A Comparison Of News Coverage Of The 1981 Brixton Riots And The 2011 London Riots
Brixton Riot
In the year 1981 a riot or up rise took place in Brixton, South London. The Brixton riot that had caused as a heated confrontation between the metropolitan police and the protesters in Lambeth resulted into casualties and injuries to both the police and the public. The incident took place between 10-12th of April 1981. Primarily the reason behind the up rise is regarded as the instability of the economic condition of the country and the hard heating impacts of recession. Whereas, the riots that took place in the year 2011 was caused by the incident of police shooting and the consequent death of Mark Duggan, a 29 year old protestor. The discussion hence will focus on the various news reports that have been published covering these two incidents.
Bbc.co.uk 2018. The legacy of the Brixton riots. [online] Available at: https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4854556.stm [Accessed 18th Dec 2018].
According to the news report published on BBC, the casualty of the incident was very high. Around 300 people were injured due to the incident. It is to be mentioned that the news report has focused on the suddenness of the turn of events. The report mentions that the common people of Brixton, especially the so-called lack population of Brixton were highly perplexed as a result of the constant discrimination and injustice that was taking place. This article critically describes and analyses the Brixton Riot that took place in South London in the month of April at the burrow of Lambeth (Bbc.co.uk 2018). The article describes how people were vandalized and attacked for a period of almost three days. About three hundred people were injured as a result of this riot. The article portrays that even after twenty five years the situation of crime in London has not changed over the years. The article also reports the total amount of loss to be at a figure of around 7.5 million pounds. The article describes how the occurrences of events were completely unexpected and how the situation had deteriorated since long but was under cover.
The fact in this source is the type of the risk/casualty, which intensifies the riots. Tragic fate of 300 people alarms the audience about the heavy impact it created on the society as a whole. Perplexity of the people upon the news is the opinion of the critics, which brewed up the instances of racial discrimination (Bbc.co.uk 2018). Vandalism of the people is a fact, which generates confusion within the audience regarding the actual incident. Unexpected turnover of the incidents contradicts the usual sequence and order in which the events occurred.
Theguardian.com 2018, When Brixton went up to flames, Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/apr/10/brixton-riot-april-1981-feature [Accessed on 18th Dec 2018]
Mention can be made of the revelations of The Guardian, which ignited a spark in the riots. The way in which the news was covered altered the governance (Theguardian.com 2018). The cases of brick arching through the air, exploding windscreen of the police van are the facts, which adds a spark to the already burning flames of the riots.
London Riot
Theguardian.com 2018. How smouldering tension erupted to set Brixton aflame? Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/1981/apr/13/fromthearchive [Accessed on: 18th Dec 2018]
It is noticeable that whereas the BBC news has pointed out the reasons behind the incident an underlying tension of the situation, The Guardian has provided more emphasis on the chain of events that occurred that day. It is to be mentioned that the newspaper report has portrayed a vivid image of the incident and has also incorporated the reactions of the common people who witnessed the incidents.
In comparison to the report published in The Guardian, the report produced by BBC provides detailed causes and deeper analysis of the unfortunate incident. It is to be mentioned that the report has pointed towards the discrimination that the black population of the country are facing (Theguardian.com 2018). Not only in terms of civil rights but also they were witnessing difficulties while searching for employment. In addition to this, the report has also covered the previous incidents and political as well as governmental intervention that have fueled the matter largely.
Independent.co.uk 2018. Brixton riots in pictures. Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/history/brixton-riots-in-pictures-2266287.html [Accessed on 18th Dec 2018]
The news report that has been presented by The Independent, it can be understood that the occurrence of riot was not a sudden event. The report has portrayed the policies that were taken up by the government and the after effect of these strategies on the common people. From the report it is noticeable that the new report has rightly mentioned the implementation of “Operation Swamp 81” on the citizens (Independent.co.uk 2018). In addition to this, it can be noticed that the government of London has taken up stop and search operation in order to combat with possible eruption of violence. The Independent points out that as a result of this operation almost thousand people have been stopped and searched. The government though had claimed that the stop and search operation was introduced by them in order to tackle the increasing and high crime rates.
By analyzing the news reports that have efficiently covered the riots of Brixton, have pointed out the helpless situation of the common people. It is also to be noticed that both the BBC newspaper report and the article published in The Independent have focused on the problems and reasons behind the fury of the common people. In this regard, it is to be mentioned that the effectiveness of these two reports are to be regarded as more successful (Independent.co.uk 2018). The reports have efficiently portrayed the plights of the black population of the country and the oppression that they are facing. Whereas, the newspaper reports point out the reasons behind the riot and the consequent result of it, the television report aired by the BBC and the article published in the Guardian vividly portrays the incident and the steps taken up the government in order to tackle the situation. By comparing the reports and articles published in these newspapers it can be said that these reports effectively focused on the incorrect governmental policies and the plight of the common people (Independent.co.uk 2018).
Bbc.com 2018. London riots: Looting and violence continues. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-14439970 [Accessed on 18th Dec 2018]
In contrast to the news report published on the event of the Brixton riot, the BBC news has taken up different narrative technique while covering the news of London riots 2011. From the very title of the article, it can be understood that the report has pointed out common people, more specifically the people involved in the riot and agitation, as offenders. As the title suggests the riot has been termed as loot and vandalism (Bbc.com 2018). Moreover, the report has portrayed vivid images of loot and vandalism. It is to be noticed that in contrast with the formal language that has been used in reporting the incidents of Brixton riot 1981, the news report of London riot has been written using a language that is more colloquial. Moreover, it can be said that the BBC news report covering the news of London riot is more effective in conveying in the points of views of the author. To elaborate it furthermore it can be said that along with presenting the disheveled situation of different places, the report also includes different opinions presented by the politicians, government officials as well as common people. Hence, it can be said that the report is effective enough to present the different views and let the common people have all covering information. In addition to this, the report also presents the after effects of the riots and the steps taken up by the government in order to combat the situation and restore an environment of peace and harmony (Bbc.com 2018).
Digitalspy.com 2018. England riots made worse by media coverage. Available at: https://www.digitalspy.com/media/a373637/england-riots-made-worse-by-media-coverage-finds-report/ [Accessed on 18th Dec 2018]
Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Blackberry Messenger and TV news coverage worsened the riots and its intensity. On the other hand, coverage of the riots on television and social media helped the public to gain familiarity with the actual incidents. These were the opinions of the Riots Committee and the Victims Panel upon the prime investigation (Digitalspy.com 2018). According to the opinions of the Board panel, strict action was taken to regulate social media operations as it can aggravate the complexities of viral noise. It is a fact that negligence to social media operation in the perturbed ambience of the riots indicates further complexities in terms of loss of lives from noise pollution.
Theguardian.com 2018. London riots escalate as police battle for control. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/aug/08/london-riots-escalate-police-battle [Accessed on: 18th Dec 2018]
In this regard, it is to be mentioned that the narrative style taken up by The Guardian has not changed significantly from that of the previous one. Similar to the reporting of the Brixton riot, the newspaper has taken up the approach of portraying vivid descriptions of the incidents and disruptions that were taking place in London. In addition to this can also be monitored that the report has also focused on the different steps that has been taken up by the government and police (Theguardian.com 2018). The report also intended to analyze the future steps and strategies that the government can take in order to tackle the situation. Hence, the report produced by The Guardian has mostly focused on the violence that were creating disruption in the lives of the common people rather than searching for the causes behind the turmoil. Moreover, it can be noticed that the newspaper report effectively mentions the possible strategies that can be implemented in order to identify and grab hold of the people who were aiming at creating more disruption. It is also to be mentioned that from the newspaper article, the willingness of cooperation from various public and private organizations can also be monitored (Theguardian.com 2018).
The root cause of 1981 Brixton Riot is the confrontation between the metropolitan police and the protestors. On the contrary, London riots of England 2011 was a series, which resulted in mass destruction of lives and property. In both the riots, there were massive destruction. However, the only difference was in the way the riots was covered by media, television and newspaper channels.
Lanning, G. 1981. Television History Workshop Project No 1: The Brixton Tapes. History Workshop Journal, 12(1), 183–188.
According to Lanning (1981), Brixton riots were covered on television with the names of The Brixton Tapes. Majority of the coverage time was spent on taking the opinions of local leaders, MPs and the youths of Britain. Within this, mention can be made of the video, which reflected the insights of the natives about the riots. Pamphlets were distributed in public regarding the launching of the video. The fact here is the empowerment of the people in terms of the community, which they intended to achieve. Lanning is of the view that locals are the agent, who provide authentic insight into the riots (Lanning 1981). The Television History Workshop enhanced the awareness about video technology, which brewed up the spark of the Brixton riots.
Riots are a type of civil disorder usually having features of vehement violence and disturbance towards the society in the form of public property destruction and widespread vandalism of people and authority. Generally, the riots are formulated against a particular target depending upon the grievances of the attacking group. There have been occurrences of numerous instances of such riots and riots can be classified into different groups in the form of student riots, police riots, race riot, prison riot and even sports and food riots. Two such examples of riots are the Brixton Riot that occurred in the year 1981 and the London Riots that occurred in the year 2011. In the context of both the Brixton riot and London riot, it can be said that both of them were civil up rise against the governmental policies and oppressions. In this regard, it can be said that the newspaper reports have been successful in conveying the views and ideas regarding these burning issues of that time.
Bbc.co.uk 2018. The legacy of the Brixton riots. [online] Available at: https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/4854556.stm [Accessed 18th Dec 2018].
Bbc.com 2018. London riots: Looting and violence continues. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-14439970 [Accessed on 18th Dec 2018]
Digitalspy.com 2018. England riots made worse by media coverage. Available at: https://www.digitalspy.com/media/a373637/england-riots-made-worse-by-media-coverage-finds-report/ [Accessed on 18th Dec 2018]
Independent.co.uk 2018. Brixton riots – in pictures. Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/history/brixton-riots-in-pictures-2266287.html [Accessed on 18th Dec 2018]
Lanning, G. 1981. Television History Workshop Project No 1: The Brixton Tapes. History Workshop Journal, 12(1), 183–188.
Theguardian.com 2018. How smouldering tension erupted to set Brixton aflame? Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/1981/apr/13/fromthearchive [Accessed on: 18th Dec 2018]
Theguardian.com 2018. London riots escalate as police battle for control. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2011/aug/08/london-riots-escalate-police-battle [Accessed on: 18th Dec 2018]