Human Civilization Mental Health Challenges: A Review Of Mental Healthcare System In The United Kingdom
Analytical Review
Discuss about the Human Civilization Mental Health Challenges.
In the present era of human civilization mental health challenges and cases of intellectual disability on a global scenario can be considered as a social burden that significant deteriorates the social well being and development of the present population. Citing the example of United Kingdom it is evident that this country has to bear the largest burden of such disease about 28% compared to 16% for cancer and cardiac disorders (Ferrari et al., 2013). Currently within the entire population of the United Kingdom one in every four individual have been diagnosed with mental health problem (McManus and Meltzer, 2009). On an illustrative note it is essential to highlight that in England the female population show greater susceptibility towards development of mental illness compared to the male population and anxiety related disorders are more prominent (, 2015).
Hence considering the statistical data produced for the year 2013 about 6,233 suicidal cases were registered in this country among which 78% were male and the remaining percentage indicated female population. The severity of mental health condition is so pronounced that at a given point of time 10% of mothers and 6% of fathers who are the citizens of the United Kingdom show mental health problems (Parker, 2008). As mental health problems are the causal factor resulting to an economic or financial burden at a global scale the cost of expenses to mental health services are also high. According to the estimated given about £ 1.6 trillion are invested in providing mental healthcare services at a global scale and it UK the expenses with respect to mental health problems are £70-100 billion annually that further contribute to 4.5% of GDP (, 2015).
An insight into the mental health situation of UK has strongly demanded provision of mental healthcare system. In this context it is essential to mention that NHS (National Health Services) along with other private organizations is involved in providing mental health care to the needed. Hence this essay shall produce a reflection of the mental health care services particularly the holistic care approaches prevalent in the United Kingdom.
The services like person centered care, communicated based services, challenging behaviour services, psychosocial interventions along with sincere and extensive involvement of the intellectual disability team, generic mental health teams and specialist mental health in intellectual disability teams can be identified as the potential services provider to address the issues related with mental illness and intellectual disability.
Person centered care services
Referring to the initiatives undertaken by the National Health Services of UK the example of an integrated care and support system can cited wherein NHS England in joint venture with the National Collaboration for Integrated Care and Support has developed person centered care services for the mentally challenged individuals. The priority of this person centere3d care service is to provide a holistic care in place of providing episodic care services to the mental patients. The services provided through this approach are found to give greater priority to the individual needs and support is also provided to their family members. The key initiatives taken through implementation of person centered care services to the mental patient comprised of understanding the primary objectives, formulation of a care plan, information sharing practice, development of a stable interactive platform and the practice of efficient decision making. The Better Care Fund developed under the initiatives of the National Health Services, UK was found to be associated in assuring a transformation with respect to the integrated health and social care services for the mentally challenged population. The fund generated by this organization was estimated to be about £3.8 billion (England, 2016).
The example of Integrated Care Pioneers Programme can be cited in this respect. However the multi-disciplinary working approach like the Kent’s integrated discharge team responsible for bringing the practitioners together from all the health and care services of UK, the Greenwich team building approach are few to name (Integrated Care Pioneers: One Year On, 2015).
The role of generic mental health team is also of immense importance with respect to maintaining the efficacy level of the mental healthcare service provided. In this context it is essential to highlight that implementation of the active model compared to the standard model resulted in a significant improvement in functional behavioural attributes of the mentally ill patients with a commendable decline in the challenging behavioural attributes of such patients (Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems, 2015).
The specialist mental health in intellectual disability team is found to be associated with the responsibility of providing care services to a targeted patient group. This particular team are inclusive of consultant psychiatrists, trainee psychiatrists and community mental health nurses who have acquired expert training on intellectual disability. In addition to the above mentioned psychosocial interventions applied for the treatment of mentally challenged individuals under the initiatives of the National Health Services or NHS provisions are also present for child and adolescent services, older people services and learning disability services. Apart from providing acute care and community services a number of specialist services are also evident to be operational under the child and adolescent services. Early intervention or psychosis comprising of recovery principles, implementation of assertive care coordination, medication management can be exemplified in this respect. The Drake Substance Misuse scales, Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) etc are applied as to measure the outcomes (Kingdon, 2016).
Integrated Care Pioneers Programme
The challenging behaviour services have been implemented with an aim to address the unacceptable behavioural attributes of the mental patients like tendency of self harm, improper verbal habits and physical violence. Data indicate that about 10-15% of the intellectually disable individuals show challenging behaviours and here lies the importance of specialist and community based challenging behaviour services (Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems, 2015). This particular service is found to offer a multi-component framework wherein community based settings is applied in combination with the medications applied. This particular service have been operational in combination with the community intellectual disability service or separately. It is evident that 46 peripatetic services of teams with two or more member have emphasized on effectively addressing the behavioural need of the individuals with intellectual disability (Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems, 2015).
A number of psychosocial interventions have been evident as a response to the mental health care service provided in the United Kingdom. The psychosocial interventions undertaken primarily reflected the application of various psychological therapies that aided in bringing a positive development with respect to mental health and intellectual disability. The cognitive therapy particularly the cognitive behavioural therapy has been found to be effective as a response to mental disorder. Apart from this the dialectical behaviour therapy has been positively applied as a treatment for emotional complications.
The implementation of interpersonal therapy has supported positively to treat cases of severe depression while psychodynamic therapy has produced positive result in handling emotional complications. Emphasizing on the holistic care approach under the initiatives of National Health Services the implementation of several art therapies that include art, music and dance has also given a promising result with respect to improving the overall mental health situation of the affected population of the United Kingdom. The art therapies applied are found to be effective for addressing the cases related with psychosis while the therapeutic approach inclusive of reminiscence and reality orientation are found to be applicable for the treatment of memory loss. As a response to treat the cases of intellectual disability the application of family and couple therapy, counselling, problem-solving practices, organizing of motivational interviews, mentalisation are frequently practiced within this country. Apart from this assertiveness and social skills training, transactional analysis, anger and anxiety management practices can also be included under the umbrella of holistic care approach for the treatment of mental illness and intellectual disability in United Kingdom. The example of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Program can be included as an example reflecting the holistic care services available for the treatment of mental illness and intellectual disability (Kingdon, 2016).
The Role of Generic Mental Health Team
The clinical situation related with intellectual disability is found to be addressed through effective implementation of learning disability services. In the context it is evident that emphasis has been give to improve the health and living standard of the mentally ill population though learning disabilities observatory. The intellectual disable population are also providing with accommodation facilities, aid in the development of personal identify and also aid them in obtaining a job (Nausheen, 2016).
Reduction in hospital stay tenure for the patients treated with active model can be indicated as one of the major benefits of this particular holistic care approach. Furthermore one of the major benefits of the specialist mental health in intellectual disability team care service is its flexibility. Apart from this assessment, review and interventions via outpatient’s clinics, outreach work, day centres and home visit are also a part of the care service offered by the specialist mental health in intellectual disability team (Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems, 2015).
The extensive involvement of the staff responsible for delivery of mental and intellectual disability care can be represented as the structural framework of the mental healthcare system of UK. In this context it is essential to highlight the key responsibilities of the community intellectual disability team. Hence proper delivery of specialist interventions and recommendations along with an emphasis to minimise the social practices of health inequalities are the priorities of this particular mental healthcare team. Moreover the professionals involved in this team are also responsible to strengthen the efficacy level of the mental healthcare service system through supporting the healthcare professionals, focussing on the issues related with out-of-area placements and also in forming a supportive patient transition system. They are also responsible for restoring the legality of the mental healthcare services.
Understanding the roles and responsibilities of the mental health care teams on an analytical ground it can be stated that extensive involvement along with efficient execution of the professional skills has resulted in a significant development with respect to the quality of mental healthcare services offered. The patients with mental illness and also the intellectual disables individual has experienced a positive change in their respective lifestyle and also has significantly reduced the hospital stay of such patients. However an insight into the operational inefficacy of the community intellectual disability team can be represented as the fact that considerable amount of time is invested in executing the administrative related tasks, patient data input procedures compared to the time invested in interpersonal interaction with the patients. This particular issue can be considered as one of the major factor influencing the quality standard of care services offered to the mentally challenged patients (Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems, 2015).
Specialist Mental Health in Intellectual Disability Team
The other specialist services are substance misuse services, forensic services and national deafness services operational under the child and adolescent services. Furthermore under the other people services a number of specialist services are available comprising of memory assessment, community services, acute care, general hospital liaison, substance misuse services and forensic services. These particular services are mainly concerned with the treatment of mental illness within the older population and extensive involvement of the early intervention, substance use; assertive outreach and rehabilitation team are evident (Nausheen, 2016). A specialist mental health team is also found to be involved in offering child and adolescent services particularly to the individuals who are in the transition period from childhood to adulthood (Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems, 2015).
Learning from the information provided in the previous segments of this essay it is justified to convey that presence of an effective surveillance system for monitoring the mental health of the concerned patient, medication procedure, and proper access to a crisis plan along with provisions for ‘out-of-hour support’ can be considered as the key elements of mental healthcare system. However on the concluding ground it is equally essential to covey that the efficacy level of the mental healthcare services provided to the patients can be significantly improved by the implementation of a dual diagnostic approach. Application of person-centered care services embedded with flexible delivery and holistic care approach can be considered as effective in this respect. Moreover incorporation of multi-disciplinary and evidenced based care services has also been considered to produce positive outcomes. As a recommendation it can be sated that the care services provided to the mentally challenged individuals can be improve by implementation of an efficient local care pathways with key emphasis in providing holistic care services to such patients.
Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems. (2015). [online] The Royal College of Psychiatrists. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2016].
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Ferrari, A., Charlson, F., Norman, R., Patten, S., Freedman, G., Murray, C., Vos, T. and Whiteford, H. (2013). Burden of Depressive Disorders by Country, Sex, Age, and Year: Findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2010. PLoS Med, 10(11), p.e1001547.
Integrated Care Pioneers: One Year On. (2015). [online] London: National Health Service. Available at: [Accessed 28 Jun. 2016].
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