A Case Study On Sexual Assault: The Two Faces Of Albert Ashwood

Section 1: Problem Statement

Section 1: Problem Statement

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This case centers on Albert Ashwood who is being accused of sexual assault towards about 25 women in the organization and wrongful use of power to obtain sexual favours from female employees (Johnson, 2015). He holds an executive position as a regional Vice President and has been a part of Silver Moon Resorts & Spas for thirty years. He however holds the confidence of the owners, is widely respected by associates and executive committee members and is known to be jovial and charming which is quite contrary to the accusations levelled against him (Johnson, 2015).

Celia Costa, who shone a light on the problem to David Swinton, the new Chief Operations Officer, claims that the higher ups might have possibly had an idea that things were not as black and white as they seemed, but they ignored this instinct. Swinton is in a delicate situation, questioning himself on whether he wanted his first action as a Chief Operation Officer to be whistleblowing. It is evident from the onset that Albert is one of the most respected and valued executive the corporation has and also holds the affection and close ear of the owners (Johnson, 2015). When Swinton inquired from his colleagues which of his Vice Presidents he needed to create an instant rapport with, Albert was recommended. Also, from the information Swinton found about Albert, he had been offered promotions to posts at the head office before but chose to stay at Park City. The accused is a man who is described by Swinton as ‘physically active, impeccably groomed, well mannered, energetic, intelligent, young-looking, very well informed and has valuable contacts’, and greeted almost all people they met in the office by name. He has created a careful façade of friendliness which, according to Celia Costa, he has used to ensnare his innocent victims (Johnson, 2015). Only one victim has mentioned the abuse to a visitor from the head office (the Vice President of Human Resource) and was more or less ignored so this is a new revelation and 25 cases spanning thirty years are being handled at once.

Section 2: Key Issues (What are the issues? Who do they matter for? What are we trying to achieve?

Abuse of power is evident here. From an informed position, Albert preyed on weak and ambitious women and forged friendships with them for ulterior motives. Though it is worrying that some women would in their ambition agree to give sexual to a possible predator, it is a worse thought that deserved accolades and promotions are not given to them through the correct routes (Johnson, 2015). It is crucial that this and other corporations are made aware of the fact that vulnerabilities of lower employees can be exploited by their executives if too much power is given to them. Albert in this case has influence, respect and employers eager to compensate him and keep him comfortable, and little to no oversight.

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Section 2: Key Issues

It is also an issue of concern that he had a whole executive committee with very few female members and that all female former members seemed to be no longer with the company except for the Head of Housekeeping who had held the post even prior to his arrival (Darr, 2018). In a world attempting to achieve gender equality, this is a situation that should have been examined with more depth.

It is worrying that one of these cases had in fact been reported by a victim ten years prior to a Vice President of Human Affairs, notably female and wielding a high enough position that she could have made a change, who insinuated that it was not her business thus indicating that at least one person at the head office knew of this crimes but turned a blind eye (Ost, 2009). This shows a blatant disregard of employee welfare.

It is seen from the case study that all individuals with any ability to make a report that implicates Albert practically idolized him as a superior or had high regard of his opinions as a hotelier. Celia confides that she would not go to her boss with the information she had because he hoped to be recommended for promotion by the very person who would be implicated. If everyone who can be reported is comprised and those who can solve the problem ignore it, solving it will be close to impossible (Persadie, 2012). Seeing as to how practically untouchable Albert is, it will be difficult to get the head office and the owners to implicate a man they have known as an excellent hotelier for thirty years and who makes efforts to develop leaders for the brand (Johnson, 2015). This is a case of values being compromised for profit because though he has had revolutionary ideas through the years, which have likely been generated in committee meeting, he has abused his influence and this could negate all of the company’s work of many years.

The only lady to maintain her seat at the executive committee is the head of housekeeping, which might by tradition be considered a feminine job. Though not obvious, there is an attitude that a certain gender would be better suited to do certain tasks, which is worrying for a generation existing in this day and time.

Section 3: Recommendations

Attempt to contact the 25 women in Celia’s diary and gather enough evidence from them to make an airtight case against Albert such that the head office has no option but to take action (Johnson, 2015).

Section 3: Recommendations

Set and implement a rule that requires all executive committees to be fairly balanced in terms of gender representation, and also propose that promotions are given not going by recommendations but by observation and face-to-face interviews which everybody will be eligible to apply for.

Section 4: Next best two alternatives with Pros and Cons

  • Study the circumstances surrounding each resignation in the park city office and reasons that people gave when they resigned. It is quite possible that even as the women in the case study resigned to flee from Albert’s sexual predation and blackmail, there were others who fell out of favor with him and consequently had a difficult time implementing their duties(Johnson, 2015). This could however be not yield the expected result in the absence of the affected parties. Besides, with Albert having the rates of success as he has had throughout his career, his judgment of people might be seen more as a good call than anything else.
  • Investigate throughout the corporation as a whole the issue of gender uniformity in important positions and question why its lack in Pack City has not been a source of concern(Wallace, 2018). This could become a futile investigation because a person who was hired to revive a troubled branch of a corporation and succeeded as Albert did will mostly not be restricted to a certain composition of people if their choices positively impact outcome. Also, there is no specific crime in disparity. Because the of equality has had strong support for only a short time, a delay in implementation is fairly understandable. Achieving reasonable inclusion of both genders in such a way that everyone is satisfied and nobody is out of their job would take a lot of time.

Section 5: Justification of your recommendation (pros and cons; how is it better than the alternatives?

Gathering information from former victims has the disadvantage that the word of a 24-year executive will be believed more than that of a person who claims to have been abused tens of years ago, and can scarcely be considered sufficient evidence (Persadie, 2012). There also exist individuals who would view coming out with information of this nature after such a long time a stab to their dignity, a view which makes them unwilling to participate. Irregularly of this, the fact that this abuse is still ongoing should be enough reason to undertake the issue so that Albert’s clean-cut image can be questioned. The hope would be that even if no permanently damaging actions are taken against him, he may be aware that he is being watched, or at the very least new victims be aware of the games he plays with women and that they can make reports to a higher office (Wallace, 2018). Exposing this would mean that Silver Moon Resorts & Spas would have to admit that they have failed to uphold respect, integrity and transparency and this could have negative effects on business. If any of the allegations were to be proven the corporation would have to terminate that Albert, a highly valued employee. If word got out that the human resource Vice President had been informed and basically ignored it, it would seem as if the people at the head office will readily compromise the company values for continued profits (Persadie, 2012).

This is however a better idea than following up on all resignations which is unreliable because people are wont to making sketchy or false reports when they feel like are under duress. The best idea, of course, is to fire Albert before his actions paint the whole corporation in a negative light, but management would have a hard time explaining this to the owners without evidence.

This might in effect lower the idol status that Albert has to some people who could be willing to give an honest opinion on his behavior towards women. It is quite possible that the influence Albert has in promotions issued would have people compromise ethics for career development (Johnson, 2015). Employees will also know that the playing field is now level and they do not need to earn the affection of one particular individual so as to be promoted. On the flipside the process towards filling gaps left by retiring and resigning employees will be longer.

Section 6: Implementation Plan with a Timeline (what specific steps are to be taken, in what order, and when? The aim is to demonstrate that your plan is feasible and you understand how complicated it is (or isn’t) to achieve.

  • Use Celia’s documented diary to get the names of the affected ladies.
  • Contact them through forwarding addresses and contacts from employee documents.
  • If they are willing, get them to corroborate the allegation and maybe even give written statements of their own. Also ask them to give physical evidence if they are able to.
  • Show these documents to management and use them to argue that action should be taken against Albert and if they cannot do without him he should at least get a warning.
  • Edit the company values to include equality.
  • Set up a new system of giving promotions which includes applications and interviews.

Section 7: Risks and Contingencies (what problems may occur? how do we deal with them?

  • It is noted several times that the owners love Albert and take his opinion seriously so taking these steps might make threaten to withdraw their properties if they see their star player is off board.  Here it becomes necessary to prove that the corporation has many consummate professionals and that sales happen not only because of the man at the helm. Stress that the system of achieving results set by him shall not be set aside due to his departure.
  • Attempting to introduce the concept of gender balance will be difficult because at any given time all positions are occupied. This will therefore take a lot of time to achieve.
  • Setting new rules in general takes agreement from many stakeholders which also will consume quite some time.
  • It is expected that promotions be given to people already involved with the company even when possible external applicants are better skilled. This is why preferential consideration will be given to internal employees anyway, but everybody will know that they have to earn promotions.


Darr, O. A. (2018). Plausible Crime Stories: The Legal History of Sexual Offences in Mandate Palestine. Cambridge University Press.

Johnson, G. C. (2015). A Case Study in the Ethical Leadership: The Two Faces of Albert Ashwood. Ted Rogers Leadership Centre, 1-7.

Ost, S. (2009). Child pornography and sexual grooming: Legal and societal responses. Cambridge University Press.

Persadie, N. R. (2012). A critical analysis of the efficacy of law as a tool to achieve gender equality. University Press of America.

Wallace, R. (2018). The Women’s Suffrage Movement in Wales, 1866-1928. University of Wales Press.

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