A Critical Evaluation Of Road Safety Countermeasures

PSYC6402 Psychological Assessment

Road Accidents and their Causes

Road accidents have emerged as one of the major problems that the diverse countries of the world are facing currently (Scott-Parker, Goode & Salmon, 2015). As per a report of the World Health Organization (2018), more than 1,224 people in Australia lost their lives because of the diverse kinds of road accidents. Another interesting fact to note about these road accidents is the fact that more than 90% of the road accidents occur due to the problem of speeding (Godley, Fildes & Triggs, 2017). In addition to this, it is seen that Australia ends up spending more than 3% of their GDP capital not only on the treatment facilities as well as the implementation of the countermeasures for the reduction in the number of these ever increasing road accidents (Pal et al., 2018).

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Colonna et al. (2016) are of the viewpoint that these road accidents not take the lives of numerous individuals but at the same time affect the normal traffic flow of the vicinity where the accident had taken place. Furthermore, these accidents also damage the roads or the nearby properties and the net result of this is the fact that the government authorities end up incurring additional costs for the renovation of the same (Mannering & Bhat, 2014). In the wake of the increasing number of road accidents various countermeasures like fixed speed cameras, traffic infringement schemes (demerit points, infringement notices, monetary fines) and others have become important. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the countermeasures and to see whether they address the speeding issue. The two countermeasures evaluated were fixed speed cameras and traffic infringement schemes. It was found that this countermeasure have proved to be effective in reducing the number of road accidents in the nation of Australia. In future, further studies can be done to further enhance the effectiveness of these two countermeasures and thereby reduce the number of road accidents even further.  

Hughes et al. (2015) are of the viewpoint that in the recent times rash driving and speeding are the two major causes for the numerous road accidents and not only end up taking the lives of the drivers but also the people who are accompanying them and the ones on the road. As per the opinion of Waizman, Shoval and Benenson (2015) the evils of speeding and rash driving are coterminous with each other and usually occur when the drivers without any apparent reason try to drive above the standard speed level. Recent researches have shown that more than 39.4% of the road accidents which occur are due to the problem of speeding (World Health Organization, 2015). In addition to this, another trend which is noted is the fact that in the majority of the speeding related road accidents motorcyclists and bikers are involved in comparison to the car drivers (Sagberg, 2018). Furthermore, in the majority of the cases of speeding it is seen these drivers lose control of the vehicles that they are driving or lose their own balance which in turn leads to serious road accidents.

Road Accidents and Countermeasures

Yannis et al. (2016) are of the viewpoint that there are various gratification factors which encourage the riders to resort to speeding. For example, an individual indulging in the process of speeding can reach to his or her desired destination in a much faster time than the usual time required (Sadeghi & Moghaddam, 2016). In addition to this, low risk perception of the individuals because of inexperience and lack of past involved in road accidents related to speeding. Furthermore, the lack of moral obligation of the drivers to comply with law is another factor which encourages them. More importantly, there are various drivers who confuse the task speed with task expertise and thereby end up driving way above the standard speed limit. In the recent times, because of the screening of various movies which depict rash driving and speeding as something adventurous and also due to the inherent desire of the human beings to seek adventure, speeding is seen as something very normal as well as adventurous (La Torre et al., 2016). This particular fact has given rise to the increasing number of cases of speeding which almost on an annual basis kills thousands of people. Moreover, at the same time, it is seen that the male drivers are more likely to indulge in speeding activities rather than the female drivers.

According to Sagberg (2018), an analysis of the various Australian road accidents reveals the fact that in more than 71.9% of them male drivers were involved. Furthermore, the traditional opinion of the people that the male members of the society should be the adventure seekers has at the same time increased the prevalence of this activity among the male drivers. In addition to this, it is also seen that among the male drivers, the teenagers are more likely to indulge in these speeding activities than the older because of their need to seek thrill and adventure and also lack of experience. Furthermore, it is seen that if an individual has past experiences of speeding accidents then they are more likely to refrain from indulging in such acts (La Torre et al., 2016). More importantly, the various social factors like the influence of family or peers, other drivers, traffic, passengers and others also play an important role in a driver breaking the standard speed limits (Hughes, Anund & Falkmer, 2015). For example, it is seen that the co-passengers or the drivers often encourage the individuals to indulge in such acts which ultimately lead to fatal accidents.

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Traffic Infringement Schemes

The road accidents not always occur because of the fault of the drivers rather here are various other situational causes for the ever increasing number of road accidents like like time pressure, open roads and others (Várhelyi, 2015). As opined by Zhang et al. (2018), often it is seen that the road accidents are caused by the ineffective construction of the roads, the alignment of the road, the ineffective management of traffic flow, inadequate use of guiding symbols for the drivers on the roads and others. Thus, it can be said that the cumulative contribution made by these diverse causes has increased the number of road accidents over the years in a substantial manner. It is precisely here that the various countermeasures that have devised for reducing the number of road accidents lie.

Mannering, Shankar and Bhat (2016) are of the viewpoint that the primary role of the various countermeasures which has been devised is to not only reduce the increasing number of road accidents but also to ensure the safety of the road drivers and other commuters. Furthermore, the formulation of these countermeasures not only requires the nation to spend a substantial amount of capital but also the active cooperation of the traffic and the other departments of the concerned nation. As opined by Imprialou and Quddus (2017), the effectiveness as well as the efficiency of these countermeasures becomes apparent in the substantial reduction in the number of road accidents in the recent times. As per the World Health Organization (2018), the road accidents in the present times had been reduced by almost 29% and this fact can be attributed to the diverse countermeasures adopted by Australia.

Salmon, Read and Stevens (2016) have stated that the various traffic infringement schemes are primarily directed to reduce the number of road accidents through the imposition of levying of various kinds of penalties or fines on the drivers who fail to take into effective consideration traffic regulations. In the majority of the cases it is seen that the rash drivers or the ones who willing disregard the traffic regulations and put the safety of the commuters at risk are required to pay various kinds of monetary penalties (Hughes, Anund & Falkmer, 2015). However, at the same time, it is seen that, in some of the serious cases the licenses of the drivers are even suspended and they are even made to do community services and other similar kinds of penalties are being imposed on them. In this regard, the Demerit Points Scheme initiative becomes an important one to note and the nation of Australia actively takes the help of this countermeasure for the reduction in the number of road accidents (Salmon, Read & Stevens, 2016). This countermeasure was devised by “The Road Safety Committee” in accordance with the “Parliamentary Committees Act (No. 7727)”, 1968, “For those drivers who persistently disregard road safety laws action is needed to encourage safer behavior and, where possible, remove from the road persistently dangerous offenders” (Parliament.vic.gov.au, 2018).

Fixed Speed Cameras

This countermeasure followed by the Australian government has three important aspects, namely, cancellation of driving license, stringent punishment for repeated offenders and suspension of driving license through court proceedings (Parliament.vic.gov.au, 2018). In the earlier times, it was seen that the various penalties imposed on the drivers were seen by them as mild punishments and thus this countermeasure through the imposition of strict penalties tries to change the behavior of the drivers. The drivers are initially provided with warnings and even they are sent notices however in case of failure to take into effective consideration these warnings and notices stringent actions and also court proceedings are initiated by the authorities (Fleiter et al., 2016). Recent researches have revealed the fact that the usage of this countermeasure has enabled the nation of Australia to reduce the number of annual road accidents by more than 29% in addition to saving the lives of many commuters who inevitably become the victims of these road accidents (Parliament.vic.gov.au, 2018). Thus, it can be said that this is most important countermeasures that the various nations can use for the reducing the number of road accidents.     

The use of fixed cameras which are placed at various junctures of the road is another countermeasure that is being used by the Australian nation and also by the other nations of the world (Hughes, Anund & Falkmer, 2015). This countermeasure is called by various names like red light camera, Safe-T-Cam, road safety camera and others however the basic purpose served by all these cameras is the same (Chow et al., 2017). The role of these cameras is to detect the vehicles which are going way above the normal speed limited prescribed for a particular road or highway and also for the capture various other kinds of road accidents or crimes (Hughes, Anund & Falkmer, 2015). In the earlier times, it was seen that on the roads or the highways where there were no traffic guards, the drivers used to not only break the traffic rules but at the same time go way above the prescribed speed limit. In addition to these, it was also seen that the various road accidents and also crimes used to go unreported and the accidents were detected when it was too late to help the victims (Fleiter et al., 2016). Thus, it can be said that the effective use of this system not only helps the authorities to reduce the number of road accidents but also to offer timely help to the various victims of these road accidents. Furthermore, these cameras by capturing the footages of the accidents and the other kind of crimes that are committed on the various roads and the highways also serve as evidences that could be presented in the court rooms. As per the opinion of Chow et al. (2017), the effective utilization of these cameras has “led to a reduction of 11% to 44% for fatal and serious injury crashes”. In addition to this, a study conducted in the nation of Australia reveals the fact that the use of these cameras has enabled the authorities to “save 190 lives annually, reduce up to 1,130 collisions and mitigate 330 serious injuries” (Parliament.vic.gov.au, 2018). Thus, it can be said that this countermeasures is perhaps one of the best choices that is available to the various nations through which they can effectively reduce the number of road accidents.

Colonna et al. (2016) are of the opined that the increasing prominence which the problem of road accidents has gathered in the present and also the various countermeasures formulated to overcome them can be seen in the emergence of diverse kinds of theories related to the same. In this regard, the two important theories which had emerged as the most important ones are the Situational awareness theory of Endsley (1999) and the Theory of planned behavior of Ajzen (1985) (Hughes et al., 2015). According to the Situational awareness theory, the drivers are not only required to have a perception of the current situation but at the same time an understanding of the same (Mannering & Bhat, 2014). This theory is seen a cognitive decision making theory which not only enables the drivers to predict the future situation and thereby modify their behavior on the basis of this particular fact (Colonna et al., 2016). This psychological theory by means of its emphasis on the current situation and also the need of the drivers to modify their behavior as per the situation becomes especially important in the particular context of the road drivers and the road accidents (Hughes et al., 2015). Thus, it is seen that the national governments of the various nations of the world like Australia and others are increasingly resorting to the use of this theory. This theory is being used to modify the behavior of the road drivers and also the make aware of the harmful repercussions related to their health and also the legal issues that they would have to deal with in case of failure to take into effective consideration the various regulations and also the countermeasures (Mannering & Bhat, 2014). As a matter of fact, it is seen that the effective utilization of this theory not only for the formulation of the countermeasures related to road accidents and also to educate the drivers regarding the regulations that they need to follow has reduced by percentage of road accidents in Australia by more than 44% (Parliament.vic.gov.au, 2018).

The Theory of planned behavior is another important theory which is being used by the authorities of the various nations for reducing the number of road accidents (Salmon, Read & Stevens, 2016). The focus of this theory is to find the gratification factors or the factors that motivate an individual to perform a certain action (Pal et al., 2018). Furthermore, this theory at the same enables the authorities to predict the attitude of the road drivers towards the disregard for the road and the traffic norms and also the actions that they need to take for the control of these behaviors or attitudes. It is pertinent to note that this is one of the most important theories that the national governments of the diverse countries take into effective consideration for the formulation of the different countermeasures since these countermeasures are primarily directed to control the rash driving behavior of the drivers (Salmon, Read & Stevens, 2016). The precepts of the deterrence theory are also important to note in this regard. As per this theory, diverse stringent as well as punishing measures can be formulated so as to deter the individuals not only from breaking the law but also to follow them. In this context, it can be said that the various countermeasures and the penalties are being levied by the Australian government on the errant drivers are means to stop them from breaking the traffic regulations and also to deter them from speeding. The net result of this is the fact that the various authorities during the formulation of the countermeasures not only take into effective consideration the attitude or the behavior of the drivers but also the factors that trigger these behaviors (Pal et al., 2018). Thus, it can be said on the basis of this fact the Theory of planned behavior is one of the most important ones which has contributed towards the reduction in the number of road accidents in a substantial manner.

The various countermeasures like fixed speed cameras, traffic infringement schemes and others are the key factors which had helped the various nations of the world to reduce the annual road accidents percentage by more than 20% (World Health Organization, 2018). However, at the same time, it needs to be said that there are various weaknesses as well as strengths of these countermeasures. For example, the major strength of the fixed speed cameras countermeasure can be said to be the fact that that this countermeasure has lead to an effective monitoring of the errant behavior of the road drivers and also provides effective as well as reliable evidence for the same (Mannering, Shankar & Bhat, 2016). In the earlier times, it was seen that because of the lack of evidence the drivers used to get away with very penalties or even without any punishment. However, the use of this method has made the drivers aware that their driving actions are being monitored and thus they try to follow the various traffic and road regulations as far as possible. Furthermore, the implementation of this system ensures the fact that the repeated offenders are not being to get away lightly like the earlier times (Zhang et al., 2018). In addition to these, the usage of this system at the same time helps the authorities to offer timely relief as well as help services to the victims of road accidents unlike the earlier times when help was often provided too late. However, the major weakness of this countermeasure can be said to be the fact that the various cameras that are being placed on the roads are often not visible to the drivers and this as a matter of fact encourages them to follow their usual practices (La Torre et al., 2016). Furthermore, for the long-distance travelers, by the time their offense is being detected they are way outside the boundaries of a constituency and thus the state authorities cannot implement their regulations or penalties on them. Moreover, it is also seen that because of the large volume of data generated by these cameras it often becomes difficult for the authorities to monitor all the instances of speeding. However, at the same time, it needs to be said that the advantages offered by the countermeasure far outweigh the negative aspects of the same.

The effective usage of the countermeasure traffic infringement schemes also offers various benefits to the authorities. For example, one of the major strengths of this system is the fact that this countermeasure has inculcated a fear within the drivers that if they repeatedly break or disregard the road or the traffic they would have to not only pay penalties but at the same time their licenses can also be suspended (Hughes et al., 2015). Furthermore, in some of the serious cases the offenders are even subjected to various kinds of legal or court proceedings. In addition to these, this system unlike the earlier ones imposes hefty penalties on the drivers and this deters the drivers from disregarding the rules in a substantial manner. However, at the same time, it is seen that there are various weaknesses of the countermeasure under discussion here as well. One of the major drawbacks of the system is the fact that this is a long drawn process and by the time the penalties are being imposed on the drivers the damage has already been done (Colonna et al., 2016). In addition to this, it is also seen that the drivers see the penalties or the fines as normal road taxes and thus there is no substantial change in their behavior. Furthermore, it is seen that this countermeasure rather than addressing the plethora of factors which encourage the drivers to speed solely believes in the notion that the problem can be addressed by imposing fines or penalties.  However, at the same time, it is seen that because of the advantages offered by this countermeasure the number of the road accidents has reduced in a substantial manner.


To conclude, road accidents only threatens the life of the drivers of the vehicles but also the lives of the commuters and individuals who are using the road. In this regard, it can be said that this is one of the major problems that the world is facing at the current moment. Thus, for the effective mitigation or the resolution of this issue Australia is taking the help of different kinds of countermeasures like fixed speed cameras, traffic infringement schemes and others. The effective utilization of these methods has not only inculcated the need of taking into consideration the diverse traffic and road regulations among the different drivers but at the same time has reduced the number of the road accidents in a significant manner. More importantly it can be said that the countermeasure of safety cameras has proved to  be more effective than the traffic infringement system because of the fact that it not only aims to reduce the number of road accidents but also offer help to the accident victims by constantly monitoring the roads. Furthermore, it is also seen that the diverse nations for the formulation of these countermeasures take the help of various theories and models like Situational awareness theory and the Theory of planned behavior. However, these countermeasures can further be improved through the usage of recent technologies and also educating the drivers regarding the various precepts of road and traffic regulations. In addition to these, making the drivers aware of the damage done by their attitude and also rash driving to them and the other individuals is something that the authorities can do in the future.


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