A Reflection Essay On Managerial Skills And Career Development In The Contemporary Workplace
Qualities of a Manager
With the changing and diversified development of industries, every organisation strives to stand unique in the competition and wants to achieve a success both in terms of monetary as well as reputation. This is only possible when the organisation have innovation as their exist a cutthroat competition in the ramified economy. However, the innovation ideas should have a powerful Human resource with experienced workforce. The reflection essay brings out discussion on skills of manager and how to develop them while opting for a career. A manager should be jack of all the traders as a manager undertakes to perform not only his responsibilities but also supervises members of the team. I started leaning through my inspirational role models that the authority and autonomy undoubtedly brings accounting and responsibility. All the artefacts emphasizes on why do we just work. Is this the reason that we just work to earn a livelihood (Pomeroy, 2015).
Manager has to be an effective to achieve organisational objectives. He should pay attention to management facets such as leadership, a good communicator, and motivator. A manager should ensure that how employee performs their tasks as per the organisational objectives effectively and efficiently. The artefact focuses on the importance of emotional intelligence for a manager. EI is the capability of a manager to identify and manage the emotions of others in the organisation. EI focuses on the ability to harness emotions, cheering up the other people, which can include and regulate emotions to solve problems. The key functions that a manager needs to address effectiveness in their career is an effective leadership, clear visions, motivation, and forming the strengths of the team by having a deep insight in ethnicity and cultural background (Abeysekera, and Dawson, 2015).
The dynamic business environment requires the leaders who are strong and effective communicators. I, as a manager will try to understand the strengths and opportunities to develop expertise in knowledge. A management is an activity that manages and coordinates the operations of business to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. The size and level of managing the organisations depend on its size. The artefact and source focuses on effective decision-making. The source describes the seven-stage model, which is generally used in groups, teams, and organisations. Decision-making plays an important role in forwarding the business operations; it is not only concerned with the expansion of business firms but also considers decisions regarding regular activities (Wlodkowski, and Ginsberg, 2017).
Myer-Briggs Theory and Personality Preferences
To solve a particular problem, all the alternate possible solution includes brainstorming and idea generating process. A manager should be effective and efficient enough to have expertise knowledge in all the areas in which the required workforce works. It is believed that a manager has more responsibility because a manager enforces and promotes the activities to achieve organisational goals (Abedi et al., 2016). To develop traits of a manager, I studied the HR theories in my learning process to understand how time management and risk management affects the organisational objectives. A manager gathers the up-to-date and relevant information for decision-making. The process of decision-making requires appropriate knowledge of statistical tools because insufficient knowledge can lead to serious consequences resulting into wrong decisions (Thebalancecareers, 2018).
The artefacts highlights the responsible phase of all the employees by claiming accountability in their workplace. It is reported in the artefacts that a manager believes that more than half of the employees avoid responsibility. Accountability has become a major issue in the workplace, which leads to mistrust and low morale between the employee and the manager (Lorincová, and Lelková, 2016). Low morale and devaluation among the employees can lead to low productivity. Employees can never be comfortable with a dominating and autocratic leader. A leader should have the traits to lead the organisation as well as become an example for the employees. A manager should be frank enough to listen to the idea and innovation to add value addition in the environment of operations where motivation can increase the efficiency of the employees. Reward system can add inspiration among the employees in order to grab the incentives, rewards, and awards (Fairhurst, and Connaughton, 2014).
Apart from the Myer-Briggs theory is an adoption of psychological theories that is based on 16 personality types and each type has four preferences to deal with such as People and things (Extraversion) and introversion. The preferences is based on facts, reality, potential, logic, truth, relationships, value, judgement, perception, and possibilities. Combination of extraversion and introversion directs the energy of a manager to deal with things, situation, and people and the outer world (Joseph et al., 2015). Whereas, introversion deal with inner world such as idea, explanation, beliefs and information. I would opt for the extraversion where I can be more into my work with the support of employees. As to deal with the external environment through situations and interacting with people outside, it would enable me to become an effective and good communicator because I would learn from other`s experiences (Teamtechnology, 2018).
Reward System and Intangible Satisfaction
A second pair of sensing and intuition where sensing preferences deal with facts and to build a clarity you describe what you see. Whereas, intuition prefer to deal with the new possibilities, look into unknown situations, deal with ideas, and anticipate the risk, which cannot be obvious. I would develop sensing because intuition will create unnecessary risk, which might not remain valid with facts (Deursen et al., 2015). Another combination of pair of thinking and feeling, third pair reflects the process of decision-making. A manager should have objective logic, detached approach, and analytical mind to plan a well-structured decision and then judge. Judgmental differs from judging, they both have different criteria. To maintain the flexibility, people generally prefer decisions that are based on the preferences (Tourish, 2014).
Undoubtedly, I believe that for the expected outcome of a decision, a manager is held responsible because he supervises the actions of its team. However, I will have to build such a spirit among the members of the team that motivation leads to rewards. Expertise in knowledge areas and effective communicate can lead members to perform appropriately as the task. The combination of logics, extraversion, and brain storming ideas can lead to successful results and achievements of organisational goals. Material satisfaction is not the only reason to lead the continuous work and learning process. Intangible satisfaction is the reason which drives one to work according to interest, passion, need, want or the skill (Schwartz, 2015).
From the above reflection, I came across three artefacts, each artefact conveys a strong and powerful trait, which can help an emerging manager to become successful, and reflecting those traits can lead and drive success of an organisation. As personal traits and qualities, a manager should a good decision maker derived by situation, people, and things around.
The traits and behaviour focuses on theory of Myers-Briggs, which has 16 psychological traits. Focusing any one combination of traits cannot drive a manager`s personality. A combination of logical mind with considering the people, things and situation and anticipating the related risk can help an organisation to avoid decision failures. Undoubtedly, whole teams contribute to measure the risk associated with all the alternate problem solving options.
Another artefact reveals that a manager has to be good communicator in contemporary business environment. Moreover, it claims that authority and power held responsible for the actions performed by the team members. The importance of emotional intelligence cannot be terminated especially when trait of business manager is concerned. An HR manager should have an inculcated trait of identifying and managing the self-emotions and other`s emotions. Emotional intelligence defines the capability of a manager to identify and grab the emotions and impact on attitude and behaviour. Moreover, it should be considered doing a course of 1 to 2 years can not develop a sense of emotional intelligent. Apart from the educational curriculum, it is important promote co-curriculum activities such as drama, creativity, debates and tastes of different art flavours. A high degree of emotional intelligence can be automatically promoted when one has team spirit. Moreover, the concept of emotional intelligent focuses the behaviour of an manager`s own emotions and other`s emotions come into contact.
One of the artefact and sources questions powerfully that why do we work. Whether we work just for the sake of earning a livelihood. Nevertheless, this is not the only reason of working. The challenging, stimulating, and engaging tasks to act in a particular responsibility and it can be equally important. Justifying the actions just to say that we do work just to earn money is also not appropriate answer. Capitalisation of economy is not just limited to serve the goods and services to own country but economic country motivate the production houses to export. One can feel that a particular task can be considered important to a person but on the same side, another person may not get stimulated to the same work because the priorities differ from person to person. Apart from material satisfaction, there exist an intangible satisfaction to justify one of the reason for work.
Abedi, G., Molazadeh-Mahali, Q.A., Mirzaian, B., Nadi-Ghara, A. and Heidari-Gorji, A.M., (2016) The effect of personality traits of managers/supervisor on job satisfaction of medical sciences university staffs. Annals of medical and health sciences research, 6(4), pp.239-242.
Abeysekera, L. and Dawson, P., (2015) Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped classroom: definition, rationale and a call for research. Higher Education Research & Development, 34(1), pp.1-14.
Fairhurst, G.T. and Connaughton, S.L., (2014) Leadership: A communicative perspective. Leadership, 10(1), pp. 7-35.
Joseph, D.L., Jin, J., Newman, D.A. and O’boyle, E.H., (2015) Why does self-reported emotional intelligence predict job performance? A meta-analytic investigation of mixed EI. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2), p. 298.
Lorincová, T. and Lelková, A., (2016) Prediction of manipulation, empathy and social irritability through selected personality traits among managers. Periodica Polytechnica Social and Management Sciences, 24(2), pp.83-87.
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