Organizational Issues Faced By Queensland’s Furniture Company
Major Issues Faced by the Company
The case of a furniture company is considered, there are various problems that are faced by the company at time of their growth. The issue is there are many unstaffed staffs that are not able to understand the basic operations and functions. Thus, for this training should be offered so that problem of failure could be resolved.
While understanding the case study of Queensland’s furniture it was found that company faced various issues. Some of them are listed below:
The major issue that was faced was that customers need to wait for the company to fill the invoice for orders and processes. This led customer wait for months as nothing could be done without making invoices. It created an issue as it was not flexible and feasible for the customers (Bolman and Deal, 2017). To resolve this issue consulting firm was hired. The other issue that was faced by the management was to track the revenue problem. Organisation faced an issue at the time of making revenue slips and payments (Benner and Tushman, 2015).
Some of the major organisational issues that are faced by the management is communication as mangers are not aware about the ways through which communication need to be done. It is important as it helped in identifying the concerns and issues faced by the employees so that they can be retained (Crane and Matten, 2016). The other organisational issue is that performance of employees is not monitored which in turn create conflicts between the member.
Apart from that, it is seen that the organisation also face a challenge as they often ignore the conflicts and do not take direct access to the conflicts. This causes negative correlation between the workers and can cause conflicts. For this it is suggested that, mangers must balance the goals by organising meetings so that workload could be distributed and employees could be motivated.
Some of the organisations also face issue as managers are not well in administering the laws and maintaining the protection of employees. In case of Queensland’s there is no such system that keep track of leave of absents and accommodations (Kerzner and Kerzner, 2017). Confronting an employee performance problem is difficult as it requires involvement with the employees and then identifying the issue so that feedback could be offered regarding the change in behaviour.
An organisation should have a well-trained IT department so that IT related issues could be resolved. The management should also have training team so that programs could be organised daily and an interaction between employees could be build. There should be strict laws and policies so that employees could be retained so that a decent and severance package could be offered.
Organizational Issues Faced by the Management
The team conflicts are the issues that need to be resolved by the management as it directly affects the performance of employees, thus values need to be outlines so that behaviour could be improved. The team member conflicts need to be resolved so that performance is not degraded.
The development process of the company is not dynamic as it does not change according to the changes. Thus, it makes use of static planning process that can be very time consuming. The objective to complete the function should be very clear so that a direction could be decided. The planning is one of the component in which many organisation lack as it is recommended that the project should be divided into many subprograms.
To resolve all the issue several steps need to be grantee that service quality will be offered to customers.
All the revenue issues should be tracked so that in case of conflicts the documentation could be shown. The system that is used should be automated so that modifications could be done automatically. Apart from that a clear vision and short term objectives should be defined so that plans could be made accordingly (Epstein, 2018). Apart from that, all the modules should be independent and backup of data should be made. This helps in assuring that system will even work at time of failure. The subprograms should be short and presided so that it can monitored regularly by giving feedback (Larivière, et. al, 2017).
Some of the steps that need to be taken are planning and assessment that involves identifying the issues of all the employees and then setting up a task force. It is recommended a plan need to be developed so that all the operations are completed in a particular way. For his stricture plans need to be designed by listing down the roles that need to be completed for organisation success. Feedback is one of the major step that helps in knowing the loopholes and the issue faced by the employees (Bronnenmayer, Wirtz and Göttel, 2016). Apart from that all the finances of the company should also be managed so that activities and objective of corporation is met.
It is seen that changes in an organisation is the major part thus changes need to be managed effectively by understanding the current state and then finding out the changes. Employee in an organisation should be made aware about the changes by organising training session so that chances of conflicts could be resolved (Bronnenmayer, Wirtz and Göttel, 2016).
A system should be developed for tracking the performance of employee and should have a channel through which employees can communicate with the managers and come out with their concerns (Dangelico and Vocalelli, 2017). An organisation should invest certain amount in training so that quality could be enhanced and chances of conflicts are reduced. In training session quality circles could be improved by teaching employees the use of new technology so that goal could be achieved.
At last, but it is always recommended that all the process and task should be documents so that consistence is maintained. The quality issues also need to be identified and then reward schemes should be built so that all the employees perform pretty well. The problems faced by the employees should be fixed at the right time so that it doesn’t penetrate.
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Bolman, L.G. and Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons, pp.78-110.
Bronnenmayer, M., Wirtz, B.W. and Göttel, V., 2016. Success factors of management consulting. Review of Managerial Science, 10(1), pp.1-34.
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Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
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