coming years ?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response  %

Strongly Agree



16 %




24 %




12 %




26 %

Strongly Disagree



22 %

Table 4: Will current trend of dairy products even increase in the coming years

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 4: Will current trend of dairy products even increase in the coming years


Almost same percentage of respondents said various things, as it can be seen from the table and graphs within this section. The highest percentage within this section was recorded at 26 %, which was in the option of disagree, while the second highest is recorded at 24 %, which is in the option of agreeing with the question. Therefore, it can be stated that almost all the respondents was quiet confused regarding the question and reaching to any particular solution for the question is quiet tough.

Q5)How far do you agree that the consumers will again start purchasing traditional dairy products?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response  %

Strongly Agree



20 %




28 %




6 %




26 %

Strongly Disagree



20 %

Table 5: Will consumers again start purchasing traditional dairy products

(Source: Created by author)

Graph5: Will consumers again start purchasing traditional dairy products

(Source: Created by author)


The analyzing of the above table and graph certainly highlights that the respondents gave a mixed response for this question as, it can be seen that 20 % of the total respondents have strongly agreed with the question, while another 20 % have strongly disagreed with the question. This brings us to the conclusion that there is a massive confusion within these owners regarding any change within the behavior of the consumers.

Q6) How far do you agree that the customers are happy with the current cost of the dairy products?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response  %

Strongly Agree



8 %




6 %




16 %




30 %

Strongly Disagree



40 %

Table 6: Are customers happy with the current cost of the dairy products

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 6: Are customers happy with the current cost of the dairy products

(Source: Created by author)


Due to the massive makeover of the dairy industry in the recent time, the products have changed immensely and along with that, the pricing of the products have experienced a massive hike. This brings us to the fact that though the consumers like to buy new and innovative dairy products, but will get restricted due to the massive hike within the prices of these products. The analyzing of the above graphs also quiet clearly highlights this fact as 40 % of the respondents strongly disagreed and 30 % of them disagreed.

Q7). How far are you satisfied with the current condition of the diary industry?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response  %

Highly Satisfied



16 %




8 %




16 %




34 %

Highly Unsatisfied



26 %

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 7: Satisfaction with the current condition of the diary industry

(Source: Created by author)


After analyzing the table and graph, the major talking point is that 16 % of the total respondents remained neutral about the question, which creates a huge question mark. However, the highest percentage was recorded at 34 %, who said that they were unsatisfied with the current condition of the dairy industry. Moreover, another massive amount of 26 % followed them as this section said that they were highly unsatisfied. Therefore, it can be quiet clearly understood that the dairy owners certainly thinks that the current dairy industry is not up to the mark to make good amount of profits.

Q8) What are the current problems that you face to sell dairy products?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response %

Individual differences within customer demands



4 %

Increase in demand of unavailable products



6 %

Less supply of the most demanded products




Conservation problems of new dairy products



28 %

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 8: Current problems to sell dairy products

(Source: Created by author)


This is quiet a easy section to be analyzed as a mammoth amount of 62 % of the total respondents said that less supply in the most high demanded products within the dairy industry is the major problem that these owners have is facing in the recent time. Meanwhile, another huge amount of 28 % also told that conserving the new dairy products are a hectic task to be performed, which is quiet a problem within the industry. Therefore, it can be quiet clearly said that these two are the major problems that is faced by the dairy industry of UK in the recent era.

Q9). How far do you believe that profit making of various dairy shops have been affected due to the change in consumer behavior within the industry?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response  %

Strongly believe



42 %




38 %




4 %




8 %

Strongly disbelieve



8 %

Table 9: Effect on profit making due to change in consumer behavior

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 9: Effect on profit making due to change in consumer behavior

(Source: Created by author)


The profit- making rate of the dairy industry has been affected by the sudden change within the industry, which can be quiet easily extracted by analyzing the above table and graphs. The first and foremost element that needs to be highlighted is that 42 % of the total respondents said that the profit making has been affected due to the massive change within the consumer behavior within the dairy industry of UK. This is supported by another 38 %, who also agreed with the same fact and said identical things.

Q10) Do you want more innovative products to be introduced within the dairy industry?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response  %

Strongly Agree



8 %




6 %




16 %




30 %

Strongly Disagree



40 %

Table 10: Response on introduction of even more innovative products

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 10: Response on introduction of even more innovative products

(Source: Created by author)


The owner of the dairy industry within UK has already face enormous number of problems due to the introduction of various innovative products within the industry. Therefore, it is obvious that these owners will not want any type of increase within this practice. The same is highlighted within the tables and graphs as it shows that 40 % of the total respondents strongly disagrees with any type of introduction of new innovative dairy products within the market. Meanwhile, 30 % of the total sample size also disagreed as they also had similar views and opinions regarding this section.

Survey questionnaire (Surveying owners of 20 dairy consumers)

Q1) Which dairy products do you normally use for your daily nutrition?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response %




 35 %




20 %




15 %




30 %

Table 11: Response on normally used dairy products for nutrition

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 11: Response on normally used dairy products for nutrition

(Source: Created by author)


From the above table and graphs, it can be seen that milk and yogurt are two of the most popular dairy items within consumers as 35 % of the respondents said that they normally use milk for daily nutrition. Meanwhile, another 30% said that they normally use yogurt for daily nutrition, which clears the fact that these two products are most popular among the consumers. However, cheese and butter is also used by 20 % and 15 % of the total respondents respectively as their daily nutrition.

Q2) Which of the following products will you buy, in case you do not find milk in a super shop?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response %

Dairy cream



 15 %




15 %




20 %




40 %

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 12: Response on product to be bought instead of milk

(Source: Created by author)


The table and graph clearly shows that maximum of the consumers will buy yogurt if milk is unavailable for any reason. This can be said as a major 40 % of the total respondents said that they would buy yogurt if milk were unavailable for any reason. However, 20 % also chose the option of butter, while dairy cream and cheese both was chose by 15 % of the total respondents as replacement of milk.

Q3) How have hike in price of dairy products affected your purchasing habits?


No of respondents

Total respondents

Response %

Have decreased buying dairy products




Have increased buying dairy products



5 %

No change




Do not use dairy products anymore



5 %

(Source: Created by author)

Graph 13: Response on price hike of dairy products

(Source: Created by author)


From the above table and graph it can be analyzed that dairy products is essential for all consumers and hence, no one can stop using dairy products due to its hike in price. The statement can be supported by the fact that only 5% of the total respondent has chosen the option of “Do not use dairy products anymore”. However, another fact should also be evaluated that 60% of the total respondents told that they have lessened use of dairy products due to its hike in price.

Interview- (Interviewing one manager, each from 4 branded dairy shops within UK)

This is the second part of the chapter and this will analyze the comments of the 4 interviewed marketing managers of branded dairy shops within UK. The comments made by the managers will be detailed within this section in a descriptive manner.

1. What are the main dairy products that are in high demand currently?

 The manger of the firm answered this question in quiet a clear and straight forward manner as he commented that “Recent products have just changed their packaging and outlook, while the inner elements are quiet identical, and hence milk, curds are in high demand same as before ”. The analyzing of the statement quiet clearly shows that though the industry has experienced a huge amount of change, but the practice of buying traditional products have not changed to any massive amount. Moreover, the manager’s comment also extracts the fact that various basic dairy products like milk and curd are sold the most. Therefore, it can be quiet clearly stated that though the packing and style of these products have changed massively, the utility have not changed to any massive extent.

2. How much is it pivotal to maintain a good and healthy relation with the consumers of the industry?

The manager replied to this question in a diplomatic manner as he just said, “The customers of a company are the staircase that leads the firm to the doorway of success”. The statement quiet clearly states that the manager knows the importance of the customers within a business sector and quiet directly stated that fact within his statements as well. The detailed evaluation of the manager’s comment will extract the fact that maintaining good relation with the consumers of the industry is the first and foremost task that needs to be done with intense care by the management of any firm. The manager said it in a short manner, but he did clear out the importance of the customers. Moreover, firms within an industry should also try to build huge customers satisfaction, which will enable them to make the same customer use the products and services of the company in a repeated manner.

3. How have introduction of innovative dairy products affected the overall profit making of your organization?

The manger was had a sportive attitude as he commented with a smile “Innovation itself in the recent era is the most updated trend and the same have affected profit making of dairy firms in both positive and negative manner”. However, the statement made by the manger did not had any clear conclusion, but things became clear when he added that “Innovation within dairy products have overall raised the overall profit margins of organizations like us”. This cleared the fact that the bigger organizations have faced problems due to innovation within the dairy products but those are comparatively low than what are faced by the smaller firms and dairy outlets within UK. Moreover, the comment of the manager also highlighted the fact that bigger firms have struggled at the initial stages of innovation within the dairy industry but have managed quiet well. Furthermore, these firms are now enjoying good profit margins as well, which is the most pivotal part.

4. As known to all the dairy industry have become highly competitive, so what are the strategies that your organization have implemented to survive this intense competition?

The manager answered this question strategically as she said, “Competition is the only element that modifies the product and services of an organization and hence, dealing with these competitive forces has been quiet tough”. The first and foremost conclusion that can be derived from the comment is that the manager have not questioned the answer to the point, rather she had avoided a certain section of the question. Meanwhile, this can also be seen that the manager have said that her organization have also faced immense amount of competition, but strategies that have been implemented to overcome these competitions have been kept secret by the manager.

The major findings and pivotal elements of the data that are analyzed conclude the fact that most of the dairy owners are not hugely happy with this sudden change in the consumer behavior. The dairy industry in the recent time have faced various and immense amount of competition, which is due to the massive product innovation within the industry. Therefore, the study of the chapter as a whole concludes that smaller firms and dairy outlets within UK have faced more problems regarding product innovation than the bigger and well- established firms of UK.

Conclusions and recommendations


The entire study quiet clearly concludes the fact that the dairy industry have faced huge amount of change within the recent time. The dairy outlets within UK have faced the maximum of negative effect due to increased innovation of products within the industry. Meanwhile, bigger dairy firms have faced identical problems but have not been affected to any massive amount. These firms was affected by the same but they responded back well by implementing various marketing strategies, which have the ability to handle changed consumer behavior.

The conclusion of the research will be linked with the objectives of the research, which was built in the first chapter. This will highlight the success rate of the research, as this will help to understand the amount of appropriateness of the examined sources. Moreover, the successful linking of the objectives with the conclusion certainly means that the research was quiet a successful one and the researcher have performed brilliantly.

The study quiet clearly shows that consumer behavior towards dairy products have changed by a massive amount. The first and foremost reason behind this change that has been concluded from the study is due to the introduction of huge amount of innovative dairy products within the market. The consumers have got confused, as they are not been able to choose the exact product as per their utility, which have made them face various problems. Another massive reason behind this huge change in consumer behavior is due to the rise in dairy products in the recent past.

To evaluate dairy products which are in high demands over the years

Dairy products, which have high demand within the market, are various traditional dairy products, which include butter, milk, cheese etc. This conclusion can be supported by the comment of one of the interviewed manager. The manager said similar things and added with the fact that these dairy products will never ever be out of demand, as these are basic needs to daily life. However, the study also concluded that there are various new introduced products, which have attracted consumers of the market and are in high demand as well.

To monitor problems faced by dairy industry due to change in consumer behavior

The major problem that has struck the dairy industry due to the sudden change in consumer behavior is the section of revenue generation and profit making of these organizations. These have been turned to be one of the huge factors that have made various suffer to a massive amount. Apart from this, another problem that the dairy industry has faced is the changed behavior of consumers towards various products that used to sell the most. This change in consumption has also decreased the profit margin of various small dairy outlets.

To recommend various types of solutions to the aroused problem within the dairy industry of UK

The study highlighted the fact that owners of various dairy outlets within UK have faced huge problems in attracting consumers towards innovative dairy products, which are relatively high in price. The most pivotal strategy that can be implemented is achieving of competitive advantage within the industry, which will enable that particular dairy outlet attract huge number of consumers. This strategy of achieving competitive advantage has been already proved to be highly effective, as the study concludes that well renowned dairy firms has been operating their business with ease, as they have already achieve a competitive edge within the market.  

Building of huge rapport with the consumers – The dairy outlets are not huge shops and hence, do not have any kind of CRM department. This is not a negative point as the owners or the shopkeepers themselves can try and built good rapport with the consumers, which will make them purchase from the same shop repeatedly. However, things are quiet different for the bigger dairy firms, who should develop their CRM departments, which will enable them to satisfy the consumers to a massive level.

Implementing strategies to gain competitive marketing advantage – The dairy outlets have been affected the most, and hence, the owners should implement various marketing strategies that will enable them to achieve a competitive edge within the market. However, the bigger firms have faced fewer amounts of problems, which can be totally omitted by achieving competitive advantage. Moreover, another strategy that can be implemented by bigger dairy firms is price skimming, which will attract huge number of consumers and will retain them, as they will come to know about the utility of the new dairy products.

The limitations of the research and the hurdles that have been overcome to complete the research in a successful manner consist of many divisions. The first and foremost element that should be highlighted is scarcity of time and available fund, which made many task tough to be performed. Meanwhile, gaining access to the dairy outlet owners was quiet easy but the hectic part was conducting the interviews of the mangers of well renowned dairy firms. Another huge hurdle that the researcher had to overcome was various legal paperwork and permissions before interviewing the mangers of the airy firms. Therefore, it can be said that these limitations have restricted the researcher for various pivotal elements, which could have made the research even more effective.

The research topic does not have huge scope of research as it is related to a certain section, but future researches will gain immense knowledge and information regarding various facts about consumer behavior and its importance. However, if any researcher chose to research in the same topic, then this research can be of huge significance to that future researcher. Therefore, it can be stated that this very topic do not have any huge amount of scope to be researcher in future, as all areas are covered with intense care.

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