Challenges And Advancements Of Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare
Research Questions
write a research paper including research topic , research questions/solutions, research methodoligies and data collections/analysis along with references.
The engineers to solve a wide range of problems in the healthcare sectors use the techniques of the Artificial intelligence. Due to increasing demand of services, reduction in funding as well as staffing and the pressure imposed by the states, the hospital-based services are under the pressure in order to become more efficient to offer their services. There is a need for advanced technologies that used to understand the complexities of the healthcare operations as well as the requirement of productivity gains in a usage of resources as well as patient service delivery (Acampora et al., 2013). The purpose of this research paper is to analyze the challenges that the artificial intelligence faces in the field of healthcare. The research study consisted of three research questions and based on this; the entire research study is carried out for the selected topic.
- What are the challenges that the healthcare sector faced due to the use of artificial intelligence?
- What are the solutions to overcome the challenges of artificial intelligence?
- What are the ways artificial intelligence transformed into the healthcare sector?
In the current era, the healthcare sectors are facing new challenges such as new diseases, reduction of cost and making quick decisions. Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a significant role in the development of decision-making. Using AI, the data of the patients are composed, processed, and accessible as well as treated to encourage new treatments. AI contributes to the new artifacts as well as new knowledge for the professionals of health (Lenz et al., 2013). It aims to progress the usability of the programs to help the physicians in outline out what is wrong with their patients as well as offer with new solutions to build better decisions. The AI system intends to sustain the healthcare professionals to assist their tasks that rely on the manipulation of the data as well as knowledge (Jamil et al., 2013). As it includes with the manipulation of the data, therefore it causes breakdown as well as loss of information.
In the healthcare sectors, AI is by using the machines to take care of the patients. The costs incurred in the maintenance, as well as repair of the machines, are high. The programs are required to update in order to suit the changing requirements of the machines. The procedures used to restore the lost code as well as data take most cost and time (Gil et al., 2014). The healthcare machines are storing the data of the patients, but the storage of those data, access, as well as retrieval, is not effective as per the human brain. The systems are not able to perform any dissimilar ways as of what they are programmed. If the robots are replacing the humans, then it leads to unemployment (Kumar et al., 2014). The machines will govern the fields as well as populate the positions that the human can occupy; it leaves to people jobless. Due to reduced need of the use of artificial intelligence, the multitasking abilities of the human diminish. With the applications of the artificial intelligence, the humans become over dependent on the machines with the loss of mental capabilities.
Literature Review
The issues within the artificial intelligence lead to programming errors within the AI software. The major software projects such as HeathCare.Gov is riddled with the bugs. Therefore, it results in processing of the machines and causes delay in the healthcare work (Cohen & Feigenbaum, 2014). Those software errors lead to costly outcomes within the business operations of the healthcare sector. The study of the verification of the behavior of the software systems leads to challenging as well as critical and much of the progress have been made. The other challenge is the cyber attacks; they attack the computers with the viruses as well as malware (Wenger, 2014). It hacks the data of the customers or any third party person is accessing the data.
In order to overcome with the challenges within the AI system, the software should be tested as well as validated. This new practice is developed for the AI system. The software analyst within the healthcare sectors should maintain the system. The system should e regularly updated (Pannu, 2015). The details of the patients should be kept secured. Any unauthorized person should access it. The data for the customers are kept secured in the database system, and it should be kept password lock within the system so that no other person can able to access the data. The orders of the physicians, as well as their notes, are entered into the EHR through the natural language voice recognition software (Michalski et al., 2013). Each of the patients should keep control over their HER such that they can note down the data with patient-generated information as well as preferences.
In this research paper, positivism is used that helps to become familiar with the research work. It helps the researcher to do analysis on the collected information in order to make an accurate framework (Lewis, 2015). The research philosophy requires understanding in order to carry out the entire work on the selected topic.
In this research paper, the researcher uses the deductive method using the established theories. Using this approach, it fills up all the gaps to carry out the research task. The three of the research questions helps the researcher to analyze the concepts that are related to the healthcare sector modeling as the research domain.
In this particular research paper, two types of data collection methods are used such as the primary as well as a secondary collection of data methods. Using the primary data collection, the data are collected for the research work using survey as well as method of the questionnaire. The physicians, staffs, as well as patients, present within the healthcare sector, do the survey. The survey is done to take the feedback of the customers (Taylor, Bogdan & DeVault, 2015). The other mode of data collection method is secondary data collection. It is done using the blogs, magazines, and journals on the use of artificial intelligence within the healthcare sectors. There are two data analysis procedures such as quantitative and qualitative data analysis.
Research Methodologies
In this particular research study, the data are collected through mix data analysis procedure. The data are analyzed using the team members of various projects being carried out within the healthcare sectors. By surveying on the prepared questionnaire, the researcher can be able to get the proper outcomes of the research. After analyzing the sampling size, the total population to carry out the research work is considered (Lewis, 2015). After selecting the size of the sample, the data analysis method is conducted in order to carry out the study to meet with the purpose of the work.
It is concluded from the research study is that due to increasing in demand for the efficient healthcare services, the hospital-based services should require implementing advanced technologies to cope up with the complexities of the business operations. Use of artificial intelligence leads to increase the productivity as well as patient service delivery. Apart from this, the staffs are also facing some challenges with implementation of artificial intelligence. Due to manipulation of the data, there is a chance of breakdown as well as loss of information of the data of patients. Secondly, the AI systems consist of programming errors at the time of processing affects the data stored within the system. Data stolen is also a vital challenge within the AI system.
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