A Comparison Of Business Research Papers: Defining Variables And Theoretical Frameworks
Establishing a Theoretical Framework and Defining Variables in Business Research
• Compare and contrast three business research papers as to describe how the researchers defined and operationalized variables while providing a theoretical framework.
• Explain why the researchers exhibited similarities and differences in how they defined and operationalized variables while providing a theoretical framework.
• Derive one rule given the above analysis.
• Explain why the rule you derived is important.
Science has so many pillars that are in combined approach provides numbers of logic, reasoning, ethics to conduct researches. As the science is based on experiments, there are numbers of variables have been involved to conduct numbers of experiments to achieve numbers of results.
While we are considering the platform for mobile learning, it integrates innovation and education. In today’s modern era of internet, the education system is evolving with the new edge of communication by joining networks among the student, universities and let them share knowledge resources (Go.galegroup.com.ezp-02.lirn.net, 2015).
Even plans to cut the information technology costs are due to the information technology activities that are more decentralized. Data and insights on the technology expenses were not shared across the organization in a systematic way. Hence, all the managers and executives are tending to determine the most efficient target to cut information technology expenses (Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net, 2015).
While Information Technology is perceived as a collection of software and machines and an organization or a group of people is thinking about the spending on the information technology, it is expensive and complex. It takes proper planning, selection, implementation, and use of the IT assets in an effective way and finally undesirability that leads to replacement. The increasing use of Information Technology helps a lot to gain overall success in health care organization and other several aspects. Adoption of Information Technology requires utmost understanding to crack the box to open up the new possibilities (Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net, 2015).
While managing the information technology is an important factor, there are numbers of critical roles for the librarians are evolving across the several countries. Based on information handling, proper use of the internet is playing crucial roles to provide data to the librarians in the knowledge age (Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net, 2015).
The occurrence of the mobile platform for the teaching and learning purpose is in itself a motivator. Mobile technologies are already widely known for different level of students. It makes it possible for the students to access their classrooms with ICT or Information and communication technology. Havoc use of Internet made it possible to bring the classroom in the hand of every child. Sharples, (2003) suggested that instead of seeing the technology-enabled disruptive devices, educators or the faculties should take initiatives to incorporate technologies based on mobile platform that can offer the children assistance to find the best possible way to put them into the way to achieve benefits of e–learning platform. Over the past ten years, the use of M–learning platform has been increased, whether it is the schools or workplace (Naismith, Lonsdale, Vavoula & Sharples, 2015).
While, adoption of IT is a key aspect of today’s daily life, Kuan, and Chau, in the year of 2001, perceived technological context, i.e. perceived direct and indirect benefits; on the organizational context he perceived technical competencies and financial cost; in the environmental context he perceived government and industry pressure (Go.galegroup.com.ezp-02.lirn.net, 2015).
Exploring Differences and Similarities in Variable Definitions and Operationalization in Business Research
While cutting the information technology cost is a big concern, in the year of 2005, the consulting firm Accenture conducted a survey consists of 143 senior–level government managers in across 13 countries including U.S. and as per the findings there are numbers of governments are there who have cut their service cost by allowing shared services operating model. Though, there are few government organizations there who are still commencing their journey towards the shared services model (Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net, 2015).
While we consider the library management system using the Information Technology, in the year of 2001, Jewell presented a report on the selection, licensing and moreover the support for the online materials for the research libraries and he has already included the fact that libraries nowadays are involved in acquiring supporting and managing the electronic resources. Between 2003 and 2005, the first ERM (Electronic Resource Management) system came into the market (Elie-Dit-Cosaque & Straub, 2010).
With the advent of technology and havoc use of the internet has enabled the situation where almost everyone has the tendency to use the technology enabled devices. While IT adoption is a key consideration, there are numbers of organizations are increasing their revenue by increasing the use of technological devices and application. Hence, organizations are more tend to find the cost-effective way to pursue the technological advancement in the organization (Hunter & Lafkas, 2003).
On the other hand, the efficient use of virtual storage spaces for online teaching and learning have been in use till now that have enabled the efficient uses of technology to reach the classroom from the remote location. There are several of mobile apps those are in use for conducting the virtual classrooms. Now mobile learning trends are catering across the society that has enabled the blind learners to get the test of education and the sophisticated users with other impairments (Loi, 2015). Though, it requires a certain amount of self-reflection and awareness to access devices and applications. American children in the range of 0-1 with 10% population use featured devices. The students with the age 2-4 of 39% have iPad or video-enabled iPod, on the other hand, the students with 52% population and in the range of 5-8 ages access the smart devices. Also, this trend is increasing the self-learning activities among the students and kind of learners (Go.galegroup.com.ezp-02.lirn.net, 2015).
Due to the e-learning platform, it becomes possible to store the educational resource on the virtual platform with the capacity to share it among the different users. Henceforth, it gave the advent of new dimensions of library management system. There are numbers of educational and research institutions provide their own online library management system, that will made them possible to provide different link to resources and information available across the Internet (Skinner & Rosen, 2001).
Due to the current trend of havoc use of technology and need of technology enabled devices across the industry made it possible to understand the different management level organization. Managers and the higher level of authorities nowadays are involved in removing the different level of management and controls over the different levels of task. Higher authorities sometimes are more tend to pick up the cornerstone, rather than the capstone, i.e. they look for the future aspects before fixing the present scenario. Hence, it is required for the managers and higher authorities to consider the information and present scenario. Sometimes to manage the situation, it is recommended to the authorities rather than eliminating different level of problems, it will be better to find the cause of the problem; this is the place where organizations require the changes and the above mentioned technology driven aspects are the key sectors where changes took place and served to the society. In this context technology driven solutions put a great impact to fix problem by cutting budgets required for the white collar jobs, as those tasks required numbers of human resources to conduct different parts of single task, but with the help of the technology driven solution, it can be possible to integrate different level of task. On the other hand development of application and use of the internet made it possible to access the information spread across the internet. Some government and non-government organization is still developing their scope for involving different technology driven solution, for example use of e-commerce models those are widely in use for the retention of the potential customers, better platform for making interaction within the organization or the parts situated at different location.
Elie-Dit-Cosaque, C., & Straub, D. (2010). Opening the black box of system usage: user adaptation to disruptive IT. European Journal Of Information Systems, 20(5), 589-607. doi:10.1057/ejis.2010.23
Go.galegroup.com.ezp-02.lirn.net,. (2015). Library and Information Resources Network, Inc.. Retrieved 5 August 2015, from https://go.galegroup.com.ezp-02.lirn.net/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CA324249874&v=2.1&it=r&inPS=true&prodId=AONE&userGroupName=lirn68662&sw=w
Hunter, L., & Lafkas, J. (2003). Opening the Box: Information Technology, Work Practices, and Wages. ILR Review, 56(2), 224-243. doi:10.1177/001979390305600202
Loi, M. (2015). Technological unemployment and human disenhancement. Ethics And Information Technology. doi:10.1007/s10676-015-9375-8
Naismith, L., Lonsdale, P., Vavoula, G., & Sharples, M. (2015). Literature Review in Mobile Technologies and Learning (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www2.futurelab.org.uk/resources/documents/lit_reviews/Mobile_Review.pdf
Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net,. (2015). Library and Information Resources Network, Inc.. Retrieved 5 August 2015, from https://search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net/docview/204897712/99F33AC489154F35PQ/14?accountid=143980
Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net,. (2015). Library and Information Resources Network, Inc.. Retrieved 5 August 2015, from https://search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net/docview/249821959/99F33AC489154F35PQ/70?accountid=143980
Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net,. (2015). Library and Information Resources Network, Inc.. Retrieved 5 August 2015, from https://search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net/docview/218226673/DE9AD40751984599PQ/1?accountid=143980
Search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net,. (2015). Library and Information Resources Network, Inc.. Retrieved 5 August 2015, from https://search.proquest.com.ezp-02.lirn.net/docview/204897712/F2CE7B57A5064E83PQ/1?accountid=143980
Skinner, D., & Rosen, P. (2001). Opening The White Box: The Politics of Racialised Science and Technology. Science As Culture, 10(3), 285-300. doi:10.1080/09505430120074109