Review Of Articles On Business Process Engineering And Management
How do BPM Maturity and Innovation Relate in Large Companies?
This report focuses on reviewing four articles which are relevant to business process engineering or BPM. The objective of this task is to describe the main contents of the articles. The review will be centered on discussions relating to the research methods and findings of the journal articles. This task plays a significant role in helping students evaluate areas of significant in business management process as discussed in the articles and in line with international Conference on Business Process Management. The articles to be discussed include:
The primary article is titled How do BPM Maturity and Innovation Relate in Large Companies? This research report is necessary in providing insight regarding the relationship between levels of innovation in institution and business process management maturity. The research model of the primary article is developed as a result of innovation adoption which employs a quantitative research process. The research method of this study involved a questionnaire that was sent to 143 respondents drawn from four multinational organizations. The questionnaire contained a total of 55 questions that were directly related to business process management model with respect to maturity and innovation (Widmann, de Waal and Ravesteyn 2018). The information that was collected from questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS for the purpose of evaluating describing, correlating and analyzing regression.
The questionnaires were administered through emails while in other organizations, the administering of the survey questions were done on paper. The institutions that were studied were based in Europe. Two companies were from Ireland while the other two were from Austria and Belgium. The measurement of the data was done through factor analysis to determine the validity of scales. The significance of this approach was to simplify the interpretation of the information collected through the questionnaire. As a result, the BPM maturity determined 7 factors with 64.6% of the variance while the survey questions relating to innovation resulted to a 56.0% of the variance. For purposes of determining the reliability of the data, Cronbach’s alpha was used. It determined that the dimensions used had relatively high and moderate inconsistency.
The findings of this research process were realized through Pearson correlation analysis that showed moderate relation between innovation adoption and BPM maturity (LUCA 2014). Further, regression analysis based on the data suggested that large institutions business processes management have positive influence on innovation. The concluding remarks on this research indicated that the correlation between BPM maturity and adoption is stronger as compared to individual concepts. The regression analysis and moderate correlation attested to the positive effect on innovation (Tønnessen 2014).
Business process verification-finally a reality.
However, the research indicated that the results did not also imply that by investing in business process management also meant increasing innovation adoption. The research recommended further research relating to relationship between BPM and innovation adoption. Besides, since the study was centered on profitability of the organization, future research should include government organization (Chang 2016). More so, further studies should consider cultural influence between BPM and innovation. The article concludes by indicating that validation of the findings could be achieved through conceptual model with a keen focus on large corporations.
The second article in this report is titled Business process verification-finally a reality. The goal of this article is to validate that verification process has reached a level where it can be applied practically. The research methodology was based on secondary data which determined the precision of business process with regards to cancellation as well as OR-joins (Wynn, et al 2009). More so, the paper took another approach that sought to determine how reduction rules has the potential to enhance efficiency. The presentation of the findings were done through a language that provided support for widely used patterns. Additionally, the article provided an editor that could be used in the development of diagnostics data with respect to methods used.
The findings of the research suggested four properties that could be used by processes in businesses characterized by cancellation and OR-joins. These elements included soundness, irreducible cancellation region, weak soundness and immutable OR-joins. The process of verification of soundness was focused on net which satisfied three criteria’s which included complete, dead transition and proper completion (Hammer 2015). There were various methods that were used in the detection of soundness property. Weak soundness property was satisfied by net whenever the weak property was verified using the three criteria. Further, weak soundness verification determined that the basic check requirement took significant time to check as result of corresponding net containing double the number of net elements.
When it came to verification of irreducible cancellation, the research indicated that it was not a requirement to have the elements that could not be marked during the executions of the process. Lastly, the research determined that since the net contained AND-split that was followed by OR-join, they should have been linked together. The purpose of reduction rules in this research was to enhance the efficiency of the algorithms that were used (Jeston 2014). The research played a significant role as it justified to the feasibility of the verification system through complex and realistic business processes. The significance of this research resulted from the need for businesses to complete and execute various business processes. This is because existing verification techniques encounter challenges in dealing with processes that may require to be cancelled mid-way as well as those that may require time to be evaluated.
A Literature Review on Business Process Management, Reengineering and Innovation.
Therefore, this article played a critical part in confirming the framework of verification is indeed a reality. The conclusion of this research was fruitful in demonstrating the significant elements that contribute to verification of process models. The verification process was tested using the Australian process of applying for a visa. The findings for Australian visa indicated that the verification process to be reality. The study points out that the previous verification processes failed as a result of relying on simple languages that could not be applicable in real situation (Bori?, Stanisavljev and Zakin 2016). In addition, it is significant to note that the methods of verification used in this research are transferrable to other languages.
The third article is a literature review on Business Process Management, Reengineering and Innovation. The goal of the article is to show how these strategies could be used to manage businesses effectively using information technology resources. As a result, the article aimed at increasing knowledge by answering research questions regarding current development practices as well as future direction with respect to BPM, BPR and BPI (Anand, Fosso Wamba Gnanzou 2013). The research design used in coming up with this report considered more than 116 articles from AIS and Science direct database to produce the findings contained in the article. The research used only secondary sources for the purpose of drawing insights and tracking development in the three areas examined.
All the articles that were used for this purpose were directly relevant to the subject being discussed and credibility was ascertained through focusing on journal articles. Several journals that were used include Journal of Information Systems, Information Systems Research, Journal of AIS and Journal of Strategic Information System among others. The key terms that were used in searching the literature material included ‘BPM ‘BPR and ‘BPI. The verification and reliability of the data was realized after a consensus between two co-authors. The articles were considered in terms of geographical areas in order to draw an overview of practices in specific areas.
Moreover, the classification of the articles were categorized in terms of review, data analysis, survey, experiment, case study, development and other ethnographical research. Among the covered topics that were used on in this research process included performance management, learning people, change process, knowledge management, resources management, control, planning and customer management (Rinaldi, Montanari and Bottani 2015). The goals that were to be determined in the business process components included integrating and focusing value delivery on customers, how institutions plan and deliver values to customers as well as measuring operational performance. Regarding knowledge management, the goal was to determine how organizations grow knowledge.
Identifying the Needs and Wants for Effective Business Process Components.
On the other hand, the objectives attained included identifying needs and wants, developing products and services, obtaining constant customer satisfaction feedback, establishing goals and policies, developing capabilities, obtaining performance levels among other development solutions through innovation. The findings of this research determined that even though the elements being discussed had existed for a long time, the journals had not focused much on research regarding the specific areas (Huang et al 2015). Few of the journal database that were used had significant information that could be used to draw findings.
The research recommended that extensive research should be conducted in the future in order to evaluate both successes and failures of the surrounding subject areas. Since the concentration of the articles was mainly from AIS database, future research could use a balance of different database in order to determine different approaches as perceived by the authors. There was little information regarding development and data analysis which was significant to review BPM, BPR and BPI and future research should address. Besides the paper recommended that research should have been done on various industries such as healthcare which is undergoing significant changes among other industries such as supply chain, logistics and automotive (Esbenshade et al 2016).
The last article discussed in this report is based on whether business process management can save the planet. The intention of the article was to evaluate the impact business process management has in improving business processes as well as process performance measurement (Gohar and Indulska 2016). Therefore, the goal of this research is to understand how business process management contributes to environmental management. The research design that is used in this research maximized the use of secondary sources narrowing the scope from 2005 since there were no publications on this topic prior to 2005. The relevance of the articles that were studied was established through using credible scholarly databases such as Google Scholar as well as academic publications. Google was used to identify credibility and authority of the industry reports that were included in the research. The key terms used in the collection of these resource materials were drawn based on relevancy to environmental sustainability. A combination of broad articles in BPM and ES were realized using Boolean operators such as AND. The first approach that was used in the collection of information was to identify publications which had the search terms on the titles (Uhl and Gollenia 2016).
However, many articles were removed in order to maintain relevance on environmental sustainability and business process management. In order to analyze the content of the paper, coding and content analysis was used. Coding was done on 36 publications with an intentions of drawing the concepts and ideas in the papers. The coding aimed to classify the content with a keen focus on sustainability (Sarkis and Sundarraj 2015). The findings of the papers coded indicated that the main contributions were from BPM with respect to Environmental sustainability through optimization performance measurements and reengineering. One of the finding proposed a theoretical framework that could be used in optimizing processes through carbon modelling strategy.
Process design with respect to environmental sustainability was significant in this research to identify frameworks that were used in organization to improve the degree of sustainability (CIPACK, Montanari and Bottani 2015). The studies also indicated that BPM is used by organizations to evaluate the current performance as well as identifying areas that require improvement. Other studies indicated that organizations used cloud based applications to introduce environmental sustainability strategies that were termed as green business initiatives. The paper also suggested that new values should be adopted by organizations and should be monitored by local and international bodies that champion planning as a cultural change to realize optimum environmental performance.
The four articles that are discussed in this report have all indicated that Business Process Management, Reengineering and Innovation are vital aspects in improving the performance of businesses. The first article suggested that these practices enhance BPM maturity and innovation in companies through correlation between maturity and adoption of innovation. The second article suggested that business process management can be verified using four elements with specific rules. The third article indicated that business information technology plays a significant role in managing businesses with respect to BPM, BPR and BPI. The last article reviewed determined that business process management with respect to environmental sustainability can be used to optimize business processes.
Reference List
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