A Critical Analysis Of Sure Payroll Services For Deloitte Corporation
Reports of service monitoring issues during delivery
The human resource at Deloitte Corporation has received several complaints from its workforce with regards to payments. Since the company tasked Sure Payroll Company to conduct payments on their behalf there has been drawback cases from both the employees to be paid and the human resource department at Deloitte. These challenges are:
Management of timesheets by the human resource department has been a huge problem especially when they have to process these document before they can be forwarded to Sure Payroll. Since there are many employees at Deloitte, the human resource is finding it a huge task to maintain a payroll record especially with those workers working far from the main company. Management of data by use of excel at the HR department has been of little help as there is a lot of manual work leaving very less time to send an accurate document to Sure Payroll company for processing of the workers’ monthly payments (Sanghvi, 2007, pp.11)
There have also been problems relating to taxation. This mainly occurs due to heavy burden at the HR department to keep a record of every employee, send these documents to Sure Payroll who then have to comply with the taxation laws. Sometimes Sure payroll finds it difficult to find the accurate tax calculations while making payments and at times employee find they have been taxed more than they are supposed to and this is a huge problem.
This is a problem that a number of employees have faced while going to receive their payments at Sure Payroll. Due to the heavy burden at the HR department in maintaining and updating a record of the timesheet some of the workers’ names end up being misspelled. Sure Payroll denies them their monthly payment and a long verification process has to be followed and the error traced back to Deloitte for them to make the correction in order for the final worker to receive their payments.
Since Sure Payroll has a number of client companies that it makes monthly payments on their behalf, they require huge data processing and a lot of time to proof check on their records before making all the payments. There have been instances where the workforce at Deloitte have reported cases of delayed payment to a period of up to five days (Stoutenburg, and Seifert, 2004, pp. 53-61).
We at Sure Payroll are determined to offer you with quality services. Kindly help us improve our efficiency by completing the survey below. Your participation is highly appreciated.
For how long have you been using Sure Payroll?
- Less than six months
- Between six months and one year
- More than one year
Identify your satisfaction level with the payment services offered at Sure Payroll
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
Kindly provide a brief description of your answer
The payroll is processed and ready on time
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
Kindly provide a brief description of your answer
My payroll is precise in terms of names, payment amount and taxation
- Strong agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
Kindly provide a brief description of your answer
How satisfied am I in terms of:
- Payments amount
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
Kindly provide a brief description of your answer
- The quality of services
- Very satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very dissatisfied
Kindly provide a brief description of your answer
Management of timesheets
In case of any concern, I am able to reach my representative on time
- Strongly agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly disagree
Kindly provide a brief description of your answer
There are a number of factors that lead to underperformance and rise in complaints from human resource. These were dealt with in the following ways:
To correct the issue of inaccurate data being forwarded to Sure Payroll, the human resource department used the computer in the process of documentation. Through the use of spreadsheet and word processor, the workforce data such as names, age, gender, taxation details, job position, and payment details were fed into the computer. These details were then forwarded to Sure Payroll for payments making. In case of any corrections or adjustments, the details could only be corrected by a higher human resource manager who then forwarded the details to Sure Payroll (Kevin, and Hicks, 2010, pp. 174-178).
To deal with the problem of delays in payments, Sure payroll made sure that all the employees’ details in terms of the payable amount and taxation were correctly keyed in and that upon reaching the payment date there will be no delay whatsoever.
To be able to operate smoothly Sure Payroll ensured that they complied with the government taxation laws. This means that they ensured that every individual is taxed the correct mount before they received their payments. This reduced complaints from human resources at Deloitte due to over taxation (Chéron, Hairault, and Langot, 2008, pp. 817-843)
On the topic of satisfaction, most of the clients show that they were satisfied with the payments offered at Sure Payroll. However, the one who was dissatisfied or very dissatisfied had several problems. One of them is involved with the wrong taxation. They were overtaxed and this was primarily caused by incorrect input of data by either the human resource department at Deloitte or the Sure Payroll. Some of those who were very dissatisfied had not received their payments and they had a problem relating to their payment details or their identification.
From the chart above it can be seen that the number of those who agreed on timely pay are much less than those who disagree. This shows that the time that Sure Payroll takes to make payments is not satisfactory at all. This may be brought about by delays in word processing, confirmation of bank details, making changes at the last minute among other reasons.
Form the chart above it can be seen that most of the employees agreed on the precision while making payments. This is related to their payment details, their names, addresses, and taxation. However, there were a few who did not like the details used while making payments. On a closer observation, these can be noted to the group who were enrolled in Sure Payroll on a period of fewer than six months ago. Those who have earlier received their payments from Sure Payroll before have little or no problem at all and their payments were processed easily.
Taxation related issues
From the above chart, it can be seen that only a small portion of those who filled the questionnaire was satisfied with the payable amount they received. Some of the complaints came from the level of taxation from the government. They blamed the government form taking too much. However, some blamed the Payroll for wrongfully tax group identification making them be taxed more than expected. however, a small group of corresponded said that it would be better if payments were made back at Deloitte since giving the role to a third party hugely affects the overall pay since some money I =s deducted to pay for the services rendered.
There were cases where concerns were raised by the workforce to Sure Payroll with matters of not following the federal and state laws. These were raised by workers who did not receive their monthly payments at all and following a close look, it was realized that Sure Payrolls deliberately failed to include the workers in their payment schedule. Complaints were raised by the newly employed workforce, claiming that the human resource department at Deloitte forwarded their details to the payroll, but they were not included for reasons only known to them. This is, in fact, breading the federal laws (Cruces, Galiani, and Kidyba, 2010, pp. 743-749).
There were cases where corrections were sent from the human resource department at Deloitte, but changes were not made at Sure Payroll. These, in fact, relating to the matter of taxation, and the affected ended up being taxed unlawfully yet again. Despite Sure Payroll making adjustments on misspelled bank account details, there were minor cases of unreceived payments, however, on a close follow up they were able to reverse the transactions (Tarapata, 2009, pp.116-118).
Sure Payroll with matters of not following the federal and state laws. however, the law states that every Payroll firm should quickly input the employees’ details into their system so that they can receive payments promptly when the time comes. The law also stated that correct taxation should be implemented from the top of the food chain to the minor works. From the survey, it was seen that a number of workers were complaining of being overtaxed meaning Sure Payroll had not fully complied with the legislative laws.
The Human resource department has many roles in the business one among which is to provide the company with the ideal workforce, with both the knowledge skills and experience in the required field. Employing of qualified personnel’s ensures not only the continuity of the production but also the production of quality product from the selected employees since upon their interview the human resource department determined that they have the experience and the skill s that the company requires.
In order to improve their service delivery, Sure Payroll together with Deloitte Corporation has to do the following:
Deloitte Corporation has to maintain, update and make corrections as soon as they occur in order to stay updated and avoid any case of confusion. These records then have to be sent to Sure Payroll as soon as possible. Sure Payroll has to make the same changes on their end ensuring they have correct details of names, bank details, taxation details, and others. These will hugely help in making the correct payments at the correct time.
In order to operate smoothly both Deloitte and Sure Payroll have to adhere to the rule of the law. This is with reference to payable amounts and taxation amount. They also have to uphold the operation law so that no employee is harassed in terms of the payable amount and taxed paid.
This is an area that a lot of employees have complaints about. From the survey, it was noted that payment may be up to five days late. Considering that these working populations have families to feed, rents to pay, loans to pay among other a slight delay in receiving their payment could have a lasting negative effect on them. Of course, this can be easily avoided by making the payments on time.
The use of computers has made everything easier and precise. These two companies should embrace the use of computers in record keeping, making changes in the record, taxation, making payments, processing of data among other. This will clearly speed up the process of processing the workers’ payments. Since computers are efficient in data storage and processing, the keyed-in amount will be the one the workers will receive as the correct amount for making everybody happy. They can also use technology to send inquiry messages to individual workers to confirm their details long before the payment dates arrives.
Chéron, A., Herault, J.O., and Langot, F., 2008. A quantitative evaluation of payroll tax subsidies for low-wage workers: An equilibrium search approach. Journal of Public Economics, 4th ed. Institute of Economic Studies: 92(3-4), pp.817-843.
Cruces, G., Giuliani, S. and Kidyba, S., 2010. Payroll taxes, wages, and employment: Identification through policy changes. Labour Economics, 2nd ed. University of Maryland: 17(4), pp.743-749.
Kevin, M.R.I. and Hicks, T., Intuit Inc., 2010. Method and system for an enhanced payroll report. U.S. Patent 7th ed. California: (797-211), pp 174-178.
Sanghvi, A., 2007. Improving service through online payroll. The CPA Journal. 3rd ed. Associate publisher: 77(3), p.11.
Stoutenburg, E.E. and Seifert, D.A., First Data Corp, 2004. Electronic payroll system & method. U.S. Patent 6th ed. Illinois. (829,588), pp. 53-61.
Tarapata, T.L., Intuit Inc., 2009. Real-time payroll. U.S. Patent Application 12th ed. Washington, D.C: (022,817), pp. 116-118.