A Little Good Toy Company: Ethical Toys And Fair Trading

ALR710 Marketing Communication

Short-term sales objective

A little good will adopt the following budget estimates for the periods 2019-2020. It is understood that the success of any advertisement is its ability to achieve its objectives. The primary objective is to appeal to a target audience (kids) to purchase more toys from our stores. The budget estimate expenditure is, therefore, a critical factor towards the success of the promotional activities. Firm’s size of the advertising and promotions budget aim at promoting its products should commensurate with the marketing objectives which is a key to the success of the firm. Advertising budget size influences the various marketing mix upon which the advertising firm will adopt in its promotional activities.

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Market research has shown that the structure of a message in the advert affects its ability to influence the buying decisions of the customers (Belch E. George, 2003). The verbal content, the presentation, message, the drawings, and the visual message characteristics enhance the persuasiveness of the advertisement. When the content of the marketing campaign is well structured, it becomes more effective in communicating the intended message.

The toy company will structure their advertisement campaign messages to appeal to its target, market through visual and verbal characteristics of the message. A picture of a young girl holding a child toy admiring a different number of toys held by a toy vendor will get the advertisement message. The logic behind this strategy is that Pictures affect the way consumers process the intention of the message being communicated. Young kids usually associate the advertisement with the product being promoted. This, therefore, through encoding of the message and the visual presentation of the images of the advertisement seeks to achieve this objective.

Moreover, the message strategy should appeal to the feelings, brand personality and the buying desire of the customers. The toys advertisement will induce the desire to purchase the product; the young kids will associate the product advert with its usefulness and the joy they derive from purchasing them.

The key message of the advertisement will be to inform the target market of the unique features of a little good toys. The message is deemed to enhance buying appeal to the parents to purchase toys for their kids. The message is then pegged to show the caring nature of parents to purchase toys that are believed to make their kids happy. Furthermore, the message of the toy to keep the kids busy and engaged in funny leisure adventure is key to this advertisement.

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A male and female celebrity will present the advert design alongside a young kid given a toy amidst a broad smile from the parents. A celebrity will enhance the image of A little good toy company due to their demographic influence in the country. The choice of the source is effective in improving the attractiveness of parents buying toys for their younger children as a way of displaying their caring attitude. Most parents will be enticed to follow suit of the celebrity to their young lads. The message can also be relayed by celebrity boys and girls displaying balloons (Belch E. George, 2003), toys, etc. in a print media, promotional products, and websites.

Marketing and market mix

A little good advertisement strategy is geared towards product awareness in the market. The Australian toy market is vast and gradually growing. As detailed in the previous report, the company will seek to sell its products in the market through online sales. This strategy is convenient and effective in capturing our market segments consisting of the urban and the rural population. The company understands that communication through market advertisement creates awareness and stimulates sales growth. Therefore, each advertisement must be sufficient for all the target and potential customers (Brown, et al., 2009). Thus, the company achieves the objectives of advertising by generating specific objectives for each of the advertising campaigns. The target customers for our toy market will be analyzed to understand the critical demands of this market. Moreover, the objectives of advertising a little good toy is to accelerate sales as well as communicating the product features and desirability. The other objective of advertising is to increase the customer base as well as boosting the sales agents, distributors, wholesalers and retailers’ sales volume. The advertisement of A little good company toy products will eventually boost the corporate image of the firm.

Today’s businesses are fast adopting marketing research as a tool for understanding their target audience (Charles W. Lamb, 2011). Marketing research help companies to gather information that is key to the evaluation of the promotional and advertisement programs adopted by firms. The company target audiences is young kids and their parents in Australia urban and rural areas. The toys advertisement will use words, signs, and symbols that these target group will be familiar with them. Moreover, the toy company will seek to understand the benefits the kids derive from the usage of the toys. This will assist the company to discern the degree of loyalty from the target market as well as understanding the social status and lifestyle of the target audience.

The toys made by the company are of handcraft and arctician make. A little good toys will be unique in the market due to the innovative artistic designs that fit the young kids. Moreover, the product shall be made of low-density materials furnished with beautiful colors that appeal to the target market. The product range of our toys is vast targeting the age groups from one year to 5 years of age.

The product features for the different age groups will be considered regarding durability, innovative feature, pricing, and warranty. The sale of this product shall be enhanced by the admirability of toy features and marketing promotions.

The marketing communication through advertisement and other promotional activities for the target audience must be clear and understandable (Dimarco, 2017). The primary communication for the advertisement of the toys is to appeal to the young kid’s taste of owning a toy. The message, therefore, should be simple, understandable and appealing.

Therefore, the primary selling idea of A little good toy is ‘Keep your Kid dream alive-A toy is the answer.’ Creative kids start here!

The other selling idea for this advertisement is to choose the best channel or media for communicating the message. Our company will adopt online marketing platform through the social marketing channels as well as a television program. This strategy is sufficient to reach the young kids watching television at home with their parents. Moreover, kids today understand the use of mobile through gaming online or downloading mobile applications in the various play stores. Our company will adopt online pop-up advertisements on mobile applications through well-designed cartoon toy related advertisements.

Australian toy safety association regulations

The advertising appeal is majorly the strategies used by the marketers to attract the attention of customers by capturing their feelings towards the product or service being advertised (Achrol & Kotler, 2006). Marketers are tasked to decide the images or symbols they ought to incorporate meaning into a product or service to be consumption (Juska, 2017). Companies must design Promotional activities and advertisements that capture the meaning incorporated into the product and moves it to the consumer. This company will adopt storyboards and animatics useful to reach the target market of the toys. The advertisement will be implemented and repeatedly and dominate the toy advertisement market.

The competitors in the market have not exploited the social media marketing. The company will, therefore, take this advantage as their unique selling plan across the different market segments in the target market areas. Moreover, the packaging of products is one of the strategies that appeal to the users of the product (Frank Kardes, 2015). This company packaging will adopt a unique strategy aimed at selling the product through attractive physical features. The branding of the toys will be excellent with innovative designs for the various toys sold. The creative approach used to sell the toys is based on the design of a robust and outstanding uniqueness for the brand through image advertising (Percy, 2008).

The advertising execution adopted to the sale of toys in the market will be animated cartoons drawn by artists or computer generated. Moreover, other fictional characters such as cartoons and puppets might be adopted for the advertisement execution. The advertisement execution using Cartoon animation will be useful in relaying the message to the targeted children. The use of animation execution will enhance the creativity of the designers in producing variant advertisement designs.

Advertising is an essential tool for driving sales revenue in today’s marketing (Monle Lee, 2013). Research has shown that consumers pay close attention to the advertisement of a brand they have identified to fit their needs and wants. Thus, companies must constantly advertise to reinforce the consumer’s decisions to purchase their brands (Philip T. Kotler, 2014).

A little good company will adopt a post-purchase evaluation strategy to assess the gaps in the product usage and get feedback from the consumers. The ability of a firm to be innovative is pegged on the ability of the firm to identify the gaps of the product in the market and solve the problem therein. The competitors of A little good company will be keen to claim the market share of the production of the toys in Australia. Therefore, our company will ensure that our customers grievances, complains and support on the usage and purchase of our products are guided.

The marketing strategy of the firm is to advertise the expectations that our products will meet in the consumer’s expectations. Marketers must be sure their advertising and other forms of promotion do not create unreasonable expectations their products cannot meet. Advertising is not the end of the promotional activity, guiding the customers through supportive purchasing information reinforces their purchasing behaviors (Prasad A. Naik, 2008).

Communication, writing, and design

A little good company promotional activity shall adopt a creative strategy by focusing on the key message to communicate with the customers. The development of the messages strategy in the advertisements will seek to understand our young demographic environment, the problem facing and the opportunity that the advertisement must address. The primary selling idea will be the key to the advertisement as well as communicating any critical supportive information that needs to be included in the advertisement.

Drafts Advertisements


A script to advertise over the radio or podcast for the company is presented below

(A whopping sound of a flying plane attracts the attention of the playing children, as dad rush in from work. Jack, his son, runs to meet him)

Jack: Look at how that airplane is flying Daddy, I want to fly too

Dad: How? You are neither a bird nor an airplane

Jack: No daddy, my friend Sam flies every day from their kitchen balcony through the garden to the main road.

Dad: (laughing) how?

Jack: He has an airplane as biggest as the one that has just flown now!

Dad: I do not understand.

(Sam starts flying his airplane without the consent of Jack and his daddy, the toy airplane rums into Jack’s car windscreen breaking it into pieces)

Jack: Lucky I you, there it is the magnificent aircraft

Daddy: (furiously happy) I hope the young pilot is not hurt…

Sam: Sorry uncle my aircraft oversped

Daddy: don’t worry child I need to buy one for your friend Jack. Where did you buy such a big robust aircraft?

Sam: (nervously happy) A little good toy company, my dad ordered online

Daddy: let me get my computer, my son will fly to today.

  1. A Billboard Advertisement

A billboard for the company advertisement is presented below; the billboard will be neon designs for children appeal.

The media plan is an essential component in delivering the message to the target audience (Prasad A. Naik, 2004). Media planning identifies the different marketing media channels and evaluates the best marketing channels available for advertising. There are many options that can be included in mass media such as television, newspapers, radio, and magazines. Other categories such as outdoor advertising, transit advertising, and billboards are available for advertisement.

A diversity of support media such as direct marketing, interactive media, promotional products advertising, and in-store point-of-purchase options must also be considered.

A little good company will adopt a different media platform depending on the availability and cost of advertising. Moreover, the product being advertised affects the choice of medium to be adopted as well as the media planning process.

The medium that will be adopted includes broadcast media such as television and radio, print media such as magazine and newspapers, outdoor advertising, and other support media (Richard Rosenbaum-Elliott, 2015). These media platforms are appropriate in conveying the message towards the parents and their kids as well. Kids are attentive to the television broadcast, electronic billboards, Sky balloons, and sales promotional campaigns while the parents would probably get the information through magazines, newspapers, online advertisement and other complex mediums available for advertisements. Therefore, considering the target audience, A little good company will adopt the most appropriate identified marketing promotional technique.

Planning media schedules

Advertisers have an option of adopting the many varieties of media and media vehicle available to them (Sandra Moriarty, 2013). The choice of the different types of media and media vehicles depends on the characteristics of the product, the cost of the budget and preference of the advertiser.

Considering the toys being a product consumed by kids below 5 years, the promotional activities will require the company to apply visual communication advertisement majorly. As discussed earlier, visual communication is useful in creating a lasting impression in the mind of the target audience. Kids are known to pay keen attention to colors, motions, and actions which probably could be easier to capture their attention through animation advertisement design.

Moreover, a toy advertisement requires a visual demonstration to be communicated effectively. In this case, TV may be the most effective medium. However, the company may adopt print media to display the toys and encourages coupon for product trial by the consumers.

A little good company may also adopt a mix of the available media platforms such as social media, promotional products, and website-google ads. This creates more advantage to the target audience as it improves the ability of the promotional message to meet their needs and demands. Furthermore, by combining the media, A little good company will increase their advertisement coverage, scope, and frequency levels while improving the overall sales revenue (Terence A. Shimp, 2012).

The goal of choosing the media vehicle is to meet the target audience while minimizing the waste coverage. The value of adopting the media vehicle should not exceed the economic gains; this is possible if the media coverage is extensive to meet all the target audience (Warren J. Keegan, 2013).

A little good company media coverage shall target all the audience in the Australia market mainly consisting of all the kids and parents. The goal of the media mix as outlined earlier will be to extend the media coverage to as many of the members of the target audience as possible while minimizing the amount of waste coverage (Prasad A. Naik, 2004).

Moreover, the company shall adopt promotional products in supermarkets, recreational sites, resorts and schools where children mostly visit. This media strategy is appropriate to meet the parents as they usually maximize their happiness in resorts and recreational sites together with their children’s.

The total number of people that are exposed to the advert shall be termed as our reach. Therefore, the media mix and vehicles adopted by the company will ensure that a maximum reach in the demographic environment consisting of our target audience is met. The frequency of the media resulting from repetitive advertisement shall be determined by the different media mix and vehicles and the cost budget of advertising.  

The advert shall be placed in different media to maximize the total number of audience reach which promotes duplication of the information being relayed. The measure of potential reach from different media shall be assessed to inform the choice of the media vehicles to be used. For example, the television advertisement estimates a large number of households to be reached.

Advertisement script

The advertisement frequency for the toy will be high to increase the awareness of the product. As earlier stated, the advertisement shall be an impulse with high frequency to encourage behavior change geared towards repetitive purchases.


Media scheduling choices are the plan of advertisement taking into consideration the timing, the length of the advertisement and the cost advertising (Belch E. George, 2003).

The primary objective of media planning is to determine the ideal media schedule that will meet the stipulated budgeting constraints of the company (Frank Kardes, 2015). There is a different approach to advertising that applies to marketing. The media planning team can choose continuous advertising that applies repetitive advertising all the week or follow a strategy of pulsing. The strategy of advertising through pulsing technique, ensure that adverts run in some weeks of the year and not all the periods.

A little good company will adopt a pulsing media advertising technique due to budget constraints and the effectiveness of this strategy. It has been urged that pulsing schedules can generate greater total awareness than continuous advertising when advert quality varies over time (Prasad A. Naik, 2008).

The company advertisement shall vary in design and creativity over the promotional periods to create a sense of agitation for the customers to purchase our products. This is only achievable through continuous innovation and market research.  

Continuous advertisement through the media mix could merely leads to boredom which could translate to low purchases and sales. The advertising of the product will also be informed about the product usage patterns. Lower product usage could lead to frequent advertising as well as low promotional activities, while high usage of the product could necessarily lower the advertising frequency.

This is the final stage of the promotional planning of a company. It assists in the monitoring and evaluation process which aids in devising proper control mechanisms for the firm. The plan measures how well the promotional program meets the communication objectives of the firm. Marketers ensure that the advertising programs of the firm are sufficient to communicate the intended message to the target audience. For example, media advertisement through television and newspapers can be evaluated through market research to determine the reach or coverage of the advertisement to the intended audience. Moreover, the evaluation plan will provide feedback about the target audience perception of the message being conveyed and thereby calls for necessary corrective action. Furthermore, continual feedback concerning the effectiveness of the promotional program provides managers with information that aids their decision making and planning process. Promotional review and product testing plan for a period of 2 years will be used by the company to evaluate the various promotional activities and develop control mechanisms to enhance its effectiveness. The various strategies to be used includes on package invitations, market surveys, product reviews and testing, online surveys and customers feedback.


A little good company promotional plan will lead the company to great success in the toy market. As analyzed through the market analysis of the promotional plan of the company A little good company will easily understand the customer’s needs given the market analysis. Moreover, the promotional strategies the company adopts is believed to increase the company revenue through repeated purchases and referrals. The plan identifies the demographic target group to be children below  years who are gratly influenced by their peers and parents to purchasing toys. Therefore, the promotional strategies employed in this plan shall consist of advertising through television, radio, billboards, promotional campaigns etc. The choice of any advertising channel shall be greatly influenced by the budget developed by the marketing team to cover for all the activities that are undertaken in marketing.

Advertisement budget estimates

The major buying decision for this product will be informed by a market promotional plan developed by the marketing team. The budget estimates for the promotion plan for the 2 years is analyzed for effective planning and marketing activities.  The key message in the media plan being to enhance the creativity of kids through toys, the most appropriate media mix and vehicles that will be adopted by the advertising strategies consists of television and radio, print media such as magazine and newspapers, outdoor advertising, and other support media. The most suitable advertising media is television broadcast, electronic billboards, Sky balloons, and sales promotional campaigns because kids pay keen attention to Television advertisements. Moreover, visual communication is useful in creating a lasting impression in the mind of the target audience. Kids are known to pay keen attention to colors, motions, and actions which probably could be easier to capture their attention through animation advertisement design.

The media plan for the company shall assist the company to meet the coverage of the target audience as well as communicating the ideal message that the audience need to know. The reach and frequency are deemed necessary in communicating the product features to the consumers in order to create a desire for the product and become a loyal customer. The marketing techniques and promotional activities will significantly improve the consumption of the product amidst the many competitors in the market.

The evaluation plan developed shall assist the company in understanding the dynamic in the marketing world. The marketing techniques and approaches to the target market changes with time, therefore, the company shall consistently rely on evaluation plan of the promotional activities to enhance their market growth. The scheduling, media coverage and the reach of promotional activities shall be evaluated to understand their effectiveness in the sale of the toys in the market. The evaluation plan will assist the company in choosing the best promotional tool that meets the objective of advertising at the least cost.


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