A Comprehensive Overview Of Mobile Cloud Computing

Fundamental Concept of Cloud Computing

Mobile cloud computing is well-defined as a modern tool for smartphone facilities and it enable cloud based services into various smart phones [1]. It is s computer resource which provide a backup plan to consumers and rapid progress of cloud computing become a powerful trend in the arena of information technology. The main goal of this report is to recognize the fundamental concept of cloud computing and their advantages and disadvantages [2]. However, this type of technology faced different challenges for example, bandwidth issue, server issue, and security problem. Cloud computing is an modern and next generation of commuting Infrastructure and it provide infrastructure services to their consumers like servers, networks and storage elements. According to the research article, the use of mobile cloud computing is increasing very fast because it improves the bandwidth and size of storage. This research paper delivers a survey of mobile cloud technology which can help to gather knowledge in the field of the cloud. This report explained overview of cloud computing technology and challenges faced by cloud based services. There are many organizations which are providing this type of services for example, Google, Amazon, and sales force at very low price by which many users can adopt this system [3].

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The term cloud computing is latest innovation in the sector of processor science and many mobile communities re providing this prepress in smart phones. It is an attracting option for business industries which can reduce the running cost of any mobile application. MCC is defined as mobile cloud computing process which is a part of infrastructure system where documents storing and data dispensation both processes are done outside the mobile phone [4]. It is a new platform to produce more effective processing system outside the mobile and many organizations uses this technology as a backup plan. It is used to deliver different types of services such as storage, database system, networking, and software. The main advantage of this technology is that bit is more flexible rather that other computer networks [5]. There are main three types of cloud computing used for example, public, and private and hybrid. Public types of clouds are operated by third party services providers that transfer their computer networks and resources over the internet.

Microsoft Azure and amazon web services both are best example of public cloud system and in which all software’s, hardware’s, and other infrastructure services are controlled and monitored by third party sellers. Private clouds are defined as computing resources which are used by a single organization or business industry. Some of organization also pays to third party sellers to host their private cloud computing technology and it is a network in which both infrastructure and services are controllers by using a private network [6]. Hybrid cloud is a mixture of private and public which is sued to share data or information from one device to another. In mobile cloud computing strategies are linked to various networks with the help of base station and data links. There are main four layers used in cloud computing for example, software as a service, platform as a service, infrastructure as a service and data centres.

Types of Mobile Cloud Computing

The main persistence of this layer is to provide the infrastructure and hardware facility for cloud computing. In which a large amounts of headwaiters are interconnected with high-speed data systems to deliver various facilities.

It is defined as infrastructure as a service which is constructed on highest of data centre and it enable the provision of data storage, servers, networking equipment’s and various hardware’s [8]. In which clients pays according to their ability and third party sellers provide this type of services to consumers. Amazon elastic cloud computing and simple storage services bath are very best example of IaaS.

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It is a platform as a service that delivers modern assimilated services for testing and organizing user interface applications. There are few examples of this network layer such as Google App engine, Amazon web services and Map reduce and Microsoft Azure [7].

Software as a Service underpins a product dispersion with specific provisions. In this layer, the customers can get to a solicitation and data remotely over the Internet. Microsoft’s Live Mesh additionally permits sharing records and envelopes over various gadgets at the same time.

There are many benefits of cloud based services which are described below:

  • Extending batter life
  • More efficient and increase performance of computer networks
  • Improving reliability
  • Ease to understand
  • Very cheap and simple process
  • More secure
  • Down time
  • Security and privacy issue
  • Vulnerability to attack
  • Limited control
  • Vendor lock-in
  • Maintenance cost is very high

The research methodology will involve various kinds of strategies and methods which can be used in this research paper. There are many research methods for example, design method, data collection method and survey method [9]. The main purposes of these research strategies are to improve the effectiveness of this journal paper and researcher can resolve challenges and issues by using data analysis process.

In this article qualitative data analysis method is used and author described the working principle of cloud based services. Qualitative data method provide theoretical information about cloud computing and it also helps to understand Implementation of cloud computing in business. Researcher used this process to gather data or information about mobile cloud computing and author can achieve the objective of this research.

In this research, the data or information will be stored with the help of a survey in order to gather significance of cloud computing in mobile devices. This survey also involve definition concept of cloud computing, their architecture, and applications [10]. This research design will also provide a way to collect first hand data and relevant information regarding this topic and Microsoft word can be used to prepare a report on cloud technology. The theoretical data about cloud computing will be collected by various location for example, literature review, journals, books and online websites.

Benefits of Cloud Based Services

In the research report secondary data methods are used to collect relevant information about this topic. The secondary data is stored from different articles, books, academic publications and government websites [3]. Secondary data is used as it aided to understand that cloud computing and many organization uses this technology to enhance their productive and performance.

The data analysis process is used by author to describe both primary and secondary data to find the pattern of cloud computing. There are many other data analysis techniques by which people can analysis data or information regarding cloud computing such as content analysis, discloser analysis process, and statistical analysis method. In this research paper, author used content analysis technique to find the reason for implementation of cloud computing for any organizations. This process is also helped to achieve the goal and reach at a valid outcome [11].

In this research paper it is founded that cloud computing technology can helps to enhance the batter life time and it also reduce the power consumption problem. It is observed that security is single problem for cloud technology and author founded that many customers use simple password based system that can be easily hacker by attackers [9]. Due to which consumers and organization can lose their privacy and personal information like account details and pictures. First precedent is the Amazon Simple Storage Service which underpins document stockpiling administration. Another precedent is Image Trade which uses the huge storage room in mists for portable clients.

The mobile communication applications are faced different kinds of challenges for example; lose bandwidth, less secure computer networks, complexity of mobile servers, and lack of security. To reduce all these issues information technology was developed new technology which is called as cloud computing [12]. Therefore, this technique improved overall efficiency of mobile networks and it also helped to increase productivity of an organization. The main issue occur with cloud computing is that it is very limited technology by which all users will not able to adopt this process.


In this modern generation cloud computing is very famous technology because it reduces issue of flexibility and cyber-attacks. Mobile cloud computing is growing very fast due to which many users move towards the smart phones and the rate of cloud service is increased by 30%. There are many third party organizations which provide this type of services such as Google, and Microsoft, and Amazon. This report explained the importance of cloud in the sector of mobile communication and their strength and weakness. Therefore, consumers should adopt biometric recognition system to reduce cyber-attacks and security risks associated with this technology. Organizations should use their private cloud network by which they can enhance their privacy and employees should use backup plan for their personal data or information.


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