Managing Employee Turnover And Absenteeism At Trans National Enterprises

Implementing the Fair Work Act 2009 to Mitigate Employee Turnover and Absenteeism


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Describe about the company Trans National Enterprises who recently faces lots of problems in their rapid growth as well as profitability?

In this particular assignment analyst tries to demonstrates the proper planning that will be helpful for the selected organization namely Trans National Enterprises. The company recently faces lots of problems in their rapid growth as well as profitability. The current conditions of the company is that high turnover rate of employee as well as the rate of absenteeism of employee also increase within the working environment of Trans-National Enterprise.

This study firmly focused on developing the appropriate plan that help the organization in managing their work roster of 35 hour working in a week and meet the expectation of clients. 

In order to mitigate the problems of Trans National Enterprise, organization has to develop the Fair Work Act 2009 within their business agreements with the employee. It helps in mitigating the problems of high turnover and employee absenteeism. This act also helps in resolving the dispute between the employee and employers (Bibb, Aparicio and Guardiet, 2014). Fair Work Act 2009 also develops the National Employment Standards for Trans National Enterprise and modern award within their workplace. Through developing the following process, this act contains the every dispute resolution clause for Trans National Enterprise –

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  • Through this agreement, employees are able to meet with their supervisor directly for discuss the grievance
  • Fair Work Act commission will directly involve if there is any dispute remains unresolved
  • Employee as well as employers may attain other persons during the working process of Trans National Enterprise

Following process will be the best solution for resolving dispute in the Trans National Enterprise’s workforce –

The latest trend of the human resource has proved to be fatal for the firm. It is identified that the staff turnover rate is on a rise with increase in absenteeism which has been a concern for the company management. Rise in the workplace disharmony has been a major issue for concern for the management of Transnational Enterprise as it impacts the productivity as well as entire performance of the firm (Donaghey et al. 2013). Also, the workforce often remains dissatisfied with the given work schedule. They have demanded for additional employees to be hired to reduce their working hours. They showed that the working hours had exceeded the latest award requirement that is around 35 hours a week.

Keller (2014) argued that incident response plan helps in designing the working process as well as procedure of the company in a suitable way that detect the problem and anticipate with the problems for making a proper decision in terms of mitigating the challenges. Therefore, in terms of mitigating the dispute that raises within the Trans National Enterprise, incident response plan helps in mitigating the problems through identifying the key approaches that creates high employee turnover and increase rate of employee absenteeism (Lieber, 2009). Through the incident response planning, organization is able to track the key problems within their working schedule and procedure that creates the high employee turnover and employee absenteeism. Following are the activities that helps in identifying the problems –

During the incident: This planning allows the management in designing the procedures and documentation of the employee during work.

Using an Incident Response Plan to Identify and Address Employee Turnover and Absenteeism

After the Incidents: After identifying the problems, managers are allowed to draft the problems for performing immediately with the raise problems. It is also allows the managers in developing the separate procedures for the separate functional areas.

Before the Incident: This procedures allows the manager of Trans National Enterprise in preparing the plan according to incident. This procedures help in developing the appropriate planning such as training schedule, testing planning, business continuity planning, copies of service agreements, etc. 

Negotiation Outcomes

Roche, Teague and Colvin (2014) cited that best outcome regarding negotiation will be effective when the two or more parties feeling positive in order to make their objective successful. There are four keys that will be the supporting materials –

Avoid narrowing negotiation: Employee or the employers have to argue over the price of working hour clearly. This factor into the negotiation can allows in increasing servicing quality or the performance of employees at workplace of Trans National Enterprise

Realization of other parties: It allows in developing the different things that make the attitude of the other parties according to requirement of the organization. It is also helps in gaining the attitude of the other parties.

Believe Point: This make the parties for creating the goals who have not any goals or the knowledge of probability.

Assumptions of the parties: Negotiate with the expectation and demands of the parties. Management can be able to assume the lowest as well as highest demands of the employee that helps in mitigating the challenges.

Negotiate Anything: Samuelson (2009) negotiation is the fair game in any kind of environment especially in the corporate sector. Managers of the employee have to negotiate with each other for making any kind of agreements before working as an employee.

Always keep the poker face: Need to make the face cool and never display the unusual interests with the employee. It can also helps in mitigating the current dispute of Trans National Enterprise. Consecutively, an effective mechanism is to be built in terms of dispute-settlement amidst management and that of the employees. On other side, the workforces come under modern Award and possess accessibility towards dispute resolution framework as given by Fair Work Act (FWA) (Tumlin and Baldi, 2014). This would enable the firm to seek resolution prior to reaching Fair Work Commission.

Time as a Tactic: Management have to engage employee with details analysis and taking time. Quick response can make difficult to increase the employee’s performance. It is to be considered that the workforce at the organization has been involved with real hard work and enabled the firm to perform excessively well in the competitive environment. At such a crisis situation, the management of the enterprise must conduct a thorough investigation within the matter which led to the decline of corporate performances.

Proper understanding of issues with adequate knowledge of operations, labor laws, and work conditions would allow achievement of positive outcomes. In the proposal phase, initial statements from the two parties are to be submitted with suitable resolution. The session is named as “brainstorming” session. During the session, all representatives of the enterprise must lend their ears to the employees and empathize their situations (NOBLET and RODWELL, 2007). The management must treat the employees with assertiveness and all discussions are to be held for clarifying issues. Another important aspect is mutual understanding amidst management and employees. Lack of mutual trust would lead nowhere. The ground rules must be decided through discussion with other party. These ground rules will be used for guiding the negotiation process.

Effective Negotiation Tactics to Mitigate Employee Turnover and Absenteeism

Recalling is the key declaration as well as the development of goals for the Trans National Enterprise that committed with special sessions and conference.

Expression concern also helps in crippling the effects of poverty, disparity as well as inequality all over the world.

Recognizing:  the policies as well as the eradicating the poverty, recuing the poverty as well as inequality for the decent work.

Recalling the outcome of the document high level meeting with the general assembly.

Following is the implementation plan for investigate and settle the dispute of Trans National Enterprise –

  • Management or leaders of the company consensus about the criteria of measuring compliance
  • Step and resources have to involves with the agreements between the employers and employee
  • Need to involve the organizational structure with the agreements
  • Explicit agreements have to be perfect with the authorities as well as specialists
  • Need to accommodate the future changes for conflicting the parties ad making an agreements with the employees
  • The foremost step within the dispute-settlement framework is that both employees and organizational management must coordinate with each other for identifying critical issues or problems. The problems are to be investigated as well as addressed timely. Attempts must be made to resolve the issues by allowing both the parties to come close and mutually discuss on the matters.
  • Role of the leaders as well as supervisor have to be define clearly

Since the workers are not happy about the present working hours and besides, increased work pressure, the employees are to be treated carefully and gently. They must be addressed and provided opportunity to present their ideas and opinions which would enable the management to frame strategies according to it. The organizational representatives must present certain options to solve the issues. Each of the options is to be evaluated to enable taking of a final decision. Consensus may enable settlement of disputes amidst both the parties. Proceedings of every stage need to be recorded to refer in the future. It is also identified that employees are dissatisfied with work hours and had threatened the management to resign in mass in one month’s time if new recruits are not joined. In order that the firm does not incur loss in recruitment, it must seek for appointing moderate number of new workers for sharing of the responsibilities as well as work pressure.

Following are the procedures that need to follow for identify as well as resolve future grievances –

  • Employees have to submit the complaints or disputes in a timely manner
  • Need to identify the persons that make the workplace uncomfortable
  • Require to design the overview of the nonprofit materials and return back to the complaining party
  • Employees to be involved in resolving disputes must be identified (van Dijke et al., 2013).
  • The employees are to be trained regarding legislative measures of industrial dispute.
  • Regular sessions are to be conducted for proper training and discussion.
  • Different techniques for resolution of disputes are to be informed to employees for allowing them to take necessary steps
  • All policies as well as legal procedures of Transnational Enterprise must be communicated to the employees (Wang and Barney, 2006)
  • They need to be assessed once training is completed.
  • Amendments within the legislative framework and policies of the firm need to be notified.

The management of the organization namely Trans National Enterprise have to follow the below mentioned aspects in terms of providing training to their key employees that mitigate the disputes –

Identification of task and objectives: Management have to provide training to their employees through proper identification of work. Apart from that, they have to understand the specialization of the employee first and then provide the training according to their specialization.

Available Support: Management have to provides available support during the development of performance objectives. It can help in delivering appropriate training to the employee for Trans National Enterprise.

Degree of Importance: Management have to account the degree of importance that firmly associated with the job functions and task. They have to highlighted the recommendations of the training.


Negotiation, collective bargaining, mediation, conciliation, and arbitration: These are some common techniques to resolve disputes. The desired objective of the dispute-settlement process by addressing employee interests is to be considered. A negotiation team is to conduct the entire process. The participative representatives should possess sufficient knowledge and skills about negotiation. In the phase of preparation, both representatives should scrutinize personal situation for developing a proper understanding of the issue.

Reference List

Bibb, S., Aparicio, N. and Guardiet, J. (2014). Generation Y for rookies. London, United Kingdom: LID Publishing Ltd.

Donaghey, J., Reinecke, J., Niforou, C. and Lawson, B. (2013). From Employment Relations to Consumption Relations: Balancing Labor Governance in Global Supply Chains. Human Resource Management, 53(2), pp.229-252.

Keller, J. (2014). Transport Personnel Pro. Neenah: J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc.

Lieber, L. (2009). How to manage terminations and layoffs in a recession. Employ. Relat. Today, 36(1), pp.95-102.

Roche, W., Teague, P. and Colvin, A. (2014). The Oxford handbook of conflict management in organizations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Samuelson, K. (2009). Balancing control and autonomy to manage information flow and facilitate business improvements. Employ. Relat. Today, 36(3), pp.49-56.

Tumlin, G. and Baldi, C. (2014). New Approaches to Manage Employee Complaints. Employment Relations Today, 40(4), pp.33-38.

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