Multidimensional Field Of Healthcare For Nursing
Cultural Competence
Discuss about the Multidimensional Field of Healthcare for Nursing.
Flexible nursing skills are in high demand in today’s world. The ever-increasing multicultural population in a particular region or globally makes it very important for the nurses to be knowledgeable about different cultures, customs, and other aspects that are different from the natives. Transcultural nursing is an essential element in today’s healthcare industry. Not knowing a person’s background poses a serious and significant challenge to nurses. Providing individualized and holistic care to the patients by the nurses requires the nurses to be aware and appreciative of the differences in culture in everyday life and health care, of values, beliefs and customs of each person. Cultural competency enables the nurses to treat the patients with superior care. Nursing research is needed to promote the trans-cultural nursing and ways to improve it (Aiken et al., 2013)
In a census (2000), according to the United States Bureau of the census, it has been said that 30% of the total population in the United States, or one in every three persons is comprised of a different ethnicity and are non-Hispanic whites. This statics gives views of the multicultural population present. Additionally, the census also said that by the year 2050, 50% of the population present in the USA would be from different ethnicity. Approximately the 90% of the homogenous group of the nurses are Caucasian. Thus, the nurses have to be aware of different cultural backgrounds that help them to deal with people of different ethnicity. The holistic nature of the care provided by the nurses, which includes physical, psychological, emotional needs of the patients. As well as the spiritual needs of the patients. Nurses should be able to identify the needs and meet these demands of the patient, which will provide a good psychological back up for the patient. Care plans of the nurses should have these needs of the patients addressed. The care plans should be changed according to the need of the patients. Optimal care for the patients is done when the nurses maintain the cultural competency in their daily care regime. This instills a sense of being known and cared for as an individual (Breier et al., 2015).
Nursing is a type of social work; cultural competence is a continual process of striving to become increasingly self-aware. It teaches nurses to value diversity and become knowledgeable about strengths in cultural differences. The nursing profession with a concept of the cultural competency helps to make the nurses more sensitive to issues related to culture, race, and ethnicity. Good communication skills, cultural assessment, and acquisition of the knowledge related to a patient background is the basis of the cultural competency. It is up to the healthcare professional to be sympathetic to the religious chains and work around them to provide care to the patient (Aiken et al., 2013).
Developmental aspect: (Physical and Cognitive development)
The patient is an African-American female who had a sudden fall in her house while preparing to go work. She was in good health before this accident. The patient after the accident is suffering from chest pain, back, pain and heartburn. These symptoms started from the day of the fall. She is also suffering from a severe headache and fever. The range of temperature if 101.4.
Other symptoms include loss of appetite and feeling of dizziness. She was unable to describe other symptoms and denied further information. The patient said that she was taking over the counter pain medication. As a result, the pain would go away but come back after some time. The past of the patient revealed that she suffered from malaria when she was young along with stomachache and fever. She was also hospitalized because of an accident when she was young. She denied any other health issues including pregnancy and no abortion. The patient said that her immunization is up to date.
The patient has a family due to which she have to take care of the family, and her daily work includes keeping the house in order, cook and clean. Her interaction with her family is very frequent, and her family supports her, her family includes father, uncle, aunt and sisters. The patient says she gets rid of stress using exercise, dancing, talking on the phone, hanging out with friends and so on. She has a responsibility to her family. The patient denies having taken any drugs, coffee or smoking. The patient says she lives in a safe neighborhood. She belongs to a well-to-do family, and her house has adequate heat and other facilities. Good access to transportation. She rarely ventured into community service. She seemed to be very reserved and cautious type of person
Knowing patient history helps the nurses to communicate with the patient. Knowing what the patient is feeling helps to assess the state of mind and improvise the care accordingly. This enables the nurses to show and demonstrate courtesy, kindness, and sincerity. Empathy is an intellectual identification with experiencing the feeling, attitudes, thought process of the patients. Nurses who cultivate the art of the empathy, are very good and are aware of the other person’s value, desires and beliefs. This helps in understanding the stages of development of the patients mental and physical health in a greater detail and helps to change nursing for the individual accordingly (Breier et al., 2015).
Socio-cultural aspect in nursing
African-American culture is different from the European-American culture. The patient is an African-American in ethnicity. They have some distinct cultural and spiritual beliefs. Most African-Americans have a slave-rebellion and civil right movement background. Coming from a socially repressed background, they are sensitive to the behavior and attitude of people from the non-white background. This is an important aspect to know about the patient for the nurses. Firstly, most nurses are of Caucasian origin, and they have to know and tailor their behaviour accordingly. Secondly, the patient is already expecting a biased behavior so to connect to the patient it is very essential for the nurses to behave accordingly, with utmost respect and empathy towards the patient. The relationship between the nurse and the client should be aimed to enhance the well-being of the patient. The patient is very close to her family and has support from the family member. Socially she is very active; she enjoys dancing, talking on the phone and hanging out with friends. The patient is socially mature. The patient is also in a healthy relationship with her boyfriend (Education, 2014).
Claudia was born in Cameroon, brought up in the United States. Her religion is predominantly Protestant. Spirituality is a theme that gives the people a meaning and purpose in their lives. For many patients, this may represent family, friendship, achievements, and career. Addressing spiritual needs of the patient requires a genuine interest in the patient’s lives; empathy is needed to connect with patients who are deeply religious. Spirituality not only deals with the religious aspect but also can have an effect on the psychological or mental well-being. A different interpretation of the spirituality can make the patient respond differently to the behaviour and attitude of the nurses. The churches of the African-American are called Black Churches. They are taught that in God’s eyes all people are equal and have equal significance, and the doctrine of obedience to God taught in white churches are seen as hypocritical, but they are accepted nonetheless in general population. African-American churches focus on the message of equality and gives a way of hope for a better future. This also comes from the history of slavery during the colonial times. Racial segregation plays an important role in the in the development of the African-American denomination. These socially diverse views from different people hailing from different background make caring for them a complex and challenging task for the nurses. Not just Christianity, African-Americans and other black community people makes up 14% of the Muslim ethnicity in the United States of America and Canada. Knowing about the religions and the religious beliefs of the patients helps the nurses in caring for the patients and understand the needs from the patient perspective. For example, if the patient is a Muslim, he or she may have to pray a certain amount of time, or keep fast according to the religious doctrines. It is the duty of the nurses to help the patient to lead an almost healthy life and having some semblance of normality during the days in the hospital. The patient gains a psychological boost about his or her recovery. Helping the patient maintain his religious beliefs makes them more amenable to the nurse’s instructions and advice and in the end quickens there pace of recovery. Although the nurses are aware of the spiritual needs of the patients but sometimes the lack of clear definitions and clear practical guidelines makes the nurses very uncertain about the clinical care that is to be given to the patient. Spirituality is same as that of religion and is a mode of connection with other individuals in the community. It is a metaphysical aspect of society that binds likeminded people. Thus, connection of the nurse and the patient will be strong if they connect at a spiritual plane (Blais, 2015).
The aspect of spirituality in nursing
The patient belongs to a close-knit family and has their support. It shows a level of healthy domestic environment. The level of cognitive and emotional functioning is seen to be very stable. Due to this stability, it can be deduced that the behaviour, thought process of the patient would be normal and in co troll. The perception of the patient about the worldly affairs will reflect this stability. The pattern of speech, appearance, thought patterns to are seen to be normal. The psychological affair that the nurses have to deal with is the level of patient- nurse agreement or disagreement. The psychological nature of the patient determines how to deal with the patient. If the patient has a healthy and stable mental state, then it is easy for the nurses to treat the patient. But if the patient has an ill temperament then the nurses have to change or improvise their behaviour according. In case of violent patients, necessary actions have to take for restraining and sedating such a patient for providing care (Blais, 2015).
Nursing is a multidimensional field of healthcare. They have to care for the patient need. The need and demand of each patient vary from each other, depending on place of origin, race, cultural and social views and beliefs. To cater to the need of the patients in this multi-cultural population, it is important for the nurses to know about various cultural and social beliefs.
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