Project Management For Improved Work Development | Business Case Analysis

Project Scope, Objectives, and KPI

The project management holds an integral role for forming the implication management and aligning the utilization management. The completion of the works would be aligned with the management activity and management of the successive work completion. The integration has been managed with the consideration of the factors and managing the implication development. The following assignment would be implied with the integration of the improved work development. The business case analysis would be developed for listing the analysis of the factors for integration and alignment of the specific work completion. The assignment would include the analysis of project scope, objectives, KPI–project delivery, risk analysis, resource plan, estimation plan, communication plan, project schedule, monitoring and controlling strategy, changes applied on project schedule / cost, project status report, and change management details. The completion of the report would result in forming the final documentation development for the stakeholders.

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The business case is the analysis of the project background for the development of the effective and smart management processing. The implication of the works had been aligned with the utilization of the works and taking care of the project activities. The project plan would be developed for considering the specific alignment tools. The project would form the reduction of the OPEX/CAPEX in the organization by the installing the use of the ICT infrastructure, services, and resources. The project is also responsible for the utilization of the works and integrating the alignment of the factors for development of IT operations and enhancing the work alignment.

The project has been developed for utilizing the implication management operations and forming the successful integration of the activities. The project scope is an improved work proposition aligning the specific work execution and management of the activities. The project scope development has been largely implied with the factors for integrating the alignment of the specific work development. The scope of the project is given as,

  1. Critical Factor Project Execution: The obtaining of the final decision has been developed for aligning the management of the works and the implication of the smart management development. The domain renaming was also a part of the project management processing.
  2. Activity Scheduling Dependency: The development of the architecture would be supported by the development of effective documentation and processing. The project would include the scope development for the architectural design development.
  3. Preparation of OGC Vertical Branding: The new branding for the OGC would be prepared with the alignment of the works for the continuation of the effective implication management.

The objectives of the project would be identified with the analysis of the completed analysis development model. The specific work would be developed considering the management of the factors and forming the management of the improved work development. The identified objectives of the project are,

  • To reduce the OPEX/CAPEX with the installation of the ICT infrastructure resources and services
  • To enhance of the maintainability for standardization and efficiency improvement development
  • To unify ICT policies, standards, and operations for reorganizing and specializing the IT departmental function enhancement

The key performance indicators of the project would be dependent on the key benefits for the project. The successful completion of the project would be dependent on the alignment of the works and the management of the activities would be effectively done for integrating the alignment for the successful management of the works. The ICT infrastructure development would be effectively implied with the continuation of the factors for the listing model. The shared services for multiple activities would be implied with the continuation of the improved management process. The key performance indicators for the project would be implied with the formation of the improved functional development. The listing of the key performance indicators would be implied with the formation of the successful listing management works. The key performance management activities would be implied with the listing of the activities and formation of the activities management. 

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Risk Analysis, Resource and Estimation Plan, and Communication Plan

Risk identification

The project requires the use of the effective ICT technology development and implication for improving the services of the organization. The identified risk factors for the project are,

Excessive scope deviation: The deviation of the project from the scope is another major factor resulting in the formation of the issues for the users and problems for the developer. The change in requirements would result in causing the major setback for the project team to finish the project.

Project information and boundaries: The lack of the information related to the development of the effective and improved management process can result in forming the major implication issues. The major issues in technology information implementation is that it requires considerable amount of information for listing the management works.

Branding package timeliness: The delays in completion of the works would be highly cognitive in forming the alignment of the proper development. The activity would result in consumption of the time and if more amount of time is required for the activity to be completed then the final deliverable for the project would be delayed.

Resources for ICT Project Management: The shortage of resources is another major factor for causing the problem in completion of the works and the alignment of the improved management works. The lack of the resources would result in forming the issues in development of the smart work development.

Budget Availability: The lack of resources would result in minimizing the project budget resulting in major issues for the completion of the work. The lack of budget would tend to cause the major issues in forming the effective project budgeting.

Communication, Decision making and Authorities: The lack of communication would tend to form the impact in taking crucial decisions of the project and it would form the issues in forming the limitation management. The authorities of the project users would be formed for listing the development of the effective management processing.

Change Management issues: The change management issues would be dealt with the consideration of the factors for improved analysis and development. The change management would be impactful in forming the listing of the management processes. 

Level of engagement and cooperation from stakeholders: The level of the engagement and co-operations among the stakeholders would be tarnished due to the fact that the project leaders would be limited to the formation of the improved management.

Standardization and compliances: The standardization of the works related to the project activities would align with the considered for the formation of development. The compliance and standard operation would be aligned with the formation of the works aligned with the limitation of the activities and operations.

Change Management, Status Report, and Documentation Development

Risk categorization and analysis

Risk Name

Risk Type

Risk Description

Excessive scope deviation


The change in requirements would result in causing the major setback for the project team to finish the project.

Project information and boundaries


The major issues in technology information implementation is that it requires considerable amount of information for listing the management works.

Branding package timeliness


The delays in completion of the works would be highly cognitive in forming the alignment of the proper development.

Resources for ICT Project Management


The lack of the resources would result in forming the issues in development of the smart work development.

Budget Availability


The lack of budget would tend to cause the major issues in forming the effective project budgeting.

Communication, Decision making and Authorities


The lack of communication would tend to form the impact in taking crucial decisions of the project and it would form the issues in forming the limitation management.

Change Management issues


The change management issues would be dealt with the consideration of the factors for improved analysis and development.

Level of engagement and cooperation from stakeholders


The level of the engagement and co-operations among the stakeholders would be tarnished due to the fact that the project leaders would be limited to the formation of the improved management.

Standardization and compliances


The standardization of the works related to the project activities would align with the considered for the formation of development.

Risk Name

Risk Management Strategy

Risk Mitigation Plan

Excessive scope deviation


Scope Management Plan should be used

Project information and boundaries


Information Collection from various authentic resources

Branding package timeliness


Time Management Plan should be used

Resources for ICT Project Management


Resource Management Plan should be used

Budget Availability


Budget Management Plan should be used

Communication, Decision making and Authorities


Communication Plan should be used

Change Management issues


Change Management Plan should be used

Level of engagement and cooperation from stakeholders


Engagement and Motivation among the project stakeholders should be used

Standardization and compliances


Government and ACS standards should be followed

The resources required for the project include many human resources for taking care of the work and implying the listing of the works. It would be helpful for the alignment of the works and deploying the listing of the works and forming better and improved management operations.  




Project Sponsor(s)

Abdulaziz Al-Mujaibi

Providing the specific alignment of the works and integrating the listing of the cohesive work development

Steering Committee

The steering committee would be responsible for analyzing the final output and aligning the implication of the listing works

Project Manager

Hakeem Al-Tauqi

Management of the works would be aligned with the management works listing the completion of the formation works.

Team Members

Ashraf Al-Jafari

Leading Project team members for the analysis of the works and forming the development of the activities

Kamran Ilyas

TelecomNetwork Lead

Faisal Qureishi

cybersecurityMobility Lead

The project estimation plan would be developed with the compilation and development. The cost estimation and the time calculation is done for ensuring the smart work development works. The alignment would be implied for the management works and forming the successful management of the works. The estimation plan would be developed for integrating the listing of the alignment of works. The estimation plan is deployed with the continuation of the smart analysis and formation of the successive work alignment. 

The communication plan for the project would be developed for ensuring the deployment of the effective work integration and listing of the works. The deployment of the smart work ethics would be employed for aligning the communication protocols and methods for transferring information from one source to other or many. The information sharing has also some probable frequencies for being executed. The following is the communication protocol/plan for the project,

Communication Mean






Project Progress

Project Manager / Project Team

Client/ Project Manager



Change Implication


Project Manager



Project Requirements/

Project Manager /Client

Project Team/ Project Manager



Scope Development

Quality Analyst

Project Manager


Task List


Task Name


IT Integration (base)


   Activity 1


   Activity 2


   Activity 3


   Activity 4


   Activity 5


   Activity 6


   Activity 7


   Activity 8


   Activity 9


   Activity 10


   Activity 11


   Activity 12


   Activity 13


   Activity 14

The project summary tasks would be developed with the implication of the agile methodology for integrating the work development. The project summary tasks include the project initiation, project planning, project designing, project executing, project monitoring, and project closing.


Task Name



IT Integration (base)


   Activity 1


   Activity 2


   Activity 3


   Activity 4



   Activity 5



   Activity 6



   Activity 7



   Activity 8



   Activity 9



   Activity 10

9SS+65 days


   Activity 11

9SS+65 days


   Activity 12

9SS+65 days


   Activity 13

12SS+66 days


   Activity 14

12SS+66 days



Project Sponsor(s)

Providing the specific alignment of the works and integrating the listing of the cohesive work development

Steering Committee

The steering committee would be responsible for analyzing the final output and aligning the implication of the listing works

Project Manager

Management of the works would be aligned with the management works listing the completion of the formation works.

Team Members

Leading Project team members for the analysis of the works and forming the development of the activities

TelecomNetwork Lead

cybersecurityMobility Lead



Mile Stone

The milestone for the project plan involves Kick off meeting, Plan approval, Design Completion, Development Completion, Testing Documentation, and Project Closure. 

Base line 

The status date for the baseline schedule is 11/18/18 and it has been given below,

% Complete


Task Name






IT Integration (base)_baseline

325 days

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/28/19



   Activity 1

65 days

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/29/18



   Activity 2

65 days

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/29/18



   Activity 3

65 days

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/29/18



   Activity 4

130 days

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18



   Activity 5

130 days

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18



   Activity 6

130 days

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18



   Activity 7

130 days

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18



   Activity 8

260 days

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 6/28/19



   Activity 9

260 days

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 6/28/19



   Activity 10

195 days

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19



   Activity 11

195 days

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19



   Activity 12

195 days

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19



   Activity 13

129 days

Tue 1/1/19

Fri 6/28/19



   Activity 14

129 days

Tue 1/1/19

Fri 6/28/19


Task Name

Early Start

Early Finish

Late Start

Late Finish

Total Slack


IT Integration (base)

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/28/19

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/28/19

0 days


   Activity 1

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/29/18

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/29/18

0 days


   Activity 2

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/29/18

Mon 4/1/19

Fri 6/28/19

260 days


   Activity 3

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 6/29/18

Mon 4/1/19

Fri 6/28/19

260 days


   Activity 4

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18

Mon 12/31/18

Fri 6/28/19

130 days


   Activity 5

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18

Mon 12/31/18

Fri 6/28/19

130 days


   Activity 6

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18

Mon 12/31/18

Fri 6/28/19

130 days


   Activity 7

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 12/28/18

0 days


   Activity 8

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 6/28/19

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 6/28/19

0 days


   Activity 9

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 6/28/19

Mon 7/2/18

Fri 6/28/19

0 days


   Activity 10

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19

0 days


   Activity 11

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19

0 days


   Activity 12

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 6/28/19

0 days


   Activity 13

Tue 1/1/19

Fri 6/28/19

Tue 1/1/19

Fri 6/28/19

0 days


   Activity 14

Tue 1/1/19

Fri 6/28/19

Tue 1/1/19

Fri 6/28/19

0 days

Reflection & Conclusion 

I have been playing the role of the project manager for the project and it had been a very wonderful experience managing an IT project. The implication of the works would be implied with the continuation of the specific development management. It was not easy for managing an IT project as per my experience due to its ever-changing scope. The performance factor also plays a significance role for taking care of the work development.

The integration had been managed with the consideration of the factors and managing the implication development. The following assignment had been implied with the integration of the improved work development. The business case analysis had be developed for listing the analysis of the factors for integration and alignment of the specific work completion. The assignment had include the analysis of project scope, objectives, KPI–project delivery, risk analysis, resource plan, estimation plan, communication plan, project schedule, monitoring and controlling strategy, changes applied on project schedule / cost, project status report, and change management details. 

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