Relationship Between Traits, Motives, And Effectiveness Of Leaders
Relationship Between Traits Motives and Effectiveness of Leaders
Relationship Between Traits Motives and Effectiveness of Leaders
Leadership Traits
Discuss about the Relationship Between Traits Motives and Effectiveness of Leaders.
A leader is a person who ensures creation of a far-fetched vision which all needs to achieve. Thus it enables to motivate and guide the people towards such achievement. Leadership is a quality which leaders should possess so as to enable to drive a group of people or a team towards achievement o a common goal. It is a leader who ensures that all its team members thrive towards one mission and any deviation or fraction which arrives is sorted out by him. There exists a very strong relationship between the traits of a leader, the motives behind the leadership and the effectiveness with which one pursues the role of a leader (Heyi et. al. 2007).
A leader should have some basic traits within him so as to guide its team, subordinates, and the colleagues. By traits it is meant how one perceives the other person’s qualities with regards him or her to be a good and an effective leader. If we find a person to be confident in his attitude and work performance, then he is considered to be a good leader. So as to ensure that effective leadership traits are present one should try to work as a team, maintain a cordial yet a strict relationship with subordinates where in the leader should be polite and cordial but at the same time he should have the ability to make people work (Dubrin 2006).
All people have leadership traits within them but how effectively one utilizes the same is an art which differentiates good and bad leaders. For becoming an effective leader traits such as confidence in one’s own mission and goals of accomplishment, control over the emotional quotient, a good sense of humour, enthusiastic attitude, ability to tolerate frustration, self sufficient, positive outlook, dominating as well as being assertive enough to ensure that the motive is communicated to the subordinates and the other followers in clear terms are some of the sought after traits that leaders should possess so as to ensure that the work they perform is effective. However, depending upon the kind of team a person is leading his traits are developed accordingly. A manager who is leading a sales team needs to be more enthusiastic as compared to a manager who is managing the stock taking team. The intensity of various traits differ according to the kind of work and the group one leads.
Importance of Traits for Effective Leadership
There is a very close knit relationship between traits, motives and effectiveness of leaders as it is these traits which they have that help in achieving the goals and the motives of the organizations that they lead. Thus these traits have to be explored by the leaders to such an extent which ensures fulfilment of motives in the most efficient manner. Thus the behavioural traits mentioned earlier above are the ones that leaders apply to ensure effectiveness in their tasks (Zaccaro, 2006). Many theories have also confirmed that it is the attributes of one’s effective and charismatic personality that helps to achieve motives of an organization in a successful manner. But it is also seen that this relationship does not hold good for every situation. A leader may be good in a particular situation or between specific groups but may not be able to drive a similar force with regards some other team. Behavioural adaption is possible in any circumstance but characteristic adaption is difficult (Musoma, 2006).
Amongst the various traits, the emotional intelligence trait is of utmost importance. In today’s scenario a successful leader is one who knows how to empathize and not sympathize. Winning over trust of their subordinates is generally very difficult for the bosses. To understand the requirements of the employees and colleagues will enable the leader to communicate in a manner that will have a considerable impact on their minds. If the emotional quotient of the team members are understood and communication is done in accordance then it becomes easy to persuade the team members for performance of work in an efficient manner (Simmons, 2011).
The motive of a good leader is not only to ensure performance of tasks on time, but to ensure that the work is accomplished in a manner that beats the expectations of people. His motive is to gain appreciation and ensure ethics are maintained at the highest possible level. Their motive to accomplish tasks by overcoming all the possible hindrances is possible only if their leadership traits are explored to an extent which makes them work effectively and confidently (Derue et. al., 2011).
The most sought after public figure who is an ideal example for defining this relationship in theory as well as practice is the President of the United States of America- Barack Obama. He as a leader proved that he is one who is born to lead USA for the benefit of the masses and not for his own selfish stances. A good leader’s trait is that he should be honest, truthful and reliable. Barack Obama is one such leader who was chosen twice by the people of America. A good leader’s trait is one whose character is so strong that he would never compromise on ethical standards (Friedberg, 2008).
Relationship Between Traits, Motives and Effectiveness of Leaders
When he had taken up the president ship of America, the country was fighting the war of the economic disaster which took place in the year 2008. But Barack Obama dint shutter and as a strong effective leader he knew that he had to build up the lost confidence of the people. As a true leader he tried to regain the confidence of the masses. He made a statement in one of his initial speeches which was remarkable “ Starting today , we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking America”. A good leader should not be good in his speeches but also should have the ability to ensure conversion of promises. This is what has helped the Americans now to deal with any crisis (Noctor, 2015).
A leader can be effective if his thoughts and views are not dominated by any kind of prejudices and Barack Obama has very rightly proven this statement. He has always preferred to be surrounded by people who do not follow the crowd blindly. He has always encouraged views of people and acted in a rational manner before arriving at any conclusion.
As a leader one should learn to believe in its ownself. If the leader itself is not sure about his decisions then he will not be able to drive the crowd in his favour. Barack Obama is well known for his capability of taking decisions after due deliberations but once he arrives at a consensus then he believes in it and goes to any extent to defend the same. Until and unless he is proven wrong with the help of acceptable evidences he would not deter from the decision.
The notion that leaders always have to be at work is disagreed by the US president Barack Obama. He gives ample time to his family as his motive is that leaders to work successfully need some stress busters as well and for him giving time to family is best method to ensure the same. Thus this also shows his honesty and loyalty towards family.
Thus Barack Obama’s ability to connect with the people is what makes him the most effective leader who knows what are his motives and motto in life. His leadership skills are phenomenal as a good leader is one who knows how to share credit of his success with his fellow members as well. He understands that no one can work in isolation. Barack Obama knew that America was lacking the leadership of a good President and people found one in him (Rosebush, 2014). The confidence, compassion, patience, clarity in thought process, knowledge base and empathy are some of the traits that Barack Obama has which makes him one of the most effective, efficient and demanding leader. He has never demanded for respect but always commanded the same by virtue of his leadership traits (Scordo, 2013).
Thus on a conclusive note, it is very clear the there exists a very transparent linkage between traits, motives and effectiveness of a leader. To be able to become a good leader one should possess certain educational as well as non-educational traits, personal as well as professional traits and at the same time behavioural traits so as to be able to lead a team with full support efficiently and fulfil the motives and aims with ease. Also it is to be remembered that a leader should ensure refinement in its methodologies and ways and means of leading a team depending upon the scenarios which are very dynamic in nature.
Dubrin, A., Daglish, C., & Miller, P. (2006). Leadership (2nd Edition). Queensland: John Wiley & Sons Australia
Friedberg, M., (2008), Barack Obama’s Leadership and Character Traits, Available at–character-traits.html [Accessed 18th August 2016]
Heyi, S., Na, M., & Dan, G., (2007), The study on Relationship between the Traits of Leaders and the Performance of the Leaders under Different Organizational Culture, Canadian Social Science, vol. 3, no.1, pp. 39-46
Musoma, C., (2006). Leadership traits, motives and characteristics. Available at : [ Accessed 18th August 2016]
Noctor, C., (2015), Good Leaders help ordinary people believe extraordinary things are possible, Available at [Accessed 18th August 2016]
Derue, D.S., Nahrgang, J.D., Wellman, N., & Humphrey, S.E., (2011), Trait and Behavioural Theories of Leadership : An Integration and Meta – Analytic test of their Relative Validity, Personnel Psychology, vol. 64, no.1, pp. 7-52
Simmons, B.L. (2011). Leadership Traits and Behaviours : Four Evidence Based Suggestions, Available at [Accessed 18th August 2016]
Rosebush, J., (2014), The Most Effective Leaders Have These 2 Traits, Available at [Accessed 18th August 2016]
Scordo, V., (2013), What Barack Obama’s Personal Traits Can Teach us About Leadership and Management, Available at [Accessed 18th August 2016]
Zaccaro, S.J., (2006), Trait Based Perspectives of Leadership, Available at [Accessed 18th August 2016]