Evaluation Of A Case Study And Assessment Of The Skills Framework For The Information Age


In the following assignment, the case study has been evaluated in the form of report structure. The case study has been analysed with proper ethical approaches and philosophical models. The stakeholders of the case study has been mentioned and their decision making approaches have been analysed. The ethical dilemmas that they faced have been mentioned and the case study has been compared with the ACS Code of Professional Conduct.  Proper ethical philosophy skills have been applied to evaluate the positions of Mr. McBright and McDonald.

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In the following case study, the stakeholders can be pointed out as Mr. McBright, Mrs McDonald, the XYZ Pty Ltd employees the NewAge Pty Ltd employees and Mayor Hon. Joseph Luck.

The ethical dilemma that confronts the stakeholders

The ethical decisions that was taken by Mr. McBright has been assessed in the case study conclusively. He was quick to check on the activities of Mrs McDonald and conducted an ethical based approach (DesJardins, 2014). He immediately contacted his higher authorities as soon as he discovered the bug in the Tablet OS.

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In the mentioned scenario, Mrs McDonald unsuccessfully reacted to the provided ethical scenario and ordered him to pass on the bug to the customer company based on the virtue ethical approach. She decided this approach as she did not want to miss the deadline that was presented to XYZ Pty Ltd. She was responsible for keeping up with her internal value and reasoning and failed to understand the bigger picture. The bug creation was also a result of the actions of Mrs McDonald indirectly as she was responsible for the recruiting process. She was following the common good approach of her won company (Trevino & Nelson, 2016). She stuck to what she felt was the right thing to do and avoided any type of risks that may affect her employee. Her actions and assumptions were based on her understanding of the situation and she acted as per the solution. She did not even bother to inform XYZ Pty Ltd about the impending issue and decided on heading the situation head on without any further delay. 

The consequences for each of the stakeholders

Due to the decision taken by Mrs McDonald, the employees that are present in NewAge Pty Ltd will be affected as the XYZ Pty Ltd would ask for damage compensation due to the bug. This action falls directly under the non-consequentialist ethical approach. The employees are also responsible as they failed to carry out their duty proactively or else the bug would not have popped out during the last phase of the operating system development (Crane & Matten, 2016). If they would have carried out their professional activity dutifully such a problem would not have raised in the first place. This would have stopped the McDonald virus from ever getting created in the first place.

Ethical Analysis of the Case Study

Due to the mentioned situation, the employees of XYZ Pty Ltd would be affected in a similar situation as well.  They failed to properly assess the product that was provided by the parent company and put the product in 20000 tablet computers affecting the customer security that was very unprofessional.

ACS code of Professional conduct and its case study applications

In the ACS code of professional conduct, six valuable ethical conditions are provided that allows the individuals of a particular institution to act ethically and responsibly. The following case provides an ethical situation where Mrs McDonald unsuccessfully acted with the Value 1 of the ethical code which is also known as the he Primacy of the Public Interest (Solomon et al., 2014).  She did not heed any warning that was provided by her software tester and instead gave the project a green light which highlighted her unprofessionalism towards her career. She did not even hire any candidates who were superior to her in any field. She did not even try for gaining a better designation in the company. The recruitment process of the company was also conducted by her in a casual manner that resulted in an excess of unsuitable candidates who were indirectly responsible for the bug creation.  She failed to follow a couple of codes namely value 4. 6 and 5 which are Professionalism, Competence and Professional Development (Romiszowski, 2016). She failed to point out the incompetency on the part of her employees and failed to increase her professional development in the mentioned company.

Moreover, the mayor also failed to act responsibly even when he was aware of the mass unprofessionalism that was conducted by the company. To gain public support reemployment issues and enjoying personal benefits, he did the mentioned activities that are provided in the case study. Through his actions, he violated value 6 and 3 namely Professionalism and Honesty of the ACS code of professional conduct.

Analysing the position of two stakeholders with ethical philosophies

The virtue based theory was used by Mrs McDonald during the situation as she was interested in doing well for her staffs rather than as a whole. She could have used the utilitarian ethical theory and thought about the betterment of all the people that the product was being distributed to. On the other hand, Mr. McBright could have warned the senior authorities above Mrs McDonald about the impending situation and the consequences of it. Hence, he also failed in his ethical duty based approach.

Comparison with ACS Code of Professional Conduct


After assessing the report, it can be stated that the mentioned case scenario has been assessed and evaluated from an ethical point of view. The actions of the stakeholder has been mentioned and several ethical theories and methodologies have been followed. Several codes from the ACS code of professional conduct has been taken and the activities of both Mr. McBright and Mrs McDonald has been evaluated as per the ethical theories. 

 In the present assignment, the SFI6 framework has been written in a reflective manner. The skills sets that can be taken from the Skills Framework for the Information Age for personal career development has been assessed and discussed in the following report. Every justification has been properly evaluated with the career development and the selection for every responsibility level in SFIA 6 has been explained in the following sections

Reflective interpretation of SFIA 6

As per my understanding, the SFIA 6 has been created to describe and manage the incompetencies done by the ICT professionals,. After researching properly, I came to the realization that it can be used to match the skillsets of several organizations. The framework was created by over 30 institutions which included a number of multinational companies as well as a number of governmental agencies (Asselin, 2016). The part that intrigued me was that how the framework managed to capture the responsibilities of every worker of an individual in a 2d table (Fraillon et al. 2014). As per my knowledge, the framework managed to different responsibilities into six categories such as architecture and strategy, transformation and change, implementation and development, quality and skills, operation and delivery and engagement and relationships. Upon further researching, I came upon seven levels of responsibility provided by the framework known as follow, assist, apply, enable, ensure and advice.

Justification of responsibility level

The various levels of the framework has been justified in this section of the report. In the next level of the responsibility can be justified as excess discretion is required. In the subsequent sections, Apply is the next level. In this section, several milestones are provided which comes as a package. The operational and business level are managed efficiently due to proper management of tasks. The last stage of justification is used in making important decisions and it also helps to affect the key suppliers and customers at the highest level.

Justification of each of the skill set required

Evaluation of the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA)

The first level namely follow describes the task completion under the eyes of the supervisors and following their guidelines to meet the job requirements up to the required standard. The capabilities are organized relatively.

In the next level of the responsibility table comes Assist where excess discretion is required. In this part of the paper, more interaction is desired than the level 1 that is mentioned in the framework (Borja & Castells, 2013). This helps to manage the whole task as one and helps the person to manage personal development. 

The third stage works properly with the suppliers and customers where the escalations can be managed through their own discretion (Brabazon, 2016). These can be applied in learning my class notes properly in the class and listening to the lectures properly.

Down the responsibility ladder comes the enable section. This section provides in one direction only and contains a lot of complex processes and the accounting level s influenced mostly. This will help me in organizing my tasks properly which will help me exerting my responsibility properly.

The next level consists of ensure and advice. Responsibilities are provided to each and every individual to give them a proper direction, supervisor control and objective setting capabilities. These are easy to handle as they are challenging and complicated. The individual needs only business skills to properly check this responsibility. I can easily follow this responsibility by checking the scenario of IT in Australia and properly assessing it.

In the subsequent sections, the next responsibility is mentioned as initiate and influence. In this level, a certain level of authority is required (Tyner, 2014). It is used to check on a part of an organization, customers, policies and suppliers. It will help me to become proficient in business curriculums 

In the next level, the strategies are set, inspired and mobilized. The authoritative control are set and the policies are mentioned. The strategies are mentioned at the management and leadership levels (Griffin & Care, 2014). When I become a proper IT professional, this will help me to carry out my duty properly as per the requirement of the profession.


In the following assessment, it can be concluded that the skills framework for the information age was evaluated and the career plan has been created accordingly. The responsibilities of the framework has been identified individually and their use in making a good career plan as per the requirements of the paper has been evaluated and assessed considerably. 


Asselin, M. (2016). Teaching information skills in the information age: An examination of trends in the middle grades. Librarians and Educators Collaborating for Success: The International Perspective, 82.

Borja, J., & Castells, M. (2013). Local and global: the management of cities in the information age. Routledge.

Brabazon, T. (2016). The University of Google: Education in the (post) information age. Routledge.

Crane, A., & Matten, D. (2016). Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press.

DesJardins, J. R. (2014). An introduction to business ethics. McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Fraillon, J., Ainley, J., Schulz, W., & Friedman, T. (2014). Preparing for life in a digital age: The IEA International Computer and Information Literacy Study international report. Springer.

Griffin, P., & Care, E. (Eds.). (2014). Assessment and teaching of 21st century skills: Methods and approach. Springer.

Romiszowski, A. J. (2016). Designing instructional systems: Decision making in course planning and curriculum design. Routledge.

Shapiro, J. P., & Stefkovich, J. A. (2016). Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. Routledge.

Solomon, M. R., Dahl, D. W., White, K., Zaichkowsky, J. L., & Polegato, R. (2014). Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being (Vol. 10). London: Pearson.

Trevino, L. K., & Nelson, K. A. (2016). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley & Sons.

Tyner, K. (2014). Literacy in a digital world: Teaching and learning in the age of information. Routledge.

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