Professional Issues In ICT, Information Security, And Self-Assessment
Importance of information security for organizations
Part A
Compulsory items – Answer both:
1. What was your goal/motivation in deciding to embark on the type of degree you are studying? When you enrolled into PIIT, how did you envisage PIIT fitting into your overall goal/motivation? Has the unit made you re-evaluate the type of degree or major/specialisation you have chosen and the career path you had planned? How have your aspirations and plans changed because of what you have learnt in the unit?
2. What kinds of behaviours might be important for an ICT professional working in a group or team with members from a wide variety of different backgrounds (e.g. diversity of skills, gender, age, religion and ethnicity)? In what ways did you contribute to a sound team performance? What could you have done better to make sure your team worked better? How could you have helped others in your team to perform better?
3. What are some of the key professional roles and responsibilities for a modern ICT Professional? How might these affect you in your future work?
Part B
Information security GE capital
Mr. Berin is a security expert from GE Capital. He started with audience feedback on importance of information security for any organization. I took part in the brain storming session engaged myself in the discussion. He clearly explained the need of organizational security system, how it runs, brings benefit and finally the plans behind if something happens improper. The lecture highlighted more on security policy and referred to risk assessment, human interference control and management issues. Because, lose of clients money will bring a devastating disaster for any financial body. That’s the reason for a standard regulatory unit who will set effective security standards for any nation for strict maintenance. He also indicated the non technical issues i.e., setting privacy and security policies that an ICT professional has to offer with a clear direction. These duties are usually not so much interesting like technical issues. He also discussed different risk types with example from real world. His example on technical, operational and legal risk made the whole picture clear to me. He also shared his personal experience on security measures. The audience group acquired a lot of experience from it. His interactive session delivered his message on information security issues very clearly. His lecture was able to create awareness among the students. I personally was able to visualize his every advice and suggestions. He requested the young ICT professionals to take the security issues very seriously and to consider it as an essential part throughout their professional life.
Compulsory questions
1. Self- assessment
At the time of pursuing my graduation degree, I had to consider my area of interest. Since information technology and computer is my area of interest as well as area of expertise, hence the adoption of information technology as a career option was a right decision for me. ICT is the bass of all things and ICT skills are necessary for improving the creativity and reasoning power within an individual. The ICT and the computing sector are changing radically and all the companies both private as well as the public sector are recruiting graduates with effective ICT knowledge. Hence, considering the future prospective and future career growth I found that it is advisable and profitable to take ICT as a career option (Arnold and Boggs, 2011).
The need for organizational security system
PIIT was a reliable option for me because the college offered diverse ICT courses on computer engineering, electronics engineering, Information technology, automobile engineering and mechanical engineering. Although I focused earlier more on choosing core-engineering subjects as my field of study, however PIIT helped me by offering me other options as well. The university professors suggested me to opt for professional issues in ICT.
My choice of opting for the subject Professional issues in ICT helped me to gain knowledge about the professionalism that makes an ICT person successful. Moreover, this course helped me to understand the importance of law and ethics in the context of the ICT professions. This unit helped me to link technical aspects of my degree along with the interpersonal skills required in a job market. Hence, I can conclude by confirming that after opting for this degree I have been able to recognize the importance of interpersonal skills that will help me in being a successful professional in future.
Positive workplace behaviors contribute to the development of congenial working environment for the ICT professionals. For an ICT professional it is important to maintain a gender-neutral organizational culture. Moreover, for an ICT professional it is important to have diverse working skills. The ever changing organizational scenarios requires the ICT professionals to possess skills like project management, problem solving, technical, coding and programming and business management skills.For a sound team performance I contributed in the following manner
- Making contribution of new ideas
- Listening to the team member’s views and respecting their opinions
- Offering and accepting constructive criticisms in order to develop the workplace behavior and to integrate a cohesive group work
- Act as a leader as well as a group member contributing in both ways
- Avoiding any discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion or ethics
However, for making the group work more productive I feel it was necessary to know the group culture and try to reduce the gaps between the diversities that exist in terms of ethnicity, age, gender and cultural backgrounds. Moreover, I feel to make the group work easier it is essential that all members within the group are comfortable and friendly with each other. By reducing the communication gaps and creating a comfortable and friendly environment, I can contribute t the overall development of my teammates (Leung, 2011).
The roles of ICT professionals may vary in different organizations. The roles generally vary from managerial roles to technical roles. Some of the important roles that the ICT professionals are required to maintain are the role of a team leader, project manager, technical assistant and the role of a team worker. These are some of the important roles, which help in completion of projects successfully (Leung, 2011). Apart from these roles, the management of customer queries in respect of ICT tools is also an important role that the ICT professionals execute. In this regard, the ICT professional needs to support customer relationship management. In some of the organization ICT professionals are also required to issue loan, IT equipment and consumables to the customers and also keep a record of the stock levels for the It products. The ICT professionals with the technical knowledge also focus on improving the websites and user guides of the IT tools in an organization.
The diversity within the roles of ICT in the industry will help me to develop my career growth form a fresher to a higher position within the industry. With the development of my professional skills indifferent areas like technical, good communication and teamwork skills, management skills and problem solving ability will help me in future to make a secured job within any organization and help me to work effectively within a group.
Key professional roles and responsibilities for a modern ICT Professional
Issue 1: A small tech business
Small tech business deals in the software development in communication industry, which handles projects in Australia and overseas, namely US, Europe, Africa and South America. The company uses the ICT applications to benefit people and business. However, the company faced challenges in credibility of the information, financial support in ICT tools, and availability of appropriate resources, growth rate and change of directorship. However, from this issue I have been able to analyze the fact that the change in ICT tools with the change in the organizational cultures and organizational growth is important for a company to avoid challenges and survive successfully. Moreover, the issue has taught me to be open-minded and has taught me the lesson that every aspect of the organizational problem will not be solved. Moreover, the discussion within the issue helped me to understand the use of Golden circle. The Golden circle suggests that the professionals within the organization should have the answers to three basic questions namely what they do, how they do and why they do (Leung, 2011). Hence, as an ICT professional the understanding of the basic norms within the organization will help me to be a productive employee of the organization. However, the success of the organization can be ascertained by the increased reputation, maturity and financial security of the organization. The issues and the adoption of the different techniques will help me in generating professional skills as a successful ICT professional.
The use of mobile devices in workforce has helped the organizations in improving the customer service; maintain an easy access of the historical records, guarantees that activities are performed on schedule and eliminate any problems in respect of data entry and data storage. This presentation has helped me to realize the importance and benefits of the ICT tools by displaying the benefits of the mobile devices. Use of paper-based systems before the invention of the technology gave rise to various problems namely high possibility of human error, double entry of data, non-maintenance of standard answers, project-scheduling issues, limited reporting and high labor-intensive procedures. Hence, this lecture was effective in creation of awareness of the benefits of ICT tools within the organizations. I was personally able to recognize the features like barcode scanners, telephone functions, wireless internet browsing, came, speech to text capabilities and mobile printing will help the organizations and the professionals to make the work easier and productive (Arnold and Boggs, 2011). The displaying of the benefits of Mobile devices in the workplace also helped the audience to acquire practical knowledge and experience form the lecture. Moreover, the lecture provoked the audience to avail the use of the ICT technologies effectively in order to reduce human labor. The lecture focused on the young ICT professionals and helped them to take ICT tools like mobile device as an important and supportive tool for the effective management f the organizational services. The lecture also focused on the digital computerized field service management system so that the young ICT professionals would be well knowledge about the ICT technology process.
Importance of interpersonal skills in the job market
This lecture deals with the assessment of the professional issues in the stakeholder engagement for five different companies namely the National domestic Airline, Oracle, government departments, government portal and online supermarket shopping companies. The lecture focuses on the stakeholder engagement strategy of each company separately. From the discussion on the stakeholder engagement strategy of National domestic airline, I can conclude that to make an effective stakeholder engagement the company adopts the involvement of the all team members. Again, stakeholder engagement in Oracle is done with the development of appropriate communication skills. The lecture helps me to realize the value of listening skills in respect of improving the stakeholder engagement. The government department of Australia and New Zealand uses the stakeholder mapping as a process of identifying the people or organizations that may have an important impact on the project. However, adopts a different aspect of stakeholder engagement. The stakeholder engagement system can make the organization beneficial in respect of meeting the required objectives. It can also enable the stakeholders to communicate keeping in mind the cultural sensibilities and interactions. The online shopping companies focus on the use of the software and IT applications on the stakeholder engagement. This lecture has helped me to understand the usefulness of IT in delivering and acquiring systems. The online shopping companies are focused on using the ICT tools for the management of the customer reviews and referrals so that their product can be serviced effectively.
This lecture focuses on the use of ICT in developing countries. The focus of this lecture is on the use of ICT tools by the NGO named World Vision. The lecture at the beginning gives details about the NGO, which is a Faith based Organization operating in 97 countries with around 44,000 employees and a global income ranging of around 2.6 billion USD. The NGO woks for activities like providing relief, development of underprivileged communities, advocacy of social issues and work against trafficking issues
From the lecture, I have been able to get an insight on the implications of global ICT on the activities of the NGO. The NGO has developed a global network with a connectivity of 6 Gb bandwidth however the company has no private global network. From the lecture, it is clear to the audience that the ICT tool helps the NGOs to develop education, communication and business opportunity (Arnold and Boggs, 2011).
The lecture shows that ICT is an essential and significant part of the infrastructure of the companies in a developing economy. Many developing countries are focusing on new economy and supporting global demand for ICT. Thus, the lecture has made me realize that it is important to develop effective ICT skills so that I can work as a successful ICT professional in the developing as well as developed countries. The extensive use of ICT tools in companies like NGOs shows that ICT has a positive impact of the growth and productivity of the organizations.
Arnold, E. and Boggs, K. (2011). Interpersonal relationships. St. Louis, Mo.: Elsevier/Saunders.
Leung, H. (2011). Advances in web-based learning– ICWL 2011. Berlin: Springer.