Applying Ethics In Business Management: A Case Study Of Rent 2 You Car Rental

Identifying Issues and Weak Areas

As I have been appointed as a business analyst to work for Rent to U, I have been asked by Bill Parker to apply proper ethics to the case study and ensure flourishing of business within the competitive business environment. The third step enables identification of various issues and needs to manage efficiency of business management. The issues and weak areas are identified, which can create various scopes and opportunities to overcome the variances and ensure deviating from the standards and expectations to fulfill the business needs. The systematic variances, also known as the key variances are embedded in the system and cannot be reduced or removed due to pressure situations faced while starting and managing the new business named Rent 2 U Car Rental ( 2018). The operational variances, on the other hand, can be removed and it could further assist in evaluating the needs and preferences of clients that are needed to be fulfilled for enhancing the level of satisfaction among the customers.

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According to the case study, the company started by Bill and Jim made fair amount of profit by renting the cars though the advertisements and marketing activities were limited. With time ad changing needs of clients, the business faced loss and was unable to recover properly, which further created complexities for the new company to sustain in the competitive business environment. Based on the application of ethics, it could be seen that to recover from the critical situation, the company did not undertake any unfair means, rather met them face to face and even provided survey questionnaires to them for understanding their views and opinions without any bias (Ferrell and Fraedrich 2015). This should allow for understanding their needs and requirements, furthermore deliver the services accordingly to enhance the level of satisfaction among the clients too.

The step 4 showed that feasibility analysis or forecasting is done to analyze the future aspects. This will be possible with the management of changes and improvements t the existing system, furthermore make the company capable of adjusting with the changes in the future much conveniently. From the case study, it can be understood that the cars were not new, which the customers wanted so that it can fulfill their basis requirements with ease and effectiveness.  Technology changes should be possible with the implementation and usage of a new computer system for gaining benefits of mobile technology, iPads and tablets, thereby assist the customers to make bookings online along with saving u a lot of labor related costs too (Carroll and Buchholtz 2014). The organization has partnered a leasing company, which made t easy for Ernie the manager of the company to lease ten new basic cars consisting of air conditioning and modern radios to Rent 2 You. This has replaced the old cars that were previously rented by the company and customers gradually started coming for more with the new basic cars provided by the leasing company (Crane and Matten 2016).

Feasibility Analysis and Forecasting

The environment has been protected, which is an important aspect of ethics management where the green factors are considered and at the same time, facilitate growth in economy. The Government interventions influenced the economic activities and identified the bad climatic and weather conditions along with emissions of carbon in the areas. Greener approaches are promoted and vehicles are embedded with the environmental standards stamps are rented to create lesser harmful impact on the environment through reduction of harmful gases in the air. To meet the clients’ expectations, new basic cars should be provided while for meeting the employees’ needs, they are provided with additional benefits including increase in pay, training sessions for the to strengthen their skills, knowledge and expertise (Minus 2013).

According to the step 5, understanding the effectiveness of technological changes and contributing to both the community and environment is essential and thus objectives are created. The major objectives include renting value based car services to the people at a reasonable price range to stay ahead of competitors, gain competitive advantage, use computer systems for facilitating the marketing and promotional activities and finally adopt green technologies to create a positive impact on the environment (Nicol?escu 2013). The clients’ needs will be taken care of, which can raise the level of satisfaction and prevent any kinds of conflicts and misunderstandings thereafter as well. The business should be sustainable and consider needs of people within the society too for creating a perfect brand image and manage proper values and ethics to successful manage business.

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The sixth step should enable creating a technical design for the new system and managing the everyday activities through coordination and adaptable to relevant changes incurred. The ethics are applied to make sure that the development activities are adaptable to changes and at the same time, facilitate the development of communication and good interpersonal skills along with knowledge of environmental concerns (Weiss 2014). It is also important to obtain knowledge and information about the control activities required to facilitate the leasing activities and other matters such as providing lease for 50 cars to a large insurance company and allowing the employees to visit places. There are multiple technical options including making decisions about hardware replacements, software components usage and managing networks by implementing proper computer systems (Tukker and Tischner 2017). This would match the organizational requirements and at the same time, facilitate business functioning with more scopes and opportunities created for generating higher revenue in business for Rent 2 You.

Promoting Green Technologies

The seventh step, i.e., the last step, according to me considers planning for the right implementation of systems and procedures and with the strategies required to enhance the business functioning effectiveness. With the business flourishing, there would be more scopes and opportunities created for recruitment and selection of individuals and provide them with relevant training and developmental sessions to manage coordination and working as an unit as well (Stefik et al. 2014). The objectives would be met with the partnership working with the leasing company and the partnership company, which should not only allow for enhancing the rental services, but could even result in attracting more clients and increase the client base, furthermore achieve the desired level of profit to be achieved. To meet the objectives related to the satisfaction with the job, the employees who could be newly recruited at the company must be trained and mentored to improve their skills, knowledge and expertise, furthermore assist in creating a good workplace and achieve the objectives with ease and effectiveness (Cummins 2014).

There was lack of technical support and poor customers’ services resulted from that. As a business analyst, I would recommend use of computer systems and information technology for dealing with the complex problems that might be faced by a new business. The external forces must be assessed and also the internal structural forces, which could further elevate the business performance and allow the company to achieve the business goals and objectives with much ease and effectiveness (Gavalas, Konstantopoulos and Pantziou 2016). Contributing to the environment would also be beneficial, because being socially responsible always enhances the brand presence and image and creates a positive mindset among people, which further could influence the purchasing decisions and behaviors made by the clients. The management of supply chain activities would also reduce the costs of operation and ensure that the negative impacts on environment are reduced to the utmost level possible with the lower emission of harmful gases in the environment ( 2018). All these major aspects are related to the ethics applied to business and thus it can be concluded that these values and ethics are  managed and the business would slowly flourish with time and adopt to necessary changes whenever required.


Carroll, A. and Buchholtz, A., 2014. Business and society: Ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder management. Nelson Education.

Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016. Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.

Ferrell, O.C. and Fraedrich, J., 2015. Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education.

Gavalas, D., Konstantopoulos, C. and Pantziou, G., 2016. Design and management of vehicle-sharing systems: a survey of algorithmic approaches. In Smart Cities and Homes (pp. 261-289).

Minus, P.M. ed., 2013. The ethics of business in a global economy (Vol. 4). Springer Science & Business Media.

Nicol?escu, E., 2013. Business ethics, corporate governance, and social responsibility. Journal of Self-Governance and Management Economics, 1(1), pp.86-92. (2018). appartement huren rotterdam. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Nov. 2018].

Stefik, M.J., Bell, A.G., Eldershaw, C., Good, L.E., Greene, D.H., Torres, F.E., Uckun, S. and Cummins, D.P., Palo Alto Research Center Inc, 2014. Computer-implemented system and method for managing motor vehicle parking reservations. U.S. Patent 8,799,037.

Tukker, A. and Tischner, U. eds., 2017. New business for old Europe: product-service development, competitiveness and sustainability. Routledge.

Weiss, J.W., 2014. Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

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