Research In Nursing: Importance, Qualitative And Quantitative Research Types

Research in Nursing

Research in Nursing

Explain Research in Nursing.

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Nursing research has a great influence professional nursing training and practices. It is an important component in the educational process. Throughout this century, the role of the nurse has gained importance and evolved significantly. The clinical learning in this field has made the nurses more efficient in handling cases, that earlier was not possible. In recent times, nurses have to work in different types of settings; they are required in hospitals, classrooms, community health centers. Nurses are also required in nursing schools, business sector, old age home, home health care. Clinical learning laboratories also require nurses. Each role in this field has a different responsibility.  The primary role of the nurse remains the same, to care for patients, be there for them. A professional nurse is a client’s advocate. The research concerning nursing has a primary goal for the betterment of the life of fellow human beings.  The knowledge that is gained by research is printed into textbooks, taught in classrooms and web based instruction module. This knowledge is the basis for the progress in the field of nursing. Research helps in progressing the present nursing technology and knowhow. Research helps in evidence based learning for the nurses. Research is not normally the traditional method of teaching for nurses. Normally nurses have a traditional responsibility of either in direct care of patients or they are involved in administrative aspect of patient health care. However, in these times of technological advancement the research in the field of nursing is increasing in popularity.  Nursing research is a field that is growing, it is a field where individuals within the profession can contribute a variety of skills and technique, and it can also help professionals in this field bring in experience to the field of nursing. This accumulated knowledge can be improved and tailored to suit the need of the patients (Chan et al., 2016).

Research in nursing is important and vital to the practices of the new age professional nursing. The benefits and the outcomes of the researches include, opportunity that was given to the students to acquire new knowledge, it helped the students to gain knowledge in biology, biochemistry, genetics and so on. It is a new belief that researches is valuable aspect and beneficial in the learning that help the nurses and other health professionals to refine the techniques of providing care to the patients. This knowledge can also help students in other settings. Research helps in defining long term and short-term goals to develop appropriate intervention for children or adults who are susceptible to or at a risk of diseases due to various factors like tobacco, fast foods and other factors that is ailing the society in recent times. Practice with research and evidence based technique helps in serving the patients better. Nursing research opens endless possibility to the students of this field; it is an emerging and rowing field where new discoveries can be implemented easily into the field trial. Through research, the roles and responsibilities of the staff in a team can be defined easily. Research provides a better understanding of the importance of scientific evidence; these evidences help to support the clinical practices.

Qualitative Research

The research conducted by Martha S. Tingen and colleagues titled “The Importance of Nursing Research” is a qualitative research.  A qualitative research is primarily explanatory research that is done to gain an understanding of the reasons, opinions and other aspects likes motivations that is driving the research. It provides the insights into the problem. The researches help in developing ideas and hypotheses for research purposes. Qualitative research helps in uncovering new thoughts and opinions about the topic and helps in diving deeper into the problem. The data collected may vary when using different techniques. Qualitative research includes focus groups, individual interviews, and participations from other people. The size of the participants is normally small. The respondents of the participation are given criteria to fulfill (Chan et al., 2016).

In a quantitative research a problem is solved quantitatively, that is by way of generating numerical data or value that can be used as a usable statistics. It quantifies the variable of the research like attitudes, opinions and other factors. They produce a generalized results selected from a larger sample size from the population. In a quantitative research, the data are used to formulate facts and patterns in research. The data collection methods in quantitative research is far more structured than the qualitative research. Quantitative research data collection methods uses surveys , these surveys can be conducted as a online survey, face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, online polls and others (Reynolds et al., 2016).

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The quantitative research was of experimental nature. The purpose of this was to describe the student’s experience of becoming aware and acquiring knowledge in a federally funded research study from the National Institute of Nursing Research.  This research gave an opportunity to the students to get involved in a federally funded research with a primary aim that was designated to find out the effects of gene-environment interaction on risk factors of pre-clinical cardiovascular disease. The number of adults was taken to be 585 young adults with a family history of cardiac diseases (Reynolds et al., 2016) .

The study was done in controlled environment where the subjects of the study were tested for some stress factors that contribute to the onset of diseases. This study was performed under the watch of physicians, nurses and other members of the research team. The ethnicity and the gender of the patients were  also taken under consideration. The study subjects were tested for cardio-vascular dependent measures like diastolic blood pressure, endothelial- dependent arterial vasodilatation, left ventricular mass index for body size, systolic blood pressure, and peripheral resistance.

Quantitative Research

The steps of the study was evenly defined it consisted of task divided between the biostatistician, cardiologist, nurse, research team and the psychologist. The co investigators of the team like the genetic laboratory personnel. The first six weeks were orientation for the researchers and others associated with the study. After conclusion of the orientation the team had a meeting and all members were introduced to the team. After which the team reviewed the grant application. Reviewing of the grant helps to understand the specific aims and objectives of the study. The intended procedure and process of the laboratory work can be understood by analyzing the grant application. If the proposal is complex then the principal researchers need to further explain the study aim with further clarity. This concluded the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative or CITI. After touring the facility the study was commenced. Next was the Roche educational program, which was focused on the genetically important aspects of the study. The CITI program task was tedious and time consuming. At the end of the introduction program the students understood the policies and procedures, these help in maintaining the security of the study sunjects and also the confidentiality of the human subjects. The Roche genetics program hoped to gain a deeper understanding of the genetic mechanism of the study.  After two months the work commenced. Nursing researchers got hands on training in using library sources for getting information and then processing them to apply in a laboratory format (Tingen et al., 2009).

Problem- the students were not familiar with the use of new technology. The topic of research was new and the study was sophisticated. The students were exposed to new techniques like polymerase chain reaction, DNA extraction, primer design, gel condition, measurement and estimation of the reagents and other general laboratory technique.

Purpose- The study was to make new study that identified the importance of nursing research. It also focused on the training of the clinical students. This study broadened their horizons regarding the future of the nursing research, professional growth and increased the opportunity for further experiments, qualitative, quantitative researches in the field on nursing (Nursing Research, 2013)..

Framework- the framework was established in the grant application by the principal scientist and the other senior members of the research.

Outcome of the research-the results that were obtained were qualitative where further research was needed for validating the claims of the team. The research in the field of health care always do not yield a composite result but they have to undergo field trial to gain substantial data, these data have to be further analyzed and compared with other research for validation (Nursing Research, 2013).

Federally Funded Nursing Research Study


Research in the field of nursing is used to provide evidence based care that improves the quality of the health for the individuals under the care of nurses. The researchers can also help the family, communities and the entire health care system. Nurses utilize this kind of research to propose and shape a good, efficient health policy. They also advice the local government and policy makers to introduce any change regarding the existing rules and regulation of the nursing part of the health care. These influence direct care of the patient, it also affects the health care system of an organization. It influences in the local and federal level of management in health care. Every research agenda in the field of the nursing brings a change in the existing policy of nursing.


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