Challenges Faced By Go Away Airline In Managing Human Resources

HRM as the Way of Dealing with Human Resources

Human resource management (HRM) is considered as the way of dealing with the human resources in an organization and thus maximize their performance level. As discussed by Hill et al. (2014) appropriate management of staffs is highly challenging as the nature of people is different from each other. There lies the significance of HRM as it is being considered as the procedure of managing the people by integrating humanistic approach. This process aims to strengthen the man power and thus ensure that the organization hold the competency to cope up with the volatile business environment. In addition to that, with the assistance of humanistic approach, the manpower can be utilized in a proper manner which is very much needed to promote sustainable growth of the organization (Bratton and Gold 2017). HRM, in its simplest form is considered as the system, focusing on the developing the human resource.

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According to the counter argument of Johnson and Szamosi (2018) there are certain challenges, which are often being faced by the HR department of an organization in terms of dealing with the staffs. Being a new company in the Australian Airline Industry, Go Away Airline is highly vulnerable in terms of facing issue related to offering equal employment, managing performance of the staffs.

There are certain issue, which Go Away Airline might face in the way of mitigating the issue. As they are new company, budget could be a great issue. This can create restriction for them to access the necessary resources. In addition, lack of skilled trainers is also a biggest barrier in the way of ensuring expertise among the expatriate employees.   

This paper intends to discuss about issues, faced by airline organization. Go Away Airline has been chosen as the case study. The report will also present the way, through which HR department of Go Away Airline can deal with the issues. Recommendation along with a strong implementation plan will be presented for Go Away Airline to overcome the issue in a systematic manner.

As the uncertainty in the contemporary business scenario is increasing in a rapid manner, integrating diversity in the working process has become the emerging practices in order to satisfy the requirements of multiple base of customers. In airline industry, the customers differ from each other in terms of culture, language and ethnicity. Thus their requirements are also different from each other. Doz (2017) discussed the fact that there lies the significance of hiring diverse range of staffs in order to keep the customers happy and satisfied. However, as Go Away Airlineis comparatively new in the market, they might face complexity in the way of managing diverse employees. Based in Australia, The Company operates subsidiaries in different countries such as China, Singapore and Vietnam. Therefore, lack of value related to work in the greatest challenge for Go Away Airline, which can create barrier for them to manage the staffs in an appropriate manner. Hosie and Pforr (2016) shaded light on the basis that centralized business process can lead the senior employees to show reluctant attitude in the way of working with that of the junior employees. This can make it difficult for the apprentices to cope up with the internal working process.

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Challenges of Managing Staffs

As they are new in Australian airline industry. Thus, the company has not implemented a strong set of policies. This is the reason, for which confusion can generate among the staffs regarding roles and duties. Wheelen et al. (2017) highlighted by saying that absence of strong and proactive communication method can also raise conflicting situation in the workplace. One of the greatest negativity of such lagging is that, Go Away Airline might face issues in conveying their business strategy among all their subsidiaries.

Discrimination in the recruitment and selection process is one of the most alarming issue, which Go Away Airline might encounter, as they are showing reluctant attitude in the way of appointing physically disabled candidates. As anti-discriminatory policy is one of the major aspect of diversity management, the practice of discrimination based on physical disability can even lead Go Away Airline to face legal cases from the candidates. It has been seen in the firm that, the manager do not acknowledge the skill and ability of the candidates due to their physical disability.

Rothaermel (2015) put stress on the fact that running the internal functionality of a company in an organized way plays a significant role in ensuring consistency in the firm. There lies the significance of workforce planning, which is the key of running a business in a comprehensive manner. However, lack of clear set of practice is resulting in lack of workforce planning for Go Away Airline. As the company is operating their business in the global level, such lagging is creating restriction for them to maintain synchronization in the functionality. It has also been observed that, the company has not executed any policy related to training and development program. This is restricting them to amplify their potential. Page (2014) showed the fact that this is the reason for which, the staffs are also not becoming able to avail promotional opportunity and thereby experience sustainable growth in their career. No training is being provided among the junior staffs, which is making it complicated for the staffs to have idea regarding the process followed by Go Away Airline.

Conduction of feedback session also plays a significant role in the way of enabling the staffs to have an idea regarding their skill along with the areas, where they are lagging behind. In the context of Go Away Airline, no such policy related to feedback has been implemented. This is really a challenge in the way of making the staffs able to guess their performance. Brewster et al. (2016) discussed the fact that feedback session is also a great way of creating provision for the staffs to express their values and perception. According to Riley (2014) performance management also plays a major role in the way of strengthening skill and competency level among the staffs and keeping them committed towards satisfying organizational objectives. Still, any kind of performance review method is being followed in the subsidiaries of Go Away Airline, like China, Singapore and Vietnam. This is the reason, for which the company cannot explore internal strengths and challenges of individual employees. Expatriate employees are the most important factors in the way of operating business in different countries with utmost proficient. In this case also, Go Away Airlinehas not implemented formal appraisal mechanism, which is the key of effective management of expatriate staffs. Lack of comprehensive internal business strategy might result in such issue for the firm. Baum (2016) showed that one of the most significant aspects in this context is that, such absence of formal appraisal mechanism is making it challenging for the firm to keep the staffs motivated and committed. In addition to that, Gretzel et al. (2015) also opined that limited training is being provided to the expatriate employees, which is truly a threat towards satisfying global customers.

Issues Faced by Go Away Airline

According to the above discussion, it is worth to mention that, Go Away Airline must revise the business strategy in order to mitigate the issues as they are creating barrier for the firm to ensure smooth functionality of their business. As discussed by Collings et al. (2018) The HR department should take proactive action in the way of lowering the issue and thus pave the way of managing the staffs in an effective manner.

Initially, training and development for the staffs should be top most priority of the HR department of Go Away Airline, as this s extremely required in terms of strengthening aptitude among the human resources. Training and development session is the best way of keeping the staffs competent towards amplifying the value of business. The staffs must be divided into small units and the tasks must also be grouped. This is the way, through which the staffs can perform their tasks with much more proficiency. Albrecht et al. (2015) commented the fact that training must also be provided among the pilots in order to enable them to have idea regarding the system of operating an aircraft. The staffs are to be involved at deliberate practice. The HR manager of Go Away Airline must break much wider into small units, which can serve them with the ability to work on their assigned tasks in an appropriate manner. The pilots must be trained properly, which is highly required to run the aircrafts amidst any kind of challenges. As Go Away Airline is running their business in multiple countries, it is imperative to train the expatriate employees in an effective manner. Bamberger et al. (2014) observed that cross-cultural training is to be provided to them to enable them to have idea about the requirements of different customers from multiple cultural background.

Apposite workforce planning is one of the major factor in amplifying the skill and competency of the workers and thus enable them to challenge any kind of professional difficulty. Kramar (2014) observed that out of most of the strategies human Capital Planning is one of the major technique of making plan for effective workforce management. This is the way, through which the GR manager of Go Away Airline can make a comprehensive plan, in accordance with the existing workforce of their organization and thereby take necessary action in terms of maximize their staffing level. Baum (2015) highlighted by mentioning that conduction of feedback session is also a major way, through which strong relationship with that of the staffs can be maintained. as feedback is being  considered as powerful motivator, open line of communication is needed to be integrated. This is the way, through which the staffs can also state their issues and ideas upon the management. In addition to that, through this open line of communication, the employer of Go Away Airline can interact directly with that of the staffs and thereby express their valuable perception.

Managing Diversity in the Workplace

Shields et al. (2015) discussed by  stating that Managing diversity in an organization is the greatest way of satisfying all the segment of customers. Conflict in between junior and senior employees is the major challenges, facing by the HRM of Go Away Airline. This is hampering the consistency of internal business process. In order to mitigate this issue, communicative business environment is needed to be created. The HR manager must give an organizational chart among all the staffs. As highlighted by Sheehan (2014) this is the way, through which they can understand their roles and responsibilities clearly and thus show positive behavior. In addition, transparency in the employment policy also plays a major role in the way of lessening negative behavior among the staffs.

As the chances of facing legal issue for Go Away Airline is really high as they practice discrimination in the way of hiring physically challenged staffs, it is imperative for them to implement anti-discriminatory practices. People with physical disability must be offered with equal employment opportunity. Disability Discrimination Act 1992 shows that, discriminating people based on their physical disability is really unlawful. Therefore, the HR manager of Go Away Airline must create separate post for physically challenged people. They can be placed at helpdesk or BPO.

As per the discussion of Tyson (2014) performance management is the major way of keeping the human resources committed towards satisfying organizational goals and objectives. Strong performance management strategy is needed to be implemented in Go Away Airline as they are facing severe issues, related to appropriate management of human resources. Therefore, it is the prime responsibility of the HR manager to implement the strategy of peer review for the sake of engaging the staffs to praise the performance of their colleagues. This can result in positivity in the performance level of the employees (Deresky 2017).


Based on the discussion, it can be concluded by saying that the HR department of Go Away Airline must be committed towards mitigating the issues in a timely and cost effective manner.  There are some of the alarming issues, which is being faced by Go Away Airline in the way of managing the staffs and lead them to appropriate direction. In order to overcome the issue related to conflict in between senior and junior staffs, the HR department should create healthy and collaborative working environment. Roles and responsibilities of individual employees must be conveyed clearly. This can support in enabling the staffs to understand their responsibilities without any overlapping. As Go Away Airline is facing issue related to disability discrimination, it is suggested to the HR department of the firm to execute Antidiscrimination Policy.

Recommended Strategies for Go Away Airline

As there are certain issues, being faced by the HR department, it is recommended for the company to take some proactive action. Go Away Airline is comparatively new company in the Australian airline industry, lack of comprehensive organizational structure is resulting in such issue for them. 4.2.1 Activity:

it is recommended for the company to execute a certain board, which can help in looking after the issues in an effective manner. As they are following discriminating practices in the way of hiring physically challenged people, it is suggested for them to execute a recruitment and screening program to ensure equality in recruiting the staffs. Strong internal policies is to be established in terms of prioritizing the recruitment of physically challenged people. The entire hiring plan must include the provision of recruiting people with physical disabilities. Regular meeting is to be conducted for the sake of giving the staffs with actionable feedback. This is the way, through which the staffs can also learn about their performance level and take action accordingly to improve the challenging areas. This is the key of promoting professional development among them. The HR department must shade light on offering training among the staffs, which is the key of running the internal functionality of Go Away Airline in a consistent manner.              

A one year implementation plan has been suggested for Go Away Airline which is to be followed by them for the sake of overcoming the challenges appropriate manner. Execution of the plan can serve the HR department of the firm with the ability to mitigate the challenges in a timely and cost effective manner and thereby ensure consistency in their business process. The implementation plan is as follows: Development of the planned activities, proposed budget and timeframe





Time frame

Performance management plan

· To evaluate the current process

· To explore the organizational goals

· To monitor the performance of the staffs throughout a year.

· To set performance expectation

· Generating motivation among the staffs

· Identifying their strengths and weaknesses.

· Enabling the staffs to understand their responsibilities.


October 2018- December 2018

Conduction of feedback session

· To establish the purpose of conversation.

· To create of cross-functional team

· Assess the point of view of the staffs

· Listen to the perception among the employees.


December 2018- February 2019

Workforce planning

· To set strategic planning

· To analyze the current workforce

· To develop strong action plan

· To monitor and revise the plan as required   

· Reviewing the existing business plan of the firm.

· Forecasting the future condition.

· Exploring gap reduction strategy.  


January 2019 – March 2019

Training and development

· To offer cultural training

· To offer reward to the expatriate employees

· Providing detailed overview about the cultural differences of differences countries.

· To strengthen emotional flexibility of expatriates.

· To generate sense of respect towards the cultural norms of other countries among expatriates.


February 2019 to March 2019.

Table 1: Implementation plan

(Source: As created by the author)

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