SPMP Of Bank Of South Australia ATM Software Project

Purpose of the Project


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Describe about the Bank of South Australia ATM Software Project?

The project is concerned about the SPMP of Bank of South Australia ATM Software Project for easy access of money by the customers. The project management plan includes the tools and techniques that are essential for the exact deliverable of the project. The waterfall model has been taken for the software development cycle that helps in software project management plan of the given project. The Project managers of this project used Microsoft front page for writing and documenting the files that are stored with the esteemed description of ATM software. The budgeting and other financial constraints and requirements are also well discussed for the successful completion of the project.

A software project is a sum total procedure of developing software starting from the blueprint of the idea to testing, maintain and executing the project in a specified time period. Deeprose (2002) commented on the fact that for building and execution of successful software, it is necessary to take into account the environmental and business constrains and limitations that may bring risk to the development of the software. In addition to this, Lock (2004) had a view that the factors that need to be considered sat the time of developing a software project are the time, cost and quality. The report will be dealing with the software project of The Bank of South Australia regarding the introduction of ATM system for the easy availability of money to the customers.

The Bank of South Australia is one of the largest financial organizations in South Australia having its headquarters in Adelaide. It is concerned with the products such as personal banking, insurance and business banking. This report will be dealing with the purpose, scope and overview of the contents in this document (Banksa.com.au, 2015).

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The purpose of this project is to analyze and discuss the nee and requirements of implementation, maintenance and designing of the software for the ATM of the bank. This project is so prepared that will help in understanding the requirement of the ATM system to the customers of the bank as well as the requirements that are essential for setting the system (Peslak, 2012). This research will be also helpful to know about the needful of the bank that are essential for setting up the ATM system successfully within the organization.

In today’s world, the usage of ATM is very essential for all the people so in order to facilitate the customers with easy access of money, it is essential (Meng and Gallagher, 2012). This project has a quiet huge scope as it facilitates the users in accessing the money easily whenever and wherever it is required.

The project is so prepared keeping in mind the overview of the project keeping in mind the project deliverable and project summary. The project organization is also discussed that includes the project responsibilities and the process models. The project management and control takes into account the way of managing the project and way to formulate the project for the maximum utilization of the ATM to the users (Meng, 2012). In addition to this, the technical process is also discussed keeping in mind the methods, techniques and tools used for this project. Moreover, the activities, budgeting and scheduling of the job also need to keep in mind.

Scope of the Project

2.1 Project Summary

The vendor of the project “Bank of South Australia ATM Software Project” is Terasoft. The project is so made that aims in provide g help to the customers of the bank. Each of the phases of the project are constructed, reviewed as well as approved by the sponsor of the project. Kodukula (2014) commented on the fact that the project has to be made in such a way that it will help the customers in the way that it is intended to do so. The purpose of the project is to coordinate the constraints and expectations of both the parties that is between the bank and the sponsor. The aim of this project is to capture the internal processes that are required for accomplishing the goals. Petit, (2012) had a view that this project includes initially the blueprint of the project that is essential for the flow of the project. The project must be such that it has to be familiar with the surroundings and environment of the places where the project will be useful.

The deliverables are generally the output of the project that can be assessed meaningfully. The deliverables are the project indicators that show both the clients and vendors the progress of the project. According to Randolph (2012) for the successful completion of the project, there are many necessities that need to be delivered to the project manager before the project gets delivered. The different phases that are essential for the project are discussed below-



Analysis of system requirement

Proposing the software system

Management of planning the project

Planning the software project management

Generation of requirements of software

Specifications of the requirements of the software

Designing of the software

Documenting the designing of the software

Implementation of the software

Coding the software

Testing of the system

Testing the software in the real time environment to see its applicability and helpfulness.

Documentation the user’s feedback

The service maintenance manual and the user manual are essential for documentation

Testing of acceptance

Testing the software to see its applicability as well as suitability among the users.

The evolution of Software Project Management Planning is a realistic project planning that is essential for successful carrying out of the project. According to Pinto (2014) it has a clear software development plan that is essential for knowing the process of development of the system. The quality assurance plan specifies the quality procedures as well as standards that is required to be used. The validation plan shows the validation of the client for whom the system is developed. In addition to this, Kodukula (2014) commented on the fact that the configuration management plan also helps in understanding how the system will be installed as well as configured. The maintenance plan depicts the procedure of maintaining the system. Moreover, Ponnappa (2014) had a view that the SPMP also contains the staff development plan that helps in describing the skills of the participants that is essential to be developed. This includes the hardware and software resources and the risk analysis that is essential for successful completion of the project. Moreover, the work breakdown, tasks, deliverables and milestones also need to be recorded for tracking down the project by both the client and vendor.

3.1 Process Model

In the project of ATM software for Bank of South Australia, there are two types of processes that are used during the project such as operation and support and maintenance. However, for maintenance, Bank of South Australia does not plan for any requirements (Juricek, 2014). Moreover, the entire operation and support are undertaken by the Terasoft.

Overview of the Project

In order to develop the software, a waterfall model was undertaken by the project vendor (Refer to appendix 1). This diagram helps in identifying the flow of information, products and documents within the life cycle process of ATM software development for Bank of South Australia (Lai, 2014). In order to arrange properly of the software project development, life cycle model of waterfall has been designed that helps in developing the process as well as controlling the overall process of ATM software development (Malik, 2013). Apart from that, Mishra and Mishra (2013) argued waterfall life cycle model is more effective regarding visualization of process rather than other life cycle development model. Until the process has been completed, any process cannot begin (Marchewka, 2013). The project manager of ATM software development grouped the process into a textual list in terms of simplifying the diagrams.   

3.2.1 Internal structure and Interface

According to the demand of Bank of South Australia, Terasoft deigned their project for ATM software (Morales and Anderson, 2013). The vendor was used strong matrix that helps organisation in allocating their resources directly to the manager of project (Refer to appendix 2).

Bank of South Australia is best known for their specialization in outside contracts. In order to develop the ATM software for Bank of South Australia, Terasoft Software Company use strong matrix. It helps in assembling the necessary resources by the project manager that underneath during the utilization (Harris, 2014). The external structure of Bank of South Australia, showed their interest because undertaken project shown the organisational chart properly (Ceschi et al., 2005). The project was designed is such as way were manager of each department were responsible.

According to the project advisor of ATM software development for Bank of South Australia, Resource Allocation Matrix plays the major roles and responsibilities (Refer to appendix 3).

General Project Management

The methodology will be prepared so that project can be managed in most effective form. Moreover, the progress can be measured along with track of schedule for accomplishment of project.

Keeping the plan current

If there is any requirement to make any necessary alteration in the management plan or any other important file then a change request has to be sending to the senior management of the Bank of South Australia. On the other hand, the owner of bank has to give approval to make changes.

Process of managing project

The management of the bank focus on continuous communication in order to feel relax about the process of bank. The schedule manager of the bank will provide required information to the management of bank regarding the progress of ATM software project and arriving deadlines (Ceschi et al., 2005). Moreover, the project manager will be involved in allocating the task to the members to complete the task on scheduled time.

Measurement of the project progress

In order to examine the project progress, the project manager has to conduct meeting with the workers or groups involved in software project development (Ghapanchi and Aurum, 2012). The project scheduled will help in knowing whether the job has been completed on time or not.

Tracking of schedule

The schedule manager will be involved in maintaining the schedule up to date and current by recording the progress of ATM software project in every phase so that time limit of the project can be met.

Methodology for software development

Requirements and desire of customer will be discovered.

Flexible function will be defined in order to accommodate particular needs.

Use of formal communication contracts and documents to the customers.

Generate feedback from the customers.

Dummy of the ATM software in order to test its feasibility.

Examining the system to find any error.

Launching the system after necessary changes.

Verification and Validation

The review of Faculty Advisor Review, peer reviews, Bank owner review and lastly acceptance of project sponsor will be important for giving final verdict to the ATM software plan. After that design of the product has to be verified with the required specifications so that it can satisfy the need of the sponsors.

Delivery Plan

The software will be installed in the bank’s ATM to know the success level and before making it public. Therefore, it will be tested and verification will be sought from the authorized personnel (Lai, 2014). Thus, if all things fall in place then all the system will be integrated for final use.

Table 1: Project Management Plan

Project Management Objectives and Priorities

The main purpose of the project is to examine the needs for designing, implementing and maintaining the software for comprising the server of central bank and ATM client machine with the Bank of South Australia ATM network.



Completion of project in scheduled time

Accomplishment of project within allocated budget

Supply of all deliverables and meet all the requirements.

Meeting at every stage of software development is prime priority.

Meeting will be scheduled on Thursday and Saturday regularly

Online teleconferencing meeting with the project manager and other members.

Assumptions, Dependencies and Constraints


Project falls in large project component

Only software component will be delivered of the larger project

Initial approximation for the project is approx 40%

ATM hardware is being managed as split project and will be ready for the installation point.

Estimated budget shall not exceed

Expertise will be consulted to help out in designing the software for ATM server/client

The design of the software system will not be dependent on any other product as it can be problem while integrating the system and it can become tough to use it. The major constraints for the project are budget, time, staff and maintenance of software.

Risk Management



Loss of work/data

The management of the bank or project manager has to be ready with backup plan.

Project Processes

The project manager has to monitor the progress on continuous basis so that each process and procedure is followed while developing software


In order to control the growing budget, the manger has to eliminate all the unproductive or non-usable product or system.

Design Difficulty

To have a better software design, the manager has to involve expert to help them out.

Implementation difficulty

The manager has to integrate all the system one by one to remove error.

Hardware Failure

A new box can be set up if required

Change Management

The project manager may send a change request form if any change is to be made in software program to the owner of bank. On the other hand, if worker is conducting mistake again and again then the worker can be replaced with more efficient and experienced one (Lalsing, 2012).

Schedule Control

The project manager can apply Earned Value Management System to perform the schedule control. Moreover, the critical path can be used for having control over activities and getting result in allocated time (Rose, 2012). Moreover, supervisor can monitor the progress of the project.

Vendor and Project Organization

Issue Resolution

The project manager may need to have word with each individual to know the problem and providing solution to it. Moreover, the software expert can help the workers to make necessary changes if required (Wang and Tian, 2012).

5.1 Methods, tools and techniques

Methods: The entire project was developed based of waterfall software development methodology. Waterfall process development methodology delivered the products of software with proper working activities (Pellerin et al., 2013). Moreover, in order to make standard of designed software, project manager of ATM software development used IEEE standard software development life cycle process. These are as follows –

  • Understand the requirement very well before development the project and implement the process according to requirement.
  • Definition of the project was stable
  • In order to generate success of ATM software development project, waterfall methodology was selected.
  • Technological tools and hardware has been selected according to project requirement.
  • The entire project was developed based on IEEE standard.

Tools: Desktop foundation of team member

  • VM ware workstation 4.5 () One VM per activate project
  • Adobe acrobat reader 10.0
  • Microsoft windows 2012 workstation
  • Windows 7 Operating system
  • For email and calendar IBM Lotus Notes R6
  • Microsoft Office 2007 professional version

Document Publishing – Microsoft word 2007

Project management – Use electronic time sheet (Best Carpe Diem), Terametric, Microsoft and Project 2007 for managing the project.

Testing – IBM rational Robot was used for testing.

Online Performance Reporting – Microsoft internet service software 8.0 and Microsoft windows server 2012 was used for online performance reporting of ATM system.

Implementation – Advance C programme C++ and SDK (Software Development Kit) of Microsoft was used for the implementation of designed project (Uzzafer, 2013).

Techniques: In order to develop the project of ATM software for Bank of South Australia Windows Open Service Architecture and Windows NT based platform were used. Apart from that, for the financial service of AT software, eXtentions also used by the project manager. Moreover, in order to design the project and implement it properly in the service process of Bank of South Australia, Object Modelling Technique (OMT) was used that maintain the purpose of object oriented method.

The entire documents of project were edited and controlled using Microsoft Office 2007. In the word file project manager written documents with low complexity. Using Microsoft binder, project manager combined the application in word file. However, project manager unable to set security within the documents in order to use this documents by every member of the group (White, 2006). According to the project manager, documents of the projects were stored in the group server of Terasoft. In order to contain each file formally, new directory was created by the project manager into group server. However, each file were saved with respected ID name of the project using two digit revision number.

Repository documents are stored in the Local Area Network of Terasoft. Apart from that, configuration of project also manages in the LAN server of Terasoft. Each image of workstation was able to access from the LAN server of Terasoft (XIE, WANG and XIAO, 2010). For performance reporting, Tearsoft-NNB extranet were configured by the project manager.

Project managers used Microsoft front page for writing the web based help files. In the server, documents files were stored with the respected version of ATM software.

During the training program, project manager verified the software documentation by the management staffs of Bank of South Australia. However, the software documentation is used as a part of training to the staffs of Bank of South Australia. The software document was made easily for using each user. In the software document, each task broken into subtasks. In order to refine the software document, feedback is collected from the user.

Phases and Deliverables

With the expectation of software project management plan (SPMP) project manager plays the leading role in document preparation of this project. Terasoft designed the project according to the demand of Bank of South Australia. Therefore, executive committee of Bank of South Australia approved the project documents.

Activities and Tasks



Analysis of System Requirements

Project Identification

Development of project proposal

Project Management Plan

Design WBS

Structuring Schedule

Forming SPMP

Generation of software requirement

Analysis of entire requirement

Designing technical specification

Preparation of SRS

Software Design

Organize architectural design

Developing detailed Design

Developing SDD


Noting Code

Conducting Unit Test

Carrying integration testing

Test of system

Planning system test

Conducting system testing

Preparing System Test Document and Result

User Documentation

Structuring and carving user’s manual

Accepting test

Conducting acceptance test

Resource Requirements

Human resource and material resource will be required to accomplish the goal.

Project Manager

Requirement Analyst

Software Architect


Verification Engineer

Expertise with detailed ATM skill and knowledge

Technical Writer and Printing Services

Database Engineer

Installation Specialist

Computer time for generation of object code

Computer software purchase


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