Theoretical Framework And Conceptual Model For Studying Social Networking Sites
Proper Labelling of Facts in Theoretical Framework
1. There are three basic features that should be present in any theoretical framework. Discuss these features?
2.(i) Is there or are there any alternative approaches that would allow jesse to develop a conceptual model?
(ii) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of undertaking a literature review to develop a model?
(iii) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative approaches that you have come up with?
3.(i) label the variables of jesse’s conceptual model in terms of independent, dependent, moderating and /or mediating variables?
(ii) Explain the general difference between the moderate and mediate variables?
4. Develop the relevant hypotheses based onJesse’s model (use directional hypotheses)?
5.(i) Provide a thorough evaluation of Jesse’s argument?
(ii) Provide a better explanation of why we would expect these relationship to exist?
1. The basic features of theoretical framework are:-
i- The factors which are considered to explain the study should be clearly discussed and labelled. The relationship between these factors and how they are interrelated.
ii- Literature survey i.e the facts from the previous research and findings.
iii- Graphical representation or schematic diagram of the theoretical framework that reader can easily understand what the researcher wants to represents.
The theoretical framework is the comprehensive way of researcher how to show the facts about the study he is doing clearly and precisely. The proper labelling of the facts he wants to highlight about the study. Like if we take the example of the given topic of ‘the social network’, the proper framework of the study done is given with the help of the examples ofApple community, Harley Davidson community etc. how managers of the community attract the people and engage them with it. This help in dispersion of the various new ideas with community members.
The discussion of the previously found facts and relating it with the newly found variables should be comprehensively shown in the theoretical framework. This will help the reader to have a keen look on labelled features.
The most important feature in the theoretical framework is the graphical representation of schematic diagram representation of the variables which are discussed in the study. This is a clear picture which shows and helps the reader to comprehend the theoretical explanation of the variables.
2- a) As the study shows that jesse has only considered the literature survey of the online communities. There are some other ways in which jesse could develop the conceptual model. These are:-
- By collecting the real and practical facts by working on the subject .This would make the conceptual model more accurate and healthy.
- Comparing the real and literature survey features together could make the model quite attractive and effective.
- Filtering the facts which are highly discussed about the social media could make it nearest to accuracy.
b) The following are the advantages and disadvantages of literature review:-
- Advantages :-
- Deep learning of the subject of research.
- Develop basic understanding of the subject.
- Ideas of the resources which we reuse for fact findings.
- Help reducing time consumption.
- Comprehensive look on previously found facts and the work done required at various stages of research.
- Disadvantages:-
- The literature review sometimes does not clear some factors in the variables. This cause wastage of time and resources.
- Proper guidance of the supervisors is required to every researcher especially for the inexperienced students (Garrett, 2010)..
- It is time consuming for teachers to provide feedback and correct them where they are wrong.
c) The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative approach:-
- Advantages:-
- By collecting the real practical facts by doing it yourself will make the previously found facts more exact and near to accuracy.
- It increase the practical experience of the researcher and build its confidence to explain the things in more better way.
- It easily differentiate between the practically found by itself and previously found facts.
- Disadvantages:-
- It increase the time consumption where facts are not clear.
- Without proper guidance of the supervisor or teacher the researcher may got confused sometimes.
3.a) The following are the variables of jesse’s conceptual model:-
- Independent variables:- In the independent variables , it consist of two variables which are considered:-
- Informational value:- The information about the subject is taken by researcher on its own. It is totally independent which topic to choose and where to take information about it.
- Self –discovery value:-The discovery of the certain facts about the subject is the outcome of the independent research done on it (Garrett, 2010). So these variables are totally independent variables.
- Dependent variables:- In the dependent variables, it consists of two variables which are considered as follows:-
- Social interactivity value:-The increase in the knowledge about the subject is done by social interactivity at the social media sites. Likewise if we take the examples of “apple community and Harley Davidson riders community”. These are brands community where people get to know about various things about their devices and bikes by interacting with the members of the community. So it dependent on the knowledge which you get by interaction with social websites.
- Social enhancement value:-The eagerness to enhance the knowledge about the subject , researcher try to meet various people to know about it and social media help in enhancing the knowledge by getting into touch with outside community people. This increase the dependency on the social sites and social life of the people.
- Moderating or mediating variables:- In this also there are two variables considered according to jesse’s conceptual model:-
- Entertainment value:-The entertainment provided by social websites eventually increase the usage of the social networking sites. Actually entertainment value is different from other social networking sites because in this we can stream live on various things, playing games, online challenges and etc.(e.g:-dholakia,bagozzi,mckenna and bargh 1997) experiences with functionality, and different people i.e it basically maintains relationship with other users.
- Reward value:- Many social websites increase the attraction by offering rewards on various things . This increase the social involvement of the people. This means that it plays a moderate part of the conceptual model.
3.b) The following are the differences between the moderate and the mediate variables:-
Moderator variable is basically a qualitative and quantitative (like reward level) variable. Like if we talk about the social networking sites which attract people by placing rewards on certain items and things, this make this variable a dependent variable. Moderator represents the interaction between independent variables and appropriate condition of a factor in operation (Teel,1983).
Mediators are the variables which work between the independent variable and outcome variables. Like we talk about the entertainment value of the social networking sites it plays a mediate variable between the independent variable and the outcome variables.
4. As the model developed by Jesse after the literature survey of the social networking sites. The following hypotheses can be done:-
To increase the satisfaction of the member in a particular community the basic variable needed is the informational value from which the researcher get to know about the study and concluding independently discovering the facts from the information give huge encouragement to get deep into the study of brands or anything else.
With the increase in the knowledge about the particular brand the social interaction of the member increases(Garrett, 2010). This means that self-discovering of the ideas has higher value to provide satisfaction the member than just collecting the information when dependent variable social interaction and social enhancement values are considered.
If we talk about the entertainment value (like playing games or listen music online) provide higher level of satisfaction to the members and further reward value helping as a moderator to make it an outcome variable.
If the satisfaction of the member increase higher that it further increase his/her loyalty towards the particular brand community.
These are the hypotheses which can be done by considering the Jesse’s conceptual model.
5.(i) According to Jesse’s argument, people who love some particular brands will access it from the comfort of their home by showing intentions to join that online brand community. The increase in the driving values from the online brand community will rise the eagerness of the member to join it and start participating in it. Therefore it always important to know from which values the members got drive to join the community. These values include the informational values, self – discovering values, self- interaction values, self-enhancement values, entertainment values and the reward values. These values will play a role to rise the satisfaction of the member and this satisfaction will make him to join the community. Once the member got completely satisfied with it, it’s loyalty towards the brand community will keep on rising and shows his future intentions towards community. This is how Jessecomes into the conclusion about the online networking sites.
(ii) The research details shows that there are certain values which rise the relationship between the members and the community. The entertainment provided by online communities through fun by playing games or interacting with others( Dholakia, Bogozzi and Pearo 2004) or by encountering and solving the online challenges or contests(Mckenna and Bough, 1999). This participation of members’ rise the entertainment value of the social networking sitesand attract other outside members to join the community. This rise the perceived value of site and increase in the satisfaction of the members. These variables increase the relationship between the member and the community.
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