A Comparative Analysis Of Spiritual Perspectives On Healing In Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, And Christianity
Understand the Relationship of Disease and Spiritual Care
Understand the Relationship of Disease and Spiritual Care
- What are critical common components to all religions/beliefs in regards to healing, such as prayer, meditation, belief, etc.? Explain.
- What is important to patients of the faiths when cared for by health care providers whose spiritual beliefs differ from their own?
Health care providers care for patients from a number of different religious traditions and need to gain as much knowledge as they can, regarding such religions and their cultures to provide quality care. Three religions that are often encountered in health care are Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. All of these religions share many similarities and, at the same time, have many differences. This paper answers the following questions about each religion: ‘What is the spiritual perspective on healing?’ ‘What are the critical components of healing?’ and ‘What is important to people of the particular faith when cared for by a health care provider whose spiritual beliefs differ from their own?’ It also compares these religions with Christianity and its philosophy of faith and healing.
The objective of this essay is to understand the relationship of disease and spiritual care. Several thoughts have given to compare and contrast the different views of spiritual care that help patients to cure. Christianity and Hinduism are the two different views that are discussed here to understand the difference of the spiritual treatment. How a person can get better treatment with the belief that god will help in the bad time is also a part of discussion.
God is a belief within the human civilization that incorporate positivity and strength within human life to overcome challenges. This belief differs with the name of religion and humans are divided with different faith. Almost all belief was developed to provide strength during the hard situation in the life and almost all are principally same. In the ancient time when science was not so advanced in healthcare segment, people use to believe in god when they became sick (Davis, 2014). Because at that time very few medicine was available and doctors was unable to detect the disease therefore need of other strength that will provide mental support was very important. From that time human has started to believe in the spiritual care even beside medication many number of healthcare service provider still believes and depends on their divine power to cure their patients.
Spiritual belief is the faith that occurs at the weakest moment of human when there is no way out from the challenges. Most of the people believe in some of the spirituality and they believe that in all situations their god will help them. There are different beliefs in this earth and according to them their god is also different though the principle of all religion is same and they speak about the best side off the humanity (Torskenaes et al., 2015). Whenever there was any danger on the human civilization there was some way out and they started to believe that god has helped them to overcome the situation. This is how human spiritual belief was developed in the earth.
Worldview of spirituality and healing
Illness among the human is very common since the civilization. Previously there was no method treatment and people use to die without getting any treatment during their illness. If someone was able to recover in the natural way then it was believed that spiritual power has helped him to recover from the disease (Sibley & Bulbulia, 2012). And from that time that spiritual power has a deep relation with the disease. The belief also says that god never wants that their follower survive but if any of them is doing anything wrong then it is the god who is punishing human in the form of disease.
There are several spiritual beliefs with the death of human. In this essay only two faiths is discussed one is Christianity and the other is Hinduism. In Christianity they believe that when a person dies he or she only left his or her body but they still exists in this earth. They also believe that even after death they can be connected through various processes. According to holy bible any attempt to connect spirit is strictly forbidden (Koenig, King & Carson, 2012). Bible classified the whole human race in two categories the saved and the lost. Saved are among them who have trusted on Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and lost are those who haven’t. Hinduism is totally a different belief but also have similarity in some cases. Hindus also believe in god and they believe that after death it is impossible to connect the spirit. It is only possible if the spirit have not left this earth. According to the Hindu belief those who have done good jobs throughout their life left this earth with their soul and reaches to the divine and persons who do not trust on god their soul remain on earth. This is like a punishment that they will suffer after death.
There is no one in this earth who will prove it as right or wrong. According to all religion if you believe in god then all the beliefs during your lifespan is right. Belief in god will help the individual to overcome every problem so as believing on them is the right thing. Since the physical existence of god is nowhere and they are intangible therefore there is no way to prove them right or wrong (Sutton & Parks, 2013). Most of the time when peoples are in danger they pray to their respective god and most of them get the strength to overcome them. Therefore it can be argued that the belief is right as majority of people believes on them.
What is the history of human spiritual belief?
If we compare two philosophies of Christianity and Hinduism we will found that both are saying the same thing in different way. Objective of both beliefs is to provide strength to the human being in their daily life so that they can survive well. The other aim is to bring peace and goodness to the earth for the betterment of human race (Lee, 2012). The Church and temple are the two places where individuals from both beliefs come to worship their god. The process may be different but ultimately they apple to the almighty for their family and loved one so that they can live well in this earth.
Healing of a sick person is dependent on the care and treatment that they are getting from the service provider. The critical component of healing is the diagnosis of the disease. As soon as the disease is detected by the doctor they will be able to treat them properly with respective medicine. At the time of the treatment mental strength of the patient is also important. If the patient believes on the doctor then only doctor will be able to treat them properly (Olivier et al., 2015). If the patients think the doctor is unable to treat then it is very difficult to cure the patient. Therefore every physical disease has a close relation with the mental stability of the patient that is also a critical component of healing.
According to the religious belief disease is the punishment of god and bad work is the reason of that. If the victim or the sick person is a believer of god then they will pray to god and promise that from the next time he or she will not do any mistake knowingly. This pray will strengthen the belief on god and the sick person will start to believe that he or she is curing due to the forgiveness of god. If the sick person is curing from their soul then their body will start to increase the immunity to cure their disease (Pesut et al., 2012). Therefore most of the time even in the age of advance science healthcare professionals believes in god because it cures the sick person internally. Believing in the spirituality will enhance the cure process.
A Hindu patient what they need during their sickness is similar to what a Christian patient need; they need the faith of god. Therefore a healthcare provider must respect and understand the religious belief of the patient’s even if it is different from their own. The healthcare providers must allow the patient to express their religious, ethical or philosophical views so that the patients can express their fear. It will help to minimize the anxiety level in the patients mind that will help to increase the internal confident. The healthcare provider should be supportive and need to seek outside spiritual counseling (Moberg, 2012).
What is the reality of spiritual belief in healing?
Spiritual belief may differ from person to person therefore belief of the patient and healthcare provider may not match every time but it is the duty of the healthcare provider to provide required assistance to the patient with their religious belief so that the patients can gain the mental strength to fight their disease. If the religious belief of the nurse and the patients is different and the patient gets no support from the nurse from the religious perspective then chance of curing becomes low because mentally the patients starts to believe that since the nurse is from different religion therefore she will restrict patients god to act there. This type of faith will increase the anxiety and patient will take more time to get cure (Jimenez et al., 2012).
From the above essay it can be concluded that there may be different religion in this earth but all of them was created to provide better mental support to the human race. Since most of the human believe in god in this earth therefore treating them with the faith of religion will help to increase the cure rate of the patients. Once the patient’s starts to believe that god will help in their bad time then it will also help the healthcare provider to provide better support.
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