Attitude, Job Satisfaction, And Motivation: Keys To Success In A Competitive Market


How The attitude of the employees towards job satisfaction and the motivation of the employees help the organization as well as the employees to succeed in the competitive market?

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The attitude of the employees towards job satisfaction and the motivation of the employees help the organization as well as the employees to succeed in the competitive market. it has been found that attitude has three components of attitude, Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral component. The types of attitudes are, job satisfaction, job involvement, organizational commitment, perceived organizational support and employee engagement. It is necessary for the managers to know the type of attitudes so that they have an idea about the type of attitudes and take further steps. The extrinsic employees rewards the employees through monetary products and the intrinsic motivation help the employees to get a sense of belonging among the employees. The limitation of job satisfaction is that the employees become in competitive, as they are satisfied with the current job. The limitation of intrinsic motivation is that it takes to get implanted in the organization. The negative thing about the extrinsic motivation diverts the employees from the path as they start concentrating only on the rewards. As it can be seen that the advantage and disadvantages are part of the organization, hence, the managers should know the proper way to handle the employees.

Motivation and job satisfactions are inter-related to each other (Ford 2014). Once the employees are motivated, they will work harder for the organization. The motivated employees will be happy in the organization and hence they will hold a positive attitude towards the organization and will be satisfied in the job (Card et al.  2012). Thus, it is important the manager of an organization know the ways of motivation and the path to job satisfaction. The attitude of the employees towards the organization tells about the degree of job satisfaction of the employees in the organization. However, it is important to know about the shortcomings of jobs satisfactions and the motivations (Collie, Shapka and Perry 2012). Hence, the managers should prepare themselves beforehand for any negative situation. Though job satisfaction are positive terms yet if they are not sued intelligently in the organization, then chances are high that the organization will have to suffer from loss rather than profit (Edmans 2012). In addition to this, there are different motivational theories that the manager should know to manage the employees. They should be able decide which theory should be implemented in the organization so that the employees perform well at the workplace (Hülsheger et al. 2013).

Types of Attitudes

This write-up will analyze the attitude of the employees and the job satisfaction of the employees. The importance of motivation in the organization will also be studied. The write-up evaluates the importance of motivation that will help the managers in the organization to decide the way, the employees should be motivated and the type of motivation that should be implemented in the organization. In addition to this, the limitations of job satisfaction and motivation will also be evaluated so that factors are analyzed properly. This will help the readers to understand the proper way of managing the employees and make the organization successful in the competitive market.

The attitude of the employees towards the work speaks a lot about the way they will work in the organization or will succeed on a long run (Braun et al. 2013). Attitude can be divided into three components while an employee is working in an organization, they are:

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  • Cognitive component
  • Affective component
  • Behavioral component

An individual should know the components of attitude towards work to realize the development of attitude towards work (Fortney et al. 2013). When an individual enters an organization, the person holds a certain belief towards the organization. This kind of belief is instilled in the person both through the ex-employees, word of mouth and through online research. The pre-assigned thoughts are called the cognitive component (Millán et al. 2013). The affective component is the emotional connection of the employee towards the organization and the feeling of an individual towards work (Oliver 2014). It mainly deals with the emotional side of the employee. Behavioral component develops in the final stage (Imran et al. 2014). The employee understands the nature of work and the nature of the co-employees at the workplace and eventually develops the behavioral components (Abbas et al. 2014).

The study of the attitude towards job satisfaction is important because it will help the mangers to understand the perspective of the employees towards the work. The managers should know the components of the attitude well so that they are able to evaluate the areas that need upliftment so that the employees work well in the organization (Card et al.  2012). Even if the employees are demotivated then also the attitude comes to play.

For an organization to make use of the attitudes of the employees, it should know the types of attitudes. The types of attitudes are:

  • Job satisfaction

The positive or the negative feeling of an individual towards the organization and the work culture of the organization decides the job satisfaction of the employees in the organization (Collie, Shapka and Perry 2012).

  • Job involvement

Limitations of Job Satisfaction

The employees should be able to identify themselves with the type of job they are doing and will get involved in the job and prove fruitful for the organization (Edmans 2012).

  • Organizational commitment

The employees should be able to know the goals of the organization and should be able to understand the expected results to achieve the goal (Hülsheger et al. 2013). The employees will then remain committed to the organization.

  • Perceived organizational support (POS)

Every employee needs a special attention from the employer. Once the employees will feel that the organization is taking care of them, their attitude towards the job and the workplace will change (Braun et al. 2013).

  • Employee engagement

Once the employees will be satisfied working with the organization, they will work enthusiastically for the organization, it will help in the enhancement of the employee engagement within the organization (Fortney et al. 2013).

After gaining knowledge about the types of attitudes, the managers can help the organization to function competitively in the external market (Millán et al. 2013). The component will help them to understand the way the employees should be treated depending upon their stay in the organization. The types of attitudes will help the managers to understand the type that they want to see among the employees (Oliver 2014). Depending in the type of attitude, the practices will be introduced in the workplace so that the employees will be satisfied with the job (Imran et al. 2014).

Once the employees are satisfied in the job, they seldom tend to disturb the equilibrium factor that they have attained in the organization (Abbas et al. 2014). At times, the employees either do not want to change the job nor they want to take up any challenge in the organization. The problems of job satisfaction harm the employees as well as the organization (Card et al.  2012). At times, the employees are not ready to take up challenges in the organization. The managers in the organization will have a tough time innovating new business and spreading the business (Collie, Shapka and Perry 2012). If the employees do not have the interest in changing the job, their career will become stagnant.

There are other limitations for job satisfaction as well. If any of the employees does not like the job and is working in the company because of lack of options then the factor of job satisfaction will not be applied in this case (Edmans 2012). However, it is up to choice of the employee to select the job. Many times, an individual joins a job just because he or she is not getting another job. If the environment of the workplace is good, chances are there that the employees will stay in the organization and work diligently (Hülsheger et al. 2013).  However, negative chances are there as well. The employee may never develop the liking for the workplace and will even if the managers try hard, the employee will never be satisfied with the job. The employee will not be satisfied even if the person is provided with the good environment and good people to work with (Braun et al. 2013).

On the other hand, motivation is one of the most important factors that drive the employees in performing well in the organization. It is important for the employees to know the two types of motivations because the managers have to decide which type of motivation will be helpful for the organization (Fortney et al. 2013). The two types of motivation available to the managers are:

The extrinsic motivation is in the form of financial motivation (Erez, Kleinbeck and Thierry 2012). The employees should be given the benefits and the bonus on regular basis. The employees should get the payment in time and leaves should be given to the employees properly. If any of the employees is doing any extra work that is beneficial for the organization then the employee should be given the rewards either in the form of money or in any other form of rewards (Kanfer, Beier and Ackerman 2013). In this way, it will keep up the motivation of the workers and eventually help the organization to grow.

The direct boss of the employees or the leader of a team can provide intrinsic motivation (Barrick, Mount and Li 2013). Intrinsic motivation does not involve money but the reward is given in the form of recognition. If any of the employees is performing well in the organization, the employer should recognize the work (Tannenbaum 2013). The employees should be roped in for the decision-making process in the organization. The recognition and the roles will help them in building the intrinsic motivation (Pinder 2014). Hence, the employees will work harder for the organization.

The manager needs to know the form of motivations to decide the time when the motivations will be applied on the employees (Reeve 2014). It might happen that not all the employees could be influenced by one type of motivation (Haslam et al. 2014). Hence, the manager should be able to understand the employees and then decide the type of motivation that will help the employees to work harder for the organization.

The experts help the managers in an organization to understand the types of motivation that is required by the employees introduces the motivational theories. The Hawthorne effect is one such theory that helps in the development of the individual and in turn helps in increasing the productivity of the organization (Pinder 2014). Henry A. Landsberger is the first person who understood that the workers in an organization work in a better manner when they know that they are being observed by a senior authority (Reeve 2014). The efficiency level enhances when they know that they will be rewarded for the work. The Hawthorne effect got its name when some of the social experiments that was done in the Western Electric’s Factory at Hawthorne located in Chicago during the 1920s-1930s. The experiment was done to see the effect of physical conditions on the productivity of the employees. To carry out the experiment, the managers enhanced a number of psychical conditions like making the workplace bright, changing in the working hours, giving breaks in between works and enhanced the plan of the leaves. The result was more motivated employees as they felt that the organization is taking care of them and their well-being in the organization. The researcher conclude that the employees will become more motivated at work once they will see that they are been looked after rather than actual enhancement of their health individually (Haslam et al. 2014).

The managers should make use of the Hawthorne effect in the organization for better productivity. The managers should not keep a constant check on the work of the employees because that might make the employees uneasy (Ford 2014). The productivity may decrease as they will be in constant fear that they are being watched. However, periodic follow up to the employees and their performance will help the employees to keep a check on their work process (Kanfer, Chen and Pritchard 2012). Getting an idea about the problems faced by the employees in the organization and taking measures to solve those problems will enhance the interest of the employees towards their work (Schunk and Zimmerman 2012).

There are certain  limitations when  the managers will have to apply the motivations on the employees.

As far as the intrinsic motivation is concerned, it will take a long time for the managers to implement them for the employees (Kanfer, Chen and Pritchard 2012). If any of the organization is looking for a fast change or want to implement a new idea in the organization, then the intrinsic motivation will not help the organization (Schunk and Zimmerman 2012). The employees will take time to understand that they are being treated well in the organization and then they will be motivated and work accordingly (Erez, Kleinbeck and Thierry 2012).

As far as the extrinsic motivation is concerned, it is mainly in the monetary rewards. There is chance that then employees will mainly assume the rewards as their goal and will work accordingly (Kanfer, Beier and Ackerman 2013). There is a chance that once the rewards will be stopped that employees will also stop working (Barrick, Mount and Li 2013). The employees will not work for the organization but they will work just because the organization is paying the employees for the work (Tannenbaum 2013). This kind of motivation might be short-lived and might not help the organization for a long-term support.


After evaluating the importance of attitude in job satisfaction, it can be concluded that the job satisfaction mainly depends on the managers of an organization so that the employees are satisfied to work in the organization. It can also be concluded that the employees need to motivated so that they work happily in the organization. However, it is up to the managers to decide the type of motivation that should be provided to the employees. However, the job satisfaction and the motivations have their own limitations. On the one hand, the job satisfaction  at times make the employees lethargic as they are not ready to go way from the job that they are enjoying. Lethargy at work affects the organization as well as the person who has the satisfaction in the job. On the other hand, the extrinsic motivation at times, takes the attentions of the employee away from the job as they concentrate only on the rewards. The intrinsic motivation takes time to get implemented in the organization. Thus, the managers of the organization need to implement the actions in the organization carefully so that the organization would not have to suffer any loss. The employees should also be made to understand that they should not take any situation as granted and work ardently for the enhancement of the organization. 


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