Distinguishing Leadership From Management For Effective Corporate Strategies
Management vs. Leadership
Do organizations need to concentrate on distinguishing leadership from management to Achieve Effective Overall Corporate Strategies?”
To determine which leadership style or management style is beneficial for organization to achieve corporate strategies.
To access the perception held about different styles of leadership. It will particularly investigate gender based differentiation of leadership.
Management is a process that keeps the company running. It is mainly about planning; making budget; analysing the performance and making decision to certain issues faced by the organization. However, leadership is different as it aims to align people towards the vision through communication; motivation and inspiration. Leadership can be distinguished from management in many ways. Managers have a position of authority and its subordinates do according to the instruction of the managers (Bolman and Deal 2014). The focus of the management is mainly on the work, i.e. to get things done on time and with specific budget. They are mostly risk averse to avoid possible conflict (Schoenly 2012). Leaders do not have authoritarian control. They have followers and leaders do not instruct, the activity of following is voluntary. The focus of the leadership is on the people. Their personality influences the people and they create loyalty for themselves. They maintain a degree of separation and stay aloof from people (Mujtaba 2013). Unlike managers, the leaders are risk-seeking. It can be questioned that since the roles are just opposite in these two cases, an organization might distinguish them in order to achieve overall corporate strategies.
An organization run effectively when it balances between management and leadership. However, in spite of being distinct concepts, there is an overlap between the skills required by a manager and leader. They must go on hand in hand. It is believed that separating these two will create more problem for the organization. In the past, workers of the industrial factory used to do whatever they were asked to do and emphasizes on their job and efficiency (Tannenbaum, Weschler and Massarik 2013). However, in the current and modern business practices, leadership and management cannot be separated. This is because, managers not only allocate task but also define the purpose of the task. Moreover, they not only increase the efficiency of the employee but also emphasises on their skills and inspired result. The leadership is a continuous process. Through leadership change takes place in an organization (Aaker 2012). It can take place at every hierarchical level of any department.
Balancing Management and Leadership
It has been found that leadership has major impact on the long term business performance. It is evident that, management and leadership is hard to distinguish. This is because; the managers of the high performing companies build leadership development program in order to support and train people who are capable of driving the business of the company (DuBrin 2015). They execute the leadership development. High performing firms believe that CEO alone cannot be the leader alone; leadership should be executed at each level of the firm. Therefore, even if the approaches of these two phenomenon is opposite, the direction is same. Leadership needs to be collaborative between and within the company, which requires further involvement of the management (Balmer, Brexendorf and Kernstock 2013). The managers are responsible for promoting the culture of leadership into a company. Within the management team also, innovation and creativity are necessary. Moreover, the leadership helps to improve the employee morale, which enables the managers to function properly and execute their plan. Hence, managers need to have people with excellent leadership style to make their strategy work properly (Giacaloneand Rosenfeld 2013).
The rationale of the research is to find out whether it is necessary to focus on leadership separately from management in order to achieve overall corporate strategy. With growing importance of leadership behind the success of an organization, it is often opined by the scholars that there should be separate leadership within the organization to run the organization effectively and efficiently (Schaubroeck 2012). The research also focuses on different leadership style and gender-based discrimination of leadership. The purpose of this research is to answer the research questions that are formulated based on the research objectives.
To determine which leadership style or management style is beneficial for organization to achieve corporate strategies.
To access the perception held about different styles of leadership. It will particularly investigate gender based differentiation of leadership.
To understand the preferred leadership style of the leaders and the preferred way employees want to be led.
Which leadership style is beneficial for the organization in achieving corporate strategies?
Which leadership style is most preferred by the employees?
What is the perception held about the different style of leadership to the leaders of organizations?
How do the leadership style vary across the leaders?
The following sections consist of review of the literature; research methodology; data analysis and the conclusion and recommendations. In Chapter 2, the theory of the leadership will be discussed. It will explain the different types of leadership and its qualities to make a business efficient. The differences between the management andleadership will also be reviewed in this section. This section will also discuss the gender based discrimination in leadership. The findings and outcome of different researches helps to refine the research questions and objective of this project. Based on the literature review, the direction of the research will be formulated. In Chapter 3, the methodology of this research work will describe. The method of data collection and types of data will be evaluated in this section. The approach; design; philosophy of the research will be analysed in this section in order to achieve the research objectives. Chapter 4 is the crucial part of the project, as this directly aims at answering the research questions. The collected information or data will be analysed to get an outcome that verifies whether leadership should be separated from the management to achieve effectivecorporate strategies. The data will be collected with the help of questionnaire. In Chapter 5, the research will draw a conclusion based on the findings in the data analysis section. Moreover, in this section the it will be verified whether the findings of the research work are similar with that of the reviewed literature. This section will also emphasize on proposing recommendations regarding the requirement of distinguishing leadership from the management of an organization.
The Impact of Leadership on Business Performance
Chapter 2:
This section of the assignment will concentrate on the different leadership styles and difference between management and leadership. It is essential for the organizations to develop leadership styles in order to achieve overall effective corporate strategies. Defining the role of leadership and management is essential for the research. Leaders are the ones that possess qualities to lead the team. Leaders are entitled with great set of responsibilities. They have the responsibility of managing the entire the team and work group in an organization. There are very few factors that differentiate management from leadership (Bowerman and Van Wart 2014). There are certain leadership traits that the managers should have in order to effectively run the business. These include managing the staff efficiently, power to strategize the business and direct people to work better. It’s not only essential for the managers to have leadership traits but every member of the corporate firm should have unique leadership style to run the corporate system efficiently (Northouse 2015).
There are various leadership theories such as behavioral theories, situational leadership, transactional leadership and transformational leadership that are used in various organizations. Inefficient leaders can ruin and hamper the organization in negative way. Leadership qualities, styles, difference between management and leadership and the leadership theories that are used in organizations are discussed in this part of the research. It is essential to understand that whether leadership plays important role in organization or not (Chhokaret al. 2013).
Leadership is a quality to lead the entire team in an organization towards achievement of goals and objectives. A leader is the one who creates a vision for future, motivates employees to work better and build a team for efficient business. The leadership traits and theories are based on values, power, vision, behaviour, situational interaction and function behaviour. Leadership styles and qualities vary for different organizations and people but all the leaders have one thing in common that is the ability to inspire and motivate employees to work hard and better. There are various qualities that the leaders should possess in order to run the business efficiently (Beck and Cowan 2014). Some people are born as leaders while some need training and grooming to enhance the leadership skills of individuals. It is the duty of leaders to take an entire responsibility of the team. It is a position of power that is held by an individual to motivate workers to achieve goals set by the organization.
Research Objectives and Questions
A leader is distinguishable from other individuals in the form of power, knowledge, charisma, formal authority and personality characteristic. Personality characteristics include communication skills, skills to dominate, motivational skills and power to make decisions. Leadership plays an important role in an organization. These include effective direction, motivation, confidence, encouraging team spirit and encouraging initiative for the followers. Leadership style and management style differs in organizations (Bryman 2013).
There are several qualities that an individual should possess to become a leader and run an efficient business. The qualities that make a great leader are as follows:
Focus and vision- A leader should have a clear focus on the plan and set a future goal so that it can set a path to achieve it. A leader is the one who one who makes unpopular decisions. Leaders should be less distracted than the competition. Setting a clear vision for oneself is also important. This is the quality that separates leaders from managers (Ahmed and Bach 2014).
Courage- leaders are the ones who have courage to take risks to achieve goals with no assurance of success. A leader is the one who is ready to take risk in his business. For this a leader should have courage to accomplish its goals.
Integrity- a leader should be honest and truthful in its work. Honesty is the key to success. It also helps in building trust (Bryant and Kazan 2013).
Confidence- a leaser should have confidence in whatever it does. It should have a confidence to set a clear vision and take up challenges that comes in their path.
Cooperation- leaders are the ones that set a team and work with them. Hence, it is the responsibility of the leaders to cooperate with its team members and work for better future. Gaining cooperation with others is essential to get commitment. A cooperative team is a successful team (Bryant and Kazan 2013).
Inspiration- inspiring and motivating others to work hard and achieve goal is important. A leader should be able to inspire it employees and keep them motivated to work hard so that they are able to accomplish the goals.
Patience- patience is the most important tool that a leader should have. The direction of achievement of goals is tough and is not always easy to achieve. Hence the leaders should be patient in its course of work (Wang et al. 2013).
Communication- Communication is one of the most effective tools for effective business. A leader should have good communication skill. It should be clear in its communication with its team mates and others. Expressing the ideas and strategies is essential quality of a leader (Ahmed and Bach 2014). Communication is a balancing act. Working with team in collaboration is essential. Expressing thoughts and ideas is essential for an effective business.
Overview of Chapters
Leadership styles are a style that a leader adopts to provide direction, implement plans, motivate people and accomplish its goals. There are various leadership styles suggested by various authors. The leadership styles that are most effective are as follows:
Authoritarian- authoritarian leadership style is used to distinguish between leaders and its team members. An authoritarian leader maintains only a professional relationship with its followers. An authoritarian leader believes in direct supervision and maintaining efficiency. Example of authoritarian leader is a teacher guiding and ordering the student to do a particular work. The authoritarian traits are setting the goal individually, use of one way and downward communication in its leadership style, control the interaction with its followers and dominate its employees (Menget al. 2012). Authoritarian type of leadership style is only successful in organizations that have a professional working where all the employees work and there is not much interaction. Authoritarian type of leadership often leads to conflict when dealing with disagreement.
Paternalistic- a paternalistic leader is the one that take care of its subordinates as a parent. The leader shows concern for his employees in return he gets trust, loyalty and commitment. The main disadvantage of this type of leadership style is of favouritism where the leaders start to play favourites decision. Leaders adopt the workers that are loyal and favour them in comparison to the ones that are less loyal. Paternalistic leadership style is not favourable in today’s organization due to the professional behaviour and decorum that the organizations hold (Müller et al. 2012). The other reason for disfavouring paternalistic style of leadership is increase in number of layoffs and stronger unionization. The advantage of following paternalistic leadership style is that the leaders have better organizational skills. They have the power to encourage and motivate the employees to work better. The employees know that they have something stored at the end of the tunnel due to which they concentrate on working hard for the organization and accomplishing its goals (Siewioreket al. 2012).
Democratic- democratic leadership style is the one where the leaders the power of decision making with its subordinates. The implication is to allow the involvement of employees in its organizational working. Though the democratic leadership styles involve subordinates in decision making still a specific leader is essential for guidance and control. It is the responsibility of the leader to decide which member in the group should be given a particular responsibility. Research shows that the democratic leadership style is the most effective leadership style as it contributes to higher productivity and increased group morale (Avolio and Yammarino 2013). Better idea is generated and shared because this type of leadership style encourages involvement of members in decision making. The disadvantages of this type of leadership style are communication failure and incomplete projects where the situations are unclear. It is also a time consuming technique as it involves large group of people in decision making (Vaccaro et al. 2012).
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Laissez-faire- it is that type of leadership style where all the power is given to its workers. It is a self-rule where the workers have complete decision making at the same time providing guidance and support on request. This type of leadership style is only effective if the follower is highly skilled and educated and has a great pride in their work. The followers should also be trustworthy and experienced. It is essential to provide a feedback to leaders on a regular basis (Chaudhry and Javed 2012).
Transactional – transactional leadership style is a style where the leaders motivate the followers to work hard. The motivational tools that are mainly used are system of rewards and punishment so that the followers are able to accomplish the goals set by the organization. There are two types of system that forms the basis of transactional leadership style that are contingent reward and management by exception. Contingent reward is system where the members are provided rewards for effort and good performance. Management by exception is a process where the management interferes with the members only if the followers are not performing well. Transactional leadership is guided with emotions (Chaudhry and Javed 2012). It is negative when emotions are high and positive when emotion is low. It is a form of strategic leadership that is essential for innovation.
Transformational- the main aim of the transformational leadership is to change or transform the needs of the organizations or members. Transformational leadership is challenging in nature that requires creating a clear vision (Avolio and Yammarino 2013).
Leaders and managers have differences in them that is essential for corporate efficiency. Leadership and management should go hand in hand. Management and leadership are complementary in nature and linked to each other. Leaders and managers have different roles and responsibilities. The main responsibility of the leaders is to set clear vision and focus for its work while the responsibility of the managers is to manage employees and resources in an efficient way (Choudharyet al. 2013).
Leaders have people following them while managers have people who work for them. The main leadership styles of leaders are transformational, consultative and participative in nature while the leadership style of managers is authoritative, transactional, autocratic and democratic in nature (Kodattet al. 2014). The responsibility of the manager is to administer the services while the responsibility of the leader is to innovate. The work of the leader is original while the work of a manager is a copy. Leaders create change while the managers react to these changes. The ideas that the mangers have generated are implemented by the leaders. The main focus of leaders is on people while the main focus of manager is on system and administration (Van Dierendoncket al. 2014). The responsibility of the management is to communicate while the leaders persuade.Leaders create teams and manager directs groups. Managers are risk averse in nature while the leaders are risk takers. Managers often are dominant in nature and exercise power over people while leaders work with people and develop power with them (Kodattet al. 2014). The actual work is done by leaders while the credit is taken by manager. The focus of the leader is to manage people while the focus of the manager is to manage work. The horizon of the leaders is for a long term perspective and the horizon the manager is short term in nature (Snaebjornsson and Edvardsson 2013). Managers are the ones who put blames on subordinates for underperformance, while the leaders are the one who takes the blame on themselves and vows to achieve target. The main outcome of the leaders is achievement and the outcome of managers is results. The personality styles of the leaders are brilliant with great charisma. They are comfortable taking risks and effective decisions. The personality style of managers is rational in nature and they are the problem solvers (Du et al. 2013). The main focus of the managers is on the goals of the organization and uses the available resources effectively and efficiently.
Leadership style of female and male re different in nature. Some authors view that the leadership style between men and women are same while some say that it’s opposite. The main difference between the leadership styles of men and women are that males adopt transactional leadership style while women adopt transformational leadership style. Women do not prefer hierarchical form of organization structure (Merchant 2012).
Glass ceiling is a widely used concept to define the gender based leadership style. Women are usually not preferred in a higher position due to lack of human capital and gender discrimination. The reasons for low rate of women in higher position are high amount of domestic responsibility, less work experience, and different leadership styles and informal roles that women hold. The glass ceiling is changing with the advancement of works and more people gaining knowledge (Clarke 2013). The number of labor force of participation is increasing due to changes in business culture and the thinking of women themselves.
The differences between men and women in form of leadership styles are that men are said to be more confident than women especially while making decisions related to finance that are risky in nature. Women are said to be more emotional where the actions taken by them are often guided by emotions. Women are greater social risk takers that are mainly due to greater social uncertainty (Chaturvediet al. 2012). The profits generated by men are higher than women as the decision power making is stronger in case of men than women.
Conclusion and recommendation
Hence, leaders are the ones that inspire its subordinated to achieve goals and objectives set by the organization. There are several qualities that make a good leader. Leadership style is said to differ in men and women. Different leadership styles is said to have its unique advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to distinguish between leaders and management in order to ensure corporate efficiency. Leaders and managers are complementary in nature and work hand in hand. It is essential for the managers to have a good leadership style in order to achieve an efficient outcome. The main work of the leaders is to implement the plan set by the manager
Chapter 3:
Research Methodology
Research methodology overlays the path for the researchers to decide the way the research will be carried out. This section will evaluate the type of investigation. Research methodology take into account the research questions and will follow various methods to conduct the research. According to Allison et al. (2016), research methodology helps to understand the critical areas that will help to develop the research work. The researchers must be able to use the right methods and proper process in order to have the desired outcome. The selection of correct research approach is solely up to the researchers. The researchers choose the design of the research in order to obtain correct results. The data collection method of this chapter is of major importance. The sampling method depends on the researchers as they will decide the number of participants(Hancock and Algozzine 2015). The data analysis tool must be appropriate with respect to the collected data and it must be done in a way no variation of outcome takes place. Moreover, the research must consider the ethical views so that participants can trust the researchers (Pickard 2012). In the following sub-sections, the research philosophy (or, type of investigation); research design; research approach; data collection; sampling; method of data analysis and ethical part of the project will be discussed.
It is important to decide the type of the data, which is suitable for the research purpose. They decide whether to belief on the facts and data, or to consider human interest and emphasizes on significances rather than hard data. There are three types of investigations available to the researchers; such asPositivism; Interpretivism and Realism (Mkansi and Acheampong 2012). Positivism takes into account the facts; data and the figures that are relevant to the study. It depends more on the statistics that are collected through survey or sampling, rather than the human emotions. This is because; the researcher wants to know the exact values to analyse the exact circumstances. The data are not influenced by any other factor; hence, the outcome of the research can be predicted by the researchers (Walliman 2015). Interpretivism considers the human emotions and personal beliefs. It takes into account the social issues and individual thought process, i.e. the way the respondents are feeling about the certain matter. Statistical measures cannot be calculated some of the human bindings that affect the actual outcome. Hence, interpretivism is important in this context. However, some researchers consider both interpretivism and positivism (Rose, Spinks and Canhoto2014). This kind of philosophy of the researchers is known as Realism. According to them, facts and data are required in order to have desired outcome; and emotions of the people and the way the human beings think is important for conducting a research. This type of investigation is suitable when researchers want to evaluate the emotional attachment of the people along with the obtained data.
In this paper, the research follows philosophy of Positivism. This is because, this research will take into account the facts and figures that has been collected through sampling and it also takes into account the human emotion. The research reviews the general theories to verify their validity. Therefore, this research philosophy is positivist.
The researcher must decide up on the approach of the research. It can test some hypothesis based on given theory or can formulate new theory from the analysis of data. There are two types of research approaches; such as, Inductive and Deductive. In the deductive approach, hypothesis is formulated depending upon the existing theory. These hypotheses are tested with proper research strategy and the theory is verified, which means that it checks the validity of the theory (Bryman 2015).The hypotheses are tested based on the observation. Research objectives can be achieved through deductive approach. Deductive approach focuses on causality. It is concerned with deducting conclusions from the propositions. In contrast, the inductive approach is followed when the researcher wants to give answer to some specific questions that have been formulated during the beginning of the research process. This starts with specific observations and formulate theory at the end of the research process (Babbie 2015). Inductive approach does not indicate disregarding of theories; it focuses on obtaining meaning from the collected information to recognize the patterns and association to build a theory. The research objective of this kind of research is formulated from the existing theories. The type of research question in this case is open-ended and type of the research cannot be understood until the study is completed (Gray 2013). Researchers have no preliminary idea about the nature of the research until the research is completed. No theory is applied at the beginning of this kind of research.
The approach of this research is inductive in nature. This is because; research questions have been formulated on the beginning of the study. Based on these questions the rest of the research will be conducted. Since, the research is not testing existing theories, it is open minded. After observing and analysing data it will try to establish some theory while answering the research questions.
The researchers must decide how he or she will carry forward and design the research Work. The research design can be of three types: exploratory; explanatory and descriptive research. The exploratory research does not test any hypothesis. It evaluates different kind of theories and literatures available that are relevant to the research (Brymanand Bell 2015). It tries to provide conclusive evidence, however, it does not provide the final information, rather it explores range of causes and solution to any particular problem. Moreover, this kind of research design only focuses on answering the research questions. Exploratory research is conducted where little or no research has been conducted. The research design is explanatory when it follows natural rule of the society. It identifies the cause and effect relationship. It might or might not conclude a finding at the end of research, because; the findings depend on the situation of the surrounding as the research is conducted based on the variables selected for the research (Yin 2013). The results of research may change due to the chosen factor variables. Explanatory research is conducted when the study wants to assess impacts of certain situation. Descriptive research work attempts to describe the current situation with the help of relevant data analysis. This kind of research design conduct researches based on the hypothesis.
This research is exploratory in nature. The purpose of this research is to answer the research questions. In order to do so, the paper explores the relevant literatures that can assist in understanding the concepts. The paper will try to explore the possible causes of the obtained outcome and may not provide any conclusion.
The data are of two types, namely, primary data and secondary data. Primary data are those that are collected by the researchers themselves. Generally, primary data can be obtained with the help of survey; interview or questionnaire. This kind of data is not published before. Primary data is collected through sampling. The secondary data are those data, which are already used or have been found in the other researches. It can be collected from different journal articles; websites; books; newspaper etc. (Panneerselvam 2014).A research can be based entirely on the secondary data. It is collected for critically analysis and answering the research questions. However, theoretical information can also be considered as secondary data for a research work. This is analysed in depth in the literature review. The secondary data must be selected on the basis of validity and reliability to get an authentic outcome of the research. The previously used data, i.e. the secondary data can be scrutinized in order to check validity of previous findings (Marshall and Rossman 2014).
In order to get the outcome regarding the leadership preferences, this research has conducted primary data collection. Primary data has been collected through survey method. Questionnaire will be distributed among the sample group. Based on the information provided in this survey, the research has been conducted. Moreover, since the research is exploratory in nature, it is important to collect information from the different journal articles or books. Therefore, secondary information is also used.
It is important to decide the method of the research, based on which the entire research will be conducted. There are two types of data that can be used while doing a research work. Data can be of quantitative and qualitative in nature (Creswell 2013). Quantitative research method includes numerical data. The information collected are in the form of numbers. These data are then mathematically analysed and the research involves statistical analysis. Here, different variables are critically analysed. In contrast, the qualitative research method does not incorporate any numerical values and thus the data are discrete in nature (Silverman 2016). In this kind of research method individual measures are developed in order to analyse the primary data or any secondary information. The primary data can also be quantity or qualitative in nature. A research can take into account both quantitative and qualitative data together.
This research will conduct quantitative analysis from the extracted data. However, the collected answers through the questionnaire are not in numerical values. The responses have been scaled between 1 to 5 to transform it into quantitative data.This paper also considers demographic data like gender and age.
Analysing the data is the major part of a research. Be it primary or secondary or qualitative or quantitative, the data must be analysed properly. Quantitative data are analysed with the help of statistical tools. The qualitative data can also be analysed through theoretical knowledge and interpret an inference by analysing the surroundings. Moreover, qualitative data such as gender etc. can be transformed into quantitative data by assigning them as dummy variables. This helps to make the outcome of qualitative data more authentic with mathematical support. The qualitative data are generally obtained through interview; observations; case studies etc.The most common statistical tool, to identify the relationship between the variables, is regression and correlation analysis. The data are also analysed by finding the mean; median and mode. Hypothesis can be tested by checking the significance level. The qualitative data often used to support the findings from the quantitative data. The qualitative data can be analysed through SWOT; PESTLE etc. (Blumberg, Cooper and Schindler 2014).
In this research, the collected information will be analysed with the help of statistical tools. It will focus on answering the research questions and will adopt proper statistical measures to obtain the results.
The collected data from the survey had undergone various statistical operations to analyse the data and find the solution of the research questions. The analysis showed that there were 63 male leaders and 37 female leaders in the survey. It was also seen that the age group of most of the leaders were between 56- 65 years old. 29 leaders were of the age group 46 – 55 years of age and 18 leaders were above 65 years of age. This can be interpreted that the leaders are quite experienced in their work due to their age. They can use this experience for the betterment of their company and leading the employees in the right path.
The analysis shows that as a leader, 37 leaders agreed, “An employee should be allowed to exhibit initiative”. 33 leaders highly agreed to this fact and 12 leaders were neutral in their consent to this fact. 13 leaders disagreed to the fact that “An employee should be allowed to exhibit initiative” while 5 of them highly disagreed to it. This shows that the leaders preferred that their employees must be allowed to exhibit initiative so that the employees get motivated to do their work.
The result also shows that the 38 leaders highly agreed and agreed to the fact that “An employee should be able to find better approaches to doing things”. 19 of them were neutral in their views while two leaders disagreed to this fact. Three leaders highly disagreed to this fact. It can be interpreted that the leaders want their employees to have the power to do handle their work. The leaders do not want to interfere in the work of the employees and they have high expectation from their employees. The leaders wish to provide full support to their employees so that they can use innovative and better approach to do their work.
The analysis showed that three leader highly agreed to the fact that they get impatient when their team members struggle with their work. Seven leaders agreed to this fact while 24 of them were neutral in their approach. 41 leaders disagreed to the fact they get impatient when their team members struggle with their work while 25 leaders highly disagreed to it. It can be interpreted that the leaders have high leadership qualities. This is because most of the leaders do not get impatient when their team members are in trouble. It could be seen that leaders provide complete support to their employees so that they can complete their work efficiently. The leaders are found to be cool minded people who do not get impatient when they find their team members struggling with their work. It can be interpreted that the leaders provide every support to their employees when they struggle with their work. This helps them to grow as a team by building a better relationship with the employees.
It was found that 37 leaders disagreed to the fact that their perspectives and convictions are less important than those of their team are while 22 leaders highly disagreed to this fact. 20 leaders remained neutral to this fact, 15 leaders agreed to this fact while six leaders highly agreed to this fact. It can be interpreted that the leaders have a dictatorship attitude towards their employees, as most of the leaders believe that their perspective and convictions are more important than their team members are. It can be interpreted that the leaders have a strong attitude and influence with the higher authorities and they have innovative and approach towards their work. It can also be interpreted that the leaders do not believe in the perspective and convictions of their team members as they lead their team in a better way on giving importance to their own perspectives and convictions.
On analysing the variable, “If a team member falls behind with an undertaking, I am regularly enticed to take it”, it was seen that 35 leaders highly agreed to this fact, 47 of them agreed to this fact while 15 of them remained neutral to it. Two leaders were found to disagree to the fact while one of them highly disagreed to the fact. It can be interpreted that the leaders were always ready to help their employees and they personally take up the task of their employees when the employees fall behind with an undertaking. This can be interpreted that the leaders take good care of their employees and they do not let the employees fall into trouble.
The analysis of the variable, “On the one off chance that my team commits an error this would not put me off” have showed that 33 leaders highly agreed to this fact, 41 of them agreed to it, 12 leaders were neutral to this fact and 10 leaders disagreed to the fact. 4 of them highly disagreed to the fact. It can be interpreted that the leaders have a soft corner for their employees. They do not get angry and when their team commits error. Instead, they try to help the team members and help them to solve their problems.
On analysing the variable ,” I find advice from peers difficult to accept”, it was seen that 7 leaders highly agreed to this fact, 12 leaders agreed to it, 24 were neutral in their views, 35 disagreed to this fact. It can be interpreted that the leaders welcome the advice from their peers for the betterment of their team members and their team. They do not find it difficult to accept the advice from their peers.
On analysing the variables of the employees it was seen that the age of most of the employees were between 18 to 25 years and 26 to 35 years. The employees were found to be a young bunch of people who have innovative ideas and creative approach to their work. It was seen that there were 52 male employees and 48 females employees surveyed for the research. The analysis showed that 46 employees highly agreed to the fact that they prefer to be allowed to exhibit initiative, 37 of them highly agreed to it while 7 of them remained neutral. 6 employees disagreed to it and 4 of them highly disagreed to this fact. It can be interpreted that the employees are highly dedicated to their work and they prefer to work efficiently by taking initiatives for their work.
34 employees highly agreed to find a better approach while doing things, 33 employees agreed to this fact, 15 of them remained neutral, 12 of them disagreed while 6 of them highly disagreed to this fact. It can be interpreted that the employees have the ability to find better approaches than their present approach of their work.
The analysis also showed that the employees were not okay if their leaders get impatient when they are struggling with their work. It can be seen that 36 employees disagreed to this fact while 27 of them remained neutral and 19 of them agreed to it.
The employees gave diplomatic reply regarding “My perspectives and convictions are less important than those of my leader(s)”. Most of the employees were neutral about this variable, though 25 of them agreed to it and 15 of them disagreed to it. In addition, it was seen that 47 employees agreed to the fact that they want their leaders to take the work from them when they fall behind with an undertaking. 21 of them highly agreed to this fact while 18 remained neutral. It can be interpreted that the employees trust their leaders blindly and they look up to them as a role model. They believe that their leaders would solve every problem they will face in their work.
26 employees highly agreed that they want their leader to give them obligation letter when they commit any error. 43 of agreed to this fact while 16 of them remained neutral. 7 of them disagreed to it while 8 of them highly disagreed to it. It can be interpreted that the employees feel guilty when they commit error for their work. In addition to it, 21 employees agreed that they find it difficult to accept the expert’s advice while eight of them highly agreed to this fact. 23 of them remained neutral about it, 36 of them disagreed to this fact while 12 of them highly disagreed to it. It can be interpreted that the employees prefer to have experts’ advice and this helps them to perform their work in a better way.
gender |
age group |
An employee should be allowed to exhibit initiative |
An employee should be able to find better approaches to doing things |
get impatient when a member of my team is struggling with a task |
my perspectives and convictions are less important than those of my team |
If a team member falls behind with an undertaking, I am regularly enticed to take it from them and complete it myself |
On the one off chance that my team commits an error this would not put me off giving them obligation later on |
I find advice from peers difficult to accept |
1 |
63 |
0 |
33 |
38 |
3 |
6 |
35 |
33 |
7 |
2 |
37 |
2 |
37 |
38 |
7 |
15 |
47 |
41 |
12 |
3 |
12 |
12 |
19 |
24 |
20 |
15 |
12 |
24 |
4 |
29 |
13 |
2 |
41 |
37 |
2 |
10 |
35 |
5 |
39 |
5 |
3 |
25 |
22 |
1 |
4 |
22 |
6 |
18 |
0 |
0 |
Table 1: frequency table of the opinion of leaders
(Source: created by author)
age |
gender |
I prefer been allowed to exhibit initiative |
I should be able find better approaches to doing things |
It is okay for my leader to get impatient when I am struggling with a task |
My perspectives and convictions are less important than those of my leader(s) |
If I fall behind with an undertaking, I would rather my leader takes it from me to complete it. |
If my I commit an error, I would not want my leader to give me an obligation later on |
I find experts advice difficult to accept |
1 |
36 |
52 |
46 |
34 |
4 |
7 |
21 |
26 |
8 |
2 |
34 |
48 |
37 |
33 |
19 |
25 |
47 |
43 |
21 |
3 |
16 |
7 |
15 |
27 |
39 |
18 |
16 |
23 |
4 |
7 |
6 |
12 |
36 |
15 |
10 |
7 |
36 |
5 |
6 |
4 |
6 |
14 |
14 |
4 |
8 |
12 |
Table 2: frequency of opinions of employees
(Source: created by author)
According to the viewpoint of the leaders, it was seen that the average view of the leaders in context of allowing the employees to exhibit their initiative is “agreed’. The value of standard deviation is 1.18, which depicts that there is not much deviation among the views of the leaders. They want their employees to exhibit their initiatives. The average view of the leaders in context of “If a team member falls behind with an undertaking, I am regularly enticed to take it from them and complete it myself”, was “agreed”. The value of standard deviation was 0.81, which is not a large value. It can be seen that the leaders are helpful to their employees and they do not let them down at any instant.
In context of “An employee should be able to find better approaches to doing things”, the mean value was found to be 1.94 and the standard deviation was found to be 0.96. This shows that the leaders want their employees to find a better approach and the value of standard deviation is not high. This also depicts that most of the leaders “agreed” to this fact. The mean of the variable “I find advice from peers difficult to accept” was found to be 3.63 and the standard deviation is 1.17. This suggests that the preferred view of most of the leaders is “neutral” against this variable. The deviations of the views across the leaders are not high as the value of standard deviation is low. Thus, the leaders are open to accepting the advices from their peers for the betterment of their teams.
The analysis of the variable “get impatient when a member of my team is struggling with a task” shows that the mean of the variable is 3.78 and the standard deviation is 1.00. It can be interpreted that most of the leaders disagree that they get impatient when their employees struggle with the work. The standard deviation is not high and most of the leaders agree to this fact.
Expertise and diligence is not the only thing that are required while conducting a research. A research also requires honesty and integrity. Ethical consideration is so important that, missing of this part can doomed the entire dissertation (Robson and McCartan 2016). The participants must be informed regarding the research and its purpose. They are allowed to decide whether to participate or not. Information should be collected with voluntary consent of the participants. The subject or the participants must not be harmed in anyways. The potential risks or costs (if any) must be informed to them before the procedure of research. The researcher must assure that the anonymity and confidentiality are maintained. The research must ensure full privacy of the participants (Creswell 2013). The response of the respondents must be kept confidential. The collected information should be utilised only to interpret the results of this research. The dignity of the participants must be respected. The communication should be transparent. The information must be collected in an unbiased way. Moreover, the collected data must not be manipulated. The researchers must mention the source of funding and should mention if there is any conflict of interest to conduct the research on selected topic. The use of secondary information or any kind of use of theory must be referenced properly to assure the reliability and validity.
The paper will maintain the confidentiality of data that has been collected through questionnaire. To maintain anonymity, the questionnaire will not ask for any unique identity of the respondents. The response will not be disclosed and will be used for the research purpose only. The research has properly sourced its secondary information in the literature review section.
Table 1: Gantt chart
Activities |
1st week |
2nd week |
3rd week |
4th+5th week |
6th week |
7th week |
Topic Selection |
Review of Literature |
Research Methodology |
Primary Data collection |
Findings |
Analysis of data and interpretation |
Conclusion |
Final work and submission |
Table 1: Gantt chart of the survey
(Source: created by author)
The research has some limitations because the response of the participants are quantitative in nature, it might vary depending on their current state of mind. It might not be unbiased. The non-numerical response may not reflect the exact scenario. However, scaling the responses is a good attempt to assure the reliability of the outcome. Moreover, there are many literatures on management and leadership. But very few studies have discussed whether it is important to distinguish leadership from management.
From the analysis of the collected data, it can be seen that the leaders give importance to the employees and they take care of their employees largely. It was seen that the leaders have full faith on the employees and they want their employees to take initiatives to find better approaches for their work. It was also seen that the leaders do not get impatient when their team members do something wrong. Instead, they help their employees to overcome the difficulties. However, the perspective and convictions of the leaders were important for the teams. They do not find the perspective and convictions of their employees important over theirs.
It was also seen that if any team members fall behind with any undertaking, the leaders help them with their tasks and complete it themselves. It was also seen that the leaders do not prefer to put them on obligations if the team members commits any error. The leaders do not find the advices from their peers difficult to accept. The leaders always welcome any advices from their peers for the development of their teams.
The employees also prefer to exhibit initiatives and they want to find better approach for in their work. This shows that the leaders also support the decision of their employees and they allow the employees to find better approach in their work. The employees trust their leaders and they allow them complete their work when they are in trouble. This depicts that the leadership of the leaders are strong enough to gain the trust and loyalty of the employees.
The analysis of the data based on the gender shows that there is no difference between various dimensions of leadership. Both male and female leader of the survey depicts same features in context of their leadership. It was also seen that their attitudes towards their employees are similar for both the male and female leaders.
On analysing and interpreting the collected data, it was seen that the employees trust their leaders and have complete faith in them. The leaders in turn allow their employees to take initiative and use better approach in their work. It was also seen that the leaders personally complete the work of their employees when they are in trouble. However, this attitude of the leaders is not preferable. This is because on completing the tasks personally by the leaders do not let the employees eradicate their shortcomings. The leaders could provide training to their employees and make them learn the shortcomings. This would help the employees to learn and they would not face any problem in near future.
It is also recommended that the leaders must reward the employees on performing better job and using innovative techniques for their work. This would motivate the employees and they will work with more enthusiasm. The leaders should never impose any decisions of the employees and they should keep a note on the employee’s satisfaction. Higher level of employee’s satisfaction is important in order to get the best work out of the employees. The leaders must look into this matter and they must take every step to increase the satisfaction level of the employees. However, this does not include showing partiality to the employees. It is recommended that the leaders must be unbiased in their approach to their employees. Thus, these are the recommendation important to have effective leadership qualities of the leaders.
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