Evaluation Plan For ‘Think! Before You Drink’ Marketing Campaign

Target Audience

This report is designed for purpose of preparing an evaluation plan for a marketing campaign project that was designed in the previous assignment. The name of that project was Think! Before You Drink. Core purpose of this program was to encourage responsible consumption of alcohol among people. This evaluation plan is designed to track the progress of performance of this program. This report will focus on designing a program logic model for the marketing campaign program. It will also focus on depicting different details of this project like potential risks, evaluation design and data source, resources and roles and the governance. In addition to this, the report will also emphasize on creation of Gantt chart for the program. Final section of this report present the ways of reporting, disseminating and using of evaluation findings and the sustainability plan for this program.

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The name of program that was designed in the previous assignment is “Think! Before You Drink”. Main purpose of this program or campaign was to develop awareness among people living in Australia about the responsible alcohol drinking. This program has been designed to encourage responsible consumption of alcohol across Australia1. The target audience for this marketing campaign is the individuals belonging to age group of 16-24 years. The purpose of this report is to develop evaluation plan for this marketing campaign.

Target Audience: The target audience of this marketing campaign is individuals belonging to age group of 16-24 years. It is so because the adults belonging to 16 to 24 years of age are more exposed to negative aspects in the society. At this level of age, the adolescents are attracted towards bad habits and harmful drinking habits. The individuals belonging to this age group believes in spending more time in leisure and fun. The social marketing campaign in this plan will encourage these audiences to adopt responsible drinking habits.

Dimensions Related to Health: There are different health issues that may be faced by the individuals with the harmful drinking habits. Over consumption of alcohol can damage the functioning of liver and kidney. Over consumption of alcohol can also cause the risk of mouth, throat and esophagus cancers among people. Breast cancer issue is common among women exposed to excessive drinking of alcohol. The over consumption of alcohol also hamper the memory, and thinking ability of individuals 2. Drunk driving can increase threat to life of the person that may result from accidental incidents on the road.

Dimensions Related to Health

Product: Use of promotional strategies to increase the awareness about losses and risks of harmful drinking through marketing campaign. Main aim of this campaign is to encourage people for responsible drinking habits.

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Price: Price of participation in this will be very low and affordable for a person.

Place: This campaign has been planned and designed to target the target people living in Northern Territory of Australia.

Promotion: This marketing is itself a promotional program. This promotion campaign should be beneficial for the society. The advertising of campaign through online and offline mediums of communication can help to meet this goal.

Strategies for this program are:

  • Identification of audience and target groups
  • Development of objective and effective campaign message
  • Developing various social media presence through various tools
  • Circulating the objectives and health information to target people
  • Initiating retrospective effect

Stakeholders for this campaign are:

  • Health sector
  • Government and non-government organizations
  • Community or society
  • The individuals exposed to issue of overconsumption of alcohol

Main purpose of this evaluation plan is to monitor and track the progress of performance of planned marketing campaign. The tracking of performance and progress of a project or plan is very important in order to achieve the long term objectives in effective and efficient manner. Due to an evaluation plan, it is easy to cross check that all the planned project activities are going on right track planned for them. If any deviation is recorded in any activity, then corrective actions can be taken into account at right time before huge losses in the entire project or plan. These deviations may occur in terms of cost overrun issue or time overrun issue in the project 3. These both kinds of issues can hamper the success of project. So, these both issues should be diagnosed and resolved at the right time. The target audience of this evaluation plan would be the owner and sponsor of this project, project team and the potential readers of this report. Different staff of this project includes marketing head, operational head, PR manager, innovation head manager and the digital marketing head.

Program logic model can be defined as the graphical presentation of the way, in which a project or business plan will work. In other words, it shows the causal links and logic/ sequence of different activities. Following diagram summarizes the program logic model for the plan of marketing campaign entitled as “Think! Before You Drink”:

a. Evaluation Question

Type of Evaluation


Typical Questions


· Examining the ways to deliver the campaign (campaign qulaity, campaign activities, and target audiences)

· Recognizing the shortcomings in execution 4

· How is the campaign being came into being?

· Is the campaign delivering flawless customer experience?

· Is the campaign successful in creating a single marketing view of audiences?


· Determining the likely outcomes of the campaign

· Measuring the long term results of the campaign

· Is the campaign producing the desired results in the short or long term?

· In what ways, for whom, and in which state?

· What peculiar characteristics of the campaign are like to make a difference

· What was the role of other aspects in campaign’s success?


· Considering the effectiveness by which standardizing results, in terms of dollar value

· Examining the aspects related to the value for money and or cost-benefit

· Is the intervention is non-expensive as compared to other Alternatives?

· Were the benefits higher than the costs?

  • In this marketing campaign, I want to take into account the survey technique for purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of designed marketing campaign. The survey technique is selected in this plan, because this technique is a cost effective technique and can be carried out in shorter time span. The survey will be conducted at two times such as one survey as the baseline survey and another survey after the intervention. This will help to assess, whether the marketing campaign has proved to be effective to meet the goal of developing responsible drinking habits among target audience or not. This survey will be conducted by one of our team members. This survey will be face to face survey. This survey will be conducted over 20 people belonging to age range of 16-24 years of age that have participated in the planned marketing campaign.
  • The evaluation design of a program establishes a mix of research methods that can employed for providing evidence for major evaluation factors. The evaluation design adopted for this social campaign ‘Think! Before You Drink’ is randomized experiment because it acts as the most effective evaluation design because it ensures that the comparison and intervention groups are alike with respect to the aspects other than if they received the intervention 5. It means that the comparison group acts as the “counterfactual” of what would have been the results in the absence of the campaign for achieving particular objective.
  • Timeframe taken is eight months along with ten months of post-intervention period
  • The common data sources include Service environment data, and Population-level data. The data sources can also involve both daily collected managerial data, medical data and survey of personnel, and interviews with program members.

Potential risks to the this campaign evaluation may comprise of :

  • failure to engage participants
  • low response level
  • uncertain evaluation outcomes 5
  • trouble in identifying the degree to which the changes discovered are relevant for the program.
  • Change in program schedule

Therefore, the potential independent evaluators may be required to identify the possible risks and devise the necessary strategies for dealing with them.

The financial, human and other resources required for the evaluation need to be documented. It involves both internal resources of planning, acquiring and project management, along with the funds for hiring an external assessor. I have arranged the financial resources with the help of my parents and friends. In order to meet the human resource requirement, I have included the team members. I have included the friends, and active members of our society in the locality of home town (i.e. near our house and society). The technical resources like computer and internet were also arranged by me with the assistance and support from my parents.

  • For an analysis of financial resourcing, there exists a need to ensure that financial support is approved and utilized in the program budget 6. An ideal estimation of cost for the evaluation can be taken 8.5% of the program costs. However, the real cost would be informed by the form and span of evaluative work to be performed.
  • The roles of stakeholders, Ministry staff, and the commissioned evaluator also need to be properly documented. The timeline for the evaluation also be linked to the described roles and resources for reaching the effective decision points.
  • I have planned and defined different roles for this marketing campaign. Example of these roles includes Marketing Head, Operations Head, PR Manager, Innovation Head, Digital marketing Head, and Manager. The marketing manager will be responsible for the advertising and promotional activities. The role of operational head is to ensure that different operations and activities are going on smoothly in a way that was planned by us. It will also perform the role of defining goals and objectives for the whole campaign. PR manager will have responsibility to perform engagement with potential partners and to manage public relations. It will also perform the task of attracting sponsors for the campaign. Innovation head will perform activities of implementation of innovative changes required in the campaign. It will be the duty of digital marketing head to develop online platform that can make the campaign more effective to meet its goals. The role of manager is to implement social marketing campaign.

The Gantt chart drawn above indicates the program plans for the one year (from January 2018 to December 2018). It covers the time period of social marketing campaign activities such as meeting with the relevant stakeholders, conducting survey, recording data, data analysis, and data management.

Evaluation Program:

Baseline Survey (or Initial Survey):

  • Collection of data
  • Data recording and cleaning
  • Data analysis

This survey is planned and conducted for evaluating the alcohol consumption habits among target audience before the implementation of campaign.

This survey was planned and conducted after the intervention by campaign. This survey was planned to conduct in order to know the effectiveness of campaign in developing responsible alcohol consumption habits among individuals belonging to age of 16-24 years. This survey was also planned and conducted on the same audience, which were survey before the intervention.

Type of Survey Done:

The face to face survey was done by me. Under this type of survey, I have used the print outs of survey questionnaire to get opinion/ response from survey participants. This survey questionnaire consists of 10 close ended questions related to the topic of study. Initial two questions were related to demographical information about the survey participants. The rest of questions were related to their alcohol consumption habits.

In order to lead and inform the evaluation method:

  • An evaluation consultative committee needs to be introduced. This committee may consist of representatives from the Ministry of Health, local health districts, non-government organizations, or industry bodies, together with the audiences of the program, academics or people having evaluation abilities and knowledge, depending upon the extent of the evaluation 6.
  • In case a direction-finding committee is already there for the general program, these individuals may also take the position of the evaluation consultative committee.
  • Moreover, the evaluation advisory group also needs to agree to the conditions of reference that explain its idea and working arrangements, including members’ responsibilities and roles.
  • Since the committee may be provided with access to private information during the process of evaluation, its members can also be requested to agree to a confidentiality responsibility, for making sure that any details provided to them is not disclosed.

Following chart is helpful to summarize the Communication and Reporting Activities under this evaluation plan:

  • The reporting of findings of evaluation procedure will be done in formal way.
    Formal reports will be generated for the findings of evaluation.
  • Email based communication medium will be used for the dissemination of reports generated from evaluation result.
  • In addition to this, the findings of this evaluation plan will also be produced and disseminated in the form of hard copy, whenever required by marketing campaign plan team.
  • The use of findings of evaluation process will be done while organizing meeting.
  • Formal meeting of all the staff of this project will be organization on a time period of seven days on every Monday 7.
  • This meeting will be organized in order to discuss the progress of performance of project (i.e. marketing campaign plan).
  • Sustainability of the plan can be defined as the consideration of political, economical, social, institutional and other conditions that exist around the program.
  • The potential benefits of this program will continue even after planned project ends. It is so because different responsible persons will be given access to make their contribution in activities of this plan.
  • Only the responsible people will be given such authority so that efforts to encourage people exposed to heavy drinking habits to shift to responsible consumption of alcohol 8. This way, the planned marketing campaign plan will work as a sustainable project.


On the basis of above report, it can be concluded that evaluation plan is very important for tracking the performance and progress of a program. It helps to diagnose the deviation in different activities from planned path. This way, it also enables the program manager to take corrective actions in the project or program in order to ensure success of project in terms of accomplishment of the planned goals and objectives. From the analysis of above report, it can also be concluded that reporting of evaluation results will be done in electronic and printed formats.


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